The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)

Real Estate for Sale Automobiles Real Estate for Sale 20 THK MORNING Ailentown, Thuradny, 5, 1915 Life's Like That Merchandise Merchandise Miv-ss? 'syr i lflM St Coimk Tmtmrmi i "The way you're always complaining- about bills, payments, and extravagance anyone would think you don't like the American way of life'." HOUSES FOR SALE 84 A CHANCE To own four year old single that really has pre-war construction Has a aiiluuban setting WJtli 5 large moms, hu I imk flouts Ihi Uout. SiiftOO Financed. RUSSEL J. C.E1UER. Realtor.

445 Linden St. Ph. 2-5339. BUSINESS PROPERTY WITH APARTMENT Irftculrd at. jiitmtlnrnt corner, constat intr ut litihliirna trttnnla on la( and a 7 room MiiUh ltN aiim tmeiil on 2nd and 3rd floor.

Building is soundly constructed, concrete, brick and steel shows no deterioration ol any sort. Investors and businessmen investigate this building. Can be had for a fraction of original nr reproduction cost. A. LUCKENBACH JARRETT ORGANIZATION REALTORS 842 Hamilton Rm.

19, Ph. 3-3246 BEAUTU'UL GROUNDS As SHRUBBETRY Surround this SINGLE BRICK BUNtiAIX)W In ALTON PARK containing 5 with all Improvements on lot 85x150. It is OWNER occupied A- you can have QUICK POSSESSION Price $6500. THE REAL ESTATE CENTER. REALTORS.

120 N. 8TH ST. PH. 9502 BETHLEHEM West Side. Single home.

Domestic hot water heater. 7 rooms As attic. All Improvements Hardwood floors. Hot water heat. Open fireplace.

Garage. Owner occupied. Phone Bethlehem 7-7688 after 1 p. m. COUNTRY HOTEL Nr.

Ailentown. 13 r. A- h. part furn Over 3 A. Out hides Invest.

Schlegel. 507 Allen. Ph. 2-5204. CENTRALLY LOCATED SINGLE FRAME 5 rooms As attic.

Gas. electric Ac water. Sewage connected. Only $3100. 20 cash required.

Bal. $25 per month. LESHER Y. RAYMOND, Realtor 37 N. 8th St.

Ph. 5422 Open eves. Ph. 7517 116 S. FRONT double frame dwelling.

7 electric. Remmel. Rupp As Budihas. Northampton 2210. COUNTRY HOME 8 A Vac.

soon. txc. bldgs. Stately trees, elec. 8 ml.

Irom city. L. Grammes, 511 N. 8th. Ph.

31600. CUTE LITTLE SINGLE Parkway Manor. Beverly Drive. Lot 60x150. Living rm.

12x22 dining rm. 9x12 ft. Roomy kitchen. 2 bedrms. As tile bath.

Ready to occupy. Price $7300. Liberal terms. FRANK G. VARGO, REALTOR 527 Hamilton St.

Ph. 2-5814 E. ALLENTOWN COR. HOUSE 8 rooms As bath, heat, sewerage connected. Price $3600 00.

LEE R. KAHLER, Realtor 737 Turner St. Phone 6186 EAST SIDE Vacant. Single. All imps.

2 car gar. Large lot. $4600. EAST SIDE 6 brick, all garage. Immediate poss.

$3200. HANOVER REALITY. 1015 Hanover Ave. Ph. 31574.

EMMAUS Sinele. suitable 2 families. 1st fir 4 As bath. 2nd 5 rms. As bath.

Lot 100 200 ft. $5500. Quick poss. Apply 622 Minor Emmaus. GOOD INVESTMENT 2 family ant.

South side, brick twin. 8 2 baths, h.w $6500. C. W. BEST, 33 N.

at St. Ph. 2-45H3 or 2-231 7. GORDON 133 6 rms. As bath, garage, nice yard.

Reasonable. Apply owner. Frank Neila, S. 7tb Emmaus. 724 Greenleaf St $5500 6 bath, h.

w. h. 513'i S. Bradford St $2850 6 rms. bath, nipeless LEHIGH VALLEY TRUST CO.

INCOME PROPERTY Near Hamilton twin. 5 rms. each. Gas, electric, water, sewer. Price $5500 for both.

CLARK, Realtor. 1031 Turner St. Ph. 6459. MADISON NEAR WALNUT Brick twin, 8 rooms As bath, hot water heat, hdw floors.

Price $7000. LEE R. KAHLER. Realtor 737 TURNER ST. PHONE 6186 MORTGAGE LOANS Special rates, no red tape.

Advice free. Mr. Kessler. 618 Chew St. Ph.

9534. Open daily eves. NEAR CHEW As FRONT STREETS Corner brick. 6 rooms, heat, electric, gas. Itfewiy decorated Price $3700.


NR. MUHLENBERG Twin 6 tile bath, hwh sewerage. $6750 NEWMAN VOGEL 1017 Hamilton St. Open Eves. Ph.

6849 N. 9TH NEAR TURNER 10 R. 3 B. $8000. N.


$7500 See Edward Bender 101 N. Rth St. N. END 9 rms Ac bath, all imps, sewerage. Good cond.

2 car gar. $5800; $2000 cash. Apply 537 Liberty St. NEED A HOME? Need it now? Need 6 rooms, hardwood floors, modern bath. A fine neighborhood with lots of lawn for your family to enjoy.

We can fill your needs at. unusual low down payment terms and $40 per month. Veterans need no money down For further information call Daniel M. Jar- rett. JARRETT ORGANIZATION REALTORS 842 Hamilton Rm.

19. Ph. 3-3246 NORTH END Corner brick. 8 rooms hath. h.

w. recreation room A-l condition. 15 dv possession. $6000. Can be financed on easy lerms.

i LESHER Y. RAYMOND. Realtor 37 N. Eighth St. Ph.

5422 Open Eves. Ph. 7517 OWNER OCCUPIED Twin frame. 4 rooms, all improvements. Modern kitchen.


near Wyoming UNION BLVD. near Plymouth $5500 GROCERY STORE W. End cor. Bldg As Slock $10,000. See Ed Bender, 101 N.

8 St. SMALL BUNGALOW Suitable for couple, 2 large Atlantic State gas. cistern, 40 ft. 150 ft. corner.

S. 28th St. $2300. $650 4own. $35 monthly.

SINGLE BRICK, modern 6 rms As bath, suburban, $7600. $3500 rash. Balance monthly. MARK R. BITTNER.

1034 Hamilton St. Ph. 2-8424. S. BLANK ST.

4 all $2500 200 blk. Court 8 all $3750 200 E. Elm, 7 all $4600 800 blk. Rth. 10 all $5850 JACKSON REALTY REALTORS 100 N.

9th St. Phone 2-7257 TURNER ST. 7342 family house. Ideal for professional man. 1st floor vacant.

Charles M. Bolich, 33 N. 5th St. THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME AT WEST PARK INVITES INSPECTION IT HAS ALL YOU LOOK FOR Ideal layout with charming living rooms, modern kitchen Ar bath. 5 bedrms.

Ac dressing rm. Oil heat, h. w. firs. 2 car Kal8gAT $18,000 IS HALF ITS COST See it today thru M.

A. Reinsmith, B. Ac B. Bide, or your Realtor. VACANT 2005 S.

LAW ST. VACANT Twin brick home. 6 rooms A- tile hath, with shower on a large well shrubbed lot close to school, church, stores As bus 1 ransport at inn. Only $950 cash required. JARRETT ORGANIZATION REALTORS 842 Hamilton Rm.

19. Th. 3-3246 WEST END TWIN VACANT' Brick 2 story. 6 rooms A- balh. hot water heat.

GARAGE. Price $5800. Easily Financed! LEE R. KAHLER. Realtor 737 TURNER ST.

PHONE 6186 Classified Display WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR USED CARS Reconditioned and Guaranteed PETERS MOTOR CO. Authorized Sludebaker Dealer 519-27 North 12th Street PHONE 96JI or 962'J Additional Classified Ad on Preceding Page Live Stock DOGS ATS OTHER PETS 45 po BAI Reeistererl Poherman Plnschcr. WM Flnx Nn A. MmtiiDK ('nil. l.Ilr.fh:rt Fl'l'fllcrt Tc.

Irinaie Black iron pun C'Kkn twniris mat A ime pa.tia Solid DiacK HrjIMfrea stock. Rea- Royal Kfnnfli, 1 150 Hanover Ave. RABBIT HOUND For sale. Also hound Apply William F. Ciausi.

Route No. 1, HORSES CATTLE STOCK 48 Ol'FRNSEY COW Ex'Cl ing rext mon'h. loon New Hampshire rr.cKens. layers Pii. 29510 GOOD WORK HORSES Some acres al-few aire Timothy A- clover A B.nder's J.

Walnut port. HORSE firntl' Safe for lady. 1 o.i Phone Northampton 42b. HIDING HORSES FOR RFNT Anytime at MountamviUe. formerly Wei khciser's.

POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 49 BABY CHICKS Orders taken for July tj-t J. Helney At Son. 102 N. 7th Ph 784J rilCK BI Call your litter 100 covers SO m. ft.

Fireproof, ttsoros montiiie Saves labor. Lasts Insulate your floor. 100 lb. bag S2 60 S'ars Farm 131 N. 7th St.

Ailentown. Pa. Ph. 5248 HOUSEHOLD Furniture Ar sarden tools. Apo.y ail week 423 Milton Catasau-qja.

Pa. NO MORE CHICKS UNTIL SEPTEMBER LEHIGH VALLEY HATCHERY R. 3 2-972 Near WalbTta YEARLING HENS Wh some N. aii from olir lavinir Morlc. Lcghors pullet, tir Pni! ge Farm: Oretleid 1 iS.e- Ph, Ailentown 3-t55fl.

WANTED LIVE STOCK 50 A-l PRICES PAID FOR YOUR POULTRY FLICKINGER. 226 2ND. 5374. A BETTER PRICE Paid for your poultry Ar eggs We du al! kinds fc any amount Call or write QUEEN CITY POULTRY Union Sis Phone 2-1313 Largest dealer in the valley HIGHEST PRICES PAID For any amount rf poultry. piseons.

etc. KAPLAN POULTRY MARKET, 116 7th St. 3-193. or 332 3rd Si Beth 6-2652 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for steers, bulls. calves hozs.

ARBOGAST As BA3-TIAN. INC- Ailentown Phone 4171. Merchandise ARTICLES FOR SALE 51 4 ROOMS OF FURNITURE Oo-1 Leaving town. Phone B'thlehem 6-1746. 7 GAL Gasoline cans.

Army surplus, 39 1: selection of poultry wire, sar-dr tools and house furnishings. ROSENFELD S. CATAS AUQUA, PH. 81 F-FOOT BOTTLE COOLER New elec rirv underoar type. 6 ft.

long REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORS. NEW -o 3 EIEC. 19 TO 30 CU FT. S. Corner Ridce As Gordon Open.

9:30 to 4 :30 2B FT BACK BAR 14 ft mahogany front back tar. beer precooling system complete with tap box. 16 restaurant booths Small cah register Apnly Variety Sal's. 148 K. 7th St Ph.

37211 A-l GRADE PLUMBING KEATING SUPPLIES. CAST IRON ENAMELED bath tubs, with all chrome fittings wash stands, toilet outfits. iaundrv tubs. galvani7ed range boilers, lack stoves. COPPER COIL cas water heaters, eiectric sumo pumps, heating boilers, radiators, soil pipe and ngs black and galvanized Dine and f.T.nes.

kitchen cabinet sinks, centime asbes'os roof roa'ine. red roof paint COAL RANGES A COMPLETE IINE ALLEN PLUMBING SUPPLY COMPANY. 21? 6TH ALLEN'TOWN DIAI 3-2220. Classified Display We LIKE to MAKE LOANS Proof: At 'Personal' 4 out of 5 GET the money they ask for more imes ve say "Yes" to loan reo the more business we do Ail f.rre making personal loans of to $250 or mote Is our ONLY busi-ne-s, tou ran depend on ns doing our r-ev to say "Yes' to von Consider advantages of "Per-scral 1. Loans mane to employed men rr women: small inn ray'ls 1 Reasonable cost S50 for one rr ens' only $1 50 3 ee n-Pay-Day Loans.

4 Loms-Ey-Mail Jtift write, rvin't borrow unnecessarily, but If yr-'i're looking for a loan give us the to say "Yes." won't you? Just mod or ohone today. R. A. MILLER. Manager Personal Finance Co.

Convenient Offices ALLEN TO W.N 14-; Hamilton. 2nd Floor PHONE 9I5 BETHLEHEM 4.Vt N. Main. 1st Floor PHONE 7-3'Jl 50 LOAN FOR 20 DAYS Here's how to borrow $50, $100, S200 or more on your salary without security, or on your car or furniture. AVe require no endorsers or guarantors.

Monthjy payments include all charges. No fees or other extras of any kind. One Trip Service To get cash quickly phone Household Finance. Just tell us how much you need. We can then have the money ready when you come in.

BOUSEHOLD.riNANCE ALLEN'TOWN 701 Hamilton, 2nd FL Ent. 7th over Whclan's Drug. Store Telephone: 6131 BETHLEHEM 525 Main 2nd FL Telephone: 7-9715 EASTON 17 S. Third First Floor Telephone: 8204 VACATION MONEY Vacation loans made to both men and women, single or married, in all kinds of employment. Borrow a small amount or up in the hundreds.

Repay on convenient monthly terms, after jour vacation. Prompt, courteous service. See or phone ut today! CONSUMER'S CREDIT SERVICE, INC. Formerly MOIOR CRIDIT CO. Bellflehem 1rut Bldg.

Broad and Main Bethlehem 7 -Miiig Ailentown 9051 ARTICLES FOR SALE 51 8 CU FT Elerlrnlux; Thor electric Iron-fr. perfect condition. MILLER a. 144 7T1I 8T. PH, 4051 A-l USED NEW RADIATORS Wash Basins, Toilet Outfits, Kitchen Ml itk LUMRF.R.

Cmnb RCRFKN A- Worm riinn, Rrmflrtg Hupplles Insulnilon At. Il-rr lltmrrl, nil Film Fittings. Ilraling lloilrl. (I Art ItANUICH Jn liUivra. Walri Ptllllrt Sz (IVrr 1 00 Other Hems at l.oW PRICK'S QUALITY 1 8 4i St.

Ph 7542 On 308 at Moun'alnnlle Traffic Light. ALLEN-TOWN.) ALL PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINKS WITH STEEL CABINETS. Modern Bathroom Outfits, automatic Gas Water Heaters Electric Water Pumps for deep shallow wells. PRE-WAR Quality CALORIC Gas Ranges. Jack Stoves As Ranee Boilers.

Pipe A Fittings. Genuine Roof-Tile Roof Coating. Electric Cellar Drainers PAY LESS AT SHAFT FR'R. 32B-28 7t St Ph 2-7214 20 Yea of Reliable Business in Ailentown. ANCHOR Green window shades.

79c: curtain rods. 10c: dust brushes. 38c: rubber loves. SSc: porch gates, 2.25: and man other articles. Open eves Clements, 527 N.

7th St. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Water pumps-Immediate delivery RCHULER SERVICE PLUMBING As HEATING PH. 2-5174. 428 8th St AWNINGS Tan. 1 I 9 1 I 8 ft Prewar, complete with pipe.

Also elec razor, piartirally new A- pair rust roloird draperies Ph HHHll after 5 30 BOTTLE COOLERS FROZEN FOOD CABINETS, PRE-COOLERS As WALK-IN BOXES. REFRIGERATORS, 19-38-57 CU. AIR PUMPS. EXHAUST FANS. LE HIGH VALLEY SERVICE, 29 S.

6TH ST. PHONE 9780. OPEN EVENINGS. CARLOAD PURCHASE WALLPAPER. Fx-reptional value, as low as 5c per roll Nu-Enamel Paint Store.

22 7th St. 5965 CHILD'S CRIB Birchwood. like new. Apply 541 Washington St. FOOD FREEZERS 7 to 24 CU.

ft. for Meats Fruits Vegetables Ph. 35473 Ridge 4c Gordon Sti. Ph. 33946 GUNS Winchester 32-20: 22 pump 22 Automatic rifle.

410 Repeater. 20 sause double barrel shotgun. Ph. 24453 MAPLE DINETTE SET Girl's bicycle, radio, smoothtop gas stove, ironer, fan, etc. 802 Main Beth.

MINNEAPOLIS HONEYWELL Electric Janitors Win. S. Solliday. 301 N. 8th St.

MINNEAPOLIS-HONEYWELL Thermostat Authorized dealer Call us now Bonded Coal 340 Walnut. Ph. 4850 OUTDOOR RECREATION In your own backyard. Tables, chairs, benches The newest In outdoor furniture. Coplay Garaee.

Coplay. PEDESTAL ELECTRIC FANS ALLEN EQUIPMENT 140 7TH ST. PH. 24401 Restaurant chairs, like new; chest of drawers: piano: studio couch: 3 PC. living rm.

suites; maple bedrm. suite; walnut dme'te. MILLER'S. 144 N. 7TH ST.

PH. 4051 RESTAURANT DISHES Complete assortment, with green border. Also aluminum cco*k pots Ai fry pans. Also 2 French fryers glassware. Allen 140 N.

7th St. 2-4401 SPRAYING MATERIALS Hand sprayers, washline wire, posts. BX cable, wiring supplies, croquet sets, berry boxes, outdoor furniture, outdoor gyms, children's swings, charcoal As auto parts, hammocks. Coplay Coplay. SHOTGUN-Lefcver.

12 gauge. double barrel. Also Simmons youth bed. Both in good condition. Ph.

20056. TEA KETTLFS Curtain Rods Garbage Cans. Coal Buckets. Baby Potties. Pails.

Dish Pans. large CofTee Pots. aSauce Pans. Double Boilers. Basins.

Was Baskets. Ironing Boards Paints. Hardware. Home Fucnishinas. Floor Coverings Shades.

ROSENFELDS VARIETY. Front Tilehman Sts. Ph. 2-0253. TYPEWRITER Flectrlc Iron, garden tools St screen door 84X35 "2.

Phone 32495 WALK-IN BOX Electric. 8x6x9. 6 foot. 10 foot Bally meat, display case. font iiB I compressors Like new.

2 Toledo White scales. 2 National cash registers, electric knife sharpener. 2 electric meat Will sacrifice on account of ill health. Apply 232 E. 3rd Bethlehem WATFR HEATERS! Eler R0 A- 30 t-l ant.

gas ranees. Pre-war gas ranges, heat control. Kruper Coplay. Ph. 2542.

CIGARS 51C WM THE FOURTH Finest 2 for 25c A 15c quality Havana 14 75 $." 75 per 50 Merchants Cigar Co. 247 4th St. BOATS AND ACCESSORIES 52 OUTBOARD MOTORS As BOATS WANTED Boats At motors for sale, repaired. 3-9309. United Service 14th As Tllghman Sts.

BUILDING MATERIALS 53 pile" OF USED LUMBER for hiehest bid Apply 424 Ridge Emmaui BUSINESS OFFICE EQUIPMENT 54 FILING CABINETS Laree selections, leeal standard sizes, desks, chairs. Monroe calculator, and other office equip Allen 140 N. 7th. Ph. 24401.

TYPEWRITERS Good condition. Allen 140 N. 7th St. 24401 FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCTS 55 1 BALED HAY By the ton Asher A Billheimer Weaversville. Pa.

FARM EQUIPMENT 55A A PARMAK ELECTRIC FENCER Will solve your fencing needs Saves time As money Coplay Garage. Coplay GRASS MACHINE Dble rloing cultivator. R. G. Schaffer, Limeporl GRAIN BINDER McCorinick Deering.

8 ft cut Used only a few seasons Also 150 bushels oats Apply Fan land Farms. R. Wotring. Nefls. Ph.

18R32. Mccormick grain binder, 6 ft. cut, Tractor or Horse drawn, very good condition ready to use, price $40 00. Apply S. Billheimer Farm, on Cata.

As Beth. Road Phone Cata. 258J2. MILK COOLERS "Esco." Always In stock. Immed.

del Eugene A. Knittle. Fleetwood. Rt. 2.

on Rt. 222. Ph. Kutztown 5754. POULTRY WIRE Feeders, fountains, nests, egg baskets.

2 As 4 mesh hdw're cloth, barb wire Coolay Garage. Coplay THRESHER Oliver Red River Special, blower, self feeder, weigher, movable baseer Ohio stationary baler on rubber Apply Harold Fennel. Bath Rt. 1. Ph Bath 3488.

THRESHER 22x36 "Williams." Also 8 ft. McCoimick Deering binder. Good cond. Applv Hess. Nr.

Hanov ersville Rt No 1, Bethlehem. Phone 6-7723. USED McCormick-Deering 7 foot binder with horse As tractor hitch. Also Number 2 Ellis Keystone 22 inch' undershot thresher with blower. All in good condition.

Apply Floyd A. Schaffer. Route 2. Bethlehem between Shoenersville Weaversville. USED EQUIPMENT Bean As Field Force 6 row sprayers, with engines, 2 low riding cultivator with tractor hitch.

I C. 7 ft. As Mas-ey Harris 8 ft. grain binders. Messinger 20 inch thresher with self feeder Ac blower Bnyder As Son.

Nells. Pa Ph Slatington 291R.V Weeder 7 ft cut. horse drawn $14.50 All wood wason box to fit any two horse holster $98.50. Hammer Mill $107.50. Power rnrn sheller complete with bagger nnd blower $82 00.

All sleel saw frame with 30 in. saw blade $49.95. Binder twine $6 74 bule $1 19 ball. Sears, Roebuck A- Co. 131 N.

7lh St. Ailentown. Ph. 5248 FUEL FEED FERTILIZERS 56 DEPENDABLE COAL PEOPLE'S COAL COMPANY 831 SUMNER AVE. PHONE 2-9713 Classified Display WANTED NOW ELECTRICAL ENGINEER On small electro-mechanical precision industrial pressure and tern-pei attire indicating; and recording instruments.

Previous production or drsipn experience essential. Excellent postwar opportunities. Call 825 Sellersville Or Write U. S. Gauge Sellersville.

AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE tl 1936 PONTIAC 4 dr. ed. Heater. tJSO. Below A.

ceiling A-l cond. ApplT 1 3 1 Ml 8t. ft. 30 P. M.

1940 WILLYS Speedway Coupe. radio, excellent cond Oood lives $S70. 'OP 4. ceiling" 116 N. Perry Si.

treat of IIS N. Franklin St.) STFCKEIM OUTDOOR SHOWROOM 1H Wlllvs 4 ill' tied I '40 willy 4 rtr del serf (Itr 39 4 nr A auto Irani. Al1 OPA Ceiling Prices 1314 Tilghman SI Ph AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE 3 DODGE PANEL Truck, 'i ton A-l ron-dlt'on Good rubber. $365. Within OPA celling Apply 221 Gordon 8t FARMER'S SPECIAL 1937 Dodge stake truck.

dual wheels. helper springs, signal lishts. air brakes. In ec cond A buy. Leonard Motor Sales, 331 Second St Catnsauqiia.

Ph 438. 1939 WHITE TRUCK rtlaT 3 5197' 'r VSI CMC Tractor wt'h 25-20 front. 9 00-20 rear tires. In good condition BETH-ALLEN SALES CO. 718-34 QUINCY ST Oppos.te Stn'e Hospital on Hanover Ave.

Phone 3-5155 Ailentown. Pa AUTO ACCESSORIES TIRES 94 ALL SIZES Recans. new Ac used tires At xii T. Vulcanizing Ac repairmg. Reliable Tire Co .126 7lh.

Ph. 2-2835. AUTO SAFETY LA SS REPLACTD rarrT of channels ro, ALLENTOWN GLASS St PAINT CO 501 7th St Ph 3-5904 EXPERT VULCANIZING Repairing and recapping Recapped tires rellners Modern Tire Co 143 7th Ph 3-241S. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 9 1939 INDIAN CHIEF As 1937 Indian Chief. Good condition.

Tires A-l. also 1941 motor scooter. Power lawn mower. Randa'J German. Roule No.

1, Slatington. Nr. Best Station. SERVICE STATIONS BRAKES RELINED Fords As $5: olher cars higher Dorney Garage. Trainmens Hail Bldg.

Entrance at 10th Ac Spring Garden Sts Phone 3-2281 SPEEDOMETER, CARBURETOR. GENERATOR AND DISTRIBUTOR SERVICE Electrical Equipment Service Co. 613 Linden St. STATE INSPECTION Make your appointment now! UNION GARAGE tl SUPPLY CO 150 Hamilton St Phone WANTED AUTOMOTIVE 98 A.A.A.A. PRICES PAID FOR USED CAR3 WM.

CASS 1029 LINDEN BETHLEHEM ALL MAKES USED TRUCKS WANTED Tractors, trailers Late models preferred We buy At se'i Win. F. Deibert. 15lh Allen Sts Phone 2-8172 ATTENTION We still pay the highest cask price for good used cars ST FCK EL'S OUTDOOR SHOWROOM 1 314 Tllg hman St Ph. 2293 FROM PRIVATE OWNER Good used ear from 1936 to 1941 Can bt coupe or sedan.

Cash Call 8295. SELL YOUR CAR NOW For The Highest Cash Dollar. 1001 Union Blvd. Ph 2-5092. Open eves.

Ac Sun. WANTED TO BUY From private party Good used ear. for cash. "32 to '42. Phone eves.


Catataoaoa I will pay as much cash for your car aa any advertiser in this paper. 1928 to 1912 Models CALL, WRITE OR PHONE CAPITAL MOTORS 425 HANOVER AVE. Th. 3-7642 Open Son. WE PAY SPOT CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES ALL MAKES ALL MODELS SUNRISE MOTOR CO.

Hanover Ave. A Maxwell Allentowa 1 0th Ac Race Phone Allen or ttl Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.

Dodee-Plvmouth Sales A Servleo AUTO BUYERS No Individual or Dealer Can Pay More I All Makts Marfils Call 2-8280 REVERSE CHARGES OUR BUYER WILL CALL OR nr. WILL BUY YOUR CAR BY PHONE ECK MOTORS rh. 2-8280 12 N. 11th SL IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO OWN A NEW CAR IN THE FUTURE The smartest thlnr you ran in now is SELL YOUR USED CAR for A IIKill CASH PRICE while the opportunity Is still her. CALL US TODAY DAHL MOTORS 1213 Hamilton Ph.

3-8231 AMAZING (2ASEI Paid for Your Car. Drive In or Phone 6477 TURNER MOTORS 618 Turner St. OPEN EVENINGS PRICES "SKY HIGH" This Opportunity Production Begina. YOST HOUSES FOR SALE 84 WE FINANCE AIJ. TYPES OF REAL ESTATE Mortgage Loans 4I3" I.

Loans 4 'V Veterans can buy a home with no money down Call Daniel M. JARRFITT ORGANIZATION REALTORS 84J Hamilton II m. 19. Til. WASIlfNOTON 1ST NR 2 1ST 7 rms tile bath.

Lovely kncluu with elec. ranee Ac new linoleum, screens and storm windows. Completely insulated. Over-size furnace with oil heat. 5fi0 cal, storage Delightful rathskeller, powder rm.

in basem*nl. Large elec. hot water healer with pre-hcaler in furnace. 2-rar gar New roofs, sewer conn. Price $10,500 A complete and lovely home that you should see.

Possession July 15 Call STRADLKY At REINSMITH. 37411 or 23065 LOTS FOR SALE EAST" 81DE-Corner lot, 60x120 Plymouth St near Union Blvd paved, water gas. Price SHOO. R1CKERT 825 Walnut St. Ph.

29335. ORE, MOUNT'S, LAKE A LE JS6 PINE GROVE SUMMER COTTAGE Furnished Artesian well water, cool As restful spot by a rushing stream. Haas Val-ley. bet. Outhsville A- Fogelsville.

Oniv $1800. Apply M. E. Gehringer. Emmaus.

Pa. WANTED REAL ESTATE PRIVATE PARTY Will buy a small home, 5 or A' imps somewhere in N. W. section or central What have you to offer? Ph. 24952 or Box 306 Call Ac Chronicle.

REAL ESTATE WANTED Want houses, farms and business property for sale. Gertrude E. McFadden. 215 N. 18th Ailentown.

Ph. 8808. Assoc. Fredericks R. E.

REAL ESTATE WANTED Want houses, farms and business property for sale. Ruth Sefing. 1 mile west of Wescosville, Route 222, Wagon Wheel Assoc. Fredericks Real Est. Ph.

Ailentown 3-6852. SINGLE HOU8E Twin or end of row from private party, no agents. 6 rooms, bath A-liot water heat. Give full particulars in first letter. Box 275 Call As Chronicle.

SUMMER BUNGALOW Preferred along Lehigh or in vicinity of Ailentown. Write Box 152. Call As Chronicle. Automobiles AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 91 ACRES OF AUTOS We Pay best cash prices for all makes cars. Earl Adams Dodge-Plymouth.

Phone 3-6573. 40 BUICK Super Sed. R. As $1213. Within OPA c'l g.

Will trade. TURNER, 618 Turner St. Ph. 6477. Open eves.

'41 BUICK Spec. 4-dr. 2 tone. R. As H.

$1519. OPA c'l'g. Glickman Motors. 1319 W. Broad.

Beth. Ph.7-9902: Allen. 2-9232. 1936 CHEVROLET Master Deluxe 4 dr. trunk sed.

A-l cond. $440. 1937 CHEVROLET Coach. As htr $425. 1934 FORD Coach, good cond.

$285. 1932. CHEVROLET 4 dr sedan $125. All prices within OPA celling. CAPITAL MOTORS.

425 Hanover Ave. Ph. 3-7642. Open Sundays C. Ac G.

MOTOR CO 42 Dodee. 2 dr. new tires '39 Chrysler. Opera R. As H.

846 '39 Dodge. 4 dr. R. Ac T44 36 Chevrolet. 4 dr perfect tires 395 '35 Chevrolet Coupe, heater 250 '34 Chevrolet Del Sed 275 OPA Ceiling Prices Emmaus PH.

470 "At The Only Stoplight In Town" Mertztown Phone Tonton 15R5 WE TRADE AND FINANCE 1935 CHEVROLET 4 dr. Master Trk. sed. $225. 1931 Chevrolet truck, long wheel base dual wheels, good tires.

A-l cond. Ready for work. $225. Both within O.P.A. Ph.

2-2958. Apply 447 Lehigh St. '31 CHEVROLET 2 dr. sed. $150.

Within OPA ceiling. A buy! TURNER. 618 Turner St. Ph. 6477.

Open eves. 1936 FORD 2 dr. sed. Newly inspected. Good condition As tires.

R. Ac htr A. celling. Quick sale $295. 116 N.

Perry St. (Rear of 115 N. Franklin St.) '3R FORD Tudor sed. Exc. cond.

Good tires. Radio As heater. $440. O.P.A. guaranteed price.

116 N. Perry (rear 115 N. Franklin). NEW As USED Auto parts Rebuilt shock absorbers Auto glass installed while vou wait. Glass channels, window regulators, i Used cars bought, sold Ac exchanged Hoffman 1350 S.

5th St. NEW CAR FOR $2.95 Not exactly, but that's all It costs to paint your car with Nu-Enamel Paints. 22 N. 7th St. Ph.

5965. i 1933 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $150. Within OPA ceiling. Phone 2-9555 after 5 p. m.

525 Cleveland St. 1937 PLYMOUTH Deluxe. 2 door sedan. 4P $320. OPA ceiling.

Write Box 300 Call Ac Ctuoniclr 1934 PONTIAC 2-door sedan, new pairt. 5 good white sidewall tires. 6 ply. Price $195. within OPA celling.

Apply 945 E. 61 Bethlehem. I STECKElS OUTDOOR SHOWROOM '38 Willys 4-dr. sed $325 '40 Willys 4-dr del sed. Htr $705 Ail OPA Ceiling Prices 1314 Tilghman St.

Ph. 2-2P95 Classified Display USED TRUCKS Lioense Dodge Truck, lonr wheelbase. License International Dump Truck. 4 lied Divco Milk Trucks. License GMC Dump Truck.

W. License Long Wheelbase Stewart. 1 26-Pass. GMC School Bus. A Few New Trucks on Hand WM.


3-5451 WHY BUY A USED TRUCK WHEN NEW 1945 Ford Trucks Ranging from 'z to 10 tons are available to essential users? DAHL MOTORS 1213 Hamilton St. PH. S-5221 ALLENTOWN SiMRT Auio Sellers Ktw Car Prednciioa Will Slirt Jaly 1st. Osed Cart Matt Takt a Radactiea Ae-eardiag it O.P.A. Regulations.

ACT SELL TO DIETRICH'S FOR TOP O.P.A. CEILING DIETRICH'S 142 LINDEN PR. 71IS Raick Cidillat CEILING ON ARE STILL Take Advantage Before New Car RITTER 1417 Chew St. of FUEL FEED FERTILIZERS 56 FARMER To regularly collect garbage suitable for livestock feed from Amerl-cus Hotel trap of thane. FIRE WOOD For Sale Phone 20713 after 6 p.

m. OLD COMPANY LEHTOH A IN ROW COAL A K'K 04 Peon m. Phone 5M1SIB (iOOD IIIIMiS TO KAT 57 SOUR CHERRIES For self picking. Apply Jordan Poultry Farm. Orefleld, Route 1.

iSiegersvillei. Ph. Ailentown 36558. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 59 1 SINGER Sewinu machine, console, also desk model. Both round bobbins.

Elec. Reasonable. Apply 2037 S. 3rd. Ph.

6526. 5 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Tn verv good condition, with springs. 1440 Turner St. between 4 Ac 6 p. m.

A FEW Pre-war duality plumbing fixtures for bathrooms available Free estimates on Installation of these and other plumbing or heating work. Call "Fixlt" System Phone 2-0574 AUTOMATIC HEAT CONTROL Quality Roper Gas Ranges Ktntzel's. 1024 Hamilton St. Ph. 3527.1.


Including spring. Also except ionally fine 10 pc. dining rm. suite. Must be seen to be appreciated.

Also 3 pc. maple living rm. suite Coffee tables. Allen 140 N. 7lh St.

Ph. 2-4401. BARSTOVE COAL RANGE Gray enamel, pre-war, good conlition. Victrola and some records. Sell both, $50 1042 Sorine Garden St.

BIG SALE OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 8 00 Army Bugle, regulation 4.98 50.00 Old Violin, full size 9 95 25.00 Spanish At Hawaiian Guitar 12.95 50.00 Martin Tenor Banio 19.95 PHILIPS. Comer 4th Hamilton Sis. BREAKFAST SET $12.50. White utility cabinet, ironing board, fold away bed, electric coffee maker. Hoover vacuum cleaner.

Singer sewing machine, lawn mower, toys, scooter, elec train, antique guns, tires repaired, called for Si deliver ed. Ph. 39963 or 1004 Allen St, COMBINATION RANGES Gas stoves heaters, also all size bottles for sale. Call JORDAN FURNITURE Exchange 8808. DINETTE SET 7 pc, liv.

rm. Ar bedrm. suites. 7 cu. ft.

refrig. Ice-box, fir. lights odd pes. Leonard Used Furn. 15 N.

11. DINING RM. SUITE 10 PC mahogany. 10 pc. walnut dining rm.

suite. 3 pc. moth proof living rm suite. 1030 Hanover Ave. pn.

7462. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE Large size, win sen to highest offer. Looks new. Write Box 240. Call As Chronicle.

ELECTRIC WASHER TRICYCLES, wagons, electric clocks. Apply 5 N. 2nd St. ELEC. WASHFTR As PARTS SERVICE For all makes Wgr.

rolls, motors, belts, casters, etc. Large stock. Washers repaired, rebuilt, bought, As sold C. Ac U. T.

Hell, 824 Jackson St. Ph 85H3. Electric irons for aals Apply 524 N. Front St. After 7 p.

m. FOR BRAND NEW Living suites, breakfast sets. Sirrrmons mat-trrsses, springs, sofa beds, see Albright's, 129 N. 11th St. GAS STOVES All white porcelain with heat control pre-war.

Luckenbach's, Northampton. Ph. 677. GUARANTEED SEWING MACHINES $15 up. Singer and other makes.

Also elec mach. motors, lifrht. controls, buttonhole att and parts for all makes Exclusive sew mach repair service Lamm's Sew Mach. Shop. 183 Tilghman St.

Phone 3-9694, open eves. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Apply 111 s. Madison St. Thurs. or Fri.

evenintr. LEON'S TRADE-IN DEPT. SPECIALS 7 pc. dining rm. suite.

3 PC living rm. suite club chair. See Mr. Alex. 16-18 7th St PAY CASH AND PAY LESS BRAND NEW HOME FURNISHINGS DUGAN'S CASH FURNITURE STORE 123 6th Ailentown.

Pa Free Deliv As Strge Deposit Reserves Mdst Open Daily 9 a to 5 Wednesday Friday Evenings to 8 30 p. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED All makes Prompt service Call at 2037 S. 3rd St or phone 6526 Go anywhere THERMOSTAT Heat controls. For Coal fire heating systems SAVES COAL. ADDS COMFORT $19 50 SCHULER SERVICE Dial 2-5174 428 8th St.

VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED Parts Ac service, all makes. Est. over 25 yrs. All work guaranteed. VACUETTE SALES 817 Linden St.

Ph 7792. WASHER REPAIR SERVICE A- Darts for all tvDes of washers. Ex cellent work. Phone 2-2012. HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL SERV.

59A CLOGGED PIPES Opened without digging PLUMBING As HEATING SCHULER SERVICE Dial 2-5174 428 8th St RUG SHAMPOOING Method Includes thorough dusting As moth proofing Let us repair the springs, on your UP-HOLSTFTtY In your home Dial 2-S921 ARTHUR GLOSE. JEWELRY WATCHES 60 l'j CARAT PERFECT DIAMOND STONE In gold setting. Address Box S. Call Ac Chronicle. Bethlehem.

DIAMOND RING Will sacrifice. Call 31988. MACHINERY AND TOOLS 61 ELECTRIC WELDER A-C. 260 amps. 220 volts.

Complete with mask As rods. Will handle 5-16 rods. $150. Phone Nazareth 528R12. GASOLINE ENGINE Combined multiple pump portable power unit.

Apply 822 Greenleaf after 6 p.m. Luther Lawrr Mower Sharpener Galls Gas Station Vera Cruz. Ph. Emmau.s 152B. NO 2 AMERICAN SAW MILL With 48 in.

plate, $350. Harvey C. Dieter, Daniels-vine. Ph. Slatington 180R4.

PUMPS Motors Repairs, new Ar rebuilt As shallow well pumps R. Oden-heimer As 32d As Chew 20895 or 4710 WOODWORK Ar BLACKSMITH Equipment Complete wiih stock, individual motors. Applv Fred Waltz, 1038 Jerome St. Phone 6836. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE 62 "MUSIO YOD WANT" A FRESH SUPPLY OF NEW AND USED RECORDS HAS BEEN ADDED TO OUR STOCK GET YOUR LATEST HITS Record players, small radios, combinations and publio address system for sale ARLEN VENDING CO.

433 Hamilton St Just across the street from the post office Just as reliable Open Evenings PIANOS WILL PAY CASH OR TRADE FOR NEW FURNITURE. GOOD-ENOUGH'S. 451 MAIN NEXT TO HOTEL BETHLEHEM. PH. 6-4142.


Ph. 33155 BFRNECKER'S SERVICE 731 WALNUT ST. PHONE 8543 RADIO REPAIRING ANY MAKE HOME OR AUTO RADIO We make service calls Pickup and delivery service Radio tubes and supplies Radio Batteries Open from 9 A M. to 6 P. M.

CROSLEY RADIO Super 11, perfect condition. Ph. 32018 or apply 413 N. 23rd St. LUCH RADIO-SERVICE We repair all types of radios, home or automobile, also phonograph players.

Quick service Quality work Delivery service 216 9th St Ph. 7922 MODERN RADIO SERVICE 518 W. Broad Bethlehem, Pa. Ph. 6-8231.

Will open July 10. 1945. New shipment of portable batteries lust arrived 1 CROSLEY Victory Model. 1942, practically-new. short As long wave $H'l 50 '37 Phllco console all wave $45 00 Yes, we have plenty of 357,5 tubes.

Philco remote control batteries In stock $2 IS Silvertone 12-tube, 2 speakers 00 SOUND TRUCK At EQUIPMENT FOR RENT FOR CHURCHES. PICNICS. BAZAARS ALL OTHER OCCASIONS 1 record player In carrying case, new $75 00 Batteries, portable 45 batteries, ear Phones, crystals, pick-up arms, authentic model airplanes. Philco console $35 00 6 tube lone As short wave radios new $59.50 Pen Lite Flashlights 1.00 Large Flashlights $175 HORN'S RADIO Ar SOUND SPTUVICE 621 Allen St Open Eves. Ph 3-7354 629 Turner St Till 9:30 Ph 3-5748 159 Tilghman St.

Ph. 2-1638 RADIO REPAIRS Tubes A- radios bought sold. Records, music rolls As recording discs 10c. Miller. 729 N.

8th St. Real Estate for Kent WANTED TO RENT 81 APARTMENT Unfurnished 4 or 5 rooms and bath by local man with permanent position. Family of 3 adults. Box 188. Call As Chronicle.

FURNISHED APT 2 or 3 rms. Private bath, adult couple. Best refs. Permanent resident. Write Box 175.

Call As Chornicle. GENTLEMAN 60 yrs. old. perm, wants mi. or small an't bus.

woman or priv. fam. Rets. furn. Write Box 284, Call As Chronicle.

Real Estate for Sale BUSINESS PROPERTY 82 $7500 BUYS Business bldg. As large lot on East 4th Beth as is. Excellent business. Must be seen to be appreciated Illness reason for selling. Box 17, Call Ac Chronicle.

Bethlehem. COR. 4TH Ac WASHINGTON Store rm. with apts. Hot water heat, sewer All imps.

Settle estate. Apply 749 N. 4th St. THREE STORY Brick warehouse 50x65 centrally located, two large showrooms, suitable for light manufacturing. Sale or rent.

Wm. S. Weaver, Macungie. Pa. APARTMENT HOUSES SALE 82A 6TH WARD.

2 family 3.500 CENTRAL, family $15,000 CENTRAL. 4 family $12,500 Net. profit after expenses T. Her-rity As Son, 518 N. 6th St.

Phone 22372. FARMS FOR SALE 83 A. nr. Breinigsville. 7 rm.

frame newly renovated house with asbestos shingle sidings, 3 sheds good for poultry, immediate possession, sacrificed at $3,800 LEHIGH FARM AGENCY 606 HAMILTON ST. 45 A. In village. 6 mi. n.

of Northampton. Bus service, large double dwelling with small storeroom, elec barn, stream, 6 A. woodland. Nr. school, church.

$6500. Only $2500 cash. LAUBACH. North. Ph 646.

60 ACRES Now under cultivation. 100 dairy barn. silo, Excellent stone house. All Improvements except heat. On hard road near Sprlngtown.

Immediate possession. Price $10,500 Inquire Buckwampun Farm. Harrow Road, Springtown. Phone 27R. 66 ACRE FARM Level.

House, buildings, good condition. 150 apple trees. 30,000 Xmas trees. State inspected nursery. 100.000 ft.

saw timber, also mine timber. SCHOFIELD. New Ringgold. Pa. Schuylkill Co.

EMMAUS a. farm, splendid location, excellent condition. All cultivated. 4 room home, part large chicken houses, barn, lots of fruit trees. $6500.

Investigate. Apply Floyd H. Iobst. Emmaus. Pho.

242 or 46R. FARM OR COUNTRY HOME 20 9 rm. house. all large chicken houses, barn, 2 car garage, spring water, fertile soil, good location. $8000.

Floyd H. Iobst, Emmaus Ph. 242 or 4hR. MONROE COUNTY-HIDE-AWAY Picturesque secluded. 125 acres.

'b si ndded with heavy pine A' hemlock, balance in larm land. 2 si reams. 1 large trout stream, other rolling mountain spring water. Land extends from road to road, larce barn, accommodations, house 14x20. natural stone, early American.

8 room, semi-bungalow, flreolara, furnished ready to occupy. Low taxes. Price $8500 H. R. TICE.

Farms 10 S. Front St. Easton Sell your farm. Use the Tice Service HOUSES FOR SALE 14 922 S. 8TH ST.

Brick. 3 story. 8 rooms Ac bath, hot water heat, sewerage connected, garage, long yard. Price $6850. M.

A. POTRCCH Complete REAL ESTATE Service 23 S. 9th St. Dial 3-512' 7TH ST 10238 all fine sewerage. Ear.

Financed Vac end of July. Apply 1026'a S. 8th St. Ph. 4330 12TH ST 623 Vacant, 7 rms.

As bath. h. w. ht. Ac h.

w. firs. Open fireplace. awnings, shades As screens. Price on ap- rlicat.on.

14TH ST. NR. UNION 8 rms. bath. H.

ht firs, thruout. gar. $7500. HARRY G. BENDER, 45 N.

10th St. Ph. 23870 $3800 BUYS THIS EMMAUS TWIN A substantial 2'a story BRICK HOME with 7 all improvements Ac garage. OWNER OCCUTIED As in good condition ACT QUICKLY. THE REAL ESTATE CENTER.

REALTORS. 120 N. 8TH ST PH. 9502 $5600 EA WEST PARK $5600 322 N. Fulton all modern imp.

Owner occupied. 8 brick, long yd. Bright kitchen, sewer 5 to 7 p.m. AA UNEXCELLED AA ROBBINS SINGLE POSTWAR HOMES 6 rooms, breakfast nook, tile bath, tub and shower, streamlined kitchen, insulated, solid masonry, concrete foundations, basem*nt, drain, sewer connections. Surrounding "Midway Park Sample house.

Tacoma 1 block north of Union Blvd Phone 3-5476 AMORTIZED TERMS. SAME AS RENT. AN INDEPENDENCE DAY SPARKLE: ATTRACTIVE NEW BUNGALOW on A wonderful CORNER LOT 12.Vxl20' Contains five light cheerful rms tile bath A- front porch OWNER OCCUPIED EARLY POSSESSION. Convenient location All for $7900 THE REAL ESTATE CENTER, REALTORS 120 N. 8th St.

Ph. 9502 AUBURN ST. Vacant Single, brick. 10 rooms, heat, bath, sewer con. Lot 34 E.

RITTER. 523 Linden St. Every day Is a fine time to read C. As C. Want Ads for EXTRA profit to use them for EXTRA lesults.

Dial 4241 NOW! Classified Display ATTENTION GARAGEMEN Visit Our New Parts Dept. A GREATER SUPPLY OF Genuine Chevrolet Parts Liberal Discounts-Delivery Service DANKEL CHEVROLET Th. 9401 Ask for George Snyder 19th and Tilghman Sts. Merchandise RADIOS AND EQUIPMENT 62A WATCH YOUR REFR. At RADIO Good repairing serv.

on elec. As merh devices As appliances. Bachies. Ph. 6007 SEEDS PLANTS FLOWERS 63 CABBAGE PLANTS 25c per 100: $2 per 1000; 4 varieties.

Ulysses C. Kuntz, 306 New Walnutport. CAULIFLOWER Late cabbage, celery As endive soon. John Gallina, 747 Walnut Emmaus. LATE CABBAGE PLANTS Also Asters.

All colors. Ashley Greenhouses, 500 Hanover Ave. WANTED TO BUY 66 $1 00 TO $50.00 MORE Paid for used furniture, sweepers, washers, radios, etc. GRAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 242 fith. Pb L2747.

A-l DEPENDABLE Prices paldfor office, store As restaurant. Central NOW at 212 Hamilton St 2-3794. A-l PRICES PAID For store, restaurant, household equipment Also antiques. Allen Equipment 140 7th Ph. 2-4401.

A-l PRICES PAID For men's used suits As topcoats. Also we sell used clothing. Ph. 27117 or write Tailor. 309 N.

6th St. A-l PRICES PAID For all kinds of waste materials. SUSSMAN BROS. As 1 Allen Ailentown. Pa.

Phone 7760. A BETTER PRICE AT JACK'S We buy anything of value. Jack's. 204 N. 7th St.

Phone 3-7022 or 3-1045. ALL KINDS Of waste materials. Highest price paid. KROBROVSKY'S SCRAP YARD. 311 Liberty St Phone 9573.

BEFORE SELLING Your furniture call Turner Used Furniture. Also antiques Ph 7462. BUSINESS As OFFICE EQUIP. House furnishings, entire business stocks, bought for cash. Variety Sales.

148 7th St Ph 37211. DO YOU Have a mahogany upright piano In your home? I will take it off your hands. Write Box 140. Call As Chronicle DIAMONDS Cash for your old diamonds at once. Out of town inquiries As estates Invited.

Write Post Office Box 1285. Ailentown. Pa. FISHING ROD Want a bamboo fly rod. Phone 31939 Tues.

As Thurs. after 6 p. m. and Wed. morning.

HIGHEST PRICES PAID For office equipment, filing cabinets, typewriters, adding machines, comptometers, safes, desks, chairs, etc Allen Equip 140 7th St 2-4401. McGEE'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE Used household goods of all kinds bought and sold 22o HAMILTON ST DIAL 39885 MILLER'S 144 N. 7TH ST. PH 4051 Best price paid for used furniture, stoves rugs, antiques, etc Call us first OLD GOLD Antique lewelry. old silver, diamonds, at highest prices.

Estimates furn without cost A. Cohen. 537 Ham'ton OLD GOLD Diamonds, antiques, jewelry, bought at AUER BACH'S JEWELRY. 637 Hamilton St. Phone 3-2383.

WANTED TO BUY Light weight wheel cultivator. Prefer one with attachments. State price. Box 177, Call At Chronicle. Room and Board ROOMS WITH BOARD 67 JEFFERSON N.

629 2nd floor rm. next to bath, continuous hot water, use of phone. Gentleman. NURSING HOME Has vacancies for invalid patients: 24 nr. nursing service, special diets.

Phone Ephrata 34R. Maple Farm. Akron. Pa. ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 68 727 S.

5TH ST. 2 Large rooms All Imps. Use of phone. Phone 29026. 7TH ST 543 2nd floor room next to bath.

Nicely furnished. Continuous hot water. 10TH 725 2nd fir. furn. r.

Twin beds. Pnv. family. Suitable for couple. Apply or ph.

23894 aft. 5:30 p. m. 12TH. NR.

HAMILTON 2nd fir. Next to cont. h. water Use of phone. Gentleman pref.

Ph. 37319 aft. 5:30 p. m. 118i S.

15TH ST. Room for rent Phone 23426 BETHLEHEM Sgl. As dbl. r. on W.

Side. Convenient to Broad As Main Sts. Refined home Refs. required. Write Box 16.

Call As Chronicle. Bethlehem. N. 5TH 39 Large room, suitable lor one or two gentlemen. All conveniences.

Phone 26802. PENN 622 Furnished front room, 2nd floor. Gentleman preferred. All conveniences. ROOMS FCK HOUSEKEEPING 69 4TH 214 3rd fir.

2 lge. rms for It. hskpg. As semi-priv. b.

Elec. includ. $23. Ph. 32792.

11TH Ill Lovely furnished 1st floor front room. Apply 1111 Hamilton Gift Shop. Phone 35542. UNION ST. 514 2nd floor.

2 rooms. Nicely furnished. Everything included. Adults only. Reasonable.

Heal Estate for Kent APARTMENT UNFURNISHED 74 3 ROOM APT. With semi private bath North End. Rent reasonable. Phone 20521 4TH S. 11 3rd 3 large rms.

bath. heat, hot water. laundry rm Adults only. 107 N. 15TH ST 2nd A'.

3rd firs. 2 rms. A- kitchen, use of bath, back porch. Adults only, no pets. ALLENTOWN As CATASAUQUA 2 As 3 rooms All have private bath EARL 8.

ESTER, REALTOR, 519 Linden St. Ph. 9419. fill FRONT ST. 3 rms part $18.

J. W. KESSLER, 618 Chew St. Open eves. 9534.

HAMILTON 353 2nd 5 rooms As bath, hwh $35 month. Adults only. Apply at store. MODERN Centrally located apartment. 6 rooms, tile bath and laundry.

Private garden. No children Rent $75 Per month Box 264 Call As Chronicle. 396 UNION ST. 4 bath. heat.

$28. KESSLER, Realtor. 618 Chew St. Ph. 9534.

APARTMENTS FURNISHED 74A CENTRAL 3 rooms Ar bath. Gas. electric, heat Si hot water. Phone 9018 or 20741. BUSINESS PLACES FOR RENT 75 GAS STATION Washery As light repair.

32 Penn St. Rent, $30. Immediate possession Charles M. Bolich, 33 N. 5th.

720 TURNER ST. 2nd floor, approximately 2500 sq. suitable for light, manufacturing or storage, heat furnished. $75 M. A.

POTRUCH Complete REAL ESTATE Service 23 S. nth 8L Dial 3-5121 UNION 1645 Small storeroom Suitable for oflice or business. Formerly occupied by beauty parlor for 12 yrs. Apply Bachman. 17th As Union Sts.

GARAGES FOR RENT 75A GARAGE I 1046 Walnut St. Apply 1440 Turner St. Phone 27734 TTI.OHM AN 525 Garage for one car. $4. W.

F. BUCHHEIT, Realtor. 209 N. 7th St. Ph.

3-5286. HOUSES FOR RENT 77 5 ROOM Stona farm house, near Macungie Adulta only. Wm. S. Weaver, Macungie.

Fa. CHECK-UP TJO KEEP TOUR Now that more gas is available, permitting more normal driving, motorists will be in for rude surprises. Even though you don't suspect it, your steeling may be dangerously worn right now. Your brakes may not be equal to sudden slops. Sludge may be clogging oil lines, fouling piston rings, or gumimng up valves.

(A check-up today by us may save you many dollars in repairs in the future.) WE SELL ONLY ONE GRADE THE BEST BLACK DIAMOND COAL FENSTERMACHER REMS CITY COAL FUEL OIL CO. Coal Delivered to Bethlehem Ailentown. Eninuui an A Fountain Hill Deliveries mad within radios ef IB miles Phone 55255526 451 Lehigh St. Ph. 622 -PACKARD PHORE 2-9351 DeSoto-Plymouth LAW AND COURT STS..

The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.