The deep rooted history of Chicago’s deep-dish pizza (2024)

ByCaitlin Zaino,Features correspondent

The deep rooted history of Chicago’s deep-dish pizza (1)The deep rooted history of Chicago’s deep-dish pizza (2)

Starting with an ancient culinary tradition carried overseas by Neapolitan immigrants, pizza has evolved into a Windy City icon.

Pizza in the United States is deeply embedded into the nation’s culinaryconsciousness, from thin crust in New York to wood fired in San Francisco.

But Chicago’s version took the concept in a much more indulgentdirection, filling a thick crust with inverted layers of cheese, meat and tomatoes,all of it creeping up the side of an oiled steel pan. Today, deep-dish pizza isas central to the Windy City as Wrigley Field.

An immigrant story

To appreciate the story of deep-dish, you must first look back to thePhoenicians, the Greeks and the Romans. Flatbread, the ancestor to thecontemporary pizza, was first documented in a Latin text from 997 AD, in southernItaly near Lazio, with subsequent references noted throughout theMediterranean, from Spain to Greece.

By the 16th Century, modern-daypizza (from the Italian word pinsere,which means to pound or stamp – a reference to the flat dough) began to takeshape in the Italian city of Naples. The thriving port was home to throngs ofworking class residents who lived in dense neighbourhoods around the Bay ofNaples. Small rooms and cramped quarters meant most of their living was doneoutdoors, and people looked for food that was inexpensive and quick to eat. Bakedin a hot oven and sold street-side, paper-thin pizza became the quintessential farefor the Neapolitan poor. Tomatoes brought back by traders from the New Worldtopped the dough, along with an occasional smattering of anchovies, garlic orcheese.

Over the next decades, pizza grew in popularity, moving beyond Naplesand spreading across both the country and social strata. In the 17thCentury, Queen Maria Carolina d'Asburgo Lorena, wife of the then King ofNaples, Ferdinando IV, famously erected a pizza oven in their summer palace. In1889, Neapolitan pizza maker Raffaele Espisito created the infamous PizzaMargherita – a simple blend of tomatoes, mozzarella and basil – to honour theQueen of Italy, Margherita of Savoy, birthing one of the most classic pizzas todate.


Throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s, Neapolitan immigrants arrivedin the US, like many Europeans of that time, in search of factory jobs. Beforelong, Chicago was home to a thriving community of first and second-generation descendants,hungry for the thin pizzas that represented their culture and culinary roots. Eventuallytwo entrepreneurs, Ike Sewell and Ric Riccardo, decided to create somethingdifferent: an Italian-American version of pizza. In 1943, the pair opened Pizzeria Unoin the Chicago’s Near North Side neighbourhood, serving a new style pizza with adeeper dish, crunchier crust and inverted layers – a far cry from the classicNeapolitan version.

Slice into a deep-dish pizza and your knife sinks through layers of meatand vegetables, thin tomato sauce, dense mozzarella cheese and finally, a resistantcracker-like crust. The cake-like pan is first coated in olive oil, then toppedwith a white and semolina flour dough mixture, which gets pressed against thedeep pan’s round bottom and edges. The olive oil slightly fries the doughduring the baking process, giving it a distinct golden crunch. Before hittingthe oven, a layer of sliced mozzarella is covered with vegetables and meats,typically Italian sausage, then topped with a sweet layer of crushed tomatoes.The inverted layers of ingredients prevent the cheese from burning, while themeat, vegetable, sauce and crust marry their flavours.

More like a savoury layer cake, Sewell and Riccardo achieved their dreamto create a pizza unlike any other. And Chicagoans bit (literally). Soon,deep-dish pizza was no longer considered an immigrant tradition, but aChicago-born icon.

Birthright: PizzeriaUno

Today, Pizzeria Uno is a big brand with a changed name, Uno Chicago Grill, as well as more than 200cookie-cutter chain restaurants from Massachusetts to New Jersey, South Koreato Pakistan. But there is something special about stepping into the original locationin downtown Chicago, still named Pizzeria Uno. Large groups of tourists circle thebuilding, waiting for their turn to enter the packed restaurant. Inside it isdark and boisterous, with a gilded ceiling, chequered floors and wooden tables.Shakers of Parmesan cheese, red chilli flakes and oregano sit in emptydeep-dish pans on tabletops.

Pizza is delivered dense and hot, with the server using the traditional“pan gripper”, an industrial-strength tong-meets-wrench tool used exclusively totransport the scalding deep-dish pizza pans. With a heavy spatula, pre-cutslices of weighty pizza are dished out. Intense layers of cheese and tomatosauce fill the pie-like crust, inches high, to the browned edges. This isundeniably a knife-and-fork affair. A few bites satiate, and though it istasty, it is not Chicago’s best. But people come here mostly for the tradition,not the world’s finest slice.

The Malnati family

Seventy years after it opened its doors, Pizzeria Uno still stands asthe original home of the deep-dish. And while there is little disagreement thatthe pizza was first served at here, there is great debate around Sewell andRiccardo as its true creators.

A particularly muddled detail involves one of Chicago’s most famouspizza families, the Malnatis. Adolpho “Rudy” Malnati, Sr – a one-time employee atPizzeria Uno – claimed that it was his spark of genius that created the recipe.He and Riccardo, according to the Malnati family, would hand out slices of PizzeriaUno’s deep-dish on Chicago street corners in the hopes that passersby wouldgive it a taste. Sewell, the Malnatis assert, came later. Records of eitherSewell or Riccardo making pizza, or even showing any ability in the kitchen arenoticeably absent, fuelling the claims.

According to the Malanti storyline, after Riccardo’s death, Rudy and hisson, Lou, co-managed Pizzeria Uno until Rudy Malnati, Sr also passed away. Loustruggled to find his place in the restaurant after being told he was anemployee, just like everyone else. Frustrated, he abandoned ship to open hisown restaurant in 1971: Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria in the NorthShore suburb of Lincolnwood.

Lou’s versus Pizano’s

LouMalnati’s Pizzeria was quick to find success, and has sprouted locations throughoutChicago and its suburbs. The pizza is noticeably less dense than PizzeriaUno’s, with a lighter hand of cheese and tangier crushed tomatoes. The pizza isfilled just below the crust’s top edge, leaving more room for its trademarked –literally – Buttercrust. In is this rich crust – a departure from thetraditional dough used in deep-dish, which uses oil over butter – qualitytomatoes and lean sausage come together in perfect, deep-dish harmony, forming theirsignature pie, The Malnati Chicago Classic (also trademarked).

The story does not end here, however. Lou Malnati had a half brother,Rudy Jr, who opened his own joint, Pizano’s, in 1991 in downtown Chicago. Awaiter at Pizano’s divulged that Rudy andLou’s mother, Donna Marie, gave Rudy Jr the original recipe developed by RudySr himself. So while Lou went off to Lincolnwood, Donna Marie spent her nightsin the kitchen rolling out dough from the secret recipe at Pizano’s. Who isusing the original recipe today remains a point of debate.

But Pizano’s is good. Really good. The restaurant, like many Chicago pizzaspots, is dim and its walls are covered in local paraphernalia: pictures of localbasketball legend Michael Jordan; stills from the iconic Chicago film, BluesBrothers; and signed headshots of the local Blackhawks hockey team.Red-and-white checked linens cover high tables and well-versed waiters spoutlong lists of local beers and handcrafted sodas.

Here, the crust is lighter, a brilliantly buttery piecrust with a goldencaramelised outer layer giving in to a flaky, crumbly interior. The crustcrawls high on the pizza pan but the filling, like at Lou’s, is modest and of quality.Slices of Wisconsin mozzarella are topped with a garlicky, yet subtly sweettomato sauce, and the fresh basil and homemade sausage pack a punch. It is, forall intents and purposes, a more refined deep-dish than the others, andultimately – at least for me – one of the most satisfying.

Gino’s East

Falling outside the Malnati-Riccardo-Sewell saga, yet intimatelyconnected to the origins of deep-dish, is Gino’sEast, just off Chicago’s famous Michigan Avenue. Opened in 1966, this isthe second-oldest deep-dish spot in town after Pizzeria Uno. The founders, SamLevine and Fred Bartoli, hired former Uno cook Alice May Redmond and her sisterRuth Hadley to run their kitchen with nearly instantaneous success. Today, theoriginal spot still stands, famous for its wood and stucco walls covered in graffiti,courtesy of decades of patrons’ scribbles. And the pizza? Delightful and thick,with a cornmeal-tinted crust and lashings of sweet and chunky marinara sauce. Oozingcheese, heavy dashes of oregano and – if you so choose – crumbled Italiansausage round out Gino’s pizza, perfect for warming your insides on a Chicagowinter day.

Tour for more

Chicago’s windy streets are dotted with deep-dish, thin-crust, artisanaland wood-fired pizzas. To taste them all, book a tour with Chicago Pizza Tours and take aseat on their bus, aptly named “Dough Force One”. The bus traverses the city,backstreets and neighbourhoods, guiding visitors on a tour of local spots,inside kitchens and through Chicago’s pizza history one knife-and-forkful at atime.

The deep rooted history of Chicago’s deep-dish pizza (2024)


What was the original Chicago deep-dish pizza? ›

Chicago-style deep-dish pizza was invented at Pizzeria Uno in Chicago, founded by Ike Sewell and Richard Riccardo in 1943. Riccardo's original recipe for a pizza cooked in a pie pan or cake tin was published in 1945 and included a dough made with scalded milk, butter, and sugar.

What is special about Chicago deep-dish pizza? ›

The most unique and recognizable element of Chicago pizza, deep-dish crust is at least an inch deep, allowing room for extra sauce and toppings. With its even higher crust, stuffed pizza resembles a pot pie or casserole dish more than a New York-style thin-crust pie!

Who is the most famous deep dish Chicago pizza? ›

Chicago's Best Deep Dish, Since 1971

Considered the oldest family name in Chicago pizza, Lou Malnati's is as rich in history as its pizza is in flavor.

What is the difference between Chicago pizza and deep dish pizza? ›

As the name suggests, deep dish pizza, also known as Chicago-styled pizzas, is also deep in the crust. It is baked in a round steel pan. Oil is added for giving the outside of the crust a fired touch. The deep-dish pizza was invented at the original location of Pizzeria Uno in Chicago in 1943.

Is deep-dish pizza from Chicago or Detroit? ›

Perhaps the biggest difference is the pan in which they are cooked - Detroit pizza is cooked in a shallow rectangular pan, while Chicago pizza is cooked in a deep-dish round pan. Detroit-style pie is also thinner than its Chicago counterpart, and is more crispy and chewy.

Does Pizza Hut make a Chicago deep-dish pizza? ›

While many pizza chains have tried their own take on the more recognized Chicago deep-dish pie, Pizza Hut has launched a "Chicago tavern-style" pizza, claiming they're the first pizza chain to do so.

Is Chicago deep-dish pizza healthy? ›

Factor in the fattening, whole-milk cheese and greasy meat toppings like sausage, pepperoni, and bacon, and a two-slice serving could shock your system with about 1,300 calories and 24 grams of artery-clogging saturated fat (more than an entire day's allowance).

Is Chicago deep dish a pizza or a pie? ›

Chicago-style pizza usually refers to deep-dish pizza, which is a thick pizza baked in a pan and layered with cheese, fillings like meat and vegetables, and sauce–in that order. The crust is usually two to three inches tall and gets slightly fried due to the oil in the pan.

Do Chicagoans eat deep dish pizza? ›

Surprise! That's for tourists…

Sure, The Windy City is home to famous deep dish establishments like Giordano's and Lou Malnati's. And, of course, we Chicagoans have eaten there at some point or another. However, contrary to popular belief, deep dish is not the most widely consumed pizza in the city.

What's the difference between Lou Malnati's and Giordano's pizza? ›

The pizza at both places had the same appearance (as most deep dish pizzas do), but there was one thing that really separated Lou's from Giordano's: the crust. Yes. Lou Malnati's crust was a perfect buttery crunch, whereas Giordano's was a bit soggy due to the extreme amount of tomato sauce.

Who owns Lou Malnati's now? ›

According to Bloomberg News, citing people familiar with the matter, the pizza chain's owners, including BDT Capital Partners, sold the company to Meritage Group, though the Malnati family will retain a stake in the company. The company was reportedly values at more than $500 million in the sale.

Where is the original Giordano's? ›

Why is Chicago deep-dish pizza so good? ›

Unlike regular pizzas where the dough ends are rolled, the dough in a Chicago deep-dish pizza is pushed and pressed to the sides of the pan, creating a crispy crust afterward. Basically, bakers push the dough to the sides, similar to an apple pie crust, to create a thicker type of pizza.

Do you eat Chicago pizza with a fork? ›

Chicago pizza is a deep-dish delight that can be eaten with a fork and knife.

Do Chicagoans call pizza pie? ›

In places like Chicago, the deep-dish pizza is a local favorite, but it's rarely called a pie. Instead, it's simply “deep-dish pizza” or just “pizza.” This variation shows how diverse American pizza culture is and how the term “pizza pie” is mostly a regional quirk rather than a nationwide phenomenon.

What is authentic Chicago pizza? ›

Chicago-style pizza usually refers to deep-dish pizza, which is a thick pizza baked in a pan and layered with cheese, fillings like meat and vegetables, and sauce–in that order. The crust is usually two to three inches tall and gets slightly fried due to the oil in the pan.

Where did old Chicago pizza originate? ›

The first Old Chicago Pizza and Tap Room restaurant opened in Boulder, Colorado in 1976. “Our founder was from the Midwest and he really missed great pizza,” says Mark Belanger, Vice President for Global Franchise Operations & Development for CraftWorks Restaurants & Breweries, Old Chicago's corporate parent.

Where is the original Pizzeria Uno? ›

Are Pizanos and Lou Malnati's related? ›

Her husband, Rudy Malnati, developed his pizza prowess while working at Pizzeria Uno, the birthplace of deep dish pizza. He passed on his knowledge to the next generation, who started pizza dynasties of their own. Their son Rudy Jr. founded Pizano's and her stepson Lou established Lou Malnati's.


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