The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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Thomas Patterson 15 Pinonalt' Busmen Holictt 15 Pmonili Business Notices 2 rath Hikes imer vinclnt ipkeybojcw I) beloved husband ut the late hcrle: dear lather at Vmir ASIIImAM Drath Xnttm Chemist Is Dead SUNOOO SERVICE STATION or Loose WEST SIDE' SUBURBAN LOCATION of Bedford Good Return on Small Investment Be Your Own Boss Dead at 75 High Volume Location DiHy 27c 41 Sun OH Co 3200 Independence Road VU 3 6100 EvssTR 1 2271 brother 1 With Alkali irm ant Cleveland Bi ftok Park INDEX 49 I 70 1 48 10 Administrative CoUnres Sites Resorts 30 Trainees at 47 JUNIOR ACCOUNTANTS Systems Analyst 45 late Interment 5 at 9 antf SS Cyi il and beloved hus am 3634 Tullamcre Rd ask TRY after noon bene DANIELS or interview call 6 5149 PR 1 7200 13833 EUCLID GL 1 5722 lowers omit sympathy send lowers! ARTIST he retired 8 Cemetery Lots Monuments Ass oreman (pre'erably uitru uh rvrv Musi have knowledge of ware STABUSHED 7 and inventory control a well Schlitt luauu ui vaiiK laul'l Ul MIS Vil hnv1 REIDMAN DAVID beloved husband gima Bowers and Mrs Dorothy Day iJJrviL ucmena father of Rnnild and wait and father of Tom and it Box 21989 Plain Dealer Mr Schlitt who also waSYher services will be Wfdn'dvi ducted by Rev Jun 1 VAimo Tune 15 2 SALESMEN aft 3 Cemetery on 6) a re frem 1 8 7l ood? Let me prme It 8 i it Store down Berter and Swep 31 Cleveland's Busiest ii 17 Roadoa i Rd Lodge Notices The Plain Dealer Want Ad Columns CALL MAIN 1 4500 Chevrolet Inc CALL MAIN 1 4500 iHiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuumiui iiiHiiiinmniiiiiiii iiUUlllllUinilHlHlHIllltlllHIHW 31c 41c writers Clockett Record? fascinating cllmpse Inta Minimum charge 2 lines Count 31 letters and spaces per line iibjut 5 words) Box number counts 23 spaces 47 4tk 30 47 30 Want Wd nt 2 of rar vara ried 10 30 a Interment Calvary Ceme tery Machinery Tools Motors Pianos Musical Insruments Goods Sale Mltrel Rent (ast) Rent lUe it) 48 45 46 Job excellent foundation Age 21 38 at least high i'yprurtcrs Office Machines Wanted Old Gold Diamonds Wanted Miscellaneous ym aoutwme bub BM NMt AM DM CUSMMAYiM 50 30 50 49 3049' 50 50 4 46 45 4i46 52 47 47 4 7' mass JunCross 43 4 4 25C 33c Catholic and the of Co THORNTON beloved Carrie lather of Mrs Adjustment of Errors It is the responsibility of the Ad vertiser to check the corrections of each insertion of an advertisem*nt The Plain Dealer assumes no respon sibility for the repetition of errors advertkemenrs ordred for more than one Insertion unless notilled the same day Apartments (West Ga rag's Storage CLIVlLAND 'IAIN DlALlR 1 TUISOAY JUKI 14 1H9 be St will Owen Son 16049 Euclid: Cleveland retired recently as its presi dent 74'b and Plain Tu sdav June 14 interment Bennetts ALICE CHAPTER NO 199 Pleve attend services tor our late broth er Edmund Than Thun der at 1 Albert Zlehm uneral Home Route 8 1 TWlMbUff KELLIE RAKTW ETHEL WILLIAMS Sec 5150 50 5 I51 some of Employment kmnlnvmenl emale Instruction Mite Instruction Hrln Wanted emale Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Salesmen Position emale Position Wanted Male been with years He JONKE of Ella ceased) riends EUCLID AVE Experienced in general nave work Heme Loran Ave at uneral mass Wednesday After graduation he was named to executive positions with the Niagara Alkali Co of Niagara alls the Belle Alkali Co' of Charleston Va He held the two posts until he set up the Cleveland organiza tion 3l These portions offer top workinr con hraftlful suburban living ex Leumi sainipj ana mnjcmrnai L15 DEATH NOTICES: 6 lines daily S30 Sunday 3240: excess over 6 Utica At tatu Iin r4f All lae siflcaticnj" Death Notices Lest and ound and Lod Notices accepted up to mid night for the next day's edition 43 4 I Mr Patterson held a per manent home in Niagara alls hut had been residing for the past three vears at Hotel Sovereign here NATIONAL CITY BANK! AUTO mechanic exp for service str frtn 1978 Warrensville Center South EucIM 49 50 30 GUARD mature man Deadlines Want ads the Morning Plain aler received until 5:00 dailyhi the Sunday Plain Dealer jg all 830 ridayCancellations uo to 6 riday Positions per line: 1 Sun 7 consecutive insertions 22c or more consecutive in senions I or two insertions EAST END RAMBLER 1 3829 EUCLID ROSE MARIE fnee Clement) beloved iie tn auieu uaugmtr oi Mirs aiiu nie Clement: sister of Mrs Pearl riends may call TUES LOCAL WANT AD RAILS Within inn milw a PfavAlanii (Rates beyend this area elven uoon reouest i Tuee June 14 I :30 to 7 Wed June 159 a to 3 BARBER: steady 5765 Hl 2 0500 EV 1 34641 iwill be gratefully acknowledged by the CLEVELAND AREA HEART SOCIETY 1 6 S9 J15th SW ULL MAKE your new car fit your old garage fourth generation carpenter lengthening my specialty prompt GA 1 3725 evenin? I HIGHEST PRICES PAID AUTO WASHER Experienced good ralary Hons other benefits see Mr man Blaushild Motors 18333 Kinsman near Lee Apply In person con'identiaily PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT loor guaranteed $70: prn at 10 Philomena be in Cal RUST LOTTIE 'nee Chaffee) 10107 Brecksville Rd beloved wife of Leroy stepmother of Mildred Kohl Windsor and Wilbur grand mother and great grandmolher aunt of Charlotte B'tker and Ralph Oakei riends may call 2 4 AND 7 10 TUESDAY at Dillow 4 Wood neral Home 8969 Brecksville Rd where service will be held Wednesday June 15 at 2:30 The Geo Lang Co UNERAL HOME 95 AT LORAIN AT 1 7700 THE 7ZIEHM CO la suddenly alter a Husband until her Service HELPS Bureau emale 44 45 Bureau Male 43 4 a Rent Xparlments Rent Houses REAL I STATE Real Estate All Other Cia siflcatlons: Dally Sun i tuiuecuuve insertions 3 or mere consecutive In sertlons 39c 54c 1 or two insertions 49c 75c ovary engineering society and the American" Chemical Societj He was active in the Penn State Alumni Glut? of Cleveland and a member of the Episcopal Church Surviving him are his wife the former Margaret Knowles two sons Thomas A Jr Alexandria Va and rank Wilmington Del three grandchildren and a brother Gordon Wil mington Services and burial will be Thursday at Niagara alls SHAW elegance In lowers Accounts Invited Open Evenings 9630 Ra 1 7900 WTclcraphlojveis JONES ELL lorists of Distinction 100b Euclid Accounts Welcome MA 854j men for experience indW training this field Resnonslb seml retired) tn aje 60 for uniformed bank guard position Must be able fo Hand constantly have excellent ref erences ASSISTANT MANAGER (SALES) Expamdln this area need man to snoe vf tales rork Rapd advancement ed cn Call Varied opportunities 'In a fast expand ing Held Excellent pad tranlng for Ine inexperienced earner advance ment for the experienced Stable prestige employment for all uneral Homes EST 1880 neral Home St Ctair at liiKh ot Services Wednesday June 15 at St Aloysius Church at 9:30 a BROCK NELLIE (nee Barri wife ui uie lae trank mother Cnarles and Airs Kenneth (Rosemary) and me late Jessie granumother oira MUford (Barbara) Smut Cnarlci jr and Mrs Alxred (aether Jeam Bianuenbur Jr and great szunu mother: Sunday riends may cal! at the Lindhorst uneral Home 1610 Clark Ave where berUces will beheld To place your ad call MA 1 4500 nd aik for an Ad Taker 12737 Euclid Ave GA 1 1857 SO THAT justice my be done will anyone who witnes ed the accident at i 70th and St Clair Ave at 4:40 ni Monday June 6 1060 please call RE 1 6409 or IV 1 3232 Com pensation will be made tor any Incon venience lee to MILT MILLER PONTIAC 22301 Shore Center Dr Euclid Ohlb Accounting Trainees Yeung men for office manager trainee national food processing com pay Give education and full details in reoly Box 21382 Plain Dealer ACCOUNTING CLERK xounj Some college great grandfather of six brother of afuq? jElbert of Clarldon of Rochester Arce Murrey or may call at the une al Home in TUESDAY ROM 0 4 AKn 7:30 9 Servlrw Wednet day June 15 at 2:30 at Clarl MA THEWS HYATT at Gulf Portldon Church Interment CROWN H'll Cemetery 6 zravc lol by fountain Clara Blowers 406 Sumne' St Akron JE 5 9507 MAIL CLERK The starting spot fnr an ambitions revent gradua'e who drives Rapid promulh'ns and training program available active in real estate op erated the ventilating firm founded by his father Henry Surviving him are his wife Margaret a daughter Mrs DeWayne Richey: aon Howard and five grandchildren Services' will be at 1:30 pm Thursday in the Brown orward funeral home 17022 Chagrin Boulevard Shaker lelghts riends may call Wednesday afternoon and evening at thc funeral vrr fcu ami beloved bus our a tV' I C1 11 I A A 4 A 1 at La Cur XarW 'u i Wsntrd Rrl stitf SLE MISCELLANEOIS Morine Supplies Dogs Pein Supplies Horses stock atm Tools TO MI 1 0'14 1 ACCOUNTING CLERK Ability to handle complete payroll operation and personnel records of construction firm of about 150 em rlcyce stte aee education and ex perience gnx 7692 Plain Dealer AUTO PARTS MAN Expertnved in ord parts and proced ure lary and Incentive apply to Part M'narer MARSHALL IELD MOTOR CO corner ana Lee AUTOMOTIVE parts proresslv( The Rev The Rev Harley Jackson re tired minister died Saturday afternoon at the age of 85 Born in Indiana he was edu cated at' Butler University After his ordination as a min ister in the Christian Church he served churches in Indiana and Washington before coming to Cleveland Here he was a substitute minister at several of the Christian Churches until he re tired a few years ago After the Rev Mr Jackson retired from the active min istry he continued to preach at the Dunham Christian Church He also worked for a time at the Burrows town His wife the APrO RSS survived by his wife the former Edith Rauner a son John A four daughters Ruth with the Air orce at Biloxi Miss and eight wuvru 01 Memorial: 2 lots In Lol 68 lkt rink: mothzr of Harold HobertLection AC ATTENDANT Parking lot Experienced Reference Dwifht 1421 9 corner Rxkweil Bldg MA 1 0833 or MA 1 722H Joseph Squire Bedford street commissioner from 1927 to 1959 died yesterday in Bed ford Community Hospital Mr Squire who Hived at 65Palmetto Avenue Bedford was 75 He retired last August rom 1903 until 1912 he was an ice skating instructor at the old He started' his civic service in 1924 when he was elected to the Bedford Council He "served one two year term He was a member of Bedford Lodge A and Summit Chapter RAM He was also a past member of the Bedford Singers Club He spent much of his spare time tending his evergreen trees and rose bushes He was a member of the Bedford Gar "den Club He and his wife the former 'Minnie Muckle celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1958 Surviving with Mrs Squire are two sons Robert of Dearborn Mich and Richard of Bedford and several grandchildren Richard one of the area's leading authorities on Abraham Lincoln He runs the Lincoln Press printing establishment Services will be held at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon in the Donald Johnson funeral home 521 Broadway Bedford riends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 5 and i to today uneral Directors department He years ago Surviving in Stuart are two Paul and James grandchildren Services wvjll be in St Celilia Catholic Church at a time to be announced la husband of the late Emma meeiCla Cemetery Nelsom brother uf William A and Wallace of lorida and the Ute Ralph SULLIVAN KATHERINE bo rears John and Edwin riends received 77 Caaterton Ave Akron passed the David I jonx uneral Hmejaway June 13 survived by slaters Miles Ave at 95th St where serv Ellen Nora Sullivan Akron held Tuesday June 14iMi Mamie siaiey puneavinc several nieces and nephews Serv ices Wednesday 9 a at St Vln ALICE residence Church Akron Interment Ever Ave Berea age gv: green Cemetery Painesville where AUTO GLASS MAN Ins'cll and repair part 1 ADJUSTER or Instalment Lean Account Straight salary no tar required Re lated experience detlrcd but will train alert mature man uth £nxi back ground At least high schoolral age 22 35 approximately TUESDAY at the Scerba 'uneral Home U430 Madison Ave where services will be held At 1:30 mv eantfsday CtARK WILLIAM beloved hus band of Naomi late residence 605 Houston formerly of Malle Ave Lakewood riends received at Mather's Parlors 3227 23th bt ROM 7 9 TUESDAY AND ROM 2 5 AND 7 9 WEDNES DAY AND THURSDAY Services inursday June 16 al 7:30 in Interment private Please omit flow 1 wi Wlj mnyniSQ in Tl'SDAY ut Qar! nflm pl mnLrTIburd' SKte 1 Cornrs TUESDAY at th nvia yTLJ KQ ortn Royalton wnere serv I ui rocky hMWlndr tor mna at ra 1 Mrs rances Kovatch Marge and Joanne and grandchildren Senices willriday at 1 Church Burial vary Cemetery 7 riends may call Wednesday at the lynn roelk funeral home 13032 Euclid Avenue East Cleveland Other "one of a opportunitie check out YOUR interet with us! 3 ruth SfattcM Received Until Atldnijbt for Axt Das verier Good opportunity for working fore VSED OR NEW GARS OR A WELL man housing as working knowledge of tra hlnt shop Salary vacation and other benefits Sen! resume of experience giving marital status and salary desired you Call RESS ARGOE dear hu land of HlGGIXS beloved' dmh jgi'? JM JP frr o( the late Joseph and Caroline USA I Mf inee Meaamerl: dear sister ot Robert a rsn'yl Jeanne Mlltner and Joseph $3 qtindtr unru tAh ad tn Iour sisteis residenc 16 0 1ocei'Td Beersford Rd Last Cleveland am TUi DAi ONL a 3t hA rarpiv frldMlriX A uneral Home 14500 Madison AeiTHUPDAY135 7 to thi? riMrb JUne in lVhr foak Co uneral Hom this Church at 10 a Inteimtnt 1 3104 Euclid 5rviri iPILlonnna Church at 10 a REEZER EMPTY? ANCY BEE HALVES 3 2c LB US A halves good 44c choice 47c prices 53c lrge selection to choose from Cut while you wait 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH UP TO 6 MONTHS TO PAY Bruhn's reezer Meat rtK nr n'T? ernvr N'CHT Vhfi UA110 a vz oaei iWest Rirhf'eld Junction Route? 21 176 Phone OL 9 1955 Open 9 9 including Sun Closed Mon CARS DELIVERED Anywhere in USA BONDED DRIVERS AA Delivery PR 1 5721 BARREP: Part time Memphis ulton Shopping Center BE 4 2922 BARBER A steady Puritas Park Shopping Center WI 1 7373 ADMINISTRATIVE TRAINEE: This a training assignment leading Io rapid prunutions the office inanasemcnt Held in either ine office ur field or ganization Applicant must be single tree to travel and pos ess a nest per sons! appearance Will analyze work programs Instruct field in use of new forms and procedures anu in gen ral win represent the home of flee staff on new programs company policy etc This is not a sales position JUNIOR ACCOUNTANTS: Applicant mu be an accounting major and be inteiested In slatting his career in ether cost or general accounting These are home office assignments ot erln fine starting salaries and excel lent promotion opportunity SYSTEMS ANALYST: We are seeking a young man with a technical back ground or appthude to apply scientific and machine principals in analyzing office systems and the preperatlon ot clerical and machine cost tes Will establish and maintain standards including layout records management and wo'k performance Th's position can lead npldly to management level responsibilities the late M'chael HQ i Jeir mt lpii Cl i ill Al Vrt 1 5 11 A 1 a a aa a vireiij iau unvcuci aiu rrt 1 Uiis funeral grandmother residence 22290 Cli 1 (Coventry Library ONE $10 CASH PAID To RH Negative Blood Donors CLEVELAND BIOLOG I CALS West St Clair HA 1 3477 GAS URNACE Help Mil ACCOUNTANT OICKMGR to relocate in Calif Cleve land mfr opening branch plant in A area Bex 3OS89 Plain Dealer' rank Millis rank Millis founder and president of the Duqan Millis Inc printing firm died Sunday in Huron Road Hospital at age 69 He had been printing indus try since he was 14 He came to Cleve land 39 years ago from Three Oaks Mich In 1940 he founded the Dugan Millis firm in part nership i the late Nor frank millis: man Dugan The firm at 1426 3rd Street does job printing and lithography Mr Millis was a member of Masonic Dodge No 50 in Jackson Mich: and the East Cleveland Lions Club serv ing the latter group as sec retary for several years His home was at 3638 Mt Laurel Road Cleveland Heights He is survived by his wife the former Carrie Engel two daughters Mrs Virginia Bowers Wintersville and Mrs Dorothy Daywalt four grandchildren two sisters in Illinois and a brother in Arizona Services will be at 1 pm tomorrow at the Merle funeral home Avenue East Exchsnsr Real Eute Home Bui dim Out of 1' own Estate bale Apartment Site Sale Busine Properly Salo actories iies The firm has branch or ganizations in several cities including Detroit The Cleve land plant is at 1571 Merwin Street Born in Meadville Pa Mr Patterson attended Meadville schools and Alla qheny College He received his bachelor of science de gree from the Pennsylvania State University 1 Lost and Rewards Received Until Midnight for Next Day's Plain Dealer BICYCLE Inst English racer area Lakeview Rd Reward ices win be at 1:30 meacher 54 1 HI rarrt Wife of the Ute William mother of raveide services will be held about Beulah Berg George Ruesell: step noon riends may call at the mother of Charlie grandmother of Cunningham McCafferty uneral Home four and great grandmother: June 13 i683 Buchtel Ave Akron 1960 riends may call 2 5 AND iA i niiruv a SW LET HARRIET Ute res Hence PRIMER SKI uunciut urar lainer or victoria Glick Ann White Wallace Primer Stanley Primer John Primer and the late Joseph brother of Julius grandfather and great grandfather riends received at Mosimki uneral ct rt Hvmv joro oom at runerat i June 15 8:30 a St Burial 7 JO A I CU11Q jjjj i i am Memorials may be made to The iionn ni ia eiu ein rnA 1 1 1 1 Thomas Arthur Patterson founder of the Pat terson Chemical Co here died Sunday of a heart attack 'He was in Toledo returning here from a business visit to Detroit when stricken He was 71 of the Ute Carrie inee Stuart): father of Stua Paul James: and 1 grandfather late residence 3082 Huntington riends received TUES DAY ATER 7 at the Yairs unr! Hom 1Sf)1(1 rTintfrln R'vd beiOveJHformerly Kinsman) Shaker Heights uwuici la iinte ui services is er ber of Phi Kappa Phi Jion ot Hetnlnlnand BEN 1899 auicr oi riaroid away uunr 1 I Home BLANCHARD Operator 1 1ST CLASS MAN DAYS HOURLY rate and overtime SKI WAY MACHINE PRODUCTS24460 lakelandblvd BODY REPAIR MAN Potion ttw available for rl man with experience who desires ateadT employment with future work wiHk the latest equipment in a new modem bldg Call between 8 a ef Auto Bdy and Paining 2OQVI Aurora Rd Heights Phcm GR 5 168 BORY man Must have experience Call or see Art Cannon Broad Halken Mercury 3 160 BCDYMAN palnter Mut be A Shaker UMght rd Bcdy Shop LO 6750 4kIc for Sam 8591 Lorain Av AUtOTAOTTVE MGPS Experienced In body fender estimating: knowledge of auto pi'htlog and sales but not nectary rinioiai nr nm I unrujive koeninea Box Plain Da)r 1 AUTOMOBILE ATTORNEY Openinr fr a yount at torney to assist in handling expanding legal affairs of medium size capital oods company located in rMithern tier Action of western Nw York State'enl reume to Box 3068 Plain Deal AUTO BODYMAN New car dealership has opening XTrr1en ''d cmMnatlon man 5 day wek fut rate and other frlng bene good working conditions: gvaran vcauon pian Appiy in person Kirk former Lizzie Armstrong died 15 years ago Surviving him are a daugh ter Mrs Mary Sullens a son James four grandchildren a 1 0 great grandchildren a sis ter Mrs Laura Hudson New Castle Ind and a brother Alfred Owensburg Ind His home was at 3647 155th Street Private services will be held at 1 pm tomorrow sister of Netti Bentlev QtlRE JOSEPH beloved husbund Loomia ideceased) and Walter Pie inee MucIcUi: dear father Loomis of Dayton and two nieces and Richard and riends may be received at the De aay Vand uneral Home 1U30 Euclid! Av services Tttesd Lor4 riend receh ed 2 a AND TTtrcniv at rrcaenck Leecn officiating I Broadway Bedford where services will 1 i SI I ma 1 fl I A auMif iiw ri'niirtdi I a i unerai HomeGw7or 7 inwn at xju services Wcdnes 5JUP (7j 21: STARR flkin rurhinn anvui ol uciu cu ut me taie William dear mother of Georgena uni0 ova mixrana hi late rave Morgan Kobert Andrew Jean if 7 ur vanfl XTr H) on Mftzrt nf CT a r4 rr rnery na me aie James Morgan sister of the late Mary Ann O'Neill 4 grandmother and great grandmother: JnaefhtTdhth'L 8n riends received at uneral of six brother of nome orain Ave at usth SLIm nd Mr ATER 5 TUESDAY where JlenJh services will be Wednesday June jltn TVneman IS 1:30 tn Interment Highland i'Xn Obi" ON Park Uemeterv J' AUTO BODY MAN iEuclid at 70th UT 1 6400 Elveredge Body 19387 Lorain Rd I Open Mon rL eves til 9 Cancellations or Before 8 riday ur Before Sunday Other Before 6:30 pra ceiinar day When canceling an ad a cancella tion number will be given you No allowance cn claims canceled with out number COLLIE loxt vicinity 131: sables whlie Need medical attention Infec tion on 'eft front paw Reward WA 1 S539 A prominent NE tlhio Appli ance manufacturer has imme diate openings for qualified I recent college graduateg in the following fields: mi'll non io tatchen ronai lost hi s3e 17 mnor enne Htr rrsiapnce it fit nvdrtl fl heir A a and sixKea and Use the Want AdSTMma and Elizabeth izom earns cear brother of Richard of SN and Regina rind ma rS'j at Sauers uneral Home 4ni 'Mm Ave UNTIL 9:30 A TUES vai runerai rr Mare Lld a 10 a Assembly oreman xnrrirnre tn itinervii kenrl assembly dept background of pipe fitting tub bending electrical wiring hydraulic and knowledge nf blueprint eaaential in reply Mate age experience health and salary requirement to Box 5292 Plain Dealer All replie will be kep strictly conf i a 1 JOSEPH A beloved husband son of Mary and John de brother ot William and Albert may call at Lcree A WeH uneral Home John Graham Services for John Graham retired general manager of sales for American Steel Division of United States Steel Corp will be conducted today in Inglewood Calif He died there riday night after a short illness He was 63 A native of Brooklyn worked as a messenger boy I in the New York sales office 'of United States Steel Corp during summer vacations from At the age of 12 he becamean office boy working his way through the ranks to the posi tion he held when'here in 1956 Mr Graham had Steel for 48 came to Cleveland in 1937 and at the Cleveland AthleticClub for many years He is survived by two daugh ters Mrs Doris errol and Mrs Janet Sobczyk both ofCalifornia two sisters and abrother in New York and six grandchildren Burial will' be in: Inglewood iPark Cemetery InglewoodCalif ROM 7 io vf 7 10 tVRPNWfDAY Ices will be held Thursday a i 9r Church 4600 State Rd it 9:30 a RODGERS PETER ot 5217 LutherAve beloved husband of Anna inee JACKSON REV HA RLE residence Cipokas) stepfather of rank David 4817 1 Ct htiihoitrf enn Kz ar lmanflr maw all at the Grdina uneral Home 1053 62nd St VISITING HOURS TUES 1 10 WEDNESDAY 2 10 Services Thursday 1 Interment Lake View Cemetery Want Ad Information Ext iSlde jobber needs 1 counter man and outside salesman All replies con Lvnuf and lettering man Mr nmgs7n uai giv resume or exnenen rive creat ve prlntins firm salarT dred Box 14989 Plain location Write to Box 32990 Dealer I AUTO PA PTS COUNTER MAN Experienced preferred uiton Auto Wrecking 2300 ulton Rd Argoe Ress Argoe Ress pressman the Plain Dealer 41 years died yesterday in his home 1870 Beersford Road East Cleve land Mrs Ress 68 was in charge of one of the Plain Dealer presses until sev eral years ago He retired April 1 He as a mem ber of St Philo a Church Knights lumbus Mr 'Ress is WILL give hon rental space at rr of 144S V7 toward part time work of upholrtftr lent stair man or auto to work LA 1 2967 MOVING "wtlutv cru'aer 125 Gny Inhfxrd convertible BE 7 7213 Jsouthw1 SCHARNITZKY JHARLLS beloved! Attention Picnic Sponsor son of the late John and Mar public address system for rent micro brother ot Marls Rooo Berths rydl iphone amplifier and speaker for Herbert Herbert Loehr Schlitt owner of Modern Ventilating Co died of a heart ailment last night in his home 2364 Delamere Drive Cleveland Heights He was 61 us audition HE 1 4415 Lease a car for vacation OR BUSINESS TRIPS Lowest rates in town Snoclai Package SOUTHWEST LEET LEASING 1 8400 oms Housekeeping Homes for Ased Conva escent Nursing Children Boardea (Excluding uom njereni establishments! Lost and per line agatt type) Sun 7 conaecutivs Insertions 22c 32c 3 cr rnoit consecutive in lertion' 23c 34c 1 or two insertions 35c 49c He was well known among chemical mamifad nrarc' I iuneral Holjc mantua Iho (Iran I aUam TT 7 7 vi vnaiuvii uu urugi uiLCH iarvca flivrt ne iu iiiuijuay jwk Haueter of Westlake riends fmin'rtArt P'lUrum Wednesday from 2 4 i AND 7 9 At th BU1T unC a Co Inc as A Patterson bimekman marie in 116 south st cordon sulea4utc 11 Jioied rtVuu wclunfrl cirtcf In th Chrdnn Meti i il nnra rnriae a i cth: Ua tt nn MV4UWMVO XII lie liau 7 Tn 1 a UI iviarIAict IM waning ana tne iatei 7 aier 01 juaeua a rui c'c 11R ldvtAd ri and John Railing 'Xh ud Rita DeMay and aiwet Al xkozhcnei) riend may cuh ai tne uneral Home Io3 Avon eiaen Rd avoi Lake Service st uiiurciU Avon Laxe Wedne uune xu at a tuadu CHANGE TLMEr intei menl Cmcago All BRENNAN ILA nee be xovuu 0i 4ja1uQ uvr 620 Euclid Ave BARBER A culored Thomas A nes Walnut St Ynynsstowh BARBER cart Hm tn A dily turday day LO 1 1557 RARBGR ULL OR PART TIME WH 1 14 89 WH 3 0 52 7 BARBER: Steady Sears Arcade 1090) Ix fiin CL 2 2460 SALLRNO BELLSARIO beloved hus band of the late Julia (nee Deiwl lather uf Anthony Nigro Mrs Bruno a aa a a 1 lAallLLOU V11EI41 4 A 111 Euclid Ave Services Julius Grossman (Adeline) hlrs xj A Auieunrni viuvn mu Aniurose bucii (Juliet) the late Maryi Cemetery ILauther Stella Nigro and elicia Sa NW 1950 Moncrief mohel Installed irnirv rnuv a grandfather and geat grand complete 36 uuO new pipes sJ0Sr beloxrd husband i father: brother of Josepr Staiferk cld air drop? $24o Take 3o inon hs residence 3do 165th St: Sunday gill hlahi' rr'SiS? H'l Now You Can Lease New 14133 Detroit Ave uneral mass Rambler for $62 Per Month Wednesday June 15 St Rocco Church rALb MR KAHN at 101a a Southwest Rambler 1 3400 UCHS HENRIETTA beloved wife ofwlftT1 rmorr 7Jehm TWIN8BUPG uneral Hcm the late Louis mother of ORGE beloved has Route 91 and Port Rd (1 mil? nrth1 Eoith McGill Mrs Gertrude Seavers nf pm square ann tn lata I rtl lavuin in in Ml IM of Mrs Lol Terry and rreat srand xOrK of £ran? ant Anna AND 7 9 Services Thursday mother rlendT may rt Merle 1 I a C3A I 1 luic 1 ecu I'llLR I Zll I ci cr 3 'it uieri rd ottir i hiiau a i a vm rsu ivtmwii vr rueuus may cai at me rmnm jtiin TnndTeted by' Dow 'rd'l" nt th PrihvUin rhnMk' rUjfll i Aft Lt 10 Oatl llUf band ris or th rirrt Prebyterlan Church'i'fESDAY AND WkDNSDaY crv Th' An lUeSfiSV Jlin 1 at 1 ws a Our ru to 80 or widowed W'M to you in an interview Apply A Seebantz COMMODORE HOTEL 9:30 to I 1:30 Central Chevrolet's young ag saies tors neem more mn' we are nne Cleveland i volume new dealers and aur business has been so good st want to add two men to our fore Even if you are Inexperienced In auto mobile etn? we can tsmh you in a short time to be a gond automobile salesman Hera is we to offer: le ei ano proven iQ Mep sellln svsiem that helps you make more mIm Expe Genctd Mies manaeers who I now hov to tram you to sell cars A yo aj re'slve dHr wh wants tn sell a vol ume cxri 2 vacation with pay Lf insurance and accident Injur anr A rew car on a basis that rojts you nothing The best pay plan in the ciiy with Meekly and monthly incentive contests loin nur snlet fnrr von should be intelligent but years 'of education are not Important: you should be 22 to 49 years old and It will heL tf you are married you must ba bondable friendly and have a good ap pea rance You should be aware that while It is Undo sell cars and you can make rood rroney you ha to work hdrd and the hour are long We guarantee you $300 a month while you are learning th business It you would like to talk to us about lob come in and a fn GEDGN LAMBERT or CARL HUGH GIBSON'S Central the lite Leo Eugene and George grand riends may rall'M the kca ot ied riends received at Corrigan's Jia Atv TTit rrv A fl A Taa Tc4 1 ULSUAI Sl iMuiie ci Alimony rAuu nurcn viiajJTI AU All AlllCl nd the funeral mass at meat Holy Cross Cemetery Catholic! Ykf KiHn rumsnca pariments (Last) 4b ooc OJU Rent urnished Apartments (West) 46 4644 Aged Convalescent 46 46 AUTO SALESMAN PERMANENT POSITIONS OR AG GRESSIVE EXPERIENCED SALES MAN WILLING TO SELL EITHER GRUCIULOWSKI ANNA (GREGG) of 15730 Sprague Rd Broadview Hetgiits beloved wife of the late Romuald: dearest mother nf Anna Szafranek rances Bares Adam Ber Ravmrndi Harrv th late Jo Mfl iHv SfPlu grandmother and great rand mother Erlends rerelvrA at rune ai riomr mii neral Wednesday June 15 9: to a ctniriuc Church AKsum itlon Church in Broadview rCn hlrvd htuhand I Wmlohte Ifl WiinUI 1 rT CCinCltiy ot uis Wiidam Cemetery BANK Looking for "the RIGHT We have one hook raiher than can sen mukmxgs EaNOOXS aM Co sot need husband and eat at the t'tne of the tale ur unit sens i 54 Yc ur ccmrnl is 26r 'ilea ant rn cash Your rherk is never effected bv th verv few cancellations (hat you might DEZORT JOSEPH belovwj hjsbsnd ot AHidred inee Altmam dear father of Peggy rioyt and grandfather bother uf Iraak Agnes dabei May Rite' Louis and LI than tde icRjeqi oMsej awy Monaar: residence 18761 Raymond St Maple1 Hlht fV TTH nKc mv rAii a jnvo nsi no 7 TUESDAY at ih Dena id jotins runerat way Bedford bs held Thursday 2 tn DOLEJS JAMES lAie residence Brecksville ate rances (nee isher ot Kown ana Kicnara isix grandch Idren ADVERTISING SPACE SALESMAN Trad pub'lcation and r'lrerfory expe rience Interested in permanent con nection where Initiative and hard work win tf rewarded by a substantial weekly Income Box 27980 Plain Dea ler Architectural Draftsman Gr SCHOOLS 84 1 Enj neers Book Men I have no doubt in mind that you can mixe munry seliinj other types but your and customer are limited Not so with DorcaSjCLAPSS lost: black frame: une al 55 or Euclid Avr hu? or dou ZdDv) czetiarskh: service Wednesday 2 al area PR 1 24L3 June 0LPa''L9yr: nnda Bm uneral Hore Tffln vJsZTonTr i nnratiny inirrment i cart ai ufiiinv i be oh ran lu Norman Mirllcr: re i par wita rnineatones: HathawayBrown 'I drnve 13705 Madk A riend a VAN nftSDALE LORA hdm Shaker area Reward $30 AND 9 TUESDAY wife of the late William nhTg lume 13215 cf Ceorge Mrs JadcnK'PUPPY lr mn white end la win UT and idmother reM iwph black coPar and b'l at 3 l04 RoycroR Ave rUnO yBrcad dew drarale 'iJV 'ill at uneral Home 16505 PTjRq i trolt Ave Lakewood whre rn fiId June 1:3 twnts? CH A 6934: ft no answer call XP nt flflar6 a D1MC! flt4 Ullee' dlenvnds TO MY DOLL 8 2 4 7 Reward WK 3 5022 SCHLITT HERBERT husband ot Marearet ratline ot Mr deWa I' Richey and Howard Henry Schlitt Buy Your Photo Equtnnirnt TitrflA 13' I Hla lair a rn i oi i) i elementary Mom1' Oh Tinrqur on Chu ch Wed a Interment Holy it Av' held Wednesday June 15 vnautv vr r' ot World War III Ul Tikhon: beloved hu oi uorn iey John Kellcv retiredK? randtarhn Wher ot "WETt wWd rea ana viara passed awav Jun 1 2 aut' ca re (ate avenae eonw rr vatACfln AmrIrTA zv ekn rv'rt a a ioafri 4m'5 tnaiii'un Pfoi ri4i LV Cal I 1 llAV VI IllV) a ur ra tuntraii UUrl Sh PV If ATV rhrr hrr rf la vir Home 1 3 1 24 Euclid Ave Wednesday white Aima Kru? tm LMlle Hrt and the kteUN glam lost Prescription dark American Steel Wire Div June 15 2 I "randfather riendarecHvJa Iaro5(i: itcr How nd cf Ham case Cedar Taylor Optical Cedar Cen TT IrTasc ftwi a Ian a tntntOTi Ontario grandinother and great ker parkin? Jot 254 SlOn 01 5 Steel UODt DBA wife Of tha late A dnr Son uneral Grandmother residence 'oon r'iif1' 4az4 ir4 kfr tt (Daniel Di beloved mother of MriaP 3929 Lorain Ave whejtifnrd Dr Park "Tb familvi bik 26'' lost died last night Huron 'm Rhodn Irtt cum hed W'dnedy Juneii ni rw jiv fdTP 5 A Library 7X1 6826 Road Hospital He was 77 nyp' inerneat iYbe "Mril KiLleyr1 BOMAW hunband ot 1 reared in the Glenville area srvi held Tuesdy Mildred me Empiej tthrr Ofl ininoa' AmoLn rlJUn 14' 11 1:30 S' nd "lchrd brother of WALSH MATILD5 ELLEM beloved! joined American Steel 4 7 GOODRICH MORRIS brother Of 01 Richland Wash Of George Lynn of Haddon years ago He eventually be Jy came assistant to the direc sini tor of the industrial relations uJrai i2 iner1 Homt 13104 Edcli(1 rs 'tome 13215 De ron vnerai! department He retired AS Wien? oyicnan vnu cn or Cleveland onMiwy cmterr JAL Wednesday at 1 ASSISTANT TO SALES MANAGER Take charge of Bolt and Nut Division Distributor and 0SM Sales to con Equipment Industry National and export fcxp irnce dlrah but nrA a ary proLt Incentive Wrt fully Box 23386 Plain Dealer Church Campbell Anthony Paler no: grandmother of Terrin and John' ntm7nt rivAinrt rmiJZJv Dublo Jr residence 2052 1 rstht lermpnl East Clc'eland Cemetery rmiuiy wm receive irienas at me rtynn ToeiK co i unerai I 11157 EHf ilfl AVI day Holy Rosary Church 1 lo EGERER MART (net Nemeth) aye 81: beloved wit or Chrles: dear mother ot Chrles Louis and Ernest mother in law nt Victor and Minnie sister of Joseph riends received at the NEW RIczo uneral Home 12319 Buckeye Rd where services will be held Tuesday st 8:30 a mnd st Si Church st 9 a AMAGEtTTO HILDA (nee Bart lett) beioved wife ct Michael mother oi Michael Catherine Ann Adams John Madonna Joseph and grandmother sister of Irvin and John Bartlett and Bernadette Kurtr at her residence 10438 umnrt Rd Geauza Lake riends may call at the Lester Gallagher uneral Home 9615 'Mlles Ave uneral Wednesday £in i ServlCM 11 Ho1? Nme Church 9:30 a ICOC1ELLO DORIS A (nee iorelli) Iae residence 14405 Sprengel Ave beloved wife of Mik devoted mother of James Elaine and Linda and dear sister of Pat iorelli Jack iorelli Mrs Angellne Juliano of Elkhart Ind Mrs Marie KHnterj Mrs Phyllis i nnfi 1 1 11! 1 1 1 a 4 a luhu it imiM lUMiflp resicenc where services will be con venna Rd Twinsburg beloved COLLIE LOST VICINITY 65 wiuam a owner OKbusband of the ai mmu hrnt heri ah uh)lf ralrertc tv Ctrl ir 1 cur ir Minn a nt inina nn ovm nn 't WrwiM rn iruifl 11 a 11 1 AiKc ll a Zlehm TWINSBURG uneral J5 rlJrr? JaU nd 1 wv tO STCa Hebd WO 7 9 AND WEDNESDAY 2 4'DOG lost hny col med female ill vti Hliijr Kiogp rn ID VirKlUI' anwer to name of Honry Reward WH 4 0813 DOG found: male tolhe OL 1 7555 JR Pay for ad EYE glasses iosl grey cae ()p tial cn Harvard or Union bus line DI 1 1587 iovuu 0i Audxaia wear ralvarv Cemetery uoris Block Rooyrt cemcieiy' La UVlUWVll U41U KI AAlUUXUlilt I Jl ltl aa a uf Muriel Wilks Laycne aanmr and HOMER ANA (nee lskusL heaved ROBINSON LEO late residence Arthur Walker: suodeny ale rcs rnoUKy Henry 3011 Dellwood Ave Parma beloved! juenue 1 1 a 1 Runana ie ipe fim ther 111am hmll hu band ot the late Julia (Ryam ucr Ey will receive frienas 2 3 AND 7 Mrs Bran midmotier father of Clurlotte Limenc Ann! 4 I a reAt sister Mrs John Wiilirm Theresa Leikol bieanor cnuricK ot inn'yivania AnJiny Barbara Sweet Richard na ft Ul Ik residence 6701 TENDER DELICIOUS Halves of Beef 36c lb ront 32c: hinds 44c no money 90 days same as Cash up to 6 months to pay Cut and wrapped while you wait reezer Meats Bath Rt 21 1 mile South of Rt 176 21 Junction Open 9 to 9 Sunday 12 tn 9 Closed Mon OLiver 9 1922 West Richfield MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC Sinters sons offers von a the field of recording Attend record sev inns known artists If you are looking fnr a career let GENERAL MOTORS EXCELLENT OPPOR TUNITY MANY RINGE BEN 1TS STOP AND SEE MR PARA DISE PARADISE PONTIAC RVLM kivek DR uneul Home it 4 15 Rocky River Dr unral miss nir' Church 4 bvub auu rut Has ai a Interment Hofy Cross Cemetery ELI? IDttliQ Ol 20 Help Male AUTO SERVICE WRITE UP MAN Must he experienced nn a make nf cars Employe benefits zood salary chance for advancement Homer Call MA 1 43S6 or WE 3 3291 lor Mr Moritz SCOGGIN ORD Avon Lake AUTO MECHANIC rera'rs Musf own too Mt rale plenty of fT risht man 4 AUTO SERVICE INC 74OO EUCM Ave AUTO MECHANIC Expei'enoed for removing and replac ing automatic transmissions benefits: hourly rate Apply In person Trio Auto Parts 9 100 St Clair AUTO mechanic: Murt know som automatic ransmiMlonx Apply All'nd Automatic Transmission Service 1000 Ivanhoe jd vv room ociovea nusDanason: brother or of the late Lizzie (nee Armstrong): Eboth Lithuania ufdr 01 Airs uueDa anu Aames grandfather of Mr Beth Wilson Mrs Sally isher Richard and Wiliam and brother of Mrs Laura Hudson of New Cvtie Ind and Alfred of Owensbu Ind riend" may 2 10 TUESDAY at the Chas A uneral Heme 154 89 Rd et Lorain Ave 55ERVTCTC PRIVATE ai a 1 I'injumri" liTIIUS may LdH LUlLO Contrlbu'loni may be made to the DAY ATER 2 at the Sllaa Lakewood Christian Church Memorial Rlchwds Son LAKL SHORE und Home 15230 Lake Shore Blvd I where services til held Wednes JACOBSOV HAROLD beloved hua dy 1:30 nano or ttnei nee nibiey stcp i father nf George Ward brother of Mrs lorence Thomas of Lake Worth la Willis and Robe Union Av mv uneral Home 12512 Services Wednesday June 15 at 2:30 Cremation private Retired member Cleveland ir Department Masonic service by Ashlar Lodge Tuesday at 9 I 1 AMn Tt I Ua 411 where services will be held insrpu co (June 16 at 1:30 iia befoved iSte rances (nee dear lather McGiegoi Home June 13 i960 Ser ace An ucluvej Mrife of of Robert and Richard erandfather of at Brown Michael dearest mother of isix brother of rank 1TOil Blvd Jnftsedii lata tne late Mrs Ann rantz may call ATER 7 TUESDAY ariLniranl AUTO engine and transmission In staller Experienced Own flat rate guannte0 paid vacation CHAPMAN MOTOR REBUlLDERS 5200 SupgTi Jr TN 3435 Auto Mechanic Must be experienced on Chrysler Prod uct' ahi) capable of repairing auto matic Plenty work Good pay salary or flat rate vacation plan to service man ager Mr Jonos DE LUCA Onlv Plymouth Valiant Dealer 3S0 Broadway BEdford 2 0880 AUTO MECHANIC Automatic transmission experience re TELLER Paid tra'nfng for responsible contact in nsnsinz school grad INANCIAL Automobile Loans Personal Ij)ant (Lire need) Personal Loans (Banks) Diamonds Jewelry Diamonds Jewelry Rl Estate Loans Moner it ntd Mongers Bought Sold NOTICES Death Notices uneral Direttorg Iodre Notices Lost and ound Rewards OR RENT Home 4090 Mayfield Rd EAST June 13 at his jesidence 2364 bela rpyap PHOTO NOBLE RD American Legion Auxd jUiere Dr riends may call at lary Services Post 308 Tuesday June Shaker Home cf Brown orwardTUtORInG experienced a aa a 1 i Z1 I I ytT wrftlli arv 1 Tlitbann i fl ar vnuicn senice r'v union oi'i Church nt South 3 5 AND 7 9 where services teachers desire to tutor OL 210t3 Wednesday June 15 at 1:30 mj Will te held Thursday June 16 at TAINTING contractor will pay com Contributions may be made to the Ex Interment Lake View mission or invest to cel steady work pension und rf the Methodist Church Ucmeteiy box 4582: Plain Dealer of bourn fcucM ISCHMIDT RED husband lhe late' LEAMAN MAUD wif of the hte Lihian Joner Sidnrv beloved mother nf Xirinev lctY LHDAn Jones nt th dvth7 k'nA Snwra 1 tut (Ttnl bar anzt ervaa Art mother residence 13620 Detroit Ave: Wftm 9 1 indy uie Manieis ru HOme 521 Broad jnPra1 Hnme moo Detroit Aver where services will TUESDAY 7 TO 930 WEDNES JUUS 16 I960 at DAY 2 TO AND 7 TO AO AT nts uiuuicr oi erandfathe? and ros 1 T1aD 1511 1 hftr aHlni June 11' ine 9317 restoni VISIT THOMPSON PROD AUTOMO Ave riends niny call at ti LJBILE MVSEUM Chester at oO Kaiif inn Sons uneral APPROVED DRIVING SCHOOL 3305 23th St where services will safe WAY SU 1 4144 be held on Tuesday June 14 at It interment unset a emnna a nn a coy'a rr da tvc i ivy rarx uvt1nuuu a AUTO BODY AND ENDER MEN Airnffiill loba (no Tp salary and eommlasion up to 200 ek Ap ply In person 1680? Lora tn Ave Cleveland Brook Park Lakewood Rocke River airview Biy 49 Hesllake Avon Aron Nrtrth Olmsted Olmsted ails 49 Berea Middliburt leirhts StrantadHe North Royalton 49 Brooklyn Parma Brooklyn Heichts Parma Height So Nrven Hills Brecksville Broadview HetehU Independence 49 unuvnui riup riy nesi Southv rrt Shvker Heights Heights Cleveland Heights Beachwood East Northeast Last nelM 4g Southra nle Bedford Warrensville HehM 4g W'cklUfr Willoughby EwstbEe 49 South Eucd Ric' mond HeleMs JU bland TTfichta MartleM Mayfield Pelehts 48 Prro'r Pike Orence Mnrel nd Hills So'on Huntlnc Valley G4es Mihs 48 snour an Property East nnm 20 Help Mala 7wtobrake mechanic We ar look in for a top man to Cviipiete our brsk Check out etup It rwld make a difference to you Nationwide Safil Brake 6312 Broadway ALTOMOB1LES Parts Smite 51 I sed AntomohltM 51 to 53 Sale Used Sports and oreign Cars 51 Sports and oreirn Cam Parts Accessories Mm ice 51 Auto Pa ts Repair Tires 51 Mobile Trailers 5 I Iruks Trailers Parts 51 Waned Autos Trucks 51 Auto Trucks for Rent or Lease 51 Motorcycles Bicycles 31 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunities BUSINESS SERVICE Bartel and Swap I'ducational lowers Cemetery Monumrn's Personals Business Notices nepairs ana sankd' vane neisvii late resiqence 72u7 ervlcei1 eJn1rn 4ve' Krinds the THOMAS JOHN 8481 AnIU Dr Mhunny in c'ncm ot Marian Shafer Tuesday Juno is it i I 1 wmjnesday serv Thomas: son of Gayne Th' mas luesaay June 14 at 1 hCM Thursday June 16 at 2 'ather of Beverly Reno John Dnuc GAVIN EDWARD beloved hue 1 Interment West Park Cemetery Jar brother nf Sylvia Tsvlor Corrin nna or isieanore (nee Berry fa Mnrr I rud vrc pimniCK or Richmond ind uei oi ftorern unas and Janet! vriuvru jpokids np pnnnria ojomr or josepn Normen ir iiarxKH services weanc'csy 2 yirmnv inf i amva vi ciijli vtiuiak ann rrnn 12 I960: late residence 3966 vie ifry Blvd riends may call at Ber I 1 1" i Av? 10 Mrs Rita Rotramel Hannah and fiinrf iduier crotner or Mrs neien Aiears land Mrs Hazel Kossin passed away IT SB beloved hus LINDEMANN KARL of 1 824 gj1 sehlif Rd Holehr oear father of Cath Highland Rd dear friend of Mr and LL ie iU nnry Jr grana Mrs William Buhl ends may calijllYS' ''J: X' roani? grandfauier Sundaylat the Grdina uneral Home 1053 11 yilnv akVVa tn PSA where mvlce win be Jberl J0 8 pi rnc uw nmj iui jauj at i ev A ul wZsLaLV LZ 1 iminn 2 Sons uneral Hom? 3305 Grtndnn officiating interment White LW 5 4 i wvvMtvrre ueonn Mamn ui iP icmvriais may oe maae to ine I'xo 10 it where sentccu wi be1 Liws Slrht held on Wednesday June 15 at 1 LOOMIS HELEN Ute residence Cline 3340 Archwood A' Interment Sun et Memoral arkJ32323 Lake Shore Blvd Willowick Law Aer DIBLO ELIZABETH (nee Palermo) moiher of John daughter of Mrs Angela Palermo and lhe late Domcnicsister of Xfrs Mary Palermo ather Joseph Palermo pastor of St Lucy AHCHEsON MADELINE of Detroit fuicn ei ciici 01 ueturune 1 iinim oi Detroit luch June 11 ivrienas may can IiljilijAY it the Ldaa A uaerai Home lJ4bt lilstU ku at uu an Ave erct Wcanuuay juut ij at ALIM 4R1HUK ot Mudreu rauier oi viilm Cemetery rriR srr rrrvrav di veoiurd 7io harrei 1 htE RODGERS haveti: theodorf Ted te uiointr oi a ru Auih anu ai Not 4 cr a nctAir mi uernu i i1 jrauulmner ii lour: Cberdon ot viri il I'Ra OCORGE beloved husbmd ot Ud4nv hoouwv neons nuv rail 'r X1 0 Louhe inee Sabol): beloved lather ol ASD WEDNbAY aTLU Robert id Hope brother ol Michael Jr in kYO X'13 11'1 ot Mr nd MraRoberi and ihompson of Chardon and Mrs George 7 UnliAtbP Cr rf WnctlsV IOIC uiiuuui iir 1CMQCIHC 1 lifirtz Trl1nfl mow rail tt Schitfier PAMA tmea1 Hom 5904 Ridge Rd 2 TO 5 AND 7 TO 10 i TUESDAY Matonic senices a Church Thursday June 16 ni' ar Lodge No 637 Vlinaral 4 1 lnwa 3 llAIIILUaOl i i i CIXo I donations to the Chardon Meth 1 Interment Sunset Memcral Park Church OHIO DRIVING SCHOOL A 7 1 A 307 contributions to THE HEART UND In World War I he served as a civilian engineer in the nitrate plant operated by the government at Muscle Shoals Alabama In World War II he 'de signed and managed the Vic tory Chemical Co plant at IvaMQ xnw TlYADING fnr lorida nf Calif take uo to 7 rnonn WI 1 865 1 ucloven wilt of lhei rtearosr mnllpr nf rT rVra ms rr rv i a Helen Tuna Marv may call ATER 7 TUESDAY with theiAveer SwheUS will behefd age 67 rars of 13975 ireat rsndmbther of 12: sister of ThursdAV hinA 16 VIA ucain iiuwmra ic ouuuaj in rucuuA may Rev Waiter Kle ofllelatlnr In i01 lorence devoted lather ol Dr call at Paul Mlsenclk uneral termer it West ails cim leiv Bernard Levey ot Cambridae Maas Home 12900 Madison Ave here ne cvmieij Sidney Klein Edith Mishne of Wheel services will be held Wednesday June nnuib' taaflr 1 la II 1 a i a a asvr'ii nuuLai in rosinpncrjii nt bi oph 1021 1 4 6th beloved fa her of MsgrAndfaihei beloved brother of Ed Methodius Church st 9:30 a Dorothy Hemrich: brother of Levy Jeanette Rosen and Rae and grandfather of Thomas (TornmyiiWsIlensteln of Miami la Services SHARKEY HARRT beloved hus riends received at Smith at the Berkowitz Kumin Inc Memo of Verna inee Purcillvi father Qnn uiunl utia Ct rinl Than! 1 OA Qninh TvIap Ininr Ave ATER 7:30 TUESDAY Cleveland Heights Tuesday 2 mMra Dorothy 1' Irai a avlo 11 klA 1 1 A famflv rttcirlanca nf Girina Vlin ksva IL LC jawiu vuu au ww vaaav latlier uuue aq in IDBENKO HENRY SB beloved hus uauu (1 tv i if eine Rackel and Henrv Jr Cor jof eijiht and great grandmother of one sister of Mrs bert Div es and the lat Charlotte Case and Sarn (Dean The family will receive friends the Jenkin uneral Chapel 2914 I Vsa At r'aa'aa irbaia iaci V14CB will ot lirui lurjuay June Daniel Joseph: brother of Mrs Cath Day wait' Donna smith ana Debbie tVry In contrlbutSa 1ndn' hi MMhMita of1' irLand I' JI Church Memorial und riflnfk mv rVl i Ac ouu ruicui nuiiir LUSH £U11U AL £lalr Noble Rd where services will be con 5e mISITTNC HOURS Cleland Bsptlrt Church Wednes 5 AND 7 lp day June 13 1 nn Rent Martmen( (Last) iMini Reni Busine ixers Mr Rent Children Boarded nomes Tor Nursing Hotels House for Houses fnr Rent actory Warehouse SIU 46 47 Kent urnished Aoartmenln (kaii 4K I Rent urnished Houses iEait Rent urnished Houses (Wesll Rent Housekeeping (Lati 4 Kent Housekecpinr (West) 45 Rent Offices Deal Room 43 Rent Rooins Board r4st) 45Kent Rooms Board (West) 43 Rent Suburban Propcity 46 vi num uni oi ioan I Rent Summer CotUjes Share Apartments Houses WANTED TO RENT actory Warehiue lurnishcd Apartments riinthhe I li Rooms Bard to to BROWN MYRTLE beloved wife of lhe late Emmanuel moiher of rances and Clarence grandmother ot 8 lae i evidence 3j34 Walton Ave ritnds may call at Zimmers uneral Home 2 7 14 st 5 3 TO AftD riO 10 wntre services will be iield Wednesday June 15 1:30 CAST JOHN REDERICK on Jun 9 at the Good Samaritan Hospital in x'am Beach suddenly alter a brief illness Husband until her death ot the late Miriam Amy Mow and later of his surviving widow Margaret Elisabeth Ragsdale of Palm Beach also survived by his two daugh ters Mrs Chapman Rose of Cleve land and Mrs William Danforth uf Hudson and his live grandchildren lonathan Rose and Kataenne red erick William Jr and Amy Danforth service in aiHnouit Presbyterian church Chapel un Tuesday June 14 at 4 Burial private Lake View Cemetery in lieu of flowers contributions may be made to the airmount Presbjterlan Church CHERDRON EMMA sister Of Sophie Jchneider Euclid and the Ute Richard CarLHeiWy and Lottie Pfeif fer on Sunday june 12 1960 late residence 1368 Hampton Rd hai Cleveland riends may call 3 TO 5 AND 7 9 TUESDAY at the Rlnear Oc Son uneral Home 13136 Euclid A VP Cl VC i a num uCi VU H1 Buffalo which manufactured titanium tetrachloride used in combat smoke screens Christensen flora Stef nr UJC8 iviaaison ave Mr Patterson wa a mem ciyde a ur mother ri uf 1 uaugiuer oi neimina ana the late itsr iitKiiaN bln lays i 1st I 1 A fA rt 7 rlrl at TY 9 a 1 oaA AataA Tn MA 1 fl a Theodore Steffens Henry stef Dutsh uneral Home' Wade Joseph Anne Vleck the late cabarets and all occasions GL 1 9062ens and the late Mrs Louis Kialey Ave and Crawford Rd Wednesday Jr and uncle: late Qf pc 0 Heart und in memory 2 5 AND 10 June 15 1 Interment Mtko33 48th Hlends may call endSi relatlvfs or essxlus I in va I morrv iuc oluuplci uuciai ximt ir jiuu a rera i I Den son Ave ROM 2 3 AND 7 10 ILARSON ALICE nee Sllsbyl be TUESDAY uneral Wednesday loved wife of the late Albert: sister of June 15 at St Boniface Church at Mrs tstetia jcudd Airs lorence cow ley the late George Arthur Sllsby Mrs 1 Nellie Hamilton Mrs Maude Gates Law VISITING HOURS TUESDAY 2 4 AND 7 10 at the Joseph Schulte SOUTH EUCLID unenl jtT 1 4 4 '34 INDEX I Sq Training Shirk SW 4 iiuiiiinitiniiiiiii lumiiiiuiraiHiiiii iimiiHiiiiimii.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.