First Draft, February 1996 This Draft, August 1997 Not for Quotation: Comments Solicited

VALUE VERSUS GROWTH: THE INTERNATIONAL EVIDENCE Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French* Abstract Value stocks have higher returns than growth stocks in markets around the world.


1975-95, the difference between the average returns on global portfolios of high and low book-tomarket stocks is 7.60% per year, and value stocks outperform growth stocks in 12 of 13 major markets. An international CAPM cannot explain the value premium, but a two-factor model that includes a risk factor for relative distress captures the value premium in international returns.

* Graduate

School of Business, University of Chicago, 1101 East 58th Street, Chicago, IL 60637 (Fama) and Yale School of Management, Box 208200, New Haven, CT 06520 (French). The paper reflects the helpful comments of David Booth, Ed George, Rex Sinquefield, René Stulz, Janice Willett, and three referees. The international data for this study were purchased for us by Dimensional Fund Advisors.

Investment managers classify firms that have high ratios of book-to-market equity (B/M), earnings to price (E/P), or cash flow to price (C/P) as value stocks. Fama and French (1992, 1996) and Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1994) show that for U.S. stocks, there is a strong value premium in average returns. High B/M, E/P, or C/P stocks have higher average returns than low B/M, E/P, or C/P stocks. Fama and French (1995) and Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1994) also show that the value premium is associated with relative distress. High B/M, E/P, and C/P firms tend to have persistently low earnings; low B/M, E/P, and C/P stocks tend to be strong (growth) firms with persistently high earnings. Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1994) and Haugen (1995) argue that the value premium in average returns arises because the market undervalues distressed stocks and overvalues growth stocks. When these pricing errors are corrected, distressed (value) stocks have high returns and growth stocks have low returns. Fama and French (1993, 1995, 1996), on the other hand, argue that the value premium is compensation for risk missed by the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) of Sharpe (1964) and Lintner (1965). This conclusion is based on evidence that there is common variation in the earnings of distressed firms that is not explained by market earnings, and there is common variation in the returns on distressed stocks that is not explained by the market return. Most directly, including a risk factor for relative distress in a multifactor version of Merton’s (1973) intertemporal capital asset pricing model (ICAPM) or Ross’ (1976) arbitrage pricing theory (APT) captures the value premiums in U.S. returns generated by sorting stocks on B/M, E/P, C/P, or D/P (dividend yield). Still another position, argued by Black (1993) and MacKinlay (1995), is that the value premium is sample-specific. Its appearance in past U.S. returns is a chance result unlikely to recur in future returns. A standard check on this argument is to test for a value premium in other samples. Davis (1994) shows that there is a value premium in U.S. returns before 1963, the start date for the studies of Fama and French and others. We present additional out-of-sample evidence on the value premium. We examine two questions. (i) Is there a value premium in markets outside the U.S.? (ii) If so, does it conform to a risk model like the one that seems to describe U.S. returns?


There is existing evidence on (i). Chan, Hamao, and Lakonishok (1992) document a strong value premium in Japan. Capaul, Rowley, and Sharpe (1993) argue that the value premium is pervasive in international stock returns. Their sample period is, however, short (ten years). Our results are easily summarized. The value premium is indeed pervasive. Section II shows that sorts of stocks in 13 major markets on B/M, E/P, C/P, and D/P produce large value premiums for the 1975-1995 period. Sections III and IV then show that an international two-factor version of Merton’s (1973) ICAPM or Ross’s (1976) APT seems to capture the value premium in the returns for major markets. Section V suggests that there is also a value premium in emerging markets. I. The Data We study returns on market, value, and growth portfolios for the U.S. and 12 major EAFE (Europe, Australia, and the Far East) countries. The U.S. portfolios use all NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stocks with the relevant CRSP and COMPUSTAT data. Most of the data for major markets outside the U.S. are from the electronic version of Morgan Stanley’s Capital International Perspectives (MSCI). The 12 countries we use are all those with MSCI accounting ratios (B/M, E/P, C/P, and D/P) for at least ten firms in each December from 1974 to 1994. We do not require that the same firms have data on all ratios. (See table II, below, for details on how we construct the portfolios.) The MSCI data have an important advantage.

Other international databases often include

only currently traded firms and so are subject to survivor bias.

The MSCI database is just a

compilation of the hard-copy issues of Morgan Stanley’s Capital International Perspectives. It includes historical data for firms that disappear. But it does not include historical data for newly added firms, so there is no backfilling problem. Thus, the data are relatively free of survivor bias. Since the accounting data on MSCI are also from Capital International Perspectives, their availability on the hard-copy publication date is clear-cut. MSCI only includes a subset of the firms in any market, primarily those in Morgan Stanley’s EAFE index or in the MSCI index for a country’s market. This means most of the MSCI firms are large. Since these firms account for the majority (MSCI’s target is 80%) of a market’s invested wealth, they provide a good description of the market’s performance. But preliminary tests we have done (but do not show) confirm that a database of large stocks does not allow meaningful tests for a 2

size effect, such as that found by Banz (1981) in U.S. returns, and that suggested by Heston, Rouwenhorst, and Wessels (1995) for international returns. Table I summarizes our samples.

The more complete U.S. sample (from CRSP and

Compustat) always has at least ten times more firms than any of the 12 EAFE countries. On the other hand, because MSCI covers mostly large stocks, the median and average market capitalizations of the MSCI stocks are typically several times those of the U.S. sample. (Other features of the samples reported in table I are discussed later.) Calculating returns from the MSCI data presents a problem. Stock prices are available for the end of each month, but information about dividends is limited to the dividend yield, defined as the ratio of the trailing year of dividends to the end-of-month stock price. The dividend yield allows accurate calculation of an annual return (without intra-year reinvestment of dividends). Annual returns suffice for estimating expected returns, but tests of asset pricing models (which also require second moments) are hopelessly imprecise unless returns for shorter intervals are used.

To estimate

monthly returns, we spread the annual dividend for a calendar year across all months of the year so that compounding the monthly returns reproduces the annual return. This approach maintains the integrity of average returns. But it assumes that the capital gain component of monthly returns, which is measured accurately, reproduces the volatility and covariance structure of total monthly returns. II. The Value Premium Tables II and III summarize global and country returns for 1975-1995 for value and growth portfolios formed on B/M, E/P, C/P, and D/P. For the 12 MSCI EAFE countries, the portfolios are formed at the end of each calendar year from 1974 to 1994, and returns are calculated for the following year. (Table II gives details.) We also form the U.S. portfolios at the end of December of each year, using year-end CRSP stock prices and Compustat accounting data for the most recent fiscal year. Because the availability date for accounting data is less clear-cut for Compustat than for MSCI, we calculate returns on the U.S. portfolios beginning in July, six months after portfolio formation. (See Fama and French, 1996, for details.) The value portfolio for a ratio (indicated with a leading H, for high) includes firms whose B/M, E/P, C/P, or D/P is among the highest 30% for a country. The growth portfolio (indicated with a 3

leading L, for low) includes firms in the bottom 30%. For example, HB/M is the high book-tomarket (value) portfolio, while LB/M is the low book-to-market (growth) portfolio. Firms are valueweighted in the country portfolios, and we use Morgan Stanley’s country (basically total value of market) weights to construct global portfolios. The country weights at the beginning of 1975, 1985, and 1995 are in table I. Tables II and III are strong evidence of a consistent value premium in international returns. The average returns on the global value portfolios in table II are 3.09% to 5.09% per year higher than the average returns on the global market portfolio, and they are 5.56% to 7.65% higher than the average returns on the corresponding global growth portfolios. Since the U.S. and Japan on average account for close to 75% of the global portfolios, the average returns for the global portfolios largely just confirm the results of Chan, Hamao and Lakonishok (1991) and Fama and French (1992). Table III shows, however, that higher returns on value portfolios are also the norm for other countries. When portfolios are formed on B/M, E/P, or C/P, 12 of the 13 value-growth premiums are positive, and most are more than 4.0% per year. Value premiums for individual countries are a bit less consistent when portfolios are formed on dividend yield, but even here ten of 13 are positive. Table III says the value premium is pervasive. Thus, rather than being unusual, the higher average returns on value stocks in the U.S. are a local manifestation of a global phenomenon. Table III also shows that the U.S. value premium is not unusually large. For example, the U.S. book-tomarket value premium is smaller than five of the other 12 B/M premiums. Since the results for other countries are out-of-sample relative to the earlier tests for the U.S. and Japan, they are evidence that the value premium is not the result of data mining. Leaning on Foster, Smith, and Whaley (1997), a sceptic might argue that the correlation of returns across markets can cause similar chance patterns in average returns to show up in many markets. We shall see, however, that the correlations of the value premiums across countries are typically low. (The average for the B/M premiums is 0.07.) The simulations of Foster et al (1997) then actually suggest that our results are rather good out-of-sample evidence for a value premium. The value premiums for individual countries in table III are large in economic terms, but they are not typically large relative to their standard errors. This is testimony to the high volatility of the country returns. The market returns of many countries have standard deviations in the neighborhood


of 30% per year, about twice that of the global market portfolio in table II. The most precise evidence that there is a value premium in international returns comes from the diversified global portfolios (table II). The smallest average spread between global value and growth returns, 5.56% per year for the D/P portfolios, is 2.38 standard errors from 0.0. The value premiums for portfolios formed on B/M, E/P, and C/P (7.60%, 6.80%, and 7.65% per year) are more than 3.0 standard errors from 0.0. We next examine whether the international value premium can be viewed as compensation for risk. III. A Risk Story for the Global Value Premiums Researchers have identified several patterns in the cross-section of international stock returns. Heston, Rouwenhorst, and Wessels (1995) find that equal-weight portfolios of stocks tend to have higher average returns than value-weight portfolios in 12 European markets. They conclude that there is an international size effect. Motivated by the pricing model of Adler and Dumas (1983), Vassalou (1996) finds that inflation and exchange rate risks are priced in stock returns around the world. Cho, Eun, and Senbet (1986) and Korajczyk and Viallet (1989) find that arbitrage pricing theory factors (identified by factor analysis) are important in international stock returns. Finally, there is also evidence that the loadings of country portfolios on international risk factors vary through time (Ferson and Harvey, 1993). In light of these results, a full description of expected stock returns around the world would likely require a pricing model with several dimensions of risk and time-varying risk loadings. We take a more stripped-down approach. We assume a world in which capital markets are integrated and investors are unconcerned with deviations from purchasing power parity. We test whether average returns are consistent with either an international CAPM or a two-factor ICAPM (or APT) in which relative distress carries an expected premium not captured by a stock’s sensitivity to the global market return. Thus, we ignore other risk factors that might affect expected returns, and we do not allow for time-varying risk loadings. Fortunately, the tests suggest that, at least for the portfolios we examine, our simple approach provides a reasonably adequate story for average returns. We begin with asset pricing tests that attempt to explain the returns on the global value and growth portfolios. We then use the same models to explain the returns on the market, value, and growth portfolios of individual countries. 5

A. The CAPM Suppose the relevant model is an international CAPM. Thus, the global market portfolio is mean-variance-efficient, and the dollar expected return on any security or portfolio is fully explained by its loading (univariate regression slope) on the dollar global market return, M. In the regression of any portfolio’s excess return (its dollar return, R, minus the return on a U.S. Treasury bill, F) on the excess market return, (1)

R-F = a + b[M-F] + e,

the intercept should be statistically indistinguishable from 0.0. The estimates of (1) in table IV say that an international CAPM cannot explain the average returns on global value and growth portfolios. The intercepts for the four value portfolios (HB/M, HE/P, HC/P, and HD/P) are at least 29 basis points per month above zero, and the intercepts for the four growth portfolios are at least 21 basis points per month below zero. All the CAPM intercepts for the global value and growth portfolios are more than 3.4 standard errors from 0.0. The GRS F-test of the hypothesis that the true intercepts are all 0.0 (Gibbons, Ross, and Shanken, 1989) rejects with a high level of confidence (p-value = 0.000). In both statistical and practical terms, the international CAPM is a poor model for global value and growth returns. Why does the CAPM fail? If the CAPM is to explain the high returns on global value portfolios, they must have large slopes on the global market portfolio. Similarly, if the CAPM is to explain the lower returns on global growth portfolios, their market slopes must be less than 1.0. In fact, the reverse is true. Table IV shows that the value portfolios’ market slopes are slightly less than 1.0, and the growth portfolios’ slopes are slightly greater than 1.0. B. Two-Factor Regressions Are the premiums on global value portfolios and the discounts on global growth portfolios compensation for risk? In an international two-factor (one-state-variable) ICAPM, expected returns are explained by the loadings of securities and portfolios on the global market return and the return on any other global two-factor MMV (multifactor-minimum-variance) portfolio (Fama, 1996). (Two-factor MMV portfolios have the smallest possible return variances, given their expected returns and loadings on the state variable whose pricing is not captured by the CAPM.) Alternatively, the


market return and the difference between the returns on two MMV portfolios can be used to explain expected returns. We assume that the global high and low book-to-market portfolios, HB/M and LB/M, are twofactor MMV, so the difference between their returns, H-LB/M, can be the second explanatory return in a one-state-variable ICAPM.

The model then predicts that the intercept in the time-series

regression, (2)

R-F = a + b[M-F] + c[H-LB/M] + e,

is zero for all the portfolios whose returns, R, we seek to explain. We use H-LB/M, rather than HB/M-F or LB/M-F, because the correlation of H-LB/M with M-F is only -0.17. The low correlation makes the slopes in (2) easy to interpret. Moreover, H-LB/M is an international version of HML, the distress factor in the three-factor model for U.S. stock returns in Fama and French (1993). Table IV says that the two-factor model (2) provides better descriptions of the returns on global value and growth portfolios formed on E/P, C/P, and D/P than the CAPM.

The average

intercept for the global value portfolios drops from 33.2 basis points per month in the CAPM regression (1) to 5.0 basis points per month in the two-factor regression (2). Similarly, the average intercept for the global growth portfolios rises from -23.2 basis points per month in (1) to -8.6 basis points in (2). The GRS test of the hypothesis that the intercepts are 0.0 also favors (2). The Fstatistic testing whether all (value and growth) intercepts are 0.0 drops from 3.65 (p-value = 0.000) in the CAPM regressions to 1.48 (p-value = 0.185) in the two-factor regressions. Why do the two-factor regressions produce better descriptions of global value and growth returns? The two-factor regressions and the CAPM regressions produce similar market slopes. Thus the improvements must come from the H-LB/M slopes. Table IV confirms that these slopes are at least 10.8 standard errors above 0.0 for the global value portfolios formed on E/P, C/P, and D/P, and they are at least 6.3 standard errors below zero for the growth portfolios. Since the average H-LB/M return is positive, the positive H-LB/M slopes for the global value portfolios are consistent with their high average returns, and the negative slopes for the growth portfolios are in line with their low average returns. Moreover, the success of the two-factor regressions in describing the returns on the global value and growth portfolios says that different approaches to measuring value and growth, specifically, portfolios formed on B/M, E/P, C/P, and D/P, produce premiums and discounts that can all


be described as compensation for a single common risk.

In other words, global value-growth

premiums, however measured, are consistent with a one-state variable ICAPM (or a two-factor APT). Table IV also shows that alternative measures of the value-growth premium are largely interchangeable as the second explanatory return in (2). Substituting H-LE/P or H-LC/P for H-LB/M produces similar average absolute intercepts, average squared intercepts, and GRS F-tests for the global value and growth portfolios that are not used as explanatory returns. In results not shown, we also obtain excellent explanations of average returns when we use the excess return on a single global value or growth portfolio (e.g., HB/M-F or LB/M-F) as the second explanatory return. All this is consistent with one-state-variable ICAPM pricing of global value and growth portfolios, and with the hypothesis that, like the global market portfolio, different global value and growth portfolios are close to two-factor MMV. One can argue that the global regressions do not provide a convincing test of a risk story for the international value premium. The four sorting variables (B/M, E/P, C/P, and D/P) are all versions of the inverted stock price, 1/P, so different global value (or growth) portfolios have many stocks in common. But the portfolios are far from identical. The squared correlations between the four global value-growth returns (proportions of variance explained) range from only 0.37 to 0.67.


although a reasonable suspicion remains, there is no guarantee that the average returns on different value and growth portfolios will be described by their sensitivities to a single common risk. Moreover, the properties of the global value premium examined next, and the extension of the asset pricing tests to country portfolios in section IV lend additional support to a risk story. C. Is the Global Value Premium Too Large? MacKinlay (1995) argues that the value premium in U.S. returns is too large to be explained by rational asset pricing. Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1994) and Haugen (1995) go a step further and argue that the U.S. value premium is close to an arbitrage opportunity. Fama and French (1996, especially table XI) disagree. Is the international value premium too large?

The global market premium is a good

benchmark for judging the global value premiums. The mean and standard deviation of the market premium (M-F) in table II are 9.41% and 15.65% per year. The average value-growth premiums are smaller, ranging from 5.56% per year when we sort on D/P to 7.65% per year for C/P but their 8

standard deviations are also smaller, between 8.85% and 11.09% per year. The four t-statistics for the value-growth premiums, 2.38 to 3.44, bracket the t-statistic for the market premium, 2.56. We conclude that the value-growth premiums are no more suspicious than the market premium. At a minimum, the large standard deviations of the value-growth premiums say that they are not arbitrage opportunities. IV. Regression Tests for Country Returns Since the global portfolios are highly diversified, they provide sharp perspective on the CAPM’s inability to explain the international value premium, and on the improvements provided by a two-factor model. In contrast, portfolios restricted to individual countries are less diversified and their returns have large idiosyncratic components (e.g., Harvey, 1991). As a result, asset pricing tests on country portfolios are noisier than tests on global portfolios. But the country portfolios have an advantage. Since most of the country portfolios are small fractions of the global portfolios (table I), and since all have large idiosyncratic components, there is no reason to think we induce a linear relation between average return and risk loadings by the way we construct the explanatory portfolios. Thus, the country portfolios leave plenty of room for asset pricing models to fail. A. The CAPM versus a Two-Factor Model In an international CAPM, all expected returns are explained by slopes on the global market return. Table V shows estimates of the CAPM time-series regression (1) that attempt to explain the returns on three separate sets of country portfolios that include, respectively, the market, high bookto-market (HB/M), and low book-to-market (LB/M) portfolios of our 13 countries.

We group

country portfolios by type (rather than doing joint tests on all portfolios and countries) to have some hope of power in formal asset pricing tests. Like Solnik (1974), Harvey (1991), and others, we find little evidence against the international CAPM as a model for the market returns of countries. The GRS test of the hypothesis that all the intercepts in the CAPM regressions for the country market portfolios are 0.0 produces an F-statistic, 1.12 (p-value = 0.34), near the median of its distribution under the null. The low book-tomarket portfolios of the countries are also consistent with an international CAPM. The GRS p-value for the LB/M portfolios (the probability of a more extreme set of intercepts when the CAPM holds) is


0.932. Results not shown confirm that an international CAPM is also consistent with the average returns on the country growth portfolios formed on E/P, C/P, and D/P. Confirming the global portfolio results in table IV, however, table V says that the international CAPM cannot explain the high average returns on the country value portfolios. For the high bookto-market (HB/M) portfolios, the average of the intercepts from the CAPM regressions is 0.48% per month. The GRS test produces an F-statistic of 2.20, which cleanly rejects (p-value = 0.01) the hypothesis that all the intercepts are 0.0. The results (not shown) for value portfolios formed on E/P, C/P, and D/P are similar. Table V shows that a two-factor model that describes country returns with the global market return and the spread between the global high and low book-to-market returns, H-LB/M, does a better job on the country value portfolios. The average intercepts drop from 0.48 in the CAPM regressions to explain the HB/M returns of countries to 0.11 in the two-factor regressions. The p-value for the test of whether all the intercepts are 0.0 rises from 0.01 in the CAPM regressions to 0.72 in the twofactor regressions. Results not shown confirm that, unlike the CAPM, the two-factor regressions also capture the average returns on country value portfolios formed on E/P, C/P, and D/P. There is an interesting pattern in the way the country portfolios load on the international distress factor in table V. Not surprisingly, every country’s HB/M value portfolio has a positive slope on the global value-growth return, H-LB/M. Every country’s HB/M portfolio also has a larger slope on the global H-LB/M than its LB/M portfolio. What is surprising is that except for the U.S., Japan, and Sweden, every country’s LB/M portfolio has a positive slope on the global H-LB/M return. In other words, the growth portfolios of ten of the 11 smaller markets load positively on the international distress factor. Similarly, in the two-factor regressions to explain the market returns of the countries, only the U.S. and Japan have negative slopes on the global value-growth return. The H-LB/M slopes for the market portfolios of the 11 smaller markets are all more than 1.0 standard error above 0.0, and seven are more than 2.0 standard errors above 0.0. In short, measured by sensitivity to the global H-LB/M return, the 11 smaller markets tilt toward return behavior typical of value stocks. Finally, a caveat is in order. Country returns have lots of variation not explained by global returns. The average R2 in the two-factor regressions for the countries is only about 0.35. As a result,


the two-factor regression intercepts are estimated imprecisely, so our failure to reject international two-factor pricing for the country portfolios may not be impressive. But we do not, in any case, mean to push a two-factor model too hard. Additional risk factors are likely to be necessary to describe average returns when, for example, the tests are extended to small stocks. Like the more precise tests on the global portfolios in table IV, however, the tests on the country portfolios in table V do allow us to conclude that the addition of an international distress factor provides a substantially better explanation of value portfolio returns than an international CAPM. B. Global Risks in Country Returns The hypothesis that an international CAPM or ICAPM explains expected returns around the world does not require security returns to be correlated across countries. International asset pricing just says that the expected returns on assets are determined by their covariances with the global market return (CAPM and ICAPM) and the returns on global MMV portfolios needed to capture the effects of priced state variables (ICAPM).

But covariances with these global returns (and the

variances of the global returns themselves) may just result from the variances and covariances of asset returns within markets; that is, covariances between the asset returns of different countries may be zero.0 Still, it is interesting to ask whether the global market and distress risks that seem to explain country returns arise in part from covariances of returns across countries. For direct evidence on the local and international components of country portfolio returns, we decompose the variances of the global M-F and H-LB/M returns into country return variances and the covariances of returns across countries, (3)

Var(R global ) = 3 w 2i Var(R i ) + 3 3 w i w j Cov(R i ,R j ) , i j! = i


0 A similar argument implies that excluding left-hand-side country returns from right-handside global returns in regressions (1) and (2) (an approach often advocated to avoid inducing a spurious relation between average return and risk) would corrupt the estimates of risk loadings in tests for international asset pricing.


where wi is the weight of country i in the global portfolio and Ri is the return for the portfolio of country i. If there were no common component in returns across countries, the covariances in (3) would contribute nothing to the global variance. At the other extreme, with perfect correlation of returns across countries, the contribution of the covariances depends on country weights and variances.

Using the average country weights for 1975-1995, country covariances would then

account for about 75% of the variances of the global M-F and H-LB/M returns. In fact, international components (the covariances in (3)), are 53% of the variance of the global M-F return, and 20% of the variance of the global H-LB/M return. Thus, although country-specific variances account for 80% of the variance of the global H-LB/M return, both the global market return and the global valuegrowth return contain important international components. The correlations between country returns in table VI provide perspective on these calculations. Not surprisingly, the correlations of the excess market returns of the 13 countries are all positive (the average is 0.44), and much like those of earlier studies. Given the estimates of (3), it is also not surprising that the correlations of the value-growth (H-LB/M) returns of the countries are smaller. The average is only 0.07, but three quarters of the correlations (59 of 78) are positive. The correlations of the country H-LB/M returns with the global H-LB/M return tend to be larger. This is due in part to the diversification of the global H-LB/M return, but it also reflects the fact that the global return is constructed from the country returns. From an asset pricing perspective, the important point is that the lower correlation of the HLB/M returns of the countries does not result in low volatility for the global H-LB/M return; the global value-growth premium is not an arbitrage opportunity. The standard deviation of the global H-LB/M return, 10.02% per year, is about two-thirds that of the global market return, 15.65%. The lower volatility of H-LB/M is also associated with a smaller average premium, 7.60%, versus 9.47% for M-F. And the Sharpe ratio for H-LB/M (mean/standard deviation) is 0.75, well within striking distance of the Sharpe ratio for M-F, 0.61.


C. Country Weights, Average Returns, and Biased Coefficients The intercepts in the CAPM regressions of country market returns on the global market return in table V are surprising. If the country weights in the global market portfolio were constant, the weighted average of the intercepts would be 0.0 and the weighted average of the market slopes would be 1.0. Using the average weights of countries for 1975-1995, the average slope (0.964) is close to 1.0. But the average intercept is 0.129% per month, and the CAPM intercept for every market but Italy is positive. Our perusal of the literature indicates that positive intercepts are indeed the norm when country market portfolios and a value-weight global market are used to test an international CAPM (e.g., Harvey, 1991, Ferson and Harvey, 1993). Our preliminary work on this problem suggests that the positive intercepts in the CAPM regressions are in large part due to the evolution of the country weights in the global market portfolio. The issues are complicated, however, and a full explanation awaits future research.V. Value and Growth in Emerging Markets Emerging markets allow another out-of-sample test of the value premium. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) provides return, book-to-market equity, and earnings/price data for firms in more than 30 emerging markets. Although stock returns for some countries are available earlier, B/M and E/P data are not available until 1986. Thus, our sample period for emerging markets is 1987-1995. Like the MSCI data, the IFC data are attractive because we can construct a sample uncontaminated by backfilled returns. The IFC included up to seven years of historical returns when it released its first set of emerging market indices in 1982, and they continue to backfill when adding new countries. But IFC does not backfill when they expand their coverage within a country. Thus, we can avoid backfilled returns simply by starting the tests for countries on the date they are added to the IFC indices. Table VII summarizes market, value, and growth portfolio returns for the 16 countries where IFC has data on at least ten firms in at least seven years. Firms are weighted by their market capitalization in the country portfolios. The value-weight indices covering all emerging markets weight countries by IFC’s estimate of their market capitalization at the beginning of each year; the equal-weight indices weight countries equally.


As Harvey (1995) and others observe, emerging market returns have unusual features. At least during our sample period, average returns in emerging markets are higher than in developed markets. The average excess dollar return for the equal-weight index of emerging markets is 24.47% per year for 1987-1995, and the value-weight return is 25.93%. Measured in dollars, Argentina’s average excess return is 64.71% per year. Only two of 16 emerging markets (India and Jordan) have average returns below 9.47%, the value-weight average of developed market returns in table II. Of course, as Goetzmann and Jorion (1996) emphasize, recent returns may not give a representative picture of the expected performance of emerging markets. It is also well known that emerging market returns are volatile. The market portfolios of ten of the 16 countries have annual return standard deviations above 50%; the standard deviations for Argentina and Venezuela are 137% and 221% per year. In contrast, the standard deviation of the annual U.S. market return is 14.64%. Only four of the other 12 developed markets in table III have standard deviations above 30%, and the largest (Italy) is 43.9%. The links among emerging market returns are weak. The average correlation between the excess market returns of individual countries is only 0.07, and 37 of 120 (not shown) are negative. In contrast, the average of the correlations of the excess market returns of the developed countries in table VI is 0.44, and none are negative. Because emerging market returns are not very correlated, much of their higher volatility disappears when they are combined in portfolios.

The annual

standard deviation is 41.05% for the value-weight portfolio of emerging markets and 26.23% for the equal-weight portfolio. Even the more-diversified equal-weight emerging market return, however, has almost twice the standard deviation of the return on the value-weight portfolio of developed market returns, 15.65%. The novel results in table VII are the returns for portfolios formed on book-to-market equity, earnings/price, and size (market capitalization). Like the results for major markets in tables II and III, there is a value premium in emerging market returns. The average difference between annual dollar returns on the high and low book-to-market portfolios (H-LB/M) is 16.91% when countries are value-weighted, and 14.13% when they are weighted equally. Positive value-growth returns are also typical of individual emerging markets. Twelve of 16 B/M value-growth returns for countries are positive, and ten of 16 E/P spreads are positive.


Emerging market returns are quite leptokurtic and right skewed so statistical inference is a bit hazardous. With this caveat in mind, we note that the 16.91% and 14.13% value-weight and equalweight H-LB/M average returns are more than 3.0 standard errors from 0.0. The value premium is less reliable when we sort on E/P. Because emerging market returns are so volatile and our sample period is so short, average E/P value premiums of 4.04% (obtained when countries are valueweighted) and 10.43% (equal weights) are only 0.58 and 1.86 standard errors from 0.0. The out-of-sample test provided by emerging markets confirms our results from developed markets. The value premium is pervasive. We guess, however, that the expected H-LB/M valuegrowth return in emerging markets is smaller than the realized equal- and value-weight average premiums, 14.13% or 16.91%. Moreover, without this good draw, the short nine-year sample period and the high volatility of emerging market returns would have prevented us from concluding that the value premium in these markets is reliably positive. Unlike the MSCI data, the IFC data cover small stocks, so we can do some rough tests for a size effect in emerging market returns. Table VII compares the returns on portfolios of small and big stocks. Each country’s small and big portfolios for a year contain the stocks that rank in the country’s bottom 30% and top 30% by market capitalization at the end of the previous year. Like the value and growth portfolios, the stocks in a country’s big and small portfolios are value-weighted. Again, the emerging market results confirm the evidence from developed markets. Small stocks tend to have higher average returns than big stocks. The average difference between the returns on the value-weight small and big stock portfolios is 14.89% per year (t = 1.69). The average difference for the equal-weight portfolios is 8.70% (t = 1.98). Small stocks have higher average returns than big stocks in 11 of 16 emerging markets. Thus, like stock returns in the U.S. (Banz, 1981) and other developed countries (Heston, Rouwenhorst, and Wessels, 1995), there seems to be a size effect in emerging market returns. The results in Table VII seem inconsistent with Claessens, Dasgupta, and Glen (1996). Their cross-section regressions use seven variables, market beta, firm size, price-to-book-value (PBV, the inverse of book-to-market equity), earnings/price, dividend yield, turnover, and sensitivity to exchange rate changes, to explain average returns on individual stocks in 19 emerging markets. Although they find that size, PBV, and E/P have explanatory power in many countries, the signs of


the coefficients are often the reverse of ours. For example, they find a positive coefficient on PBV in ten of 19 emerging markets. Slightly different sample periods may explain some of the differences between our results and theirs. We suspect, however, that different estimation techniques are the main factor. Cross-section regressions like theirs are sensitive to outliers, and extreme outliers are common in the returns on individual stocks in emerging markets. Our portfolio returns are probably less subject to such influential observations. In any case, our value-weight returns give an accurate picture of investor experience in these markets. Finally, given the short sample period and the high volatility of emerging market returns, asset pricing tests for emerging markets are hopelessly imprecise, so we do not report any. V. Conclusions Value stocks tend to have higher returns than growth stocks in markets around the world. Sorting on book-to-market equity, value stocks outperform growth stocks in 12 of 13 major markets during the 1975-1995 period. The difference between average returns on global portfolios of high and low B/M stocks is 7.60% per year (t = 3.39). There are similar value premiums when we sort on earnings/price, cash flow/price, and dividend/price. There is also a value premium in emerging markets. Since these results are out-of-sample relative to earlier tests on U.S. data, they suggest that the return premium for value stocks is real. An international CAPM cannot explain the value premium in international returns. But a one-state-variable international ICAPM (or a two-factor APT) that explains returns with the global market return and a risk factor for relative distress captures the value premium in country and global returns.


References Adler, Michael, and Bernard Dumas, 1983, International portfolio choice and corporation finance: A synthesis, Journal of Finance 38, 925-984. Banz, Rolf W., 1981, The relationship between return and market value of common stocks, Journal of Financial Economics 9, 3-18. Black, Fischer, 1993, Beta and return, Journal of Portfolio Management 20, 8-18. Capaul, Carlo, Ian Rowley, and William F. Sharpe, 1993, International value and growth stock returns, Financial Analysts Journal, January-February, 27-36. Chan, Louis K.C., Yasushi Hamao, and Josef Lakonishok, 1991, Fundamentals and stock returns in Japan, Journal of Finance 46, 1739-1789. Cho, D.C., C.S. Eun, and Lemma W. Senbet, 1986, International arbitrage pricing theory: An empirical investigation, Journal of Finance 41, 313-329. Claessens, Stijn, Susmita Dasgupta, and Jack Glen, 1996, The cross-section of stock returns: Evidence from the emerging markets, manuscript, International Finance Corporation. Davis, James, 1994, The cross-section of realized stock returns: The pre-COMPUSTAT evidence, Journal of Finance 49, 1579-1593. Fama, Eugene F., 1996, Multifactor portfolio efficiency and multifactor asset pricing, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 31, 441-465. Fama, Eugene F., and Kenneth R. French, 1992, The cross-section of expected stock returns, Journal of Finance 47, 427-465. Fama, Eugene F., and Kenneth R. French, 1993, Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds, Journal of Financial Economics 33, 3-56. Fama, Eugene F., and Kenneth R. French, 1995, Size and book-to-market factors in earnings and returns, Journal of Finance 50, 131-155. Fama, Eugene F., and Kenneth R. French, 1996, Multifactor explanations of asset pricing anomalies, Journal of Finance 51, 55-84. Ferson, Wayne E, and Campbell R. Harvey, 1993, The risk and predictability of international equity returns, Review of Financial Studies 6, 527-566. Foster, F. Douglas, Tom Smith, and Robert E. Whaley, 1997, Assessing goodness-of-fit of asset pricing models: The distribution of the maximal R2, Journal of Finance 52, 591-607. Gibbons, Michael R., Stephen A. Ross, and Jay Shanken, 1989, A test of the efficiency of a given portfolio, Econometrica 57, 1121-1152. Goetzmann, William N., and Philippe Jorion, 1996, A century of global stock markets, manuscript, Yale School of Management. Harvey, Campbell R., 1991, The world price of covariance risk, Journal of Finance 46, 111-155. Harvey, Campbell R., 1995, Predictable risk and returns in emerging markets, Review of Financial Studies 8, 773-816.


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Table I -- Some Characteristics of the MSCI Country Samples Part A shows the number of firms for each country in the MSCI database at the beginning of 1975, 1985, and 1995, and the average number of firms for all years (Ave). Part B shows the MSCI country weights used to form the global portfolios in later tables. Part C shows the average size (market capitalization, price times shares outstanding) of firms in the market, high book-to-market (HB/M) and low book-to-market (LB/M) portfolios of each country. (Table II describes how the portfolios are constructed.) The averages are calculated first across firms for a given year and then across years. Part D shows the median firm size for the three portfolios, averaged across years. Part E shows the value weight average of B/M for the three portfolios, averaged across years. The 13 countries are the U.S., Japan (JP), Great Britain (UK), France (FR), Germany (GM), Italy (IT), the Netherlands (NL), Belgium (BE), Switzerland (SZ), Sweden (SD), Australia (AS), Hong Kong (HK), and Singapore (SG).














45 53 91 74

37 34 54 46

74 72 90 80

26 32 70 39

39 54 51 50

1.7 1.6 3.0 2.3

1.0 .7 1.1 .8

1.8 1.7 1.7 1.8

.4 .9 1.9 1.2

.3 .9 .8 .7

710 484 909

1059 747 1349

517 578 801

362 304 498

465 297 467

260 259 544

.64 1.50 .26

.55 1.06 .34

Part A: Number of Firms in Country 1975 1985 1995 Ave

3333 4566 6258 4434

191 249 528 325

179 161 227 185

109 85 126 108

99 86 130 103

72 61 140 94

41 36 47 42

36 26 39 34

Part B: MSCI Country Weights 1975 1985 1995 Ave

62.9 57.1 38.9 48.8

13.6 22.1 30.0 24.7

5.5 7.9 10.2 9.0

2.8 1.4 3.7 2.6

5.7 3.0 4.2 4.4

1.4 .9 1.4 1.2

1.8 1.5 2.3 1.7

1.1 .5 .7 .7

Part C: Average Size (Market Capitalization) Market 431 HB/M 257 LB/M 512

2985 2949 4329

1796 1370 2247

978 887 1064

1410 1298 1334

570 535 898

1397 2144 1467

790 697 886

979 950 1396

700 617 977

Part D: Median Size (Market Capitalization) Market HB/M LB/M

42 21 53

1389 1400 1888

907 798 1195

530 460 605

534 573 571

257 251 411

344 289 551

551 370 536

391 545 607

472 437 623

Part E: Value-Weight Average Book-to-Market Equity (B/M) Market .78 HB/M 1.63 LB/M .40

.43 .70 .26

.82 1.64 .41

.98 2.26 .35

.62 .88 .30

.98 2.12 .34

1.13 2.56 .66


.98 1.90 .60

.82 1.98 .42

.86 1.82 .44

.82 1.74 .47

Table II -Portfolios:



Returns for Global 1975-1995





We form portfolios at the end of each year from 1974 to 1994, based on sorted values of B/M, E/P, C/P, and D/P. P and M are price per share at the time of portfolio formation. E, C, and D are the most recent available trailing year of earnings, cashflow (earnings plus depreciation), and dividends per share. B is the most recent available book common equity per share. Value portfolios (indicated with a leading H, for high) include firms whose ratio (B/M, E/P, C/P, or D/P) is among the highest 30% for a given country. Growth portfolios (indicated with a leading L, for low) include firms in the bottom 30%. H-L is the difference between the high and low returns. Market is the global market portfolio return. The global portfolios include the 13 countries in table I. Firms are weighted by their market capitalization in the country portfolios; countries are weighted by Morgan Stanley’s country (basically value) weights in the global portfolios. The international returns for 1975-1994 and all international accounting data are from MSCI. The international returns for 1995 are from Datastream. The accounting data for the U.S. are from COMPUSTAT (as described in Fama and French, 1996), while stock prices and returns are from CRSP. Firms are included in a portfolio for a given ratio (B/M, E/P, C/P, or D/P) even if they do not have data on all four ratios. Mean is a portfolio’s average annual return. Std. is the standard deviation of the annual returns; t(Mn) is the ratio of the average return to its standard error.


Market HD/P










Annual Value-Weight Dollar Returns in Excess of T-bill Rate Mean 7.65 Std. 11.09 t(Mn) 3.09

9.47 12.56 15.65 16.72 2.71 3.36

14.57 7.00 16.38 16.06 3.98 1.95

6.97 5.56 16.08 10.44 1.94 2.38



















Annual Value-Weight Dollar Returns in Excess of Dollar Return on Local Market Mean 3.09 Std. 6.07 t(Mn) 2.28



















-2.47 4.68 -2.36


Table III -- Annual Dollar Returns in Market, Value, and Growth Portfolios:


of U.S. T-bill 1975-95



Value and growth portfolios are formed on book-to-market equity (B/M), earnings/price (E/P), cashflow/price (C/P), and dividend/price (D/P), as described in Table II. We denote value (High) and growth (Low) portfolios by a leading H or L; the difference between them is H-L. The first row for each country is the average annual return. The second is the standard deviation of the annual returns (in parentheses) or the t-statistic testing whether H-L is different from 0.0 [in brackets].

Market HD/P



U.S. 7.08


(15.99) Japan 5.65 (29.22) U.K. 14.12 (26.58) France 9.05 (31.21)





9.57 14.55 7.75 6.79 14.09 7.38 11.75 8.01 3.73 (14.64) (16.92) (15.79) [2.17] (18.10) (15.23) [2.08] (13.89) (17.04) [1.22] 11.88 16.91 7.06 9.85 14.14 6.67 16.81 7.26 9.55 (28.67) (27.74) (30.49) [3.49] (26.10) (27.62) [3.03] (35.01) (27.51) [2.54]

Italy 0.37 (38.42)

15.13 17.59 12.75 4.83 17.18 14.79 4.16 15.84 12.90 2.94 (28.66) (30.10) (27.95) [1.14] (32.35) (27.01) [0.92] (32.20) (26.33) [0.73]




[2.28] (16.73) 7.47


11.08 17.04 9.21 7.82 15.56 8.28 15.06 5.90 9.16 (32.41) (36.65) (30.85) [2.18] (37.09) (32.47) [2.45] (30.11) (33.11) [2.63]

[4.00] (31.59) 2.39


[0.75] (35.16)




8.78 10.45 9.27 1.19 10.95 9.74 8.79 9.62 -0.83 (31.83) (32.67) (32.74) [0.32] (24.63) (34.86) [2.89] (25.66) (34.53) [-0.20]

[2.26] (36.95) 1.21


[0.31] (29.05)

7.82 5.43 11.00 -5.57 7.62 12.39 -4.77 9.97 10.07 12.68 -2.61 (43.93) (35.54) (50.88) [-0.84] (42.37) (54.98) [-0.75] (44.31) [1.53] (38.28) (56.66) [-0.33]


Netherlands 13.07 15.77 13.47 2.30 13.48 9.19 11.84 -0.53 13.46 13.05 0.41 (18.77) (33.07) (21.01) [0.44] (20.88) (20.45) (23.26) [-0.10] (21.38) (30.81) [0.07] Belgium 12.03



Germany 3.56 9.60 (27.65)


12.57 14.90 10.44 4.46 15.12 12.90 4.43 15.16 12.26 2.91 (25.88) (28.62) (27.65) [2.01] (30.47) (27.88) [1.27] (26.47) (29.26) [1.29]




[0.86] (33.03) 2.22


[0.78] (28.84)

Switzerland 10.56 13.67 10.34 3.33 11.42 11.04 9.77 1.74 11.49 9.71 1.78 (26.86) (29.94) (28.57) [0.75] (31.24) (28.81) (27.80) [0.27] (31.02) (26.99) [0.49] Sweden 10.37 (23.17)

11.39 19.57 10.79 8.77 20.61 10.05 5.79 16.15 9.00 7.15 (24.63) (38.41) (25.50) [1.28] (42.43) (25.01) [1.23] (29.55) (25.30) [1.49]

Australia 3.92 14.40 (27.46)

8.95 17.53 5.30 12.23 15.64 5.92 14.62 6.83 7.79 (26.30) (31.04) (27.32) [2.40] (28.19) (28.91) [2.89] (28.43) (28.57) [1.65]

Hong Kong 22.00 25.43 19.29 6.14 26.34 21.68 20.16 8.28 23.66 22.83 0.83 (42.17) (49.35) (40.22) [1.12] (44.92) (40.97) (42.77) [1.27] (38.76) (42.19) [0.22] Singapore 13.27 21.63 11.90 9.73 14.98 13.12 8.03 5.37 10.62 13.10 -2.48 (27.31) (36.89) (27.73) [2.38] (29.75) (34.68) (28.92) [1.49] (22.03) (33.93) [-0.45]




[0.08] (36.67) 10.55


[1.31] (31.28) 9.72


[1.72] (29.08) 4.65


[0.77] (46.37) 1.86


[0.57] (26.25)

Table on



CAPM and Two-Factor Regressions to Explain Monthly Excess Returns Global Value and Growth Portfolios: 1975-1995

All returns are monthly, in dollars. M is the global market return, F is the one-month U.S. Treasury bill rate, and R is the global portfolio return to be explained. The global value and growth portfolios are formed on book-to-market equity (B/M), earnings/price (E/P), cashflow/price (C/P), or dividend/price (D/P), as described in Table II. We denote value (High) and growth (Low) portfolios by a leading H or L; the difference between them is H-L. The first panel describes regressions that use the excess market return (M-F) and the book-to-market value-growth return (H-LB/M) to explain excess returns on value and growth portfolios. t() is a regression coefficient (or, for the market slope b, the coefficient minus 1.0) divided by its standard error. The regression R2 and residual standard errors s(e) are adjusted for degrees of freedom. The second panel summarizes sets of regressions that use the excess market return and a value-growth return (H-LB/M, H-LE/P, H-LC/P, or H-LD/P) as explanatory variables. The dependent variables in a given set of regressions are the excess returns on the global value and growth portfolios that are not used as explanatory variables in that set. F(a) is the F-statistic of Gibbons, Ross, and Shanken (1989) testing the hypothesis that the true intercepts in a set of regressions are all 0.0; p(F) is the probability of a value of F(a) larger than the observed value if the true intercepts are all 0.0. Ave a, Ave|a|, and Ave a2 are the mean, mean absolute, and mean squared values of the intercepts from a set of regressions. Ave R2 and Ave s(e) are the average values of the regression R2 and residual standard errors.

R-F = a + b[M-F] + e(t) b[M-F] + c[H-LB/M] + e(t) R-F a b t(a) t(b=1) R2 t(a) t(b=1) t(c) R2 s(e) HB/M HE/P 0.82 HC/P 0.11 HD/P 1.51

0.40 0.32 -0.68 0.32 -2.06 0.29 -6.25

LB/M -0.21 LE/P -0.22 -1.61 2.23 LC/P -0.28 -2.30 -0.63

0.94 0.95 19.99 0.93 21.73 0.87 10.84

4.22 3.97 0.97 3.61 0.96 3.77 0.93

1.03 -3.98 1.04 -4.21 -14.77 0.98 1.01 -3.84 -6.32 0.94

R-F = a + s(e)




-2.47 -2.58 0.77 -3.45 0.80 -6.79 1.01

0.88 0.91

1.49 1.25














2.81 3.53 0.61 0.42 1.05

0.97 0.96

0.81 0.83










LD/P -0.22 1.07 -3.45 -0.65 3.38 -14.43 0.97

Explanatory Variables |a| Ave a2 M-F 0.282 M-F 0.068 M-F 0.069 M-F 0.071 M-F 0.129

0.0833 H-LB/M 0.0072 H-LE/P 0.0067 H-LC/P 0.0060 H-LD/P 0.0189

4.39 0.74


F(a) p(F) Ave R2 Ave s(e) 3.647 0.924 1.481 0.959 1.503 0.955 0.905 0.959 2.208 0.949

0.000 1.137 0.185 0.831 0.178 0.868 0.492 0.818 0.043 0.929






Ave a Value



















Table V -- CAPM and Two-Factor Regressions that Use Monthly Excess Returns on the Global Market Portfolio (M-F) and the Global Book-to-Market Value-Growth Return (H-LB/M) to Explain Monthly Excess Returns on Country Portfolios: 19751995 All returns are monthly, in dollars. The explanatory variables are the return on the global market portfolio in excess of the one-month U.S. Treasury bill return (M-F), and the difference between the global high and low book-to-market returns (H-LB/M). The dependent variables (R-F) are the excess returns on market (M-F), high book-to-market (HB/M-F), and low book-to-market (LB/M-F) portfolios for individual countries, described in Table II. t() is a regression coefficient (or, for the market slope b, the coefficient minus 1.0) divided by its standard error. The regression R2 are adjusted for degrees of freedom.


R-F = a + b[M-F] + e(t) a

U.S. 0.15 Japan 0.02 U.K. 0.28 France 0.02 Germany 0.03 Italy -0.21 Netherlands 0.35 Belgium 0.31 Switzerland 0.12 Sweden 0.24 Australia 0.09 Hong Kong 0.81 Singapore 0.30



U.S. 0.53 Japan 0.46 U.K. 0.45 France 0.43 Germany 0.14 Italy -0.22 Netherlands 0.37 Belgium 0.48 Switzerland 0.35 Sweden 0.73 Australia 0.68 Hong Kong 1.00 Singapore 0.85





0.63 0.53 0.48 0.39 0.31 0.20 0.54 0.39 0.47 0.31 0.26 0.22 0.32

0.19 0.13 -0.03 -0.09 -0.21 -0.37 0.17 0.15 -0.01 0.14 -0.21 0.28 -0.16





0.53 0.46 0.45 0.32 0.27 0.16 0.38 0.30 0.40 0.20 0.24 0.17 0.22

0.17 0.12 -0.10 0.12 -0.21 -0.38 -0.03 0.22 0.04 0.39 0.32 0.38 0.35

0.83 1.11 1.33 1.10 0.83 0.86 1.04 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.90 1.18 1.17

0.59 0.57 0.91 0.51 0.57 0.27 0.65 0.41 0.50 0.57 0.59 1.03 0.83

t(a) t(b=1)

0.83 0.86 -4.16 1.17 0.07 2.43 1.23 0.85 2.84 1.05 0.06 0.63 0.78 0.10 -2.99 0.86 -0.46 -1.33 0.91 1.56 -1.71 0.86 1.09 -2.16 0.89 0.48 -1.93 0.87 0.71 -1.63 0.90 0.23 -1.06 1.05 1.54 0.40 1.06 0.72 0.65



0.77 2.71 -4.91 1.06 1.51 0.84 1.25 1.21 2.84 1.06 1.06 0.61 0.78 0.41 -2.69 0.84 -0.43 -1.39 0.99 1.10 -0.17 0.88 1.33 -1.41 0.87 1.20 -1.87 0.89 1.54 -1.01 0.84 1.69 -1.65 1.09 1.59 0.60 1.10 1.56 0.74

R-F = a + b[M-F] + c[H-LB/M] + e(t)




t(a) t(b=1) t(c)

0.83 -0.07 1.08 -4.26 -0.93 1.15 -0.17 0.41 2.19 -1.26 1.27 0.53 -0.10 3.46 3.49 1.07 0.18 -0.25 0.82 1.15 0.81 0.39 -0.64 -2.51 2.78 0.88 0.27 -0.79 -1.09 1.30 0.94 0.30 0.74 -1.21 2.94 0.88 0.26 0.52 -1.79 2.03 0.91 0.22 -0.05 -1.58 1.95 0.88 0.17 0.40 -1.43 1.07 0.94 0.49 -0.50 -0.60 2.71 1.13 0.88 0.52 1.04 3.74 1.13 0.76 -0.38 1.37 4.14

t(a) t(b=1) t(c) 0.92 0.39 -0.29 0.28 -0.60 -0.73 -0.08 0.61 0.15 0.79 0.78 0.59 0.63

-4.07 1.57 3.95 1.08 -2.07 -1.17 0.58 -0.97 -1.23 -0.56 -1.10 1.23 1.32

7.31 4.20 5.72 2.80 3.75 1.19 4.41 2.57 3.89 2.67 3.28 3.65 3.39

R2 0.63 0.53 0.51 0.39 0.33 0.21 0.55 0.40 0.48 0.31 0.28 0.26 0.36

R2 0.61 0.50 0.51 0.34 0.31 0.17 0.42 0.31 0.43 0.22 0.27 0.21 0.25

LB/M-F U.S. Japan U.K. France Germany Italy Netherlands Belgium Switzerland Sweden Australia Hong Kong Singapore

a -0.00 -0.36 0.14 -0.08 0.07 -0.07 0.40 0.13 0.09 0.18 -0.17 0.64 0.24

b 0.88 1.21 1.22 1.02 0.78 0.85 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.97 0.98 0.98

t(a) t(b=1) -0.05 -1.09 0.38 -0.22 0.21 -0.17 1.54 0.44 0.33 0.53 -0.38 1.25 0.60

-2.62 2.69 2.54 0.21 -2.73 -1.44 -1.89 -1.78 -1.89 -1.55 -0.31 -0.14 -0.17



0.58 0.49 0.45 0.37 0.27 0.20 0.46 0.40 0.43 0.33 0.24 0.20 0.30

0.23 0.03 -0.07 -0.13 -0.08 -0.23 0.36 -0.02 0.03 0.20 -0.42 0.07 -0.07




t(a) t(b=1) t(c)

0.84 -0.40 1.18 -3.47 -4.58 1.15 -0.63 0.09 1.99 -4.39 1.25 0.33 -0.18 2.87 2.04 1.03 0.10 -0.37 0.31 0.61 0.80 0.25 -0.23 -2.42 1.62 0.87 0.26 -0.49 -1.21 1.25 0.89 0.06 1.34 -1.76 0.54 0.90 0.24 -0.06 -1.45 1.83 0.89 0.10 0.09 -1.72 0.83 0.87 -0.04 0.57 -1.57 -0.25 1.00 0.41 -0.90 0.03 1.97 1.07 0.93 0.14 0.56 4.10 1.03 0.52 -0.18 0.32 2.87

R2 0.61 0.53 0.45 0.37 0.28 0.20 0.45 0.40 0.43 0.32 0.25 0.25 0.32









Excess Returns on Country Market M-F, Book-to-Market Value-Growth Returns, H-LB/M:

Portfolios, 1975-1995

All returns are monthly, in dollars. M is a country’s market return, F is the onemonth U.S. Treasury bill return, and H-LB/M is the difference between the returns on a country’s high and low book-to-market portfolios, as described in Table I. Global is the global M-F or H-lB/M return.

Global U.S. Japan U.K. France Germany Italy Neth Belgium Switz. Sweden Austral H.K. Sing

0.80 0.73 0.70 0.63 0.56 0.46 0.73 0.63 0.69 0.56 0.52 0.47 0.57

Global U.S. Japan U.K. France Germany Italy Neth Belgium Switz Sweden Austral H.K. Sing


0.24 0.51 0.44 0.34 0.23 0.58 0.42 0.49 0.39 0.44 0.37 0.49

Correlations of Excess Market Returns, M-F JP UK FR GM IT NL BE SZ

0.38 0.42 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.44 0.41 0.27 0.24 0.31

0.54 0.46 0.39 0.65 0.54 0.59 0.42 0.48 0.47 0.56

0.58 0.44 0.58 0.65 0.59 0.35 0.36 0.32 0.32

0.39 0.70 0.67 0.71 0.41 0.28 0.36 0.33

0.36 0.39 0.36 0.35 0.24 0.30 0.26

0.68 0.74 0.47 0.41 0.51 0.49

0.66 0.41 0.31 0.34 0.38

0.47 0.41 0.43 0.43




0.41 0.38 0.39

0.42 0.44




Correlations of Book-to-Market Value-Growth Returns, H-LB/M US JP UK FR GM IT NL BE SZ SD

0.77 0.62 0.06 0.36 0.24 0.09 0.21 0.14 0.04 0.27 0.19 0.20 -0.08 0.03 0.04 0.01 -0.05 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.24 0.10 0.14 0.21 0.20 0.14 -0.02 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.09 -0.05 0.08 0.24 0.14 0.10 0.09 0.15 0.23 0.05 0.23 0.18 0.07 0.15 0.20 0.12 0.04 0.10 0.14 -0.08 0.11 0.01 0.10 -0.04 0.02 0.01 -0.05 -0.00 0.05 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.02 0.09 -0.00 -0.03 0.06 -0.08


0.16 0.11 0.10 0.22 0.06 0.15 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.07 0.14 -0.17 -0.02

0.09 0.09 -0.01 0.02 -0.11 -0.06

Table VII - Annual Emerging Markets










The emerging market data are from the IFC. Value and growth portfolios are formed like those described in Table II, using book-to-market equity (B/M) and earnings/price (E/P). The Small and Big portfolios are formed on market capitalization, in an analogous manner. We denote value (High) and growth (Low) portfolios by a leading H or L; the difference between them is H-L. S-B is the difference between the Small and Big portfolios. Countries are included in the table (and indices) if the IFC database includes at least 10 firms with positive book equity in at least seven years. Countries are not included in a year’s B/M (or E/P) portfolios if the IFC has less than ten firms with positive book equity (or earnings) at the end of the previous year. Thus, the B/M and E/P portfolio returns for Chile do not include 1988, and the E/P portfolio returns for Jordan do not include 1987 and 1988. The VW Indices weight countries by the IFC’s estimate of their total market capitalization. The EW Indices weight countries equally. The first row for each country or index is the average annual return. The second is the standard deviation of the annual returns (in parentheses) or the t-statistic testing whether H-L or S-B is different from 0.0 [in brackets]. Market










VW Indices 1987-1995

25.93 (41.05)

39.77 (49.88)

22.86 (35.40)

16.91 [3.06]

29.52 (47.36)

25.49 (38.03)

4.04 [0.58]

39.78 (52.42)

24.89 (39.87)

14.89 [1.69]

EW Indices 1987-1995

24.47 (26.23)

33.21 (31.43)

19.07 (21.48)

14.13 [3.01]

29.60 (14.09)

19.18 (34.32)

10.43 [1.86]

32.01 (26.41)

23.32 (26.32)

8.70 [1.98]

38.61 66.60 62.54 [1.03] (175.97) (130.50)

4.06 [0.11]

Argentina 1987-1995

64.71 38.27 74.74 -36.47 101.33 62.72 (137.06) (136.13) (150.08) [-1.39] (256.37) (152.04)

Brazil 1987-1995

34.99 87.67 (79.15) (128.57)

13.95 (53.95)

73.72 [2.33]

39.41 (96.26)

33.82 (77.45)

5.59 [0.20]

45.02 (99.84)

33.08 (77.36)

11.94 [0.57]

Chile 1987-1995

35.58 (30.03)

48.07 (49.93)

32.86 (41.68)

15.21 [1.12]

39.17 (36.56)

29.57 (48.21)

9.60 [1.23]

45.02 (39.67)

36.33 (30.50)

8.69 [0.98]

Colombia 1988-1995

33.16 (65.85)

4.90 (51.10)

22.37 -17.47 (50.07) [-2.18]

21.68 (85.79)

31.97 -10.29 (53.69) [-0.56]

11.08 (45.97)

31.61 -20.54 (62.71) [-1.98]

Greece 1989-1995

19.92 (47.49)

22.36 (53.33)

19.73 (45.08)

2.63 [0.39]

17.44 (51.51)

15.08 (53.01)

2.36 [0.19]

9.49 (39.61)

21.06 -11.57 (48.27) [-1.04]

India 1987-1995

4.51 (22.15)

7.95 (29.89)

6.43 (23.78)

1.53 [0.24]

1.74 (28.88)

4.51 -2.77 (26.60) [-0.32]

3.72 (29.29)

3.93 -0.21 (22.06) [-0.03]

Jordan 1987-1995

1.09 (15.94)

1.46 (22.67)

-2.90 (31.30)

4.36 [0.53]

3.80 (16.95)

6.96 -3.16 (27.92) [-0.47]

2.37 (35.99)

1.13 (16.29)

1.25 [0.10]

Korea 1987-1995

13.55 (44.69)

24.12 (64.00)

5.66 (32.57)

18.45 [1.48]

22.88 (62.01)

8.64 (36.30)

19.58 (55.52)

13.39 (44.02)

6.18 [0.53]

Malaysia 1988-1995

19.28 (38.83)

28.50 (52.93)

15.75 (34.42)

12.74 [1.47]

17.69 (28.59)

18.98 -1.29 45.82 (54.60) [-0.13] (103.33)

17.97 (36.17)

27.85 [1.10]

Mexico 1987-1995

29.63 (50.56)

30.83 (57.11)

30.97 -0.15 (53.49) [-0.01]

31.39 (59.44)

22.39 (42.89)

9.00 [0.65]

32.55 (55.82)

29.87 (53.21)

2.67 [0.20]

Nigeria 1988-1995

27.64 63.41 (74.32) (135.13)

17.47 (75.86)

35.86 (75.33)

15.18 (80.72)

20.68 94.95 [1.99] (222.39)

24.00 (69.40)

70.95 [1.27]

45.94 [1.62]


14.24 [1.37]

Pakistan 1988-1995

20.02 (64.86)

13.69 (71.99)

18.35 -4.65 (60.01) [-0.68]

21.66 (74.12)

9.25 (46.77)

12.41 [1.02]

11.00 (36.07)

22.07 -11.07 (73.73) [-0.60]

Philippines 24.56 1988-1995 (62.39)

13.83 (62.21)

2.88 (49.95)

10.95 [0.58]

14.26 (57.16)

18.41 -4.15 (56.00) [-0.33]

22.12 (86.58)

28.00 -5.88 (61.07) [-0.29]

Taiwan 1988-1995

24.60 (66.23)

20.21 (65.89)

4.39 [0.34]

16.65 (54.48)

18.45 -1.79 (66.67) [-0.21]

29.10 (86.74)

16.24 (59.03)

12.87 [0.61]

57.34 107.38 18.76 [1.55] (321.66) (147.73)

88.62 77.73 53.54 [1.44] (283.77) (222.44)

24.19 [1.08]

32.07 [1.53]

27.72 87.82 [1.79] (136.34)

61.95 [2.12]

Venezuela 1988-1995 Zimbabwe 1987-1995

17.56 (59.21)

55.25 97.37 40.03 (221.44) (294.34) (193.17) 36.32 (71.96)

52.57 (82.32)

20.50 (72.27)

49.32 (83.01)


21.60 (72.86)

25.87 (68.66)



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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.