OpenGL Definition | Englisch Wörterbuch (2024)



1 not closed or barred
the door is open

2 affording free passage, access, view, etc.; not blocked or obstructed
the road is open for traffic

3 not sealed, fastened, or wrapped
an open package

4 having the interior part accessible
an open drawer

5 extended, expanded, or unfolded
an open newspaper, an open flower

6 ready for business
the shops are open

7 able to be obtained; available
the position advertised last week is no longer open

8 unobstructed by buildings, trees, etc.
open countryside

9 free to all to join, enter, use, visit, etc.
an open competition

10 unengaged or unoccupied
the doctor has an hour open for you to call

11 See open season

12 not decided or finalized
an open question

13 ready to entertain new ideas; not biased or prejudiced
an open mind

14 unreserved or candid
she was very open in her description

15 liberal or generous
an open hand

16 extended or eager to receive (esp. in the phrase with open arms)

17 exposed to view; blatant
open disregard of the law

18 liable or susceptible
you will leave yourself open to attack if you speak

19 (of climate or seasons) free from frost; mild

20 free from navigational hazards, such as ice, sunken ships, etc.
open water

21 (U.S.) without legal restrictions or enforceable regulations, esp. in relation to gambling, vice, etc.
an open town

22 without barriers to prevent absconding
an open prison

23 having large or numerous spacing or apertures
open ranks

24 full of small openings or gaps; porous
an open texture

25 (Printing) (of type matter) generously leaded or widely spaced

26 (Music)

a (of a violin or guitar string) not stopped with the finger

b (of a pipe, such as an organ pipe) not closed at either end

c (of a note) played on such a string or pipe

27 (Commerce)

b unrestricted; unlimited
open credit, open insurance cover

28 See open cheque

29 (of a return ticket) not specifying a date for travel

30 (Sport)

a (of a goal, court, etc.) unguarded or relatively unprotected
the forward missed an open goal

b (of a stance, esp. in golf) characterized by the front of the body being turned forward

31 (of a wound) exposed to the air

32 (esp. of the large intestine) free from obstruction

33 undefended and of no military significance
an open city

34 (Phonetics)

a denoting a vowel pronounced with the lips relatively wide apart

b denoting a syllable that does not end in a consonant, as in pa

35 (Chess) (of a file) having no pawns on it

36 (Maths) (of a set) containing points whose neighbourhood consists of other points of the same set
points inside a circle are an open set

37 (Computing) (of software or a computer system) designed to an internationally agreed standard in order to allow communication between computers, irrespective of size, maufacturer, etc.

38 to move or cause to move from a closed or fastened position
to open a window

39 when intr, foll by: on or onto to render, be, or become accessible or unobstructed
to open a road, to open a parcel, the door opens into the hall

40 intr to come into or appear in view
the lake opened before us

41 tr to puncture (a boil) so as to permit drainage

42 to extend or unfold or cause to extend or unfold
to open a newspaper

43 to disclose or uncover or be disclosed or uncovered
to open one's heart

44 to cause (the mind) to become receptive or (of the mind) to become receptive

45 to operate or cause to operate
to open a shop

46 when intr, sometimes foll by: out to make or become less compact or dense in structure
to open ranks

47 to set or be set in action; start
to open a discussion, to open the batting

48 tr to arrange for (a bank account, savings account, etc.) usually by making an initial deposit

49 to turn to a specified point in (a book, magazine, etc.)
open at page one

50 (Law) to make the opening statement in (a case before a court of law)

51 intr (Cards) to bet, bid, or lead first on a hand

52 often preceded by: the any wide or unobstructed space or expanse, esp. of land or water

53 See open air

54 (Sport) a competition which anyone may enter

55 bring (or come) into the open to make (or become) evident or public, (See also) open up
(Old English; related to Old French open, epen, Old Saxon opan, Old High German offan)
openable adj
openly adv
openness n

adj (Chess) (of a file) having a pawn or pawns of only one colour on it

open air

a the place or space where the air is unenclosed; the outdoors

b (as modifier)
an open-air concert

adj easily decided or solved; obvious
an open-and-shut case

open book
n a person or thing without secrecy or concealment that can be easily known or interpreted

Open Brethren
n one of the two main divisions of the Plymouth Brethren that, in contrast to the Exclusive Brethren, permits contacts with members outside the sect

open chain
n a chain of atoms in a molecule that is not joined at its ends into the form of a ring

open cheque
n an uncrossed cheque that can be cashed at the drawee bank

open circuit
n an incomplete electrical circuit in which no current flows
Compare closed circuit

Open College
n the. (in Britain) a college of art founded in 1987 for mature students studying foundation courses in arts and crafts by television programmes, written materials, and tutorials

open court
n a court or trial to which members of the public are freely admitted

open cut
n (Civil engineering) an excavation made in the open rather than in a tunnel
See cut-and-cover

open-cut mining
n the Austral. and N.Z. name for opencast mining

open day
n an occasion on which an institution, such as a school, is open for inspection by the public, (Also called) at-home (U.S. and Canadian name) open house

open door

1 a policy or practice by which a nation grants opportunities for trade to all other nations equally

2 free and unrestricted admission

3 open to all; accessible

4 (in industrial relations) designating a policy of management being prepared to talk to workers in the office at any time


1 without definite limits, as of duration or amount
an open-ended contract

2 denoting a question, esp. one on a questionnaire, that cannot be answered ``yes'', ``no'', or ``don't know''


1 with the eyes wide open, as in amazement

2 watchful; alert


1 having an ingenuous expression

2 (of a watch) having no lid or cover other than the glass

adj prenominal (Medieval history) of or denoting the system in which an arable area was divided into unenclosed strips, esp. cultivated by different tenants

open game
n (Chess) a relatively simple game involving open ranks and files, permitting tactical play, and usually following symmetrical development
Compare closed game

adj generous; liberal
open-handedly adv
open-handedness n


1 kindly and warm

2 disclosing intentions and thoughts clearly; candid
open-heartedly adv
open-heartedness n

open-hearth furnace
n (esp. formerly) a steel-making reverbatory furnace in which pig iron and scrap are contained in a shallow hearth and heated by producer gas

open-hearth process
n a process for making steel using an open-hearth furnace

open-heart surgery
n surgical repair of the heart during which the blood circulation is often maintained mechanically

open house

1 a U.S. and Canadian name for at-home open day

2 keep open house to be always ready to provide hospitality

3 (U.S. and N.Z.) a house available for inspection by prospective buyers

open learning
n a system of further education on a flexible part-time basis

open letter
n a letter, esp. one of protest, addressed to a person but also made public, as through the press

open market

a a market in which prices are determined by supply and demand, there are no barriers to entry, and trading is not restricted to a specific area

b (as modifier)
open-market value

open market operations
pl n (Finance) the purchase and sale on the open market of government securities by the Bank of England for the purpose of regulating the supply of money and credit to the economy

open marriage
n a marriage in which the partners are free to pursue their own social and sexual lives

adj having a mind receptive to new ideas, arguments, etc.; unprejudiced
open-mindedly adv
open-mindedness n


1 having an open mouth, esp. in surprise

2 greedy or ravenous

3 clamorous or vociferous

open order
n (Military) a formation that allows additional space between the ranks of a guard or inspected unit to allow the inspecting officer to pass

adj having no or few dividing walls between areas
an open-plan office floor

open policy
n an insurance policy in which the amount payable in the event of a claim is settled after the loss or damage has occurred
Compare valued policy

open position
n (Commerce) a situation in which a dealer in commodities, securities, or currencies has either unsold stock or uncovered sales

open primary
n (U.S. government) a primary in which any registered voter may participate
Compare closed primary

open prison
n a penal establishment in which the prisoners are trusted to serve their sentences and so do not need to be locked up, thus extending the range of work and occupation they can safely undertake

open punctuation
n punctuation characterized by sparing use of stops, esp. of the comma
Compare close punctuation

open question

1 a matter which is undecided

2 a question that cannot be answered with yes or no but requires a developed answer

adj another term for reel-to-reel

open sandwich
n a slice of bread covered with a spread or filling but without a top

open season

1 a specified period of time in the year when it is legal to hunt or kill game or fish protected at other times by law

2 often foll by: on a time when criticism or mistreatment is common
open season on women employees

open secret
n something that is supposed to be secret but is widely known

open sentence
n (Logic) an expression containing a free variable that can be replaced by a name to yield a sentence, as x is wise, (Also called) propositional function, sentential function

open sesame
n a very successful means of achieving a result
(from the magical words used by Ali Baba in The Arabian Nights' Entertainments to open the door of the robbers' den)

open set
n (Maths)

1 a set which is not a closed set

2 an interval on the real line excluding its end points, as ]0, 1[, the set of reals between, but excluding, 0 and 1

open shop
n an establishment in which persons are hired and employed irrespective of their membership or nonmembership of a trade union
Compare closed shop union shop

open slather
n See slather 2

open texture
n (Philosophy) the failure of natural languages to determine future usage, particularly the ability of predicates to permit the construction of borderline cases

Open University
n the. (in Britain) a university founded in 1969 for mature students studying by television and radio lectures, correspondence courses, local counselling, and summer schools

open up
vb adv

1 intr to start firing a gun or guns

2 intr to speak freely or without restraint

3 intr
Informal (of a motor vehicle) to accelerate

4 tr to render accessible
the motorway opened up the remoter areas

5 to make or become more exciting or lively
the game opened up after half-time

open verdict
n a finding by a coroner's jury of death without stating the cause

adj wide open when postpositive

1 open to the full extent

2 postpositive exposed to attack; vulnerable

3 uncertain as to outcome

4 (U.S.)
informal (of a town or city) lax in the enforcement of certain laws, esp. those relating to the sale and consumption of alcohol, gambling, the control of vice, etc.

OpenGL Definition | Englisch Wörterbuch (2024)


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