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Author: Subject: XPW Remixed

Man of a Thousand Holds
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posted on 10-4-2012 at 04:15 PM
XPW TV Episode #55
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Cut to the in-studio announce team for the evening:

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Gordon Solie & Matt Striker

Stone-faced intro from Solie & Striker who apologize to viewers who purchased �The 18th Letter� iPPV and experienced technical difficulties. Inresponse, XPW Remixed will be airing the remainder of the title match main event tonight. Plus - huge breaking news regarding another XPWchampionship - Thesz & Joe will respond to the controversial finish of the PPV - and Commissioner William Muldoon has been reported entering thebuilding! Will he finally break his silence? The night is rife with uncertainty - but one thing has become crystal clear as we embark upon the roadto �Another Halloween in Hell��


"Controversy Erupts at iPPV"
(Satellite feed time exceeded - PPV cut before main event was finished)

"The 18th Letter" iPPV exceeded the alloted 3 hour time limit, and thus the main event was cut-off before a finish. This, on top of multipleglitches and technical difficulties earlier in the night resulted in many angry viewer complaints. VP Toots Mondt blamed the outage solely on theiPPV provider and refused to offer refunds. A *HUGE* blow to the credibility and solvency of the company, this move resulted in massive fan backlashand desertion. On top of that - the companys decision to air the rest of the main event tonight - for free - has infuriated those that paid for it onSunday.

Continuing where the PPV left off - Joe had Thesz locked in tight - but with his last ounce of strength Thesz was able to run up the turnbuckle padand land on top of Joe with his shoulders down (a familiar counter for Thesz). This time, Joe kicked out - and released the hold - at the count of2.95... Joe tried rapid fire pinfall attempts himself but Thesz wriggled out until coming to rest in the ropes and forcing a break. Joe was beyondfrustrated. So frustrated he took it out on the referee by delivering a pulverizing muscle buster to him. With no official, Joe went for the steelchair cheat code - but a second referee intervened at the last moment. He seriously threatened to DQ Joe for good (ending his championshipopportunity) until none other than XPW VP Joseph �Toots� Mondt made the run down.

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He forbade the referee from ringing the bell - and insisted the match carry out as planned. Joe went after Thesz again with the chair - but now Theszwas recuperated enough to mount an offense and the fight continued. 60 minutes they fight to a stalemate, with the bell ringing just as it had tobegin - with both men warily (this time exhausted) circling each other. The official decision was a �DRAW� but both men (and the voraciously booingaudience) objected, so a 10-minute over time period was instated. That just meant another 600 seconds of defensive strategy that kicked into a lastflurry of offense as the seconds ticked away, but neither man was able to secure a finish. Draw ending with tie going to the champion.

Winner: NONE (Draw)

** CUT **


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Words from the challenger Samoa Joe and champion Lou Thesz (albeit in completely different segments hallways apart from away from each other)� neither is satisfied with the end result they just express it differently. Thesz is matter-of-fact and business-like, while Joe is a borderlineraging lunatic. The state of the championship union is still in flux, but one thing is certain - a massive 6-man Superstar tag team match has beensigned for tonight�s main event�

The �Dream Team� of XPW World champion Lou Thesz, John Cena & Bruno Sammartino


The �Nightmare Team� of Samoa Joe, Taz & Phil �Gunner� Shatter!

The winning team will gain immeasurable momentum going into the championship decider.


** CUT **



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Lord Tensai def. Hakushi via double-fisted choke bomb. The new recruit of Atsushi Onita displays all of the Oriental wrestling stereotypes that areso awesome in American wrestling� the paralyzing mist sprayed upon his hands before the nerve clutch - the stiff shoot strikes - mysterious martialarts skills� the much bigger Tensai dominates and brutalizes Hakushi while Onita roars his approval at ringside. Onita puts the final nail inHakushi�s XPW Remixed coffin with a brutal, degrading post match promo that ends with a disrespectful SLAP across the face. Hakushi is sacrificed tothe new Far East evil of the Black Army�


** CUT **

�Another Wilts Away�
(The Curse of XPW Remixed)

Brief words from XPW Remixed president Ed �Strangler� Lewis� he�s under attack from all sides and his company�s livelihood is in the balance. Everybody�s after the championship belt - even his own business partners. This also being that very special time of year (�Another Halloween in Hell�iPPV coming HALLOWEEN NIGHT!) - we also speak of the so-called �XPW Remixed curse�. A legend that has only gained more traction in the wake of recentcatastrophic Territory Wars events. Just this week, it was announced the AWA would cease functioning. Fresh on the heels of an inter-promotionaldream match that saw Ed Lewis and Verne Gagne shake hands and Lou Thesz defend the XPW World title against Mr Perfect (see Xpw TV #47: Thesz vs. MrPerfect) - another failed attempt to dethrone the longest reigning champion in company history. Was it a coincidence? Or is the AWA just followingthe design of death laid down before it? A so-called �curse� that affects any fantasy wrestling company that does business with XPW Remixed. Starting when GDT Inc first burst through the doors and put Ozzmania�s ECW out of business� to the rumors about Kiernan Polland being forced out ofROH at gunpoint� or the mysterious rash of �medical ailments� being suffered by Logan Boggs (and NOT the result of being tied up and beaten withsacks of soap bars) in TNA. Now - President Lewis fears this so-called �XPW Remixed curse� may feast upon itself. That�s why it is with all thepresidential bluster he can muster that Ed Lewis promises to go �old school�. To fix this mess like promoters used to back in his day� the *REAL*way. Ed �Strangler� Lewis has a big announcement to make next week - an ace in the hole that will end this secret war in his favor once and for all� STAY TUNED




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Opens with an angry, indignant in-ring promo from the FabKangs - who lament their loss @ "The 18th Letter" and *sadly* inform the fans Wild RedBerry has suffered 3rd degree burns and can't be here (YAAAAAY! says the crowd!) But it doesn't matter, because the FabKangs have movedonto BIGGER and BETTER things... the CROCKETT CUP! They have already moved one step closer towards proving themselves the most dominant team infantasy wrestling history! Until they are interupted by... THE LEGION OF DOOM! Surprise retort from the shoulder-spiked Chicaco street toughs thatputs the FabKangs manhood in question and results in this impromptu brawl! The FabKangs are former 2x XPW Remixed tag team champions - one of themost enduring heel acts in tag team wrestling history - and bonafied legends of the game. But tonight - they are Power & Glory at Wrestlemania 7. Wham, bam, Doomsday Device to Costello, and thank you ma'am. Hawk & Animal continue their meteoric rise up the XPW Remixed tag team rankings...and judging by the massive crowd reaction, it's only a matter of time before they get their shot...

Winners: LOD

** CUT **


(RVD fails PED test - Stripped of XPW TV title!!)

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In shocking and breaking news - the results of RVD�s post-fight urine analysis at �The 18th Letter� came back POSITIVE! Rob Van Dam failed the drugtest for THC - the main component in marijuana. And unfortunately - like Nick Diaz and ex-Olympic Nick Depopulas before him - THC is considered aPerformance Enhancing Drug. In response to the sudden vacancy of the XPW TV title - matchmakers have scrambled for a solution: an 8-man singleelimination tourney to crown a new champion. Tonight - a series of dark match qualifiers - next week the tourney officially begins.

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(XPW TV title tourney qualifying matches) **

Jinder Mahal def. Drake Younger
(Mahal thought the vacant title should automatically awarded to him - instead he takes his fury out on Drake Younger, who ultimately falls toMahal's camel clutch submission)

Colt Cabana(2012) def. Honky Tonk Man (1987)
(�Boom Boom� Cabana overcomes storyline rival HTM with style and flavor)

Human Tornado def. Ruckus
(Another mix of �style & substance� with both men shaking hands post match)

Gorgeous George def. Ricky Reyes
(ALL �style� - with Gorgeous George elaborate pre-match ritual leading to a lot of hemming, hawing, and stalling - until a surprise roll-up fromGeorge ends the actual *match* in about 3.5 seconds)

Alberto Del Rio receives Qualifying match bye
(Quick promo from Del Rio touting his victory over Mascaras and promising championship glory at �Another Halloween in Hell�)

Damien Sandow def. Sabu
(Quick pre-match promo lamenting the loss of his manager Wild Red Berry due to Xtreme idiocy (see �The 18th Letter�) - Sandow then takes that angerout on Sabu - forcing the Wildman to dive through his own table before hitting the neck breaker finisher for a pinfall)

John Morrison def. Matt Morgan (w/ Buddy Rogers)
(Morgan has things well in hand - until the run in tandem interference of the MCMG!! Revenge for �The 18th Letter� and their attack leads to astarship pain from Morrison for the surprising upset! Morgan, Rogers & Mark Henry are ENRAGED)


The TV Title tourney begins...

** CUT **


�Another Lawsuit Filed�

Irate over the loss of his FOCUS trademarks - and upset at the GDT Inc hierarchy for not supporting him more in the wake of his loss (especially afterhe offered such invaluable legal advice to them in the beginning) - Harvard Lawyer David Otunga is spearheading the lawsuit by Necro Butcher &Sandman! Brief backstage skit shows Otunga letting himself into President Strangler Lewis� office and personally serving him with the paperwork. Necro & Sandman just smirk behind him like money-hungry moochers grateful to Otunga for chasing their ambulance. They are suing XPW Remixed for falseadvertisem*nt and unsafe work environments amongst other things. Otunga and his clients leave the office on their mighty high horses, while StranglerLewis is left to review the paperwork claims with disgust�

** CUT **


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Cameras catch up with XPW VP Joseph �Toots� Mondt who is finishing up a conversation on his cellphone. His bone breakers Dino Bravo & Dick Shikatsurround him. When informed of Ed Lewis� vague threats to go �old school� - Toots Mondt stoic expression drops to his feet. Mondt says he�s abetting man - but if the Strangler is talking about who he thinks he is - then Mondt wouldn�t bet against THAT horse... But for now, Mondt just gotoff the phone with the state athletic commission and it�s official - LOU THESZ has been ordered to defend the XPW World title against SAMOA JOE in therematch of the century! The big fight will happen on October 31st at �Another Halloween in Hell�!!

Lou Thesz � vs. Samoa Joe

Only at �Another Halloween in Hell�!!

** CUT **


�Clouds over the championship Reign�

XPW Remixed Tag Team champions Dudley Boyz take to the ring for a celebratory promo. Big time baby face reaction from the fans, and the Dudz touttheir supremecy and promise to reveal the next #1 contender� another veritable �dream match� in XPW Remixed - the only place big and bad enough tohost such a fight. A team the Dudley Boyz respect tremendously� a team the Dudley Boyz says is holding them back from immortality� for only if theDudz beat this team can they truly say they are the GREATEST TEAM IN HISTORY� that team is�

Violent interruption. Before the Dudz can reveal, they are cut off - and ultimately attacked by the ultimate fantasy wrestling mercenaries - thePITBULLS! They whip the Dudz with chains, choke them out a little and execute a thunderous super bomb to D-Von Dudley from the top rope through atable (on which Bubba Ray was already laid out on)� The Pitbulls end the celebration and pose menacingly over the Dudz ravaged bodies�

** CUT **


KILO � (w/ Sammi Lane) vs FRENCH ANGEL
("Title Shot Match")

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The whole horrible ordeal between Kilo / Sammi Lane / French Angel is reviewed in terrifying video fashion. Kilo physically crushed Sammi Lane - thenphysically and psychologically strung her out on opiates until she is the crushed, hollow shell you see before her tonight (think Winter/Angelina LoveTNA 2011). The transformation has ruined what little sanity French Angel had left - until he has been reduced to a mournful, broken lost soul. SammiLane remains in her near catatonic state like Linda McMahon in a wheelchair while Angel is literally *forced* into accepting this match by the officesof Jack Pfefer (formerly Robert Black). It was gifted with the backhanded caveat �Title Shot match� - as in, if French Angel can overcome thepsychological demons of even being forced to face Kilo and Sammi Lane together and triumph - THEN he receives a title shot� instead of getting oneright away with this match. It�s a sick tease like a poisoned carrot on a stick, hoping to drive the mule (French Angel) into an early demise. Anytime the rage does consume French Angel and he begins to win the match - he�s somehow forced to see Sammi Lane again, and his heart melts as hedesperately tries to get to her and rescue her. Leading to further attack from Kilo.

The sick swerve at the end (and diabolical Jack Pfefer ploy) comes when none other than DEAN AMBROSE arrives on the scene to pick the remains of Angellike a vulture. Ambrose uses a Razors-Edge crucifix bomb (akin to Sheamus� Celtic Cross�) to spike French Angel� and pin him in the middle of themat?? Both Kilo & Dean Ambrose celebrate their ploy (with a rabid & gleeful Kilo being met with subtle derision and disgust by Dean) - and DeanAmbrose cuts a post match promo. The stipulation of the match promised a �title shot� opportunity - although it was not specified which title must bepursued. Ambrose uses this loophole to declare himself similar to a MitB winner. In that he has earned a �Title Shot� card to be used at a laterdate - on a championship title he has yet to reveal� The Black Army centerpiece Dean Ambrose has just re-upped his championship potential andcemented his political alignment with the offices of Jack Pfefer. Another underhanded ploy on Dean�s behalf to regain traction in the wake of rivalstablemate Onita debuting Lord Tensai�

Winner (??): DEAN AMBROSE

** CUT **


Jack Pfefer is caught in his office wrapping up a speaker phone conversation with Rob Black (in which Black is asking when it�s safe for hisreturn, but Pfefer keeps blowing him off)� MSD finally gets a word from the Interim VP and the question on everybody�s mind is - why was Jack Pfeferin the luxury skybox with Anderson Silva � and Junior Dos Santos � @ �The 18th Letter�?? Jack Pfefer is co*cky and sly, refusing to disclose theentire truth - but indicates everybody within GDT Inc is mounting up in anticipation of a final climatic explosion. When that happens, Jack Pfeferplans to have surrounded himself with the right team and cabinet to be the last man standing� in the meantime, the Black Army sits upon the precipiceof great change as Dean Ambrose now holds the key to an unspecified title shot... when questioned whether Rob Black is part of these plans, Pfefergets rude and belligerent - tossing MSD from his office.

** CUT **



A segment that puts over cut matches in fast, MTV-styled, video hype clips - usually set to some kind of heavy metal or Hip Hop background music..this is the kind of stuff that would have appeared on the now-dormant XPW Online, or within the 3rd hour of XPW TV that has been lost...

Trish Stratus def. Wendi Richter & Annie Social (Triple Threat)
(Sable is announced the #1 contender - and will face champion Awesome Kong NEXT WEEK on XPW TV for the title!!)

GenerationME def. Kendrick & London
(Another high-flying, death-defying, Classic cruiserweight/X Division masterpiece. This time GenME come out victorious in the turbo race up theTag Team rankings)

Tommaso Ciampa def. Black Tiger IV (Debut)
(Evil Ciampa runs up undefeated streak over *debuting* masked marvel - actually Rocky Romero under a mask, tinkering with a new XPW Remixedgimmick. No dice - the bigger story is Tommaso Ciampa's new mysterious East Coast tutelage)

Powers of Potential (Matt Morgan & Mark Henry w/ Buddy Rogers)
Motor City Machine Guns

(MCMG are game - but the PoP are seeking revenge after a MCMG run-in took Morgan out of the TV title tourney)

(Qualifying Matches)

Pogo the Clown def. JC Ice Baby (w/ Wolfie D)
(Sick story over substance match with Pogo getting the hilarious squash match victory)

The Sheik & Snuff battle to a non-finish
(Post match - Jack Pfefer declares BOTH men entrants in the Xtreme Elimination chamber match @ "AHiH"...)

Danny Havoc vs Jun Kasai
(in the main even qualifier, the two stage a bloody battle - until none other than "NEW HORROR" SAMI CALLIHAN appears - dragging his batteredcorpse like a zombie arisen from the dead! (see "The 18th Letter")... using Death Match logic, Sami Callihan enters himself into the match - takesover - and eliminates both men! He stacks their bodies on top of each other to pin them - and declares HIMSELF in the Xtreme Elimination Chamber! Sami Callihan is back - worse than ever - and ready to leave a mark in the Black Army's signature match!!)

** CUT **


�A Paid Promotional Piece�

There�s a commercial that runs for a new wrestling school/league. It is lead by Paul Bowser, and it is promising tutelage from such superstar namesas:


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Welterweight champion of the world:

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Sign up now!!

** CUT **


�Making a Play for Prime Time�

The XPW Remixed Prime Time Playaz (Kaos & Titus) enter the arena. Angry pre-match promo from Kaos (still wearing his imitation �World ChampionWrestler� man title belt and �I BEAT AUSTIN ARIES� T-shirt. Kaos angrily disses SHANE DOUGLAS - and we learn tonight for the first time, apparentlyShane Douglas has LEFT XPW Remixed� TO SIGN WITH WCW! As an exact replay of his original real-world departure of XPW (see MSD recaps �XPW TV SeasonOne� on the Demented Fields board!) - Shane Douglas has apparently turned his back on his word and fled for a higher paycheck. �U sold out� chantsfor that. Kaos goes on another rant that draws �WCW� (and therefore WCW champion Austin Aries) into the gunfire� until we get an unbelievable,unforeseen, unadvertised surprise interruption�

(Impromptu Inter-promotional showdown)


WTF?!? The crowd EXPLODES! Kaos' sunglasses fall off his face in shock! Titus O'Neil looks lost and off script! The so-called"Greatest Man Alive" enters XPW Remixed arena... with his championship belt!! But instead of boos reserved for an invader - he gets the rousingCHEERS of a great conquerer! Austin Aries then proceeds to ROAST Kaos on the mic - destroying his credibility, style and imitation championship belt. It even leads to an impromptu throwdown that tears the house up for the 3-5 minutes or so it lasts. Classic XPW vs Modern Day TNA ("slash/WCWrandomone version") DREAM MATCH! Titus O'Neil winds up getting taken out by an Aries dive - and Kaos jobs clean to a sick brainbuster in thecenter of the ring! Austin Aries takes a bow - BOTH championship belts (including Kaos' fake one) - and LEAVES! Crowd can't stopcheering - even all through the replays. What an unscheduled, unmitigated SURPRISE X-FACTOR that just appeared on XPW TV! A place where literallyANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!


** CUT **


SHEAMUS vs. BIG SHAD G (w/ Rashad Cameron)

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New XPW Remixed Boston champion SHEAMUS (2012) comes out for a rabble-rousing, fan favorite promo. He confirms the �sell-out� rumors are true andthat Shane Douglas bailed for higher ground instead of seeking his title rematch. Sheamus can only draw one conclusion regarding that decision and ithas something do with an old Irish tale revolving around a certain part of the female anatomy. But before Sheamus can really drive home his pointabout his continued domination of fantasy wrestling - he�s interrupted by the beat of a very familiar XPW Remixed public menace�

Enter RASHAD CAMERON & The Movement!!

Rashad Cameron and his minions come hard on the mic about white devils and racism - and since Comissioner Muldoon got what he deserved, and theycan�t call his pasty Irish ass out - they are targeting the big fish. The most racist of all: �THE GREAT WHITE SHEAMUS�. Their off-color rant goadsSheamus into accepting a challenge that will surely lead to his demise at the hands of a violent gang beat down. Until none other than COMMISSIONERWILLIAM MULDOON himself returns to exact justice!!

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The Commissioner admits he is low on firepower, as political enemies are mining and stripping his booking abilities as we speak. But with his lastand final shots in the chamber - he orders JTG, Michael Tarver & Ricky Reyes (all men without a *managers license*) be removed from ringside! Onceagain they angrily complain of racism, until Muldoon has security physically remove them (in handcuffs, none the less) - as Big Shad G & RashadCameron are thoroughly thrown off their game moments before the big encounter. In the few minutes of this heavyweight slugfest, William Muldoon takesup residence beside Solie & Striker and finally breaks his silence. The Taz attack he suffered was the final straw, and he realized this lawless landwas beyond repair. It�s too steeped in corruption and founded upon illegal blood money it can never be truly saved. He gives his blessing andprayers to those who seek unfinished business, but effectively at the end of the night - William Muldoon is resigning his position as XPW RemixedCommissioner. As Sheamus winds up out out-brawling Big Shad G and catching him with a flash Brogue kick for the pin, Muldoon hints that he has onelast proverbial �bullet� in the chamber before the end of the night� Meanwhile, Rashad Cameron and company are left to continue their grudge and havemore ammunition of their own for a so-called �racist conspiracy� in fantasy wrestling�


** CUT **


MILDRED BURKE (w/ Rowdy Ronda Rousey)
TAMINA (w/ Uso's)

(Sanctioned Competition)

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It is with much pomp and fanfare that Mildred Burke (and training partner Ronda Rousey) get their grand TV entrance. It�s a celebratory night, as thecontractual handcuffs that have bound Mildred Burke since her XPW Remixed inception have finally been snapped. Tonight - she officially becomes partof the Woman�s division - and can begin competing for the title. A title she feels she never truly lost� She and Rousey celebrate the only way theyknow how - by issuing a challenge. Burke�s first official shot across the bow goes to old foe TAMINA - of which she still has unfinished business. Ad Santel has been removed from fantasy wrestling, but his Cali Cripplers stink still lingers. Tonight - not only does Mildred Burke tap Tamina outwith a triangle choke (after a smartly competitive match) - she and her partner Ronda Rousey wind up running twin armbar seminars upon the Usobrothers as well (who ran in post match to try to get over on the girls, but wound up getting caught and embarrassed)!! Wow! Mildred Burke is BACKin XPW Remixed woman�s competition! She�s starting at the bottom of the ranking ladder and eager to work her way up! She now stands 1-0!

Winner (by submission): MILDRED BURKE

** CUT **


(w/ Alexxis Nevaeh)
(w/ Jessica Darlin)

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Vignettes ran all night of all 6 men getting re-acquainted with each other slowly. The lingering resentment between Thesz & Sammartino remains, whileThesz & Cena (and Cena/Sammartino) have promising exchanges hinting at a great rivalry. Everybody wants the hardware Lou Thesz carries around hiswaist - especially GDT Inc who could be ruined if Thesz took their title lineage with him elsewhere. Thesz of course would also be the greatest coupin Paul Bowser�s new endeavor as well, but for some reason Thesz remains tethered to the West Coast XPW Remixed scene. Like Cena, he too has alludedto some heavy unfinished business that keeps him here (while other more cynical types have questioned whether Thesz could retain his attendancefigures and crowd appeal in the North East - and that�s what is keeping him in the Mid West/West Coast area). Regardless - the new Paul Bowserventure has not been finalized yet - and steady prize fight money is the only way these gladiators know. So they fight on. All the early backstagevignettes and this match culminates with Lou Thesz admitting the reason he stays is because his �DRAW� with Joe MUST be avenged! It's personalnow - and if Thesz can't defeat Joe straight up - he doesn't *deserve* to be a champion... anywhere!

Taz and Joe continue to work together in vicious tandem, but there seems to be a festering resentment between them, ever since Taz officialchampionship banishment. His violent ego won�t let him surrender that right to his apprentice Samoa Joe, and it leads to some tenuous exchanges. Gunner & Darlin remain a hot mess as always - a train wreck waiting to happen. Match itself is a pure slobber knocker. Even Thesz succumbs to thework environment and winds up exchanging a lot of forearm shivers, European uppercuts and hurling dropkicks. Ultimately - the story of redemptioncontinues - and the good guys prove once again evil has no unity. A serious fissure in the Joe/Taz alliance leads to a catastrophic match breakdown -and baby face overload. An injured Thesz (favoring his ribs especially after this match) is saved from a match-ending spear attempt by Gunner whenJohn Cena FUAA�s him into the center of the ring. Then, in an amazing display of strength, Bruno Sammartino dead-lifts Gunner into hisover-the-shoulder backbreaker position! Jessica Darlin has no choice but to throw the white cum-rag in for her man, signaling a submission! Taz &Joe are disgusted over the loss and angrily part ways (silently and separately) - while the good guys end the show in begrudging respect (and each ofthem jostling to be next in line for a championship match... Samoa Joe - knowing he's got his PPV rematch in the bag - basically bailed on thematch and left his teammates high and dry (like a pro sports team resting its starters before the playoffs begin)...


** FADE OUT **


** XPW World Championship **
Lou Thesz � versus Samoa Joe

** Xtreme Elimination Chamber **
(Feat: 6 of the sickest bastards in Fantasy Wrestling!)

** XPW TV title tourney FINALS **

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Man of a Thousand Holds
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Mood: No Mood.

posted on 10-10-2012 at 04:39 PM
XPW TV Episode #56
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Cut to the in-studio announce team for the evening:

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Gordon Solie & Matt Striker

The creepiest time of the year is here. All Hallows Eve. In the land of XPW Remixed - caught perpetually within the witching hour - the mists ofRavenloft will rise once more. But this time - they may not recede so easily. XPW Remixed is steamrolling towards �Another Halloween in Hell� likean unmanned locomotive speeding off the tracks. The XPW World championship remains the sole focus as owners, wrestlers, bookers and promoters allfight for the top prize. Some wars are fought brazenly in the center of the ring - many are waged silently in the shadows. All armies have one goalin mind - total fantasy wrestling domination. Halloween� the darkest time of year - when XPW Remixed shines the brightest� and even through thechoking Barovian fog we can see one truth startlingly clear:


** Awesome Kong � defends the XPW Remixed Woman�s championship against #1 contender SABLE! **

** The XPW TV Title tourney begins! **

** And two legendary matches on tap for tonight - a HUGE double main event:

JOHN CENA (2012) versus TAZ (2000)!!


BRUNO SAMMARTINO (1975) versus GUNNER (2013) w/ Jessica Darlin!!

Plus: a new XPW Remixed commissioner is announced - a bloodbath rises @ "Another Halloween in Hell" - the official XPW World title contractsigning - and Strangler Lewis has promised a big announcement!


When by thy scorn, O murd�reuses, I am dead
And that thou think�st thee free
From all solicitation from me,
Then shall my ghost come to thy bed,
And thee, feign�d vestal, in worse arms shall see;
Then thy sick taper will begin to wink,
And he, whose thou art then, being tir�d before,
Will, if thou stir, or pinch to wake him, think
Thou call�st for more,
And in false sleep will from thee shrink;
And then, poor aspen wretch, neglected thou
Bath�d in a cold quicksilver sweat wilt lie
A verier ghost than I.
What I will say, I will not tell thee now,
Lest that preserve thee; and since my love is spent,
I�had rather thou shouldst painfully repent,
Than by my threat�nings rest still innocent

** John Donne - "The Apparition" (1633)



** XPW Remixed Boston championship **

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SHEAMUS (2012) � versus RASHAD CAMERON (2013)

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Show is hijacked by the theme song for - and thuggish antics of - Rashad Cameron and the Movement. More racist propaganda in the vein of early 90sgangsta rap (word to MC Ren) from Rashad and his men, who spit upon ex-Commissioner William Muldoon and his racist Rudy Giuliani-like policies. Segues into a hate-filled rant against another pale-faced Irish ass - SHEAMUS. �The Great White� answers the call in the face of insurmountable5-on-1 odds and says the Movement ends TONIGHT! Sheamus talks Rashad Cameron into sending his gang backstage (to shoot the fair one) and we get animpromptu title defense right now from the fighting Irish champion. Size disparity between the two is astounding - and Sheamus easily takes control. Until a couple of street smart cheap shots from Rashad Cameron slightly even the playing field, and he gets a few 2-counts. Finally Sheamus rampagesback into the match and steamrolls Rashad with a handful of impact moves. Sheamus is setting up for the Brogue Kick - when the rest of the Movementruns in. JTG & Ricky Reyes hop up on opposite ends of the ring - distracting Sheamus. That allows Michael Tarver to taunt him from ringside. BigShad G grabs Rashad�s foot and pulls him from the ring at the last moment - narrowly avoiding the charging Brogue Kick. Sheamus tries to argue - getsblindsided with a handheld chain shot - and double foot stomped off the top rope by Rashad Cameron� then JTG holds down Sheamus foot from outside thering while Cameron goes for the pin! 1!.. 2!.. 3!! WE�VE GOT A NEW CHAMPION!!

Winner (and NEW XPW Remixed Boston champion): RASHAD CAMERON

(Crowd is booing and hissing - the Movement is celebrating and going crazy in the ring - Sheamus is vehemently arguing with the referee (not onlywas his boot held down, it was under the bottom rope!!) The Movement are oblivious with their celebration, and don�t even notice thesuit-and-tie-wearing PAUL BOWSER run down to further confer with the referees (and point out a video replay)!! Wait a minute, the ring announcer isgetting on the mic again� we�ve got a Dusty finish! They point out the illegal stuff on the giant Titan Tron - enrage the Movement - excite the fans- NULLIFY the match result - and immediately RESTART IT! Crowd going ballistic! Rashad Cameron going nuts! The XPW Remixed Boston championship hasto be literally pried out of his hands! But while their backs are turned�)

Brogue Kick to Big Shad G sends him over the top rope!
Double axe-handle sledges do the same to JTG & Ricky Reyes!
Michael Tarver tries to take a swing - but Sheamus answers with an Irish Curse backbreaker!
Sheamus catches Rashad Cameron in mid-leap!
White Noise!
Slow set-up� crowd getting amped� Sheamus pounds his chest� yells �FELLLLLAAA!!�
BOOM! Streaks across the ring with a Brogue Kick to Rashad Cameron - folding the cruiserweight wrestler nearly in half!! 1!.. 2!.. 3! SHEAMUSRETAINS! And Rashad Cameron�s movement has even *more* ammunition to their claims of being conspired against by the white man!

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Winner (and STILL XPW Remixed Boston champion): SHEAMUS

** CUT **


�Royal Imperialism�

In the wake of William Muldoon�s resignation - a new XPW commissioner must be named� and judging by the look of smug joy on Atushi Onita�s face hebelieves the job is going to him - but instead, Jack Pfefer (in place of the deposed Robert Black) assigns *HIMSELF* the new position. His VP job nowis only interim, and who better than the brain Jack Pfefer himself to take the reigns of the greatest book in the Territory Wars?? Besides - he�s got*bigger* and *better* plans for Onita and his man, don�t you worry� but in the meantime -Jack Pfefer can barely sign his name on the officialcontract before he�s met by a State Athletic department commissioner. Apparently William Muldoon signed 4 last caveats into place before vacating hispost� these are the so-called �final shots� he spoke of last week on XPW TV while explaining his resignation! What?!? Jack Pfefer angrily grabs thelist and reads it - before tossing it away in disgust! (he then ignores another office phone call from Robert Black)

#1: �Dangerous� Danny Davis is officially BANNED from refereeing and his license permanently REVOKED - for grievous damage to the referee�s code,bribery and corruption!

The number one Black Army ace-in-the-hole has been permanently terminated! This move certainly alters the landscape of XPW Remixed, as Jack Pfeferand GDT Inc no doubt saw a long line of championship matches refereed by their hand-picked stooge Danny Davis! No more! What are William Muldoon�sfinal 3 shots across the bow?!?

** CUT **

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#2: The main event XPW championship match at "Another Halloween in Hell" will be contested under a very specific, match-ending stipulation. Andthe fan friendly catch is - the XPW Remixed universe gets to vote the stipulation!!

Will it be an "Iron Man Match?" "Best 2 out of 3 falls match?" Or "Submission Only" match? YOU DECIDE! Text, tweet, beep, blorp youranswers in NOW! Oh my, thank you ex-Commissioner Muldoon!!

** CUT **


�An Xtreme Tradition�

It is a sick, demented tradition in XPW to host an Xtreme Elimination chamber in October. For the 2nd year in a row, 6 of the deadliest monstersin fantasy wrestling history will be locked in the barbaric structure - with only one fated to survive. Last year - the terrifying SHEIK emergedvictorious - this year he will try again. A host of other killers and lunatics will be entombed with him... a bloody, violent spectacle that willtruly remind fantasy wrestling fans of a LIVING HELL. Only at "Another Halloween In Hell!!" But this year: two new twisted surprises have beenadded... a "punishment" and a "reward" to those who compete in the match... (we'll leave it up to you to decide which is which)... Staytuned for more info, as XPW Remixed promises to drop 2 Xtreme stipulations into this human co*ckfight - akin to dropping fresh blood into a pool ofsharks! FEEDING FRENZY!


** Pogo the Clown vs Snuff vs The Sheik (Xtreme Rulez Triple Threat)
(Another surprise run-in from "New Horror" Sami Callihan ends the match in his own twisted favor... Sami goes berzerk on all 3 men, and winds up*pinning* Pogo the Clown after steel chair shot to a pane of glass hovering over Pogo's body. Once again Callihan cleans house and declareshimself victor... "Winner" = Sami Callihan!!)

** CUT **

** Xtreme Elimination Chamber **
(Qualifying Match)



�Masada� is the name for a site of ancient palaces and fortifications in the Southern District of Israel, on top of an isolated rock plateau. On theeastern edge of the Judaean Desert (overlooking the Dead Sea). Masada is best known for the violence that occurred there in the first century CE,including mass suicides. In fantasy wrestling, �Masada� also means Death Match Icon. He comes from us live and direct from 2012 - the height of hisinfamy. Urban Wrestling Federation competitor, former King of the Death Match and Tournament of Death winner (including first consecutive wins in2011 and 2012) and CZW heavyweight champion - Masada is one of the most gruesome, hardcore muthaphu*ckkers on the planet. His razor board matches withJun Kasai are legendary and he is credited with ending Thumbtack Jack�s career in real life (credited to the �Kilo� character in XPW Remixed cannon). Masada is #255 in the PWI 500 for 2012. Tonight we welcome him into XPW Remixed - and his addition to the Xtreme Elimination chamber @ �AHiH� hasmade an already combustible situation downright explosive�

Winner: MASADA

** CUT **


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John Cena and agent Paul Bowser are finishing up a friendly conversation. John Cena has basically said �I see your way, but I�ve got unfinishedbusiness to tend to first� - of which Mr. Bowser perfectly understands. They cordially part ways and Cena gets down to it by cutting a snarling,deadly-serious promo on Samoa Joe (the #1 contender) and the Human Suplex Machine TAZ (his opponent tonight)� Cena�s ultimate goal is to stand acrossthe ring from Lou Thesz in a one-on-one historic title match encounter� and become the new XPW World champion� hey, we�re all allowed to dream,right?



LORD TENSAI (2012) w/ Onita versus FRENCH ANGEL (1942)

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The rise of KotDM champion Kilo is chronicled in sick Scarface fashion. One of his biggest coups (in partnership with the vile Rob Black) was the�good girl gone bad� turn of Sammi Lane. All the worst connotations from drug use, physical abuse and prostitution apply. Another victim of thisdiabolical turn is the broken hearted French Angel - who is constantly abused (by physically and psychologically) by his immersion in his world. Hedesperately tries to save Sammi Lane, but is destined to fail every time. The endless spiral of drug-bound loved ones. In this match - Kilo assumesguest commentary position beside Solie & Striker and clearly unnerves them both. He�s unpredictable, vulgar and prone to spontaneous bursts of anger.

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There is little left of French Angel at this point, and what is he spends desperately trying to appeal to a blank and dumbfounded Sammi Lane atringside - leaving himself open to brutality from Lord Tensai. Commentators cover the harsh training techniques of Onita and his silent war withstablemate Dean Ambrose (something Kilo no-sells completely). Tensai brutally kills French Angel and leaves him grasping - empty handed - at thewoman he once loved as the blood leaks from his body� meanwhile - cameras catch a mysterious robed/and/or/masked figure lurking in the alcoves of thearena! This figure appears to be watching Kilo and cronies closely - and completely bugs out Kilo when he realizes this. But post match, when afrenzied Kilo tries to point the assailant out to Onita & Tensai - the mysterious fiend has vanished into the shadows - leaving Kilo looking like adelusional maniac with dilated pupils�


But who is that mysterious cloaked figure watching from the rafters??? And why was it such a startling sight for Kilo?? See XPW TV Episode#27!!

** CUT **


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XPW President Ed Lewis & VP Toots Mondt hash things out in the *privacy* of the President�s office. Toots Mondt seems worried about Ed Lewis� bigannouncement, and questions whether it�s the right time� Ed Lewis remains undeterred and tells Mondt the unsanctioned hits performed by Joe & Tazhave only done the opposite of their intent - solidifying the baby face ranks that oppose them. Now nobody can be trusted to hold the XPW Worldchampionship� except the big gun Ed Lewis is bringing is in. But Mondt asks for one last chance to convince Samoa Joe to do business the GDT Incway� Lewis seems skeptical�

** CUT **


"The Villain of XPW Remixed"

Black Army centerpiece Dean Ambrose holds an unspecified title shot in the palm of his hands! XPW Remixed beware - the Devil shall strike when yeleast expect it...

** CUT **


** XPW TV Title Tourney **

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Former champion RVD has been fined, suspended and STRIPPED of his championship after failing a post-fight drug test. He tested positive for THC -the primary ingredient in marijuana. In the wake of that scandal, XPW Remixed was forced to stage an 8-man single elimination tourney to determinethe new champion. Qualifying matches have already been fought (see XPW TV Episode #55) - and tonight we learn the 2nd of ex-CommissionerMuldoon's final booking shots - as a new competitor debuts in this tourney by Muldoon's choosing...


Alberto Del Rio (2012) def. Colt Cabana (2012)
(Via armlock submission)

Human Tornado def. Gorgeous George
(Hilarious, character-building comedy match that finds Tornado ultimately pimp-slapping the Lady Gaga wig right off Gorgeous George's head -causing him to flee in humiliation. Count out and plenty of time left over for Human Tornado to dance and boogie with the fans like a beanpoleFunkasaurus)

Damien Sandow def. John Morrison
(Pre-match promo from Sandow before targeting the neck of JMo and finishing him with the neckbreaker)

JACK BRISCO (debut)!! def. Jinder Mahal
(the 3rd shot from ex-commissioner Muldoon - the debut of Jack Brisco and entry in the TV title tourney! Brisco gets a huge pop from theknowledgable XPW Remixed universe - and uses that element of surprise to out-wrestle Jinder Mahal and force a submission via figure-4 leglock! JackBrisco wins his XPW Remixed debut match in huge fashion, and moves ahead in the TV title tourney! Thanks to William Muldoon!)

Jack Brisco debuts in XPW Remixed with a submission victory!!


** CUT **


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XPW VP Joseph �Toots� Mondt has a clandestine backstage meeting with #1 Contender Samoa Joe (who remains coolly detached during the segment). Mondt wants assurance that once Samoa Joe becomes XPW World champion he does business with GDT Inc solely. But Samoa Joe says their so-called*gentleman�s agreement* extended only so far. I helped you take out Commissioner Muldoon - you got the state athletic department to sanction a titlematch. Now Samoa Joe walks alone - a one man army with a devastating point to prove in fantasy wrestling. This thing he has with Thesz is deeplypersonal - far beyond the mere financial scope of GDT Inc. Samoa Joe mean mugs Mondts men Dino Bravo & Dick Shikat before marching out of the scene� Mondt just shakes his head disapprovingly and watches on in grim silence.

** CUT **


BRUNO SAMMARTINO versus GUNNER (w/ Jessica Darlin)

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Scott: Sammartino is dealing with sore ribs after his battle with Tazz (see �The 18th Letter�), so after being out for eightmonths, Bruno is fully ensconced in everything. Gunner & Darlin were just so smarmy and evil, yet almost losing everything whenBruno defeated him. In this match it�s Gunner that�s really taking the haymakers, from spinebusters on the floor to a steel steps shotto the face. Even though he�s not commentating, just having Lou Thesz standing up watching the match with great interest and thought makeseverything legit. Gunner held his own with DDTs and F5s on steel chairs. I was really getting into this match with every minute, and Ithink it�s Solie & Striker�s commentary that�s making it even better. Another great visual: Sammartino grabbing Darlin�s foot asshe was about to punt him in the head. Then Gunner tries an F5 on the announce table but Sammartino reverses it. Bearhug back in the center of the ring, and Gunner tried and tried�but the night finally caught up with him. This is easily a match I neverexpected would be this good. Wow they pummeled the crap out of each other. Grade: 4

Justin: They wasted no time in battling to the floor, where Bruno dropped Gunner on the steel ramp and began to slowly pick himapart. Gunner really dominated most of this match, picking up a few near wins but Bruno kept struggling to his feet. The crowd stayedpretty hot here, cheering on �da Brune� . He was in some serious trouble, as Gunner choked him out with an extension cord but hesurvived once again, just barely making it up. The match spilled to the floor again, where Bruno started to turn the tide and brutalizeGunner, nearly winning the match on three occasions. Say what you want about Bruno, but he has put on a hell of a performancethroughout this entire show. After shaking off the rust, Sammartino has turned the clock back a bit and really stepped things up. He wouldrally again here, blocking Jessica Darlin�s punt and then battering Gunner around ringside once again. Bearhug finisher andGunner finally stayed down. It was a gutsy performance for Gunner, but Bruno just had a little more gas left in the tank than hedid. This was a really fun brawl with a lot of ebbs and flows. I thought this one kept a good pace. It was a vintage performance for Brunoand Gunner was right there with him every step of the way. Bruno Sammartino now stands alone, awaiting his next challenge as champion.Grade: 4

Further dissension between Gunner & Darlin, with the tattoo-covered, musclebound Gunner not hesistant to knock that bimbo around. Sammartino isrefreshed, recharged, and ready for rematch revenge against the "AHiH" winner. He has big time blood history with both champion (Thesz) andchallenger (Samoa Joe) and Sammartino will be a proven draw against whoever wins.


** CUT **



A segment that puts over cut matches in fast, MTV-styled, video hype clips - usually set to some kind of heavy metal or Hip Hop background music..this is the kind of stuff that would have appeared on the now-dormant XPW Online, or within the 3rd hour of XPW TV that has been lost...

Ruckus & Weedman (Team 4:20) def. Generation ME
(High-flying (get it?) match lights up the night sky - and the brand new Team 4:20 gets the upset victory! Blaze one up!)

Kendrick & London def. MCMG
(MCMG still showing the wounds from last week's loss to Morgan & Henry - and their opponents take full advantage tonight... slight heelishtendencies from London & Kendrick, despite their rivalry with MCMG being primarily about "respect"...)

Tommaso Ciampa def. Tony Altomare
(Italian mob boss tries to buy himself a piece of the new Tommaso Ciampa - but no dice... Project Ciampa keeps the mystery alive and earns Tommasoanother consecutive victory)

"Powers of Potential" (Morgan, Henry & Rogers) def. Uso's
(Morgan & Henry are angry and out to prove a point - Uso's slide further out of XPW Remixed tag team contention)

Mildred Burke def. Natalya Niedhart
(via triangle submission - another great, stiff match - and even in loss, Nattie Neidhart always comes off like a dominant instant threat - butBurke uses serious skill to overcome size and strength here... 2-0 for Burke since competing full-time against other women)

** Prime Time Playaz (Kaos & Titus O'Neil) officially announce their new partnership with... GG! That's right! The PtP arestaying in FOCUS!! **

** Dark Match Main Event **
Dan Severn def. Dino Bravo
Dan Severn def. Dick Shikat

(Rebounding from his loss last week - Dan Severn has been reignited on the comeback trail - and after running through Dino Bravo in a brutishly(yet thankfully short) match - he's then challenged by Dick Shikat - and goes into classic Beast mode, suplexing the hell out of the Germanshooter (and former XPW Remixed Boston champion) in a major statement match. The "Beast" is back and the Shooters Club still runs XPWRemixed...)

** CUT **


"MIZ TV (the series finale)"

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Unscripted "shoot" promo from MIZ who rails against the organizations efforts to stifle his fantasy wrestling career. His opponent for the night(and old XPW Remixed storyline foe) Honky Tonk Man watches on in stunned amazement as Miz breaks from script and goes into business for himself... The Miz is highest rated champion in company history - and the greatest (2x) XPW Remixed Television champion - and he couldn't even get atourney qualifying match??? It's BULLS***! And so is all of this crooked, greasy palmed politics. The Miz is hereby taking his ball and goinghome. In a symbolic gesture, Miz lays the microphone done silently in the center of the ring and walks out. Fade out on the microphone lying stilland the crowds mixed reaction ("U sold out!" mixed with "Miz is awesome!" chants).[/color]


�A Paid Promotional Piece�

There�s a commercial that runs for a new wrestling school/league. It is lead by Paul Bowser, and it is promising tutelage from such superstar namesas:


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Welterweight champion of the world:

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Sign up now!!

** CUT **


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VP Toots Mondt meets with President Lewis one more time to convince him to change his mind. But Ed Lewis is unwavering in his conviction to go"old school" with his announcement tonight. He doesn't have time to wait - with lawsuits pressing down on the company. He still has a PPVmain event to promote with a stipulation he doesn't even know yet! The deed is done, the deal is sealed - and Ed Lewis threatens Mondt tofigure out which side of the equation he's on before it becomes too late... then they're interupted by MSD with word about theMiz's desertion. They discover the cameras filming them and angrily order them shut off - ending the segment.

** CUT **


DUDLEY BOYZ (2009) � versus PITBULLS (1997)


Reigning XPW Remixed tag team champion Dudley Boyz take to the ring for a brief promo - they call out the Pitbulls and a wild brawl ensues. Dudz earntheir revenge for last Episode�s attack in a wild free-for-all through the fans. Finally the champions call for the table - set it ablaze right onthe entrance ramp - and end the Pitbulls reign of terror for good.


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(But things turn from bad to worse - when the Dudley Boyz are set upon from the rear by the Fabulous Kangaroos (Costello & Heffernan!) Soon itbecomes a 4-on-2 beat down of the Dudley Boyz as the Pitbulls get their heat back too. Just then - a theme song interrupts�)

Cue the chainsaw heavy metal music - see the silhouettes appear from beyond the smoking, flaming wreckage of the table debris like Mad Max and theThunderdome� face paint, spiked shoulder pads� Dudleyville vs. Chicago IL�



Hawk & Animal!!

OOOOOOOH WHAT A RUSSSSSHHH!!! The Road Warriors charge into battle like Viking invaders of yore! They fight off the Pitbulls! They fight off theFabKangs! Dudley Boyz recuperate enough to rejoin the fray. The Dudz wind up hitting FabKang #2 Roy Heffernan with improvised DOOMSDAY DEVICE in thecenter of the ring! LOD see that and seemingly up the ante by driving Pitbull #1 through a table outside the ring - with an LOD 3D!! All 4 bad guysare laid out, and now the two surviving teams are going jaw to jaw, finger to chest and forehead to forehead!! The Dudley Boyz cut promo talkingabout clearing out the fantasy wrestling tag team division (TESTIFY!) But there is still one team that remains forever a roadblock on the Dudley pathto immortality� the one measuring stick of which the Dudley Boyz have been itching to succeed� a fantasy wrestling dream match of epic bad-assproportions. You know who we�re talking about�)

** XPW Remixed Tag Team Championship **

Dudley Boyz (2009) � versus Road Warriors (1991)

(Only @ �Another Halloween in Hell�!!)

Oh my! This is epic level! Tune in to the next iPPV for a veritable tag team DREAM MATCH of EPIC FANTASY PROPORTIONS!!! And only XPW Remixed canbring it to you!!

** CUT **


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Tense legal meeting between the two minds (Otunga is the figure head of Sandman & Necro Butchers lawsuit against XPW)... Ed Lewis has declinedtheir offer to settle, and says the matter is under review. The President of XPW Remixed may not have the power to end this legal malarkey - but hedoes have the power to book matches. That's why he's booking an Xtreme Elimination chamber qualifying match - next week - between SANDMAN& NECRO BUTCHER! What!? This is ridiculous, Otunga argues! But it's done! Dismissed!

Sandman vs Necro Butcher in an Xtreme Elimination qualifying match!

Next XPW TV Episode!!

** CUT **


** XPW Remixed Woman�s Championship **

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AWESOME KONG (2010) � versus SABLE (1998)

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Video highlight reels of both women in a startling �beauty & the beast�-type contrast. This is a rematch of their critically acclaimed title bout onXPW TV Episode #49 (and one of the highest rated quarter hour segments in company history). Tonight, the script follows much of the same as Kong�slatest outings. Domination, devastation, and desecration. Sable wills herself on to brief offensive spurts, much like the fighting champions beforeher did, but always finds Kong to be an insurmountable mountain in the end. Awesome Kong even becomes so enamored with her own aura that she picksSable up by the hair for more punishment - instead of completing a surefire pin fall� and it is that one egocentric misjudgment in Kong�s battle planthat proves to be her undoing. Sable winds up reversing an Implant Buster into a Hail Mary Hurricanrana/victory roll that heaves Kong�s shoulders tothe mat for the count of 1!.. 2!.. 3KICKOUT! OMG it�s really happened! Sable is the new champion! She quickly rolls out of the ring where she�spresented with her belt and nearly collapses in tears. Meanwhile Kong is completely blank and wide-eyed in the ring; stunned into unmoving silence(save for a few random twitches). History has been MADE on XPW TV Episode #56!!

Winner (and NEW XPW Remixed Woman�s champion): SABLE

** CUT **

** "Xtreme Liberation & Justice for All" **

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A furious Jack Pfefer is back in his office still stewing over Muldoon's final laws and avoiding phone calls and texts from disgraced (andexiled) partner Robert Black who desperately wants back in on the show (especially now that Pfefer has become the new XPW Remixed Commissioner). Instead, Pfefer is trying to deal with Ambrose/Onita and now the spooked KotDM champion KILO - who is forced to come face to face with what scares himthe most!

In this case however - the mysterious dark priest unmasks to reveal THE MESSIAH. He has shed his earthly links and is no longer bound be either WestCoast or East Coast semantics. Not XPW or CZW. Instead he embodies all of the past spirits who have fallen prey to the Black Army - the voice of thevoiceless - and they will rise again! That's because at "Another Halloween in Hell" - William Muldoon's final signing was a KotDM titledefense - between KILO... and the MESSIAH!!

"And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeanceon them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel..."

** Thessalonians 1:7,8

Messiah will challenge KILO for the KotDM title @ "AHiH"!!

A final blow from the pen of ex-Commissioner William Muldoon!!

** CUT **


JOHN CENA (2012) versus TAZ (2000)

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This fantasy match takes place in some weird vortex somewhere - a place where Cena�s sterling white Caped Crusader act is viciously booed - and Taz�street tough, thug bully with a Napoleon-complex style is heroically hailed. The grassroots, underground shoot fight aura of Taz 2000 collides headon with the wave of anti-Cena resentment to produce a raucous audience vacuum where �good� = �bad� and Taz 2000 is the baddest of them all. Never theless, Cena is never say die - even though his traditional baby face heroics are met with boos, shouts of derision and vulgar profanity. It startedbefore the match even began, when Cena threw his shirt into the crowd and they threw it back. Again and again. There is also another condition ofthe match discussed on commentary - alongside Taz ban from world championship competition, is the caveat that if he strike or incapacitate an XPWRemixed official or referee again - he will be fined and fired.

But the funny thing is (after an elongated Cena STF attempt by Taz is physically broken up by the ref) - it is the so-called �knight in shining armor�John Cena who loses his temper - and hauls off on the referee! John Cena slugs the referee out of frustration, taking him OUT! That forced thearrival of none other than DANNY DAVIS (who was still hurriedly dressing into his referee stripes as he ran to ringside) to warn Cena and officiatethe rest of the match. In the end, Taz narrowly stops his own charge to avoid hitting Danny Davis by mistake� only to turn around directly into anFUAA from John Cena! 1!.. 2!.. .. 3! Cena pins Taz 2000 in typical superman fashion and the entire crowd sh*tS on him! Trash, toilet paper andhalf full beer cups (we *THINK* they�re filled with beer) flood the ring and Cena is forced to retreat backstage with security. Taz is pissed, andcommentators remind us Danny Davis was stripped of his referee credentials this very night - or does it become effective at the end of the night?? Official result appears to be another Cena win, but is never formally announced over the house mic (for fear of a rabid crowd riot). [/color]


** CUT **


** Official XPW World title contract signing **

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MSD presides. Both men enter (Samoa Joe alone - Thesz accompanied by Dan Severn & Masahiko Kimura). Thesz & Joe get a few moments to speak on themic and try to get in the mind of other. Below the tough talk and bluster, there is a genuine need by both men to validate their entire fantasywrestling careers with a victory @ �AHiH�. The main event stipulation is finally revealed with the results of the fan voting�

** Iron Man Match **

More verbal barbs between both men, with Thesz saying Joe doesn�t have the gas or the horsepower to go another 90 minutes with the champ - whileJoe says he won�t give Thesz a chance to go that long. They both sign the contract and have a tense face-off (while pictures are snapped at a rapidrate).

Just then - an interruption:

Next week - the big gun is coming. XPW Remixed proudly presents the greatest comeback in fantasy wrestling history. An irresistible, unstoppableforce is coming this Halloween that will change Territory Wars history FOREVER. Bear witness to the 2nd coming NEXT WEEK on XPW TV when the G.O.A.T.("greatest of all time") arrives...

** CUT **

In ring participants (including Joe & Thesz) exchange wary, conflicted expressions. Commentators Solie & Striker speculate wildly on what (or WHO)Ed Lewis is talking about, and how he purposely trumped Muldoon's fan-made stipulation with his own announcement. This is the XPW Presidentreasserting his authority over the main event picture. They run down some of the matches for next week (including a Tazz/Cena rematch) and hype thecard for "AHiH" on Halloween Night!! Stay tuned, fans!!

** FADE OUT **


** XPW World Championship **
Lou Thesz � versus Samoa Joe
("Iron Man Match")

** Xtreme Elimination Chamber **
feat: SHEIK... SNUFF... SAMI CALLIHAN... POGO the CLOWN... & more!!

** XPW TV title tourney FINALS **

** XPW Remixed Tag Team titles **
Dudley Boyz (2009) � versus Road Warriors (1991)

** King of the Death Match title **
Kilo � versus MESSIAH



SCOTT & JUSTIN: No Mercy 2007

[Edited on 10-10-2012 by mastermind]

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Location Brockton MA
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posted on 10-17-2012 at 03:08 PM
XPW TV Episode #57 (Return of the STRANGLER!)
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Cut to the in-studio announce team for the evening:

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Gordon Solie & Matt Striker

Cold intro and welcome to the show. We get a �last week on XPW TV�� (w/ the controversial Sheamus/Movement XPW Remixed Boston match - Sable winningthe XPW Remixed Woman�s championship - LOD vs. Dudz announcement - and Cena vs. Taz. But this already historic night was magnificently topped off bythe announcement that shook the fantasy wrestling world: STRANGLER LEWIS is officially making his comeback! More words on that development from theXPW Remixed president himself - coming up right now�

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** A Word From the Company **

Simple, yet elegant opening statement from XPW Remixed president Ed �Strangler� Lewis. The company is doing everything the can to recover in the wakeof the incident (on XPW TV Episode #50) that caused the company to hemorrhage money and will continue to provide top-notch fantasy wrestlingentertainment for the fans. That is why GDT Inc has unanimously agreed to sign, sanction and license a new full-time competitor to the XPW RemixedWorld championship division. This new future world champion will be announced TONIGHT. On commentary, Solie & Striker liken it to the �policemen�vs. �bounty hunters� of yore in which world championship belts had to be kept closely to the vest - and not held up for ransom by untrustworthy forceswho may seek to discredit or desecrate your title� "once you believe... you die".

** TONIGHT!! **

XPW Remixed TV Title tourney semi-finals!
A "Hollywood superstar" adds firepower to the line-up!
Strangler Lewis big announcement!
JOHN CENA (2012) versus TAZ (2000)




JINDER MAHAL (2014) versus� ROB VAN DAM (2006)!!

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Jinder Mahal stalks to the ring for an angry promo, in which he hails himself a hero for challenging the corruption of American sporting policies. Announcers recap how Mahal helped have RVD stripped of his championship due to a PED technicality. Due to those actions, Mahal thought he should haveautomatically been awarded the TV title - instead he was forced to fight an opponent he was unprepared for! (Jack Brisco: see XPW TV Episode #56) Therefore Mahal is going to blah blah blah� we�re finally cut off by the entrance music of RVD 4:20! He makes his triumphant return to XPW Remixedfrom his suspension with a brief (yet exciting, high-flying) revenge squash match against the haughty and pompous Jinder Mahal. 5-Star Frog Splash(after blatant 4:20 mannerisms get the crowd amped) ends Mahal�s night emphatically. Post match, RVD 4:20 actually grabs a house mic and let loose atorrid shoot rant. Before the mic gets cut off, he basically says he�s leaving XPW Remixed (joining Bowsers camp) - and encourages all his fans tofollow! They cheer!!!



�A Paid Promotional Piece�

There�s a commercial that runs for a new wrestling school/league. It is lead by Paul Bowser, and it is promising tutelage from such superstar namesas:


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Welterweight champion of the world:

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Sign up now!!

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XPW Remixed Commissioner Jack Pfefer speaks... (just not on the topic of Rob Black - who he has been avoiding like the plague since ousting himpublically as part-owner). With Lewis & Mondt off-site this week, that leaves Pfefer officially in charge of the show tonight. He announces a hugetag team match pitting the "Trustbusters" (Sammartino & Thesz) against the modern day team of Samoa Joe & Gunner) tonight. Also - a huge"Hollywood Superstar" recruited by Jack Pfefer himself to add spark and sizzle to the XPW Remixed Woman's division! Stay tuned and find outwho! Meanwhile, Jack Pfefer has business to attend to... you're dismissed.



** XPW TV title tourney **

ALBERTO DEL RIO (w/ Ricardo Rodriguez)

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Human Tornado jukes-n-jives� Ricardo Rodriguez plays the straight-man foil� and Alberto Del Rio shines like a priceless diamond under pressure. Heruthlessly stalks and weakens Tornado�s arm, which is the story of the match. Human Tornado manages to get a few spots off (mostly at Ricardo�sexpense, and in humorous fashion) - but a Del Rio armbar ends the match like Rakim (�I Ain�t No Joke!�) Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez get the in-ringcelebration� post match, cameras catch a dejected Human Tornado get MOCKED backstage by an obnoxious wig-wearing Gorgeous George Wagner! Doublewhammy for Tornado tonight!

Winner (by submission): ALBERTO DEL RIO

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Gorgeous George Wagner has jokes to make about Human Tornado's loss - but he's just one pimp-snap away from a wittycomeback...

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JACK BRISCO (1974) versus DAMIEN SANDOW (2014)


Squared circle masterpiece written by these two scholars of the game. Even with 40 years evolution, Damien Sandow proves no match for the wrestlinggenius of Jack Brisco classic. Another true fantasy wrestling dream match that finds Jack Brisco winning with his trusty Figure-4 leglock.

Winner (by submission): JACK BRISCO

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Brief words with XPW Remixed Boston champion Sheamus on his recent challenges with Rashad Cameron�s �movement� - and the match demands set upon himtonight (Sheamus has been assigned a match against Cryme Tyme 2.0 and must find his own partner). Before Sheamus can get too deep into his retortpromo, none other than the wicked DEAN AMBROSE saunters on to the scene! He slyly teases the title shot he holds, and notes Sheamus� predicamenttonight. Dean Ambrose offers Sheamus his partnership tonight against Cryme Tyme 2.0 - but Sheamus slyly (and with a witty, pointed barb) DECLINES. Something old and Irish about knowing the snakes that you lay with. Either way, Sheamus ultimate goal is to use his XPW Boston championship as worldtitle collateral and seek his rematch with Lou Thesz� (see �Baptized in Blood II�)� see the fire blaze in Dean Ambrose eyes as Sheamus swaggers outof the scene with his championship belt�



(�Xtreme Elimination Chamber qualifying match�)

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Segment starts like a Law-and-Order sketch, with video recap of Sandman & Necro Butcher�s anti-hardcore �protest� being topped off by the legalrepresentation of David Otunga and the following match conundrum. Both Sandman and Necro Butcher receive hellacious BOOS from the audience, and playto them accordingly. Their *match* is devastatingly boring to start. They exchange sloppy �wrestling� exchanges, and counters, and head locks (lotsof headlocks) until slowly but surely the hardcore quotient is raised in their bloodlines. It starts innocently enough with Necro Butcher poundinghis OWN head with a steel chair - to prove a point to his partner. But that spurs Sandman to respond with the classic beer can to his own foreheadbit to one-up him. It finishes with Necro convincing Sandman (with the crowds urging of course) to sit down on a chair opposite him in the ring andexchange shoot punches. Eventually chairs, guardrails, Kendo sticks and hard cement bumps abound. Until David Otunga - in suit and tie - runs downto the ring and convinces them to stop. At least he thinks he does... unbeknownst to him, Sandman & Necro Butcher exchange a discreet glance -before twin clobbering him from behind with their steel chair/Kendo stick combination! David Otunga goes down in a heap! Crowd cheers! Necro &Sandman just exchange wild-eyed, disturbed glares (akin to Team Hell No in WWE 2012) before walking out their separate ways!

Winner (none): NO FINISH

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A Blast from the Xtreme past for David Otunga tonight!

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** Xtreme Elimination Chamber **
(Prize Box)

This year - in addition to the juice, prize money & trophy - the winner gets award winning, XPW Original classic arm candy JASMIN ST CLAIRE! Winnerto do with her as they please - WHEN they please!


** Scaffold Match **
(Successfully retrieve the key hanging from the ceiling)
The Sheik def. Snuff / Sami Callihan / Masada

(Winner will be the last man released into the Xtreme Elimination Chamber @ �AHiH�. Kilo is on guest commentary alongside Solie & Striker - irkingthem completely. Kilo even has a terse shouting match with Sami while the "New Horror" is perched high above the ring on the scaffold. It is thatdistraction from the KotDM champion that allows The Sheik to blindside Callihan from the rear and claim the key for himself. He even locks SamiCallihan in an elongated version of his camel clutch submission - while on top of the scaffold!)


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The horror that began during commentary on the last match (especially when the touchy subject of Sammi Lane - still a blank, hollow valet to Kiloat ringside - came up) - climaxes after the match. Kilo - apparently wound up tightly from the previous violence - gets in a wicked screaming,shouting match with Gordon Solie! He even SLAPS the headset off the classic commentators head! This is going beyond the scripted lines of realityhere, and even Matt Striker has to step up to politely tell Kilo to chill out. Bad move! Kilo suddenly and violently *SNAPS* on Matt Striker! Kilograbs him over the announce table and pulverizes him around ringside! Gordon Solie is horrified on commentary, hollering for security to intervene! Kilo taunts and pounds Striker some more before crushing him with a 400 lb+ Vader Bomb! He�s about to do it again - when suddenly� the entire arenagoes BLACK�

Lone spotlights, mysterious symbols, dark mists rising - it can mean only one thing: enter THE MESSIAH. He speaks to Kilo from the pulpit of somedark church somewhere on the video screen - he curses Kilo�s reign, promises unholy vengeance and declares their duel at �Another Halloween in Hell�to be a RAVENLOFT DEATH MATCH (the most dreaded of it�s kind - see XPW Remixed presents �Halloween in Hell�)!! A supernatural bolt of LIGHTNINGstrikes the ring where Kilo stands and it frightens the wild-eyed madman into grabbing his hypnotized mistress Sammi Lane and fleeing backstage. TheRavenloft logo lingers� Gordon Solie speaks solemnly of these atrocities.. And Matt Striker is wheeled from the arena on a stretcher�

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Jack Pfefer watches the whole scene unfold, including the "Ravenloft Death Match" threats from Messiah. He's clearly very perturbed andspooked over the supernatural stalking. Pfefer swallows hard and resists the urge to puke in his own mouth, as he reaches for the office phone andmakes a call... he's dialing up Rob Black. No, Pfefer wasn't avoiding him. He was busy cleaning up messes Rob Black left behind. Thecoast is almost clear for Rob Blacks return - he just needs to take care of one more thing for Pfefer... just then roving XPW Remixed cameras losetransmission before Jack Pfefer can call in his dark favor...



SHEAMUS versus CRYME TYME 2.0 (w/ Rashad Cameron)

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With his championship caliber credibility, handicap match experience and blustery, Irish ego - Sheamus has chosen to go at this match alone. Despitethe seemingly overwhelming odds, Sheamus certainly has the track record to back him up (see his legendary XPW Remixed battles with the Triple Threatand Revolution). But in this case, his �Great White� pride is relentlessly (and ruthlessly) thrashed around the ring by the *real* N.W.A. camp. Theyuse their numbers (and a strategically placed steel chain shot from associate Michael Tarver) to beat Sheamus into a welted, red pulp. They taketurns gang beating him, wolf pack style. Ricky Reyes with a complicated crossface stretch outside the ring, around the ring post. All 5 men wind upgetting their finishing shots off, climaxing with a BLKJEEZ double footstomp from Rashad Cameron off the top rope (to a steel chair held over Sheamus�face by JTG). BUCK BUCK. Blam to dem all.

Winners: CRYME TYME 2.0

We eventually get the minor baby face run-in to clear the ring (with guys like Ruckus, Weedman & Colt Cabana playing the heroes). But thestatement made by Rashad Cameron and his �Movement� speaks volumes. With his crew slinking backstage, and Sheamus being helped to his feet - the realfireworks are about to begin�


** XPW Remixed Boston championship **

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SHEAMUS (2012) � versus DEAN AMBROSE (2014)

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Dean Ambrose to pick up the scraps. He starts with a bevy of steel chair shots that clear everybody out of the ring - before pounding Sheamus backinto the mat like a railroad spike. 1!.. 2!.. KICKOUT! OMG Sheamus kicked out! Crowd pops! Ambrose is incredulous! A brief match ensues, butSheamus fights through the dizzying effects of his concussion to land a surprise brogue kick from out of nowhere for the pin! 1!.. 2!.. 3!! Sheamusretains!

Winner (and STILL XPW Remixed Boston champion): SHEAMUS

But the spectacle still ain�t over. Sheamus can barely walk at this point, dragging himself to his feet - while Dean Ambrose is going BALLISTIC onthe official! He winds up striking the ref and hitting him with a DVD finisher! Just then XPW Remixed commissioner JACK PFEFER makes the run in todeclare that wasn�t a *legal* match - therefore the result is nullified� with a woozy Sheamus finally flaring to life and about to grab Jack Pfeferby his coat lapels� Ambrose strikes from behind with another steel chair shot! Reverse DDT! DVD finisher! Jack Pfefer demands the bell-keeper�ring the f**** bell!� and then slides into the ring to make the count himself! 1!.. 2!.. 3!!?!?

Winner (and NEW XPW Remixed Boston champion): DEAN AMBROSE!!

Crowd goes nuclear over the finish, audibly chanting �BULL***!� (even while small pockets of rabid Dean Ambrose fans go wild). Jack Pfefer ispresenting the belt to Dean Ambrose - when Sheamus shakes off the cobwebs� turns berserker rage� and charges at Dean Ambrose with a Brogue Kick! But Dean Ambrose must have seen it coming out of the corner of his eye, because he dodges at the last moment - and Sheamus runs through Jack Pfeferwith the brogue kick instead! BAM the diminutive promoter hits the canvas like he was shot close range with a high powered rifle! Dean Ambrose divesfor cover outside the ring, leaving Sheamus behind! With a grimace and a growl, Sheamus holds up the discarded Boston title - *HIS* Bostonchampionship - over the unconscious body of Jack Pfefer and pounds his chest! FELLLLAAAA!!! Dean Ambrose is the �champion� but Sheamus has physicalcustody of the belt! And he�s leaving with it!!

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Focus here is primarily on the fantasy wrestling dream team of Richter (80s), Sable (90s), Trish (2000s) and Alexxis (2010s) congealing effortlesslyand sending the popularity of woman�s fantasy wrestling soaring to new plateaus. Their foils are set up to be competitive (but not overwhelming)� until the introduction of their 4th (and mystery) partner� with great flair and aplomb, Nattie Neidhart introduces (from �Hollywood� to teach us allhow to stunt)� MELINA!! She gets the entire vain (and elongated video entrance) - including the pulling up in limo - exiting onto red carpet - andmaking her way through with security. As an outsider she speaks disdainfully of XPW Remixed woman�s division - a challenge that is answered head onby the 1st champion in company history ALEXXIS NEVAEH! These two in particular carry the bulk of the in-ring action, while storyline tension andfriction between Sable (current champion) and Trish (former champion) play out alongside.

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Alexxis helps drive the disrespectful invader back (even promising Melina in promos and online clips that if she wanted a fight she could find onewith Alexxis) - the bad girls come off good - but the collaborative auras of the heroes are overpowering. Richter hit�s a Rocker Dropper leg drop toTamina - only to be outdone by Sable, who power bombs Annie Social into oblivion - just to have Trish Stratus come from out of nowhere (the legalparticipant) to smash Nattie Neidhart with a sprinboard bulldog for the pin! Trish wants her belt back, and apparently Sable (who had been callingher out during Trish�s reign) is happy to oblige! She makes the challenge official - Sable � vs. Trish Stratus - next week on XPW TV - for the XPWRemixed Woman�s championship! Winner is crowned undisputed fantasy diva and will run the show @ �AHiH�! Oh my! What an announcement! Sable vs.Trish next XPW TV for the championship!! TUNE IN!

Winners: Sable, Trish, Wendi & Alexxis

Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match!

** XPW Remixed Woman's title **
Sable (1999) � vs. Trish Stratus (2006)

Next XPW TV Episode!!

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A segment that puts over cut matches in fast, MTV-styled, video hype clips - usually set to some kind of heavy metal or Hip Hop background music..this is the kind of stuff that would have appeared on the now-dormant XPW Online, or within the 3rd hour of XPW TV that has been lost...

Prime Time Playaz (Kaos & Titus) w/ GG def. Kendrick & London
(The new �Focus� branded PtP earn a tough victory over Brian & Paul and sell it like they won the Superbowl)

Mildred Burke def. Lizzy Borden
(She does it legally - and after calling out Lizzy Borden and ripping her neck brace off (see �The 18th Letter�) - quickly, efficiently and withgreat glee. Painful Regal Stretch submission from Burke has bad girl Borden screaming uncle)

Gorgeous George def. John Morrison
(Focus on the lingering neck injury of Morrison, and the "Human Orchid" wins with a Rude Awakening neckbreaker)

Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana def. Heath Slater (w/ Honky Tonk Man)
(A continuation of their feud that has spanned the Territory Wars - see "WCW presents "Halloween Havoc nights 1 & 2")

Fabulous Kangaroos def. Uso�s
(Entertaining International clash of styles on the greatest tag team stage in the Territory Wars. Uso�s look good in defeat, but the FabKangs areeager to reestablish themselves)

Tommaso Ciampa def. Weedman (w/ Ruckus) & Jeremy Buck (w/ Max Buck) & Chris Sabin (w/ Alex Shelley)
(Fatal 4-Way)

(Despite having no back-up whatsoever, new-look Ciampa pulls off the improbable victory. Post match Ciampa promises to bring tag team back-up withhim next week on XPW TV (from the same mysterious training camp Ciampa has sought tutelage). Meanwhile - the other 6 men (3 tag teams) wind upgetting into between themselves in an impromptu, tornado tag free-for-all� until�)

Pitbulls unscripted rampage
(Pitbulls rampage through the ring, tearing through the smaller tag teams like rabid dogs ripping through fresh meat. Top rope super bomb toWeedman through a table� but before the Pitbulls get too comfortable, we get a familiar theme song interruption�)

�Powers of Potential� (Morgan & Henry w/ Rogers) def. Pitbulls
(Diamonds from Sierra Leone instrumental - and Rogers tries to bribe the Pitbulls off. They seem to be considering the offer from a glib BuddyRogers, but it�s just a set-up anyway. Mark Henry and Matt Morgan unite to wreak havoc and double-table the Pitbulls for the hell of it. Cue themesong and victorious celebration poses� Morgan & Henry - the Truest Twin Towers in the game!!)

** Dark Match main event **
Dan Severn def. Lord Tensai (w/ Onita)

(Heavyweight slobberknocker with Dan Severn hitting "beast" mode and overcoming Tensai using straight Japanese-style shoot wrestling - despiteOnita's ample interference attempts that were stymied by Severn's partner Masahiko Kimura. Once again the Shooters Club proves they arethe cream of the crop with an impressive victory)

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Big criminal deal about Sheamus running through Jack Pfefer with the Brogue Kick - including ambulance runs and lawyer talk. Sheamus isn�t hearingany of it, and still has the physical Boston champion in his possession. Before things turn murderous Sheamus is seen leaving the building with PAULBOWSER! Never to be seen again! Meanwhile, Jack Pfefer has been sent to la-la-land and XPW Remixed operates tonight with a chief authority figure onpremises!!

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"A tag team Dream Match turns into a NIGHTMARE"

D-VON DUDLEY (on the LOD�s claims of copyright infringement and other �we made you� big talk): We know we have the rights. So they cansit there and say that all they want. Are we going to fight them? You're damn right we are. They're trying to keep somethingthat's not theirs. They didn't make us. We were making money way before we even got to them (in Extreme Championship Wrestling). In myopinion, they're just trying to be bullies. They say it's business. It ain't business. They're trying to stop someone frommaking a living.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: In the Bible, it says 'God created man in his image� They (Road Warriors) didn't know what to do withus. Me and Devon still have so much more to give. And that's why we're happy XPW Remixed is around because XPW Remixedknows how important tag team wrestling is. They invest time in tag team wrestling. People like tag team wrestling. It's very entertaining,and when done the right way, can be more entertaining than singles wrestling.

D-VON DUDLEY: XPW Remixed giving me what I've been longing for the past year� And that is wrestling on a wrestling show. WWEwants to make their wrestlers into actors -- but we're wrestlers. XPW Remixed gives us non-stop action. They don't put on a wholebunch of talk, and that's one thing that I like about XPW Remixed

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The Road Warriors (Hawk & Animal) offer their retort - and promise victory when they meet the Dudley Boyz in their championship match @"AHiH"!!

** XPW Remixed Tag Team titles **
Dudley Boyz (2009) � versus Road Warriors (1991)

Only at "Another Halloween in Hell"!!

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�Return of the STRANGLER�

It came from the bowels of fantasy wrestling hell. The greatest, most powerful heel in the history of organized grappling. A force said to be sodevastating, it could literally signify the very END of XPW Remixed as we know it. Even VP Toots Mondt stood fearfully opposed, but Lewis has orderedobedience. This movement unleashed by Lewis is akin to VKM Jr letting the �poison� of N.W.O. into his precious WWF (2002ish). Once you believe... you die.

Intrepid backstage correspondent MSD has been sent to witness the announcement first hand. The address and the cameras have been given is a small,rustic barn in a dark deserted area of Nekoosa Wisconsin, that has been converted into a training gym (w/ ring). Inside this enclave (surrounded bybales of hay and all), there is a sparring session going on in the ring. Few other men gather round the ringside area - watching (picture TheUltimate Fighter TV Show - with fights being attended and viewed by coach, staff and training partners only. One of those men is XPW Remixed VPJoseph �Toots� Mondt - who is furiously shouting instructions to the participants in the ring. It�s still dark and hazy, with thick clouds of cigarsmoke hanging in the air - but you can start to make out the two participants - locked in mortal struggle�



It is none other than XPW Remixed president STRANGLER LEWIS himself! Matched in size, stature and strength wise by GDT associate (and Toots Mondthenchman) Dino Bravo! The French Canadian strongman seems to be struggling mightily with some of Strangler Lewis� clinch work - and the man Mondt isyelling counters and instructions to is Bravo. He�s telling Dino to �go for it!� but Strangler Lewis has expert defensive strategy. Bravo just can�tget a real grip on Lewis, and is constantly floored with side headlock takeovers. You can get the sense that this *sparring* match has escalatedbeyond that - specifically at Lewis urging, as he locks Bravo in a vicious Dragon Sleeper hold. Mondt implores Bravo to resist - but soon enough thestrongman is tapping out! But� Lewis doesn�t release the hold! Matter of fact he holds it on *TIGHT* despite Bravo�s frantic tapping and flailinguntil Bravo�s body goes cold and limp in his grip! Everybody watches on silently as a fury, anger and sick perverse pleasure can be read upon theStrangler�s face as he releases his victim. Toots Mondt just watches on silently, before entering the ring� and holding Lewis� arms aloft invictory!

Winner (by submission): STRANGLER LEWIS

Ladies & gentleman - you are witnessing fantasy wrestling HISTORY. Rewatch the above promo for �Apparition�. It�s supposed to serve as acorrelation between our minds - madness - and this thing called �fantasy wrestling� (aka �XPW Remixed�). Once you believe - you die. The monsterthat is being unleashed upon is now is by far the worst scourge of it�s kind. The smothering, stifling, all-encompassing kind of evil that willreclaim the crown for GDT Inc - eliminate the enemy - and take back fantasy wrestling with his own bare hands.

This is the return of STRANGLER LEWIS!

Check out that photo above. See anything strange? I see the literal face of DEATH staring back at us. The skull that can be seen in the smokeyphotography of that era. Up by the wall - watching down upon the Strangler - staring back at US. Once you believe - you die.

Behold, Territory Wars - your worst nightmare.


Once you believe - you die. The Strangler's competitive fires have been stoked - and so he's raised the stakes of the co-main event tagteam match tonight between Thesz/Sammartino vs Joe/Gunner... the winner of that tag team bout will get to choose the opponent for Stranglers DEBUTmatch... scheduled to take place on the NEXT XPW TV EPISODE! Oh my this is *HUGE BREAKING NEWS*! Strangler Lewis is back! His debut takes placeNEXT WEEK on XPW TV! And the winner of tonight's tag team bout gets to choose his opponent!*

* (But only if that choice is unanimous between both partners)

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�TRUSTBUSTERS� (Thesz & Sammartino)
�TRUTH N ANARCHY 2012� (Samoa Joe & Gunner w/ Jessica Darlin)

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Vignettes ran all night with each of the men getting re-acquainted with each other. Thesz & Bruno share a recent victory together, but one nevertruly knows if they are on the same page. Same for Samoa Joe, who walks in on partner Gunner & Darlin in the midst of another viciousargument/domestic dispute. The animosity and intensity between the two men is palpable, but they each share an unwavering desire to crush theirenemies and see them tremble at their feet. When the bombshell Strangler Lewis return and announcement was made, it changed the complexion of thematch considerably - and raised the stock. Now each man desires a victory even more, with the ability to single-handily shut down (or dominate) thecompany with the right moves just in reach. In action, the futuristic TNA tandem of Joe & Gunner bring the pain - and Thesz playing face-in-peril. Jessica Darlin raises the slu*t and sleaze quotient, while serving as a potent distraction for the fans (and indignant Sammartino). But per usual - itis her man Gunner who gets caught up in the mix. Match breakdown with Sammartino & Thesz unleashing their arsenals hold-by-hold and move-by-move,while timing works with them to keep the bad guys isolated and discombobulated. Gunner blows up on Jessica Darlin again, allowing for a Thesz missiledropkick into a Bruno belly-to-back suplex with a bridge for 3. Samoa Joe had bailed on his overmatched partner once again - stewing in in his anger- and even more motivated to finish Thesz once and for all @ �AHiH�. Meanwhile, Bruno & Thesz go face to face again as Sammartino�s intentions remaincrystal clear (he wants *HIS* belt back!) They must get it together now one more time to determine Strangler Lewis� debut opponent next week on XPWTV!!


Jessica Darlin leaves Gunner stranded again - and the muscle-bound freak tearing his hair out in frustration...


JOHN CENA (2012) versus TAZ (2000)

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Another match with video vignettes throughout the night - illustrating their mutual hatred and covering the events of their first match. MA-areareferee Danny Davis tried appealing to Cena on a personal level to explain his last minute �heroic� decision to finish the match (after Cena knockedout the first official). But Cena clearly saw through him and pulled his card. Taz meanwhile continued to rage against the machine (Davis notofficially licensed referee - it�s a conspiracy against Taz etc�) and hit some really low blows on Cena by ragging on him hard about his booing fanbase. Tonight the path of rage turns the hallowed XPW Remixed arena into a crime scene! Win if you can! Survive if I LET YOU! On commentary, thelone Gordon Solie alludes to the XPW Remixed twitter and social networks going wild with speculation pitting either John Cena OR Taz against StranglerLewis in his debut! Pure wrestling dream match nirvana either way...

Big match walkouts (HUGE boos for Cena, who walks out unflinching head down - hat brim over his eyes) and cheers for Taz. Match itself is a stiffcontinuation of their first encounter - with both men going back and forth, spilling outside where rowdy fans closed in around them. They fightthrough commercial break and fight. At the end Taz reverses an FUAA attempt into a Tazmission - but loses his position and gets locked in Cena�s STFUin return! Taz literally grabs the refs pants, belt and shirt down to desperately drag and claw himself to a rope break. When he finally does getthe call - he responds by angrily berating - then SLUGGING - the referee! One more brief exchange between Cena & the Human Suplex Machine leaves Tazflat on his back with a match-ending FUAA! Cena covers him for the count� and once again referee Danny Davis slides into the ring to match the save(because the original ref is still out cold)! 1!.. 2!.. Cena breaks the count - grabs Davis up - and FUAA�s him right in the middle of the ring! Crowd POPS (??) for that move big time! Another series of match-ending moves between Taz & Cena, this time climaxing with Cena TRAPPED in theTazmission once and for all! But now, scattered pockets of fans have begun chanting FOR Cena (and against Taz�s deliberate, slowdown, fanantagonistic style this match)! Cena powers out of the hold - manages a superhuman comeback - before finishing with an emotional FUAA. He falls,near exhausted, onto Taz body just as the original referee is crawling into place! 1!.. � 2!.. � 3!! Crowd explodes! Then starts slowlytrailing off into loud boos� but the battered (slightly bloodied) Cena has survived the path of rage! Not only that, he thrived and emergedvictorious! Hustle, loyalty, respect! Rise above hate!


Post match - run in and gangland beat down by the MOVEMENT! Led by Rashad Cameron, the goon squad of 5 men roll on da champ John Cena (aka the�ignorant wigger white boy poseur�) and stomp his West Newbury Mass Ass into jelly. Cryme Tyme 2.0 gets off it�s Total Elimination-like finisher -and Sabian is about to crush Cena�s head with a steel chair stomp - when the good guy cavalry finally rolls in.

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Guys like Sammartino, Severn, Kimura, Younger (w/ Kendo sticks) and the champ LOU THESZ all make the heroic run-in and save - driving the thuggishassailants backstage and out of the picture. Thesz and stable regain control of the ring and crowd, and the champion has a few words on the mic. Heannounces their hand-chosen opponent next week for Strangler Lewis debut. A purists paradise and true fantasy wrestling dream match for the eons: that opponent will be DAN �the Beast� SEVERN (1998)!!

Fans seem receptive to the choice� arm chair quarterbacks wonder if it will turn into another Severn/Shamrock bore fest - purists go ballistic -and Sammartino hangs in the background like it�s not *100%* his first pick. Cena has recovered enough to respond, but it's notenthusiastically. He appears to confront XPW World champion Thesz like *HE* wanted that shot against Strangler... But regardless - it�s done - andnext week on XPW TV - Strangler Lewis will debut against shooters club ace DAN SEVERN!! Meanwhile Samoa Joe watches on silently from the entranceramp (while being held back by security) - starring daggers through XPW Remixed WORLD champion Lou Thesz...

** Bodycount for the evening **

** MATT STRIKER: Hospitalized by Kilo (broadcast partner Gordon Solie stricken by fear & anger)

** JACK PFEFER: Brogue kicked by Sheamus after conspiring to screw him out of the XPW Remixed Boston title.

** LIZZY BORDEN: Previous injuries exxxacerbated by Mildred Burke shoot submission.

** DINO BRAVO: Had to be revived twice after deadly Strangle hold.

** DANNY DAVIS: FUAA by an irate John Cena!! Madness, chaos and anarchy has gripped XPW Remixed! And now the President himself is back in themix! Stay tuned as the road to "Another Halloween in Hell" continues!!

Next Week on XPW TV Episode #58...



More fantasy wrestling DREAM MATCHES abound!!

XPW Remixed Womans champion SABLE defends against TRISH STRATUS!

**NEW (?!?!)** XPW Remixed Boston champion DEAN AMBROSE!!

The 2nd stipulation of this years "Xtreme Elimination Chamber"!!


** FADE OUT **


** XPW World Championship **
Lou Thesz � versus Samoa Joe
("Iron Man Match")

** Xtreme Elimination Chamber **
feat: SHEIK... SNUFF... SAMI CALLIHAN... POGO the CLOWN... & more!!

** XPW TV title tourney FINALS **

** XPW Remixed Tag Team titles **
Dudley Boyz (2009) � versus Road Warriors (1991)

** King of the Death Match title **
Kilo � versus MESSIAH



DUDLEY BOYZ: News channel interview

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posted on 10-24-2012 at 05:26 PM
XPW TV Episode #58 (Strangler vs Severn)
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Cut to the in-studio announce team for the evening:

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Gordon Solie

The countdown to �AHiH� continues� tonight - Strangler Lewis debut match� the XPW Remixed Boston controversy is aired out� Sable vs. Stratus forthe biggest prize in fantasy woman�s wrestling� and more information on the medical status of Solie�s broadcast partner Matt Striker� STAYTUNED!!

** CUT **


(Messiah victim of VIOLENT HOME INVASION)

In shocking, violent news - the �Ravenloft Death Match� scheduled for �AHiH� has irrevocably been *CANCELLED*. The challenger MESSIAH has recentlybeen the victim of a violent, real-life home invasion. Folks, this is not an angle - the injuries to Messiah are REAL and CATASTROPHIC. Apparently -a group of thugs accosted Messiah in his home, beat him unmercifully - and CUT HIS THUMB OFF WITH GARDENING SHEARS. And he�s LUCKY it was only histhumb, if you know what I mean� The shocking expose follows on AMERICA�S MOST WANTED:

Many speculate as to the reasoning, motive (and personality) behind the attack. Was this the dark favor Jack Pfefer called into Rob Black lastweek?? Revenge for a supposed backstage tryst between Messiah & Rob Black�s wife (at the time) Lizzy Borden?? Either way - Messiah�s thumb has beenSEVERED - and he�s gone into underground hiding for recovery. The KotDM title match is OFF. Many questions remain - most of them for injured,neck-brace-wearing Interim VP (and on-screen Commissioner) Jack Pfefer. But Pfefer is more concerned with selling his neck injury and angrily barkingat MSD and camera men to leave his office with rude �NO COMMENT� retorts. As far as he�s concerned, Messiah got what�s coming to him. Despite thecirc*mstances, Pfefer now believes XPW Remixed to be a much safer place�

** CUT **


�The New Villain in Town�

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This is the �bigger business� Jack Pfefer had to handle tonight. His official on-screen answer to �the coward� Sheamus� decision to �flee XPWRemixed� and vacate his title - and the official coronation of *NEW* XPW Remixed Boston champion DEAN AMBROSE. Brief, chilling promo from Ambroseclaiming to be the *MAN* around here and champion of the Black Army� when we�re interrupted by Strangler Lewis!

The XPW Remixed President is all smiles for a wary Ambrose (and still sore, neck brace-wearing Jack Pfefer) as he congratulates him on his newchampionship reign. But more subtle threats from Lewis paint himself (the STRANGLER) as the *MAN* around here (something - when pressed with histhroat against the blade - Ambrose does NOT deny�) Strangler (much like everybody else) assumes Pfefer/Black is behind the cancellation of the"Ravenlof Death Match" @ AHiH - and he is reminding everybody of one thing: Strangler Lewis the boss of all bosses. And to top it all off - the XPWPresident declares a new #1 contender for Dean Ambrose be named tonight - with a 20 Man Over-the-top-rope BATTLE ROYAL! Ambrose & Pfefer are cautiousand stifled� Ed Lewis gregarious and joyful. What does the Strangler have up his sleeve NOW??

#1 contender battle royal TONIGHT!!

Winner receives an XPW Remixed Boston championship match against Dean Ambrose

** CUT **


** Tag Team Trilogy **
(Further proof XPW Remixed boasts the best tag team division in the land)

PITBULLS versus�
TRULY BAD INTENTIONS (w/ Tommaso Ciampa)

vs. w/

Pitbulls already in ring. Tommaso Ciampa gets TV entrance and has two black-hooded monsters behind him. He unmasks them to unveil: Ryback &Anderson� TRULY BAD INTENTIONS. Competitive squash with the Pitbulls playing well-muscled foils for the brute tactics of Team TBI. They runthrough the Pitbulls in short order and eject them right out of XPW Remixed (with a twisted version of the Pitbulls own top rope super bomb through atable). With all of Gordon Solie's talk and speculation about the brutal Messiah incident - TCiampa posing alongside the victorious duo postmatch to cut an intimidating sight. But who is their master sensei???


** CUT **


CRYME TYME 2.0 (w/ Rashad Cameron)
ROAD WARRIORS (Hawk & Animal)


Clash of the Street thugs with the LOD proving to be toughest of the pair. Plenty of pizzazz, action and obnoxious Hip Hop music video-themed anticsfrom the Movement, but the Road Warriors are tag team elite. Doomsday Device to JTG gets the pin - and just the *threat* of a 2nd one to RashadCameron is enough to force the bad guys to flee.


** SEGUE **

** XPW Remixed tag team titles **

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Not to be outdone, the Dudley Boyz enter to upstage the LOD's victory celebration - flaunt their belts - and remind the world who they are (theBEST). Their tag team championship draw tonight is the new-look FOCUS pairing of Kaos & Titus (the PtP). Good, flavorful variety show from them herebut the Dudz keep it gutter, hood and straight Dudley-ville (mucking up the PtP's pretty Hollywood style). 3D through a table to Kaos for thepin. PtP look good but need a bit more seasoning.

Winners (and STILL XPW Remixed Tag Team champions): DUDLEY BOYZ

(Post match the inevitable face-off between the Dudz & LOD occurs - with each team barking in the others faces, the Dudz brandishing theirchampionship belts, waves of security seperating them, and eager fans going wild in the background! This is the "most anticipated match in fantasywrestling history!" Tune in to "Another Halloween in Hell" for this epic encounter!!)



(Xtreme Rulesz match)

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Strangler Lewis is in the midst of giving a statement to MSD, cameras and reporters regarding Strikers injuries, Messiah's attack, Year-EndTerritory Wars Awards and his own successful comeback - when they are interrupted by David Otunga! There�s been another successful legal move in hisbattle to shut down the Xtreme Death match division and soon Strangler Lewis will be out of business (smile). But Lewis completely disarms withgenial (yet subtly ruthless) wit and reminds him that until that day happens - Strangler Lewis is still the XPW Remixed president (aka "The Boss ofall Bosses")� and makes Otunga compete tonight!!

Later, more vignettes ran of Otunga preparing for his match - and demanding Necro Butcher & Sandman (his clients) watch his back (of which theyapparently weren�t too thrilled to do). His mystery opponent - not revealed until the last moment of course - is the returning NEW JACK (imprisonedat the hands of Otunga�s anti-hardcore movement previously). End result is academic - it�s the journey there that�s most fun. In this case, New Jackruns through his trash barrel of toys all over the hated David Otunga in rousing, crowd-pleasing fashion. Meanwhile, Sandman is shown passed outbackstage in humorous fashion - and Necro Butcher wants no part of helping his Harvard lawyer out either. So Otunga gets mauled, beaten, pulverizedand 187�d - all for the joy of the bloodthirsty crowd. New Jack leads them in chants of �XPW! XPW!� Xtreme lives!

Winner: NEW JACK

** CUT **


** XPW Remixed Boston championship #1 Contenders match **


Strangler Lewis has been laying down the law of the land - both in ring and out. Truly proving he is (beyond the shadow of a doubt) the �Boss ofall Bosses�. His ruling declared early in the night set the tone - and now we stand at the precipice of a thrilling 20-man over the top rope battleroyal to determine the new #1 contender to Dean Ambrose and his ill-begotten XPW Remixed Boston championship. The champion himself Dean Ambrose isspecial guest color man alongside Solie for this match - putting his mean streak, vicious wit and �James Dean of Death Match wrestling� persona over. Throughout the night, small vignettes and promos ran from various participants in the match - putting over its significance and challenge. A few bignames (like Taz, Mark Henry & Gorgeous George) get TV entrances before commercial. When we return the ring is nearly full - but we still have timefor ring entrances for Bruno Sammartino (!!) and John Cena (!!!) The ring has swelled with participants, but before we get started - the finalentrant makes his debut. Thundering out to the same theme song as Lord Tensai - and seconded by a cackling Atsushi Onita - is 600 lb+ monster VISCERA(debut)!! Even Ambrose seems taken by surprise. Viscera storms into the ring as Onita disappears into the backstage shadows�


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[I](Group effort spearheaded by Colt Cabana & Human Tornado)

�Havana Pitbull� RICKY REYES
(Pitched over the top at high velocity by an enraged JOHN CENA)

(The enforcer is unceremoniously dumped by the �Powers of Potential� Matt Morgan & Mark Henry - meanwhile somewhere in the back, their superstaragent �Nature Boy� Buddy Rogers cackles with satisfaction)

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(PoP out dueled by the combo of Cena & Bruno - leading to Morgan�s double clothesline elimination! In the back, Rogers angrily throws his cigar tothe ground and stomps his feet while cursing like a sailor!!)

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(Eliminated by non-participant THE SHEIK, who pulled him over the top and performed his ever-popular �roaring fireball to the face� bit)

(After Reyes earlier elimination, the Movement is getting it together and wreaking havoc. Rashad Cameron & Michael Tarver toss Cabana out)

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(While battling with the forces of the Movement - he was sneak attacked and dumped by Gorgeous George! The Gorgeous one primps and preens and rubsit in Human Tornado�s shocked face)

(Eliminated by the joint-tandem of Lord Tensai & VISCERA!)

(Ex-communicated by his old running buddy Rashad Cameron (aka �Sabian�) and the wild prizefighter Michael Tarver)

(All hell started breaking loose when the Movement�s Cryme Tyme 2.0 suddenly ran in and turned the match into a gang fight� Cena & Bruno wound updueling back-to-back with steel chairs to keep the villains at bay. In the fracas, Tarver wound up taking a steel chair swing from Cena thateliminated him. It also broke his arm - and backstage, Cena never apologized. So Michael Tarver would go on to release a furious Tweet response tothe incident - only to be released by the company shortly thereafter. Coincidence? Or racist conspiracy?)

A copy of Michael Tarver�s actual Twitter rampage:
(before he was fired)

"Family im a baaad man YAHWEH NISSI ,, soooooooo stop me if you heard this one for starters I went from sleeping in a car to being on 2 Wrestlemaniasfun fact there soooooo this guy has a dream job but an adv he meets his dream girl assn db on his dream job he was to be away From his kids so hemakes it work while spendiing 3 years trying to get his daughter to tampa to live him away from addcict mother Now during this dream job he fightstrains show crazy potential on the mic regarded as one the best ever in developmental so he moves on ,,,To nxt and raw where he is burried on tvtreated like trash back stage to the point where a certain top superstar takes notice of this Guy building steam with his promos back stage and beginsto feel threatend so one night on a ppv the champ purposely fractures this Persons arm with a chair and after.the match backstage laughs in his faceabout it and walks off you know im talking about you just cant see See him anyway he takes out threats to his throne back stage to the point where theeven get released from their dream job and ironicaly This guys dream wife leaves him tthreatening to take everything from him a month later on the seday his daughter was to move in with With them now his daughter is hysterical beyond help and has to be sent back home after three years of fightingand one week there Hmmmmm makes you wonder is it worth it because in your opinions WHO DO YOU KNOW WHO IS BAD.ENOUGH TO SCARE A BILLION DOLLAR COMPANYSo I saw to all things mention ME ,,,,,,,,IM THAT BAD MAN ,,,,,,,,,,,YAHWEH NISSI"

(After order was somewhat restored - and most of the Movement taken away in handcuffs - Ciampa was eliminated by Taz in a brief, but excitinginter-generational clash)

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(He spent all night hooked onto the bottom rope, afraid of being touched. He took his action to eliminate Human Tornado and then went right backto cowering. Until he was trapped into brief combat with Bruno Sammartino - for whom the crowd roared their approval. George tried begging off - andeven suggested eliminating himself - but Bruno did the duty himself - tossing George over the top rope like a trash bag full of garbage)

(Wild Red Berry alumni Damien Sandow is eliminated by the monster heel Big Daddy V - who�s rampage thus far shows no signs of slowing. Oncommentary, Dean Ambrose continues to question his and Onita�s motive - growing more paranoid by the moment)

(The loud-mouth braggart is jointly tossed by Bruno & Cena to huge cheers)

(Viscera & Lord Tensai prove a powerful tandem - bigger than even the World�s Strongest Man)

(Onita henchmen dumped by Bruno)

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(Clung to Cena�s back too long with his deadly Tazzmission - only to have Cena take a desperate last-second back plunge that wind up propelling Tazover the top rope to the floor and elimination! Taz is PISSED by the crowd greatly cheers his loss!)

(In a 2-on-1 battle against Viscera, he and Cena run into a brick wall. They briefly manage to get their baby face offense together to rattle thebig man - but an accidental clothesline from Cena winds up blasting Bruno over the top rope! Cena eliminates Bruno! By mistake?!? Dean Ambrose oncommentary of course claims it�s completely intentional and that Cena (with his recent streak of attacking/punching referees) has shown his truecolors!)

(The artist formerly known as Viscera is reinvented with his black/red NWO Wolfpack-like colors and �Big Daddy Voodoo� moniker. He takes Cena tothe bring of elimination, only to fall over the top rope himself by the very end� but his dominant showing has not gone unnoticed)

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Ambrose springs up from the anounce table ready to strike Cena - until Onita appears from the shadows of one of the side entrances. He is seconded by3 other colorful, deadly, Far East assassins and they stand behind him menacingly. One of them you recognize as Jun Kasai - the 3rd is a woman... but the super-scary one in the front (with ceremonial mask and sword as well) remains urecogniable for now. But their mere presence alone is to ceaseall action! Both Cena (in the ring) and Ambrose (on commentary) stop what they're doing to watch Onita and his crew. He's clearly gotthem both psyched out as they don't know how to react! But Onita just smiles - welcomes the man monster VISCERA into their fold (you nowrealize he's been wearing their gang colors all along) and cackles diabolically! Who is he here with? What are they doing?? And who do theywant (Cena or Ambrose)??

Behold the mystery, wonder (and corruption) of

** CUT **



A segment that puts over cut matches in fast, MTV-styled, video hype clips - usually set to some kind of heavy metal or Hip Hop background music..this is the kind of stuff that would have appeared on the now-dormant XPW Online, or within the 3rd hour of XPW TV that has been lost�

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Hilarious mocking vignette of Human Tornado challenging George to a PPV rematch! The Gorgeous One accepts!!

MCMG def. Generation ME vs. PG-13 (Triple Threat tag team)
(Exciting 3-way clash of cruiserweight blurs - MCMG re-establish themselves as threats)

Fabulous Kangaroos def. Heath Slater & Honky Tonk Man
(More notable for the final dissolution of Slater & Honky�s union - brought to a crashing end by a broken HTM guitar over Heath�s head!)

John Morrison def. Brian Kendrick (w/ Paul London)
(Brian & Paul are like Bill & Ted, but even with J-Mo's sore neck he's only one starship pain away from victory)

** Dark Match Main Event **
Wendi Richter def. Annie Social vs. Natalya Neidhart

(Another thrilling victory for the consensus #3 woman wrestler in the world Wendi Richter� but post match she is met in the ring by MILDRED BURKEwho extends the �battle with honor� invitation! Richter accepts and the two women embrace and prepare for their showdown! Richter vs. Burke! Only @�Another Halloween in Hell�!!)

** CUT **


(Xtreme Rulez Triple Threat)

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Another Strangler Lewis-mandated match up tonight, as Joe & Thesz continue their social media smear campaign against each other. The champ Lou Thesz& challenger Samoa Joe have traded bitter barbs and shots over everything from their quality of training partners to supposed cardiovascularshortcomings. Both men in the body of their work have proven to be 60+ minute warriors capable of holding a high intensity level. That intensity ison full display here tonight as Samoa Joe tears through the �anti-hardcore� coalition of Sandman & Necro Butcher. They have a shared goal, but that�sabout it. They can barely get along and insist on trying to one-up the other until they forget their �death match wrestling is dead� campaign and goXtreme on each other! Joe relives his brutal Indy feud with Necro Butcher (savagely battering the Butcher with stiff shoot strikes and kicks),Sandman takes all his trademark bumps (including a somersault onto the metal guardrail propped up in the ring), and Samoa Joe winds up choking NecroButcher unconscious (after his *partner* Sandman whacked in the head with his Kendo stick). Samoa Joe smears the blood upon his chest and screamsvulgar death threats at champion Lou Thesz.



XPW Remixed Television title
** Tourney FINALS **

Only @ �Another Halloween in Hell!!�

Coming Halloween Night!!



** Territory Turf Wars **

Southshore MA bred Alexxis Nevaeh squares off against Hollywood fashion plate Melina in a battle of the promos. Melina is snooty and full ofglamorous condescension as she touts her superiority and that of her home Territory Wars affiliation. Alexxis defends herself, her honor and XPWRemixed�s woman�s division from denigration. She made a vow to defend that turf against any and all comers - and Melina has accepted! These twobeauties will clash in a �No Honor No Respect� match @ �Another Halloween in Hell�!


** XPW Remixed Woman�s championship **

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SABLE (1998) � versus TRISH STRATUS (2006)

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Another literal fantasy wrestling �Dream Match� - with two of the hottest female acts in HISTORY doing battle on the grandest stage for the biggestprize in the game! Video recap of their XPW Remixed rivalry - and the never-say-die attitude of Trish Stratus contrasted by the bitchy, arrogantcondescension of Sable. The bell rings as the two women circle - and the crowd is 100% behind Trish Stratus here (but a few scattered signs in thecrowd still support the XPW Remixed champion Sable). Lock up and power struggle won by Sable, who forces Trish back into the corner - but instead ofbreaking clean, she yells in Trish�s face! Stratus pushes her back only to have Sable retort with a wicked SLAP (oooooooo)!! Trish charges her andthey�re off! They scramble, scuffle and brawl on the mat. Stratus applies a front face lock, but Sable pushes her into the corner. Sable gets in afew knees, forearms and chops to Stratus - really showing off her kickboxing skills. But Trish Stratus counters and gets in some Canadian chops ofher own on Sable. Sable answers with some knees to the body of Stratus, and then flattens the face of 2000�s WWE woman�s division Trish Stratus witha wicked clothesline. The 1998 WWF Attitude queen (and XPW Remixed woman�s champion) Sable takes time to gyrate, pose and taunt her fallenchallenger. Sable with some more kickboxing strikes to Stratus - but her charge off the ropes is leap-frogged by Stratus and met with a dropkick! Trish starts to take over the match. Matrix dodge, spin kick, springboard bulldog and Sable is forced to flee outside the ring!

After some cool down stalling from Sable, Trish finally chases her outside the ring and the brawl continues. Stratus tosses Sable back in the ringand gets a near fall after that beat down. Trish hit�s a backbreaker but can still only get 2. Trish attempts a suplex, but Sable goes back to theweakened rib cage area and takes over. She heelishly works Trish�s midsection with kicks, stomps, stretches and ring-post assisted rams. But even inall her co*cky gloriousness, Sable can only get 2 counts. Sable tries for the power bomb - but gets countered into a face plant by Stratus! Samoandrop from Trish and she mounts her comeback - all the way to the bulldog finale. But this time Sable shoves off her attempt and sends her sailingthrough the middle ropes to the hard arena floor! Sable gets a breather, before following Trish outside and working her over. Back in Sable with aside kick on Stratus, but catches a big kick in the corner from Trish on a charge. The two women exchange numerous near falls and finisher teases. It all climaxes with Trish finally hitting the big bulldog and the crowd exploding! But before she can go for the pin�

Both women are attacked by a marauding AWESOME KONG! Ring the bell frantically as this match has been called on account of CHAOS! The monstrousex-XPW Remixed woman�s champion (and �Territory Wars Woman/Diva of the Year� nominee) AWESOME KONG goes bananas on the two over hyped Barbie dolls -tossing them about the ring with reckless abandon! Implant busters to both of them! Sable manages to drag her sorry carcass (and her belt)backstage, fleeing instead of fighting - and leaving her opponent Trish Stratus helpless to take a HUGE power bomb from Kong OFF THE ENTRANCE RAMPthrough a table! OMG! �HOLY S***!� and �XPW! XPW!� chants!

Winner: NONE (no finish)

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Awesome KONG has the last word� and laugh!!

** CUT **


LOU THESZ � versus GUNNER (w/ Jessica Darlin)

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Another high-quality XPW Remixed TV dream match featuring the rugged, working man success of Lou Thesz and the grimy, sleazy, skullduggery of Gunner &Darlin. The pair has becoming increasingly erratic as of late, with every loss mounting even more emotional frustration (which they take out onothers). Gunner with his violence towards Darlin (which she seems to like) - and Darlin with her slu*tty p*rn star antics (being caught in highlysuggestive scenarios with the likes of XPW Remixed C-Listers like Danny Havoc and Weedman - all who were ultimately throttled by Gunner in backstagevignettes). Solie�s focus on commentary remains Thesz unparallel 2x reign as XPW WORLD champion and reiterates Thesz claim to take on allchallengers. The champ handily beats Gunner in a good science vs. strength match and proves he�s ready for the Iron Man challenge against Samoa Joecome �Another Halloween in Hell�. Shooters Club riding high, and stablemate Dan Severn takes on Strangler Lewis TONIGHT!!

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Winner (by submission): LOU THESZ

** CUT **

** Feds Crackdown on the Black Army **

Backstage vignette of Commissioner Jack Pfefer (still with neck brace and cranky attitude) is in his office discussing more business matters (butwon�t speak despairingly of Strangler Lewis)� Pfefer dodges ANOTHER phone call from Rob Black - until he gets uninvited guests� the FBI! They�reinvestigating the Messiah incident and all fingers are pointing towards Black/Pfefer. In a panic Pfefer denies everything, but it�s clear the heat ison. He is told to lawyer up and they leave him shaken and panic stricken.. So NOW Jack Pfefer decides to call Rob Black� and what does he tell him? The Coast is clear! All good now for Rob Black�s return to XPW Remixed, where he can reclaim his ownership position! Jack Pfefer is sending theairplane ticket out now! Rob Black will be back at �Another Halloween in Hell!! (but does he realize the muthaphu*ckkin FEDS are watching??)

** CUT **


** Xtreme Elimination Chamber Hype **

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Sultry, �Xtreme violence meets taboo sex� hype video from hostess Jasmin St Claire - who has been promised as a �prize� to the victor of this match� just watching this hype package makes you feel dirty and violated�

Masada def. The Sheik & Sabu (Impromptu 3-way dance)
(Xtreme death match joined in progress by Sabu who re-inserted himself back into his deadly feud with his uncle. Ultimately, Snuff (anotherElimination chamber combatant) attacked Sheik and brawled with him out of the picture. Masada then pinned Sabu after spiking him through a pane ofglass. But while Masada was celebrating his gruesome victory - he was blindsided by POGO THE CLOWN (another Elimination chamber participant) whobroke his barbed-wire shovel over the back of Masada�s head! Pogo is the last one standing!)

** SEGUE **

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But everybody clears the ring when reigning KotDM champion KILO (along with his brainwashed human slave Sammi Lane) makes his way down. He�s tryingto cut a mean, shouting promo but he�s practically drowned out by all the BOOS and �SHUT THE F*** UP!� chants from the crowd. He�s the greatest, he�sthe meanest, he�s the baddest - he even mocks Messiah�s situation (while claiming to have no knowledge of it of course) - and on commentary Solie isjust utterly disgusted with this guy and can�t conceal it (especially after what Kilo did to his broadcast partner Matt Striker). But Kilo�s rant iscut off by�

XPW Remixed president STRANGLER LEWIS

The XPW Remixed makes another decree - since he lost money on the �Ravenloft Death Match� billed for �AHiH� then somebody is gonna have to pay. Therefore, he is inserting Kilo as the last entrant in the Xtreme Elimination chamber - and putting the KotDM title up for grabs! Oh my! Huge cheerfrom the crowd! Wild, ballistic flip out from Kilo! Strangler Lewis makes a huge decree - boss of all bosses style!

Xtreme Elimination Chamber
(For the King of the Death Match championship!!)

Only @ "Another Halloween in Hell"!!


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We�re back from commercial, but the irate Kilo hasn�t left the ring yet. He�s storming around, yanking on his valet Sammi Lane and generallyacting like a violent, belligerent bully. When commentator Gordon Solie mentions something about it, Kilo is drawn to the announcer with an angryfire. He starts picking on Solie and pushing him around, until Solie snaps! He stands up, SLAPS Kilo in his stunned face, and throws the headset athim! The crowd pops HUGE as Solie grabs the house mic on his way up the entrance ramp and just� lets loose. Behold:

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GORDON SOLIE: If this was ECW I wouldn�t be working with a hat like you� (referring to the beanie cap Kilo wears and his constantreferences to destroying ECW in the Territory Wars). You wanna see some spirit? I�m not coming back! And now thanks to the magic of livetelevision, I�m gonna show the whole world why I was the unscripted, uncensored loose cannon of commentary! From Week 1 I�ve got a lecture in thedifference between �pro wrestling� and �sports entertainment�� refer to the wrestlers as �superstars�. I�m told to deliberately ignore the moves andholds during the matches so I can �tell stories�� Well ignoring the moves and holds is DAMN INSULTING to the wrestlers - not the �entertainers� - wholeave their families 300 days a year to ply their craft in THAT RING! So I swallow the bitter pill, I�m a company guy� now this?? I called livePPVs on my own - solo - hasn�t been done before me or since! But I�m not a �sportz entertainment storyteller�� Well you know what? I�m sick of�Sportz Entertainment�! I�m sick of Death Match wrestling!! I am sick of boogers and bathroom humor and sem*n� and I�m sick of our chairman! All to feed his own insatiable ego! I am SICK of sportz entertainment, but most of all I�m sick of YOU! (throws headset in Kilo�s face) Inever needed this job and I don�t want this job anymore! I QUIT!

Gordon is leaving, and Kilo is about to give chase� when none other than the �New Horror� Sami Callihan runs in for the save! He takes it right tothe KotDM champion - Xtreme style! Hype for the Xtreme Elimination chamber, in which Sami Callihan has vowed to become victorious! KotDM title onthe line between SIX of the sickest sonovabitches in Territory Wars HISTORY!

** Only @ �Another Halloween in Hell�!! **

** CUT **


** Main Event **



There has been much controversy over champion Lou Thesz� decision to name his stable mate Dan Severn as the Stranglers first opponent. Some say it�ssecular and inclusive - otherwise say it will be dreadfully boring. Rumors and rumblings of unhappiness are said to come from Bruno Sammartino, JohnCena and others over the decision. But true fantasy wrestling connoisseurs know there is a science to Lou�s pick. Not only has Seven been on a rolllately, and a legit 1990�s throwback to the shooters and hookers of yore - he has a credited victory over Strangler Lewis in fantasy competition. Onthe old BCCW show �Pyramid�s Peak� (one of the lowest rated shows in company history) Dan Severn *beat* Strangler Lewis by Dragon sleeper submission,even though the loss was never fully accredited or accepted. So with this pick, Lou Thesz is hoping to derail the Strangler Lewis hype train early. All of this would have been covered on commentary, but after Solie�s striking walk out - this match plays to silence. The intensity is palpable, andthe excitement genuine. The two warriors host an exciting heavyweight clash that is 100% pure wrestling. Purists and old school mat aficionados arethrilled by the nuances and scientific display - even if loud portions of the audience are prone to chanting �BORING!� at moments in the match. Butthings pick up at the end when Severn finally gets a successful go-behind and starts hammering Lewis with rolling German suplexes� until theStrangler muscles into defensive position on the mat - stymies Severn with an illegal grip of the tights for leverage - and goes for the Dragonsleeper submission! At the last moment Severn counters out into top control, but Strangler Lewis surprisingly (and deftly) maneuvers Severn into a� Kimura arm lock!?!? Yes, the same hold Severn�s stable mate Masahiko Kimura used to disable Gracie - and Brock Lesnar used to break Triple H�s arm! Severn tries with all his might� before slowly tap� tap� tapping out!! Then he starts tapping out more frantically as Strangler Lewis refuses torelinquish the hold - until he literally *BREAKS DAN SEVERNS ARM* in a brutal, sickening snap!

Winner (by submission): STRANGLER LEWIS

The cavalry of Lou Thesz and others arrives too late - the damage has been done. Thesz leaves with Severn up the ramp, while pausing to have along distance staredown with his former mentor Strangler Lewis�

just then - BRUNO SAMMARTINO brushes past Lou Thesz and upstages him! Sammartino takes it upon himself to address Strangler for his brutal tactics(both professional, business and in the ring) and vowing to snap his comeback trail himself - like he should have done tonight! That�s right - BRUNOSAMMARTINO IS CHALLENGING STRANGLER LEWIS TO A MATCH @ �AHiH�!! XPW Remixed VP Toots Mondt and Lewis briefly confer before Lewis ACCEPTS! Fade outon Lewis & Mondt looking like wolves who just ate an antelope - Sammartino angrily staring them down - and exchanging looks with the XPW Worldchampion Lou Thesz as well!!

Buy the muthaphu*ckkin PPV!!

** FADE OUT **

** XPW World Championship **
Lou Thesz � versus Samoa Joe
("Iron Man Match")

** Xtreme Elimination Chamber **
(For the KotDM title!!)

** XPW TV title tourney FINALS **
Alberto Del Rio (2012) versus Jack Brisco

Strangler Lewis vs Bruno Sammartino
(Xtreme Grudge Match)

** XPW Remixed Tag Team titles **
Dudley Boyz (2009) � versus Road Warriors (1991)

** XPW Remixed Woman's championship **
Awesome Kong � vs Sable vs Trish Stratus
(Triple Threat match)

**PLUS special attraction woman's matches**
Wendi Richter vs Mildred Burke
Alexxis Nevaeh (XPW) vs Melina Perez (ROH)

** XPW Remixed Boston championship **
Dean Ambrose (2015) � versus John Cena (2012)



GORDON SOLIE: Joey Styles "shoot rant" Monday Night Raw
MICHAEL TARVER: Twitter 2011

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posted on 11-1-2012 at 01:02 PM
XPW Remixed presents "Another Halloween in Hell"Another Halloween in Hell PPV can be found here:


Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!


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posted on 11-7-2012 at 05:20 PM
XPW TV Episode #59
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Cut to the in-studio announce team for the evening:

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Matt Striker & Taz

Welcome viewers to the show - run down the events of �AHiH� PPV (including title changes and Strangler Lewis successful comeback tour) - and hypethe events of tonight: Fantasy Diva rematch of the century� debut of the VOODOO MURDERS� and XPW President Strangler Lewis has promised anannouncement for the ages! Stay tuned!



�The Boss of all Bosses�

XPW President Strangler Lewis (w/ VP Toots Mondt) in ring for announcements and state of the union address:

* Due to the events of �Another Halloween in Hell�, Bruno Sammartino has chosen to RETIRE *

* Strangler Lewis is actively seeking competition for his next comeback match and expects to have news on that as it develops *

* Rob Black has been divorced from all GDT Inc, Black Army Enterprise, Extreme & XPW Remixed dealings - and Jack Pfefer has been elevated to permanentCommissioner and GM *

* Yes the rumors are true - XPW Remixed is BANNED FROM PPV. It happened as a result of the Federal investigation and raid into the company thatculminated at �Another Halloween in Hell� (and NOT - as it is speculated) due to the shows disastrously low ratings *

* That means the next XPW Remixed supershow (�REDEMPTION� - Nov 28th) will once again be broadcast on internet iPPV *

* To compensate for these losses, XPW Remixed will begin airing "The 5-Point Show" (a secondary plead for more points to earn higher draft picks) onFriday nights. A new avenue for fantasy wrestling fans to get their news in 60 mins or less. Stay tuned. *

* Strangler Lewis would like to bury the hatchet and congratulate XPW Remixed World champion Lou Thesz on his victory� *

� but he�s interrupted by Samoa Joe�

Then Dean Ambrose (both of them steamed over the turn of events @ �AHiH�)

Strangler Lewis is about to respond to their combined misery by instituting a #1 Contenders match tonight� when everybody is interrupted once more bythe magnificent entrance of (NEW XPW Remixed Television champion) ALBERTO DEL RIO (2011). #1 Contenders shouldn�t be contested amongst losers - butinstead champions. Strangler Lewis agrees and Del Rio�s PPV success is rewarded as well when the President makes a Triple Threat #1 Contenders match! NEXT!



** #1 Contenders Match **

SAMOA JOE (2007) vs DEAN AMBROSE (2015) vs ADR (2011) �

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Dean Ambrose wins this inter-generational/promotional Fantasy Wrestling dream match. Everybody looks strong, but Ambrose ambushes Joe after a musclebuster on ADR and steals the pin for himself. Story is Ambrose�s elation� and Samoa Joe�s continued frustration reaching its boiling point.


** CUT **


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Strangler Lewis & Toots Mondt finally meet face-to-face with XPW Remixed WORLD champion Lou Thesz� Strangler wants to bury the hatchet and offershis hand - but Thesz *DECLINES*. Thesz says the office needs him and *HIS* world championship more than he needs the office! Strangler Lewis turnsominous and warns Thesz his Shooters Club will pay the sacrificial cost tonight when he books them into a tag team match against the Voodoo Murders. There blood will be on Thesz� hands, accuses Lewis. Strangler closes by reminding us that *nobody* is bigger than the office� tense staredown beforeThesz marches off, leaving Lewis cold-eyed and steely nerved�



"Tag Team Valkyrie"

New XPW Remixed tag team champions LOD take to ring, but Dudley Boyz emerge shortly thereafter as well. The Dudz are reverential towards the RoadWarriors, as the crowd cheers both babyface tandems. Good promo from the Dudz putting over glory, honor and fantasy wrestling respect in XPW Remixedand honoring the LODz victory. Crowd cheers the display of respect... until the Dudz swerve everybody and heelishly attack LOD from behind at thelast moment. In a vicious, heelish assault - the Dudley Boyz dismantle LOD before driving them through twin tables to end their night. Now the Dudzclose with a show-stealing promo completely spitting on everything they just preached - disrespectfully spitting on the title belts and challengingthe Road Warriors to another fight @ "Redemption"!... the crowd heat is intense as the Dudz pose with the belts and make their waybackstage...[/color]

But the LOD recover just enough to angrily answer the Dudz on the mic... they want a fight too, but they don't want to wait until the iPPV"Redemption"... they want the Dudz TONIGHT!! CROWD CHEERS! No Holds Barred! But the Dudz will only do it if the titles are on the line... LOD isso heated they agree!! XPW VP Toots Mondt has materialized on the scene to make it official (and relish in the violent atmosphere)!! Title matchtonight!!

**XPW Remixed Tag Team titles **

Road Warriors � vs Dudley Boyz


** CUT **


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XPW Remixed president Strangler Lewis addressing his inner sanctum from within the confines of his presidential suite. 1) Begin the tide ofdarkness he urges Onita, the floor is your tonight. 2) A nod to Jack Pfefer - initiate smear campaign on the enemy. 3) To late arrival of themeeting Dean Ambrose he simply offers these cautious words - choose wisely. Is he talking about Ambrose�s loose cannon unpredictable allegiances?? Or his prospective title rematch with XPW Remixed Boston champion John Cena?? (Ambrose & Onita exchange uneasy, shifty glares) Just then - a sexysecretary (Jasmin St Claire!) enters with an urgent fax for the President� Lewis takes one look at the paper and his eyes flare with anger! Hedemands everybody OUT of the office - and Toots Mondt complies; ushering everybody out and slamming the office door! What information has drivenStrangler Lewis into this fury??



** Fantasy Diva Rematch of the Century!! **

SABLE (1998) versus TRISH STRATUS (2006)

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Everybody will debate the merits of Sable vs. Trish Stratus for as long as fantasy wrestling exists. A strong case can be built for each of them. But here in XPW Remixed? Sable wins cuz she went all the way! Match-ending Sablebomb is like the Playboy pictorial Trish Stratus never dropped - andgives Sable the right to gyrate over Stratus at her leisure.

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Winner: SABLE

Real story is the post match run-in and beat down by COMBAT TOYODA! Unleashed by her mentor Onita, she rushes the ring to attack both women with aKendo stick - but Sable wisely slinks away. With a catty smirk she deserts the ring instead of helping Trish - thus leaving her to destruction. Trish puts Combat Toyoda over as the next monster heel of the Woman�s division� and Alexxis Nevaeh as the heroic defender when she comes to Trish�said; driving Combat Toyoda away and ending the segment.

** CUT **



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Inside the Shooters Club locker room, Thesz is preparing with Kimura & Younger� when John Cena walks in. They have a man-to-man moment of mutualrespect and recognition, and the Chain Gang commander promises to watch Lou�s back if he does the same for Cena� but Thesz is noncommittal! There�sa sniff of insecurity in the air, as Thesz desperately seeks to keep the status of his World title elevated over Cena�s 3rd reign as Boston champion� the two men share a stare down, before Cena excuses himself from the locker room.


VOODOO MURDERS (debut!!) w/ Onita

w/ OO Forums - powered by XMB (196) vs.

Onita still in ring, on mic, unleashing a tirade. His Voodoo Murders camp awaits action behind him. Shooters Club members Younger & Kimura answerthe challenge. Commentators discuss Severn�s broken arm at the hands of Strangler Lewis (see XPW TV Episode #58: Strangler vs. Severn). Taru isviolence personified and his vicious temper actually results in a DQ loss in their debut. But their message is made when Kimura & Younger joinstablemate Dan Severn on the injured reserve list as the result of the weapons-filled beating that is joined by a SECOND SET of massive Voodoo Murderkillers...


They've returned to XPW Remixed bearing Voodoo Murder colors and driving the remnants of Thesz' Shooters Club out of XPW Remixed for good! Onita happy.

Winners (by DQ): YOUNGER & KIMURA (??)

Lou Thesz & John Cena make the run-in and save, overcoming the numbers disadvantage in superhuman fashion. They clear the ring to resoundingcheers before coming back to back and then face to face... tension that is exacerbated by the arrival of Strangler Lewis on the entrance ramp! ThePresident is angry (as commentators surmise the contents of the fax that got him all bent out of shape) and says because Thesz & Cena enjoy workingtogether so much - he's ordering them into a tag team match! Tonight! Against a rising force in XPW Remixed with a legit gripe to pick withthem! (the Headhunterz are stalking ringside like wild animals, snapping at Thesz & Cena in the ring) But the best part is - if Thesz/Cena refuse*OR* lose the match - they will be STRIPPED of their respective championships for contract violations! Thesz and Cena are left to stare each otherdown suspiciously...

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THESZ & CENA team up tonight, with their championship titles on the line!!

** CUT **



w/OO Forums - powered by XMB (199) versusOO Forums - powered by XMB (200)

Back from commercial, Onita and troops still in ring... emboldened by their earlier conquest. Now - the mysterious and dangerous COMBAT �Mother inLaw� TOYODA takes center stage. Onita is calling for Alexxis Nevaeh on behalf of Combat, but commentators remind you Alexxis accompanied TrishStratus in the ambulance to the hospital. Instead - Onita�s challenges are answered by WENDI RICHTER - who sticks up for her rock-n-roll sistas! Inspiring woman�s match between the two, punctuated by chants of �USA! USA!� for Richter. Both wrestlers come off strong but this night and daybelongs to VOODOO MURDERS. Onita�s interference leads to Toyoda�s devastation - and in perhaps the most shocking moment in XPW Remixed woman�sdivision history� she torches Wendi Richter right out of the company for good�




"Rise of Darkness"


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Starts with a swerve, as the newly-returned (former XPW Remixed tag team champion) Headhunterz are assumed to be their opponents. Instead, it isBLKJeez & the Havana Pitbull - the Movement! With a legit gripe against the lilly-white champions. Good match but Cena & Thesz win cleanly anddefinitively (even if there was a mutual tension brewing between them the entire time). The Movement has been neutered and will surrender toin-fighting from here on out.

Winners: CENA & THESZ

Post match - the Black Army make the run in and attack - but this time Ambrose & Onita work together. And in the end - who should stop the VoodooMurders, Dean Ambrose & Onita from doing to Thesz & Cena what they�ve done to the others? XPW President Strangler Lewis, who calls the dogs offbefore last breath can be drawn. Message is clear - surrender the titles back to XPW Remixed or suffer the consequences. The slight swerve comeswhen Dean Ambrose forsakes his assumed title rematch against Cena for bigger fish - and targets Lou Thesz with a PPV title match. That leaves theVoodoo Murders gang to hold a beaten Cena in crucifix form before their tyrannical leader Onita - who spits upon Cena�s American idealism and promisesvictory for himself at �Redemption�! If Cena & Thesz can make it to �Redemption� - they fight the last two Black Army aces in a battle for fantasywrestling supremacy!! Fade out on Strangler Lewis� grim smirk of satisfaction�

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Thesz � vs. Ambrose!

Cena � vs. Onita (w/ Voodoo Murders)!


Stay tuned!!

** CUT **


** King of the Death Match championship **

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("XPW Originals Fatal 4-Way Massacre")

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New KotDM champion Sami Callihan defends his bloody crown against a run of XPW Originals - proving his Death Match superiority is no fluke.


Story of the match comes during the grim aftermath� while Sami Callihan is celebrating his gory victory� we are interrupted by DAVID OTUNGA! Thesmarmy lawyer is proud to announce he WON his case against XPW Remixed! At the end of the month, their license to promote Death Match wrestling isTERMINATED with no renewal! Commentators (and Sami Callihan) are shocked! They speculate this was the information Strangler Lewis received in thefax. Death Match wrestling is dead! And next week - David Otunga will take great pleasure in personally stripping the KotDM championship himself! Sami Callihan wants to tear out of the ring and rip his head off� but stops short when Necro Butcher & Sandman (Otunga�s lecherous clients) amble outto back up their attorney. All 3 men smirk with self satisfaction as the ramifications of this landmark legal decision settle in� Death Matchwrestling is BANNED come December 1st!

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** CUT **

** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE (Grim Conclusions) **

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Backstage cameras catch Strangler Lewis & Toots Mondt during a quiet moment in their office. Mondt is warning Lewis they have all their eggs inone basket with this Black Army alliance - and still have one more signing left by Rob Black to deal with (a triple set of new contracts rest on thedesk). But just as important as lost PPV revenue streams and TV time slot changes - now the Death Match division officially ends December 1st (Lewisis clutching the legal fax). Mondt implores Lewis to reconsider his next move, claiming some may brand it as the act of a desperate federation� butEd Lewis is resolute. He says this is something that must be done. One last gamble and Lewis will be the moving the pieces into play NEXT WEEK. Hepicks up the office phone and says �operator, get me Verne Gagne��

** CUT **


** XPW Remixed Tag Team titles **

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Sick main event match - a continuation of their epic battle @ �AHiH�� but this one isn�t framed by a mutual respect. Now, with the Dudley Boyzfull-blown heel turn at the beginning of the show, this fight takes on an unholy bloodlust. A violent carnage so unrestrained - it tears up the arenaconcession stand like Tupelo - and sends pockets of fans scattering from the fracas. Hawk winds up 3D through a table at one point� before Animalretaliates a little later by swinging a huge television camera arm right into Bubba & D-Von�s heads! In the end, with television time running out andfull control lost, one of the tag team championship belts actually gets *DESTROYED* by an errant Bubba Ray swing that hit�s the steel ringpost. Thebelt plate shatters upon impact as the fight continued. The LOD fight off the Dudz and are about to hit a match-ending Doomsday Device on D-Von(again), when Bubba pulls him to safety - and the Dudleyz begin their retreat� with the last XPW Remixed championship belt! They�re stealing thelast surviving belt and fleeing with it! Meanwhile the Road Warriors rebel by overturning scaffold equipment and ringside accessories until a smallriot breaks out! A small trashcan FIRE pops up somewhere in the stands! Striker & Taz are frantically signing us out! A loud �XPW! XPW!� chant canbe heard as screens cut to black.

Winners: NONE (No Finish)

** FADE OUT **


** XPW World championship **
Lou Thesz (1955) � vs Dean Ambrose (2015)

** XPW Boston championship **
John Cena � vs Atsushi Onita (w/ Voodoo Murders)


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posted on 11-9-2012 at 04:10 PM
The 5-Point Show (XPW TV #59) *DEBUT*
** The 5-Point Show **

A secondary show (on youtube) that puts over cut matches in fast, MTV-styled, video hype clips - usually set to some kind of heavy metal or Hip Hopbackground music... with the company already losing TV sponsorships, air slots, being banned from PPV - and now the literal end of the Death Matchdivision - "The B-Show" is a desperate attempt to generate public interest in the product... when we last left off, Ambrose targeted Lou Thesz forthe XPW World championship while Onita and his Voodoo Murders look to exterminate John Cena. The LOD & Dudz contensted a brawl that literally broughtthe house down. A small riot broke out that cost the company a small fortune in insurance and civil suits. Ramifications for this incident will befelt by both teams... stay tuned for words from XPW VP Toots Mondt on the matter (and destroyed tag team belts) a little later...



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Jack Brisco def. Jinder Mahal
(Reasserts his classic-age dominance and ends Mahal�s run of fiery rhetoric... meanwhile, Jack Brisco will be getting an XPW TV title rematchagainst ADR on the next XPW TV Episode! Stay tuned!)



Truly Bad Intentions def. Cryme Tyme 2.0
(Singular dominance by Ryback & the Machine Gun while CT2.0 is left to bicker amongst themselves)

** CUT **


** Interlude **

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** Human Tornado is serious - and wants a rematch against Gorgeous George (see �AHiH�)� George thinks that�s preposterous and that he provedTornado�s first win was a fluke. DECLINED **
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** CUT **



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Mildred Burke def. Annie Social
(Burke whips some white trash ass with class)



Ruckus & Weedman def. Generation ME
(the jobbing out of GenME continues as they will be leaving the company very frustrated and full of complaints. Ruckus & Weedman meanwhilecontinue to host the greatest victory celebration in fantasy wrestling today)



John Morrison def. Damien Sandow
(Focus is still on the sore and weakened neck of JMo, but he manages to get the job done against Sandow tonight. Revenge for his loss to theIntellectual savior in the XPW TV Title tourney on XPW TV Episode #56)


** Breaking News **
(Tag Team titles vacated)

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Toots Mondt discusses the end of XPW TV Episode #59 and the aftermath of LOD/Dudley Boyz riot-starting brawl. Both teams have been fined anindeterminable amount - have been *BANNED* from competing in that county of California - and LOD are *STRIPPED* of their claim as champions! Thatmeans - to preserve the sanctity and lineage of Mondt's precious tag team straps - a tournament of contenders will immediately be established. These teams will battle for the right to a tag team championship match @ "REDEMPTION" for the now-vacant straps. Both the Dudley Boyz & RoadWarriors (Hawk & Animal) had seperate retorts to this decision - neither pleasant, or suitable for uncensored viewing.

XPW Remixed Tag Team straps VACANT!?!

Tournament to crown new champion begins on XPW TV Episode #60!!

** CUT **



Honky Tonk Man def. Heath Slater
(Filmed in Memphis TN, crowd is electric for the old school heat between these two and they put on a highly-entertaining match punctuated by aguitar smash to the head (HTM�s counter to Slater�s annoying air guitar)

** CUT **


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** Breaking News **
Drunken mugshots released of Gunner - he dropped a heartbroken Jessica Darlin - only to renege later. But when he found her in gangb*ngposition with a bunch of undercard and Death Match wrestlers he flipped out. Arrested for aggravated assault. But when he makes bail, he coming backto XPW Remixed to challenge the head culprit of this little underground LA p*rno scene... SNUFF!



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Motor City Machine Guns def. Kendrick & London
(MCMG continue to rise back up the ranks in a bid to reclaim *THEIR* championship. At 100% tonight, they vindicated themselves by avenging theirloss to Kendrick & London on XPW TV Episode #56. Commentators cover the all new contenders tourney for the now-vacant tag team straps, and how everytime is now violently jockeying for position)



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Fabulous Kangaroos def. Prime Time Playaz (w/ GG)
(PtP not quite ready for prime time as the OG FabKangs do their business and fly their Australian flags high. They get a few moments of post-matchmic time to put over their participation in the contenders tourney for the vacant XPW Remixed tag team titles next XPW TV Episode #60)



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** Dark Match Main Event **
Matt Morgan (w/ Buddy Rogers) def. Colt Cabana vs. Necro Butcher def. Sandman
(Fatal 4-Way match (becomes so after Sandman's prolonged drunken interference) that stays competitive for the most part, but Morgan is justtoo big, too stiff and too strong by the end. "The Blueprint" wipes everybody out before the big finish on Colt Cabana. Commentators say Morganwas jealous his stablemate Mark Henry got the Pre-PPV spot @ "AHiH". But suddenly - Morgan & Rogers' victory is interrupted by NEW JACK! TheOG of Xtreme goes to town on Matt Morgan with weapon shots galore - and challenges his stablemate Mark Henry to a match tonight!! An irate BuddyRogers accepts on behalf of his stable!

** CUT **


NEW JACK vs MARK HENRY (w/ Buddy Rogers)

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Back from commercial, New Jack already in ring - full entrance for �World�s Strongest Man� (Mark Henry) and �World�s Smartest Agent� (Buddy Rogers). Good, brief, hellacious affair with both men getting over but New Jack taking a hellacious beating. Mark Henry gets to demonstrate some of thestrongman feats that made his World title run so devastating, by dismantling, withstanding or punching through any gimmicky weapon shot thrown his wayby New Jack. But despite his unholy beating, New Jack still manages to drag himself to the balcony seating section and thunder bomb Mark Henry with asuicide plunge. He misses, and Mark Henry carries him all the way back into the ring for a World�s Strongest Slam to end this massacre in his favor. Meanwhile, his post match celebration (complete with Buddy Rogers and his ever present victory cigar) is watched closely with a jealous eye backstageby stablemate Matt Morgan (still nursing his wounds from New Jack�s earlier assault)�


** CUT **


"Boss of all Bosses chooses his next victim"

John Morrison is in the trainers room getting his neck worked on, when XPW Remixed VP Toots Mondt passes by with some sarcastic comments directedtowards him. The Shaman of Sexy doesn't shy away though, and confronts Mondt's jibes head-on and denying any kind of lasting damage... but that claim is immediately called into question by STRANGLER LEWIS who enters the scene! So it is said, let it be done! The next fantasywrestling dream match and Strangler Lewis' future victim (I mean "Opponent") has been chosen! Next week - Strangler Lewis loads his plate byprepping for a match, and finally promising that grand announcement that will *change the game forever*!!

Strangler Lewis vs John Morrison!

The Strangler's improbable comeback tour continues on the next XPW TV Episode! STAY TUNED!!



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posted on 11-14-2012 at 08:37 PM
XPW TV Episode #60 (Tag Team Valkyrie)
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Cut to the in-studio announce team for the evening:

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Matt Striker & Taz

Video recap of Strangler Lewis union with the Black Army, and the rise of Dean Ambrose & Onita (w/ his �Voodoo Murders� camp). They climb to thesummit where fantasy wrestling deities (and reigning XPW Remixed champions) Lou Thesz & John Cena await. This clash between light and dark occurs at�REDEMPTION�� meanwhile - a fantasy wrestling dream match of such Xtreme proportions, it nearly crumbled an entire tag team division (and destroyedan entire building). The Road Warriors / Dudley Boyz rematch from XPW TV Episode #59 that was so out of control it resulted in a riot, broken titlebelts, civil suits, fines - and finally - a championship vacancy. That void will be filled @ �REDEMPTION�, but begins TONIGHT when 10 of the greatesttag teams in fantasy wrestling today compete for this iconic prize. Tonight is �Tag Team Valkyrie� as XPW Remixed begins the road towards�REDEMPTION�. Will they find it, or forever be doomed??



** XPW Remixed Tag Team TOURNEY **


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Exciting highlight reel recap of this torrid 3-way dance. PtP (in Focus) are the glitz and glamour - Team 4:20 the rebellious underdogs - andFabKangs are ornery and resilient. DWI-like finisher upon Weedman, after his partner Ruckus took out PtP @ ringside with a suicide plancha, and hewas felled with a shot from the Australian flagpole that is forever present in the FabKangs corner. Former 2x XPW Remixed champions the FabulousKangaroos are ready to reach the top again. Even bigger news - their manager (injured at the hands of a Dudley Boyz flaming table spot) WILD REDBERRY returns to their side next week as the Tag Team Valkyrie tourney continues!


** CUT **



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Angry Samoa Joe on a tear, looking for XPW President Strangler Lewis� finds XPW VP Toots Mondt instead� we recall Joe has been *BANNED* fromcompeting for the XPW Remixed Boston title and is now seemingly blackballed from XPW World title contention as well (Lou Thesz is ducking him)� butMondt diffuses the situation by enticing Joe with another championship scheme� Joe is intrigued but the office door is rudely shut before we can hearanymore�


** XPW Remixed Tag Team TOURNEY **


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Thrown together by the joyous hands of XPW VP Toots Mondt - hoping to see combustible elements explode before �REDEMPTION�� Cena & Thesz are on acrash-course with destiny. Once again threatened to have their titles stripped should they not comply - Thesz & Cena were forced to compete togetherin the Tag Team Valkyrie series. But even at their stature, they are made to �earn their keep� within the tag team division first - hence this onetime �Qualifying Match�� against returning former XPW Remixed tag team champion HEADHUNTERZ. Brutish, rough and thuggish match that finds Cena &Thesz pounded by the twin gargantuan. There is a layer of one-upsmanship and distrust between the two baby face champions, which is why (despitetheir spectacular singles ability) they can�t keep the advantage for long. In the end, a series of finishing moves has Cena & Thesz inching closer tovictory - only to have Headhunterz throw hell all out the window and sink in for the DQ beat down. We finish with twin 400+lb stereo moonsaults fromthe savages. They may be ousted out the tourney, but the Headhunterz have cleared the way for their Voodoo Murder stablemates to proceed unobstructedMeanwhile somewhere in the back, their evil leader Onita chuckles heartily as his PPV opponent John Cena must be helped to the back by medicalpersonnel.

Winners (by DQ): THESZ & CENA


** XPW Remixed Tag Team TOURNEY **


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Classic �big men versus lightning blurs� match, with the MCMG complicated chain of synchronized maneuvers being abruptly ended by a thunderouspulverizing. Taru is violence personified, with Big Daddy Voodoo playing the brutal exclamation point. Voodoo Murders go over clean and inhorrifying fashion - ready to stake their bloody claim atop the XPW Remixed tag team food chain.




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The Black Army reign of terror continues when - back from commercial break - Combat Toyada is in the ring beckoning for her opponents to come fight. Trish & Alexxis get a combined TV entrance (bubbly, vivacious baby faces) but are just as shocked as the rest of us (and the commentators) to learn�Mother-in-Law�s� partner for the night is� XPW Remixed Woman�s champion (and �Fantasy Wrestling Woman of the Year� nominee) AWESOME KONG!! Heeltandem looks super powerful and devastating - Trish & Alexxis are plucky, resilient underdogs - and the commentators get a few moments to put overeach woman�s credibility (including Toyoda who is new to XPW Remixed viewers). But in the end, oil and water don�t mix - and a miscommunicationbetween Toyada & Kong (resulting in Kong getting rolled up by Trish for the win!) turns into a fiery explosion. Trish & Alexxis barely have time tosoak up their victory, before high-tailing it out of there as Kong & Combat have their in-ring confrontation. It quickly escalates to blows, and ittakes a phalanx of XPW Remixed security guards being tossed like blow up dolls by the two woman to finally put an end to the brawl! OMG a violentimplosion of evil!


** CUT **

** XPW Remixed Woman's championship **
Awesome Kong � vs Mother-in-Law

Next week on XPW TV!!


** XPW Remixed Tag Team TOURNEY **



Another devastating encounter that doesn�t even make it to the ring. These 4 men start going at it in the backstage area in a hellacious brawl,tearing through the backstage arena like Superstorm Sandy. There are innocent casualties, property damage and violent weapons shots involving bothteams. But most gregarious of all - their brawl actually bursts through Jack Pfefer�s closed door and consumes his office! The irate Commissionermakes a ruling against both teams (a double DQ!) - only to drive them together just long enough to take out some anonymous Pfefer henchmen (plus Snuff& Lord Tensai who happen upon the scene as well) - before Animal hoists Pfefer up in the air and Bubba Ray Dudley puts the Commissioner through hisown desk with a 3D!! Jack Pfefer is left twitching in the wreckage, while the Road Warriors & Dudz continue their ferocious assault upon each other!

Winners: NONE (Double DQ)

**CUT **


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David Otunga (backed by Sandman & Necro Butcher) has a tense confrontation with reigning KotDM champion Sami Callihan. While Otunga has indeedlegally put an end to �Death match� wrestling come December 1st - Sami Callihan is still right: it�s not December 1st yet, and Callihan ain�t givingup with a fight. So Otunga can�t *strip* Sami of the title tonight like he wanted to, but he does an advance booking sheet of KotDM matches untilthat date. And this week - on the next �5-Point Show� - Sami Callihan is defending his title in an �ECW Classics Triple Threat� - against OG Sheik &Sabu! Otunga and his crew chuckle, intent on never letting Callihan see December 1st to begin with�

�ECW Classics Triple Threat Match� for the KotDM title!!

On the next �5-Point Show�!!

Stay tuned!!

** CUT **


** XPW Remixed TV Title **

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ALBERTO DEL RIO � w/ Ricardo Rodriguez

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Moments before the 15 minute TV time limit were to expire on this classic affair - Ricardo Rodriguez made a crucial miscalculation in strategy thatresulted in ADR being trapped in a Figure 4 leglock! Rodriguez couldn�t even interfere (after having his shoelaces hopelessly lassoed around theringpost) and ADR tried holding on as the seconds ticked down - but finally couldn�t! Within moments to spare, ADR frantically tapped out to Brisco�sfinisher - ceding the match and his title! NEW XPW Remixed TV champion! Oh my what a historic night!

Winner (and NEW XPW Remixed TV champion): JACK BRISCO (1975)

** CUT **


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Interviewer MSD tries to get a word with Strangler Lewis (RE: his match later tonight and �historic announcement�) - but gets blocked by TootsMondt instead. Lewis is preparing for his match and not taking questions now. All will be revealed later. Mondt also won't comment on Pfeferscondition (after being destroyed by the LOD/Dudley Boyz) but does allude to some kind of contractual provision that is going to allow Dean Ambrose &Onita to PICK THE OPPONENTS for Thesz/Cena next week on XPW TV! MSD wants to question Mondt further - but they are interrupted by DINO BRAVO (whourgently and angrily demands to speak with Mondt� privately). Before Bravo shoves MSD and the cameras out of the way and slams Mondt�s office door,we hear something about a �bounced check� RE: the job Bravo did for Strangler Lewis�

** CUT **


** XPW Remixed Tag Team TOURNEY **


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Both Thesz and Cena worn down from the earlier assault, and there was even speculation (raised by Thesz) that Cena might not show up for this fight. Their opponents turned out to be Dean Ambrose (not surprisingly) and his partner SAMOA JOE (somewhat surprising). The bad guys are ruthless, and thegood guys have a hard time staying on the same page. But when they do - watch out. Cena and Thesz embark upon a solo chain of maneuvers (Cena toAmbrose & Thesz to Joe) that unfold simultaneously upon their foes - until each of them finishes with an STF deathgrip! Thesz the originator and Cenawith his new millennium STFU! Joe & Dean both seem dangerously close to tapping out - until those damn HEADHUNTERZ run in again! WHAM! It was aset-up all along, and the HH�z once again lay a double whammy on the champions. Except Samoa Joe apparently wasn�t in on the set-up, as he has abrief shoving confrontation with Dean Ambrose over the loss - until just throwing his hands up in frustration when the Headhunterz back up Dean. Samoa Joe storms away cursing up a storm, while the Black Army Voodoo Murders continue�

Winners (by DQ): CENA & THESZ

The beat down continues - until Thesz & Cena roar back into contention. They combine to dispose of the Headhunterz, and finally (ultradramatically) come face to face again� before deciding for unity one more time and clobbering Dean Ambrose! But this time - their comeback is cutoff at the pass by ONITA - who ushers two more attackers through the crowd, over the guard rails - and onto Cena & Thesz! 6-on-2 beating and nowThesz & Cena don�t stand a chance! OMG look who it is laying the boots down on them, on behalf of the Voodoo Murders�!!


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The assault continues as the commentators alternate between bugging and marking out - and Cena & Thesz are laid out underneath American flags! TERRYFN FUNK (is back!) of all people cuts a hellacious closing promo, where he touts the Voodoo Murders - disparages Lex Luger & the NWA title situation(with Funk claiming he & Awesome are here tonight on behalf of Onita to make sure stuff like that never happens again) - and announces *THEY* are themystery opponents for Thesz & Cena next week! Oh my, the GDT Inc/Black Army conspiracy is complete! They�ve literally doubled their chances ofclaiming the World & Boston titles for their own!!


Terry Funk versus John Cena!!

Lou Thesz versus MIKE AWESOME!!

Stay tuned!!





Definitely headed into a TV overrun, and Strangler Lewis *STILL* isn�t forsaking any of his elaborate television walkout time. Big time MMA-styleintro from the ring announcer, and a �tale of the tape� for both men. Contradiction of styles that nonetheless provides an exciting fight. StranglerLewis is stiff and uncooperative, collapsing on Morrison every time he gets the chance and dragging him to the mat. It is only John�s superhumanagility and speed that allows him an escape. The flashes of offense and flurries of blow benefit Morrison, and anytime he gets the advantage -Strangler Lewis rolls out of the ring to regroup (and stall). On the last exchange, �The Shaman of Sexy� launches himself like a torpedo over thetop rope to the floor - where Lewis dodges at the last moment, but Morrison takes out Toots Mondt instead (and leads to the only �XPW!� chant of thenight). But that allows Lewis to hurl Morrison from behind into the steel ring post, and suddenly JMo�s previously injured neck becomes a sore pointof contention. There�s little he can at this point, as Lewis is just excruciatingly vicious and nearly cranks Morrison�s head right off his shoulderswith an airtight Dragon Sleeper. The Strangler does the same to John as he did his previous foes - refusing to release the Sleeper until Morrison�sarms and legs flailed frantically� then finally fell still. The Strangler squeezes the last breath from another opponent. Mr Mondt has recoveredenough to lay a sympathy boot into Morrison�s ribs, but he ain�t moving. The Boss of all Bosses does it again - and his improbable comeback tourcontinues�

Winner (by submission): STRANGLER LEWIS

�Death Comes in 3�s�
(The Strangler Lewis announcement)

Strangler Lewis announces the formation of 3 landmark decisions that will change the Territory Wars landscape forever� a series of *TITLEUNIFICATION* bouts!! This scorched-earth program will fortify and unify the fractured denizens of the Territory Wars like never before! This is atime of cataclysmic CHANGE. A time for a new ERA and new regime to rule fantasy wrestling. This is EPIC and it�s coming straight from the Boss ofall Bosses. This series of 3 historic match-ups will begin at �REDEMPTION�� as Strangler Lewis unveils the following information�

** AWA championship match to be contested @ �REDEMPTION�!! **

The reigning and undisputed AWA champion will debut NEXT XPW TV EPISODE! OH MY YOU DON�T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!

** Three huge title unification bouts!! **

** The 1st comes at �REDEMPTION� with an AWA championship match! **

** The AWA champion arrives in XPW Remixed arena NEXT WEEK!!



** XPW World championship **
Lou Thesz (1955) � vs Dean Ambrose (2015)

** XPW Boston championship **
John Cena � vs Atsushi Onita (w/ Voodoo Murders)

** AWA Title match!! **


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posted on 11-18-2012 at 11:12 PM
The 5-Point Show (Episode #60)
** The 5-Point Show **

A secondary show (on youtube) that puts over cut matches in fast, MTV-styled, video hype clips - usually set to some kind of heavy metal or Hip Hopbackground music... with the company already losing TV sponsorships, air slots, being banned from PPV - and now the literal end of the Death Matchdivision - "The B-Show" is a desperate attempt to generate public interest in the product... And it's only the 2nd show and alreadythere's been a time change. Moved to Sunday - with an early release time to capitalize on whatever *OTHER* PPV event may be going on that XPWRemixed can leech off... when we last left off the tag team Valkyrie tourney has come down to 3 teams - Fabulous Kangaroos (with returning managerWild Red Berry) - the Voodoo Murders - and the newly formed super team of Lou Thesz & John Cena! But first, Cena & Thesz have singles matches againstNWA superstars MIKE AWESOME & TERRY FUNK on the next XPW TV Episode! Meanwhile, Strangler Lewis has made the landmark announcement of 3 titleunification matches over the next few months that will result in the first Territory Wars champion in history! It starts @ �REDEMPTION� with an AWAtitle match! Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available! ...



Kendrick & London def. Generation ME
(Brian & Paul win emphatically - but their celebration is cut short by a rampaging "Powers of Potential" (Matt Morgan & Mark Henry w/ BuddyRogers) - who are on a mission to prove they're still on the same page. They clear out the vanilla midgets but before they can speak... TRULYBAD INTENTIONS arrives (Ryback & Machine Gun)! Not a word is spoken, but tension is high... there is a face-off / staredown... and PoP leave! Thisopens up the ring for leader Tommaso Ciampa to cut a promo RE: their mysterious East Coast tutelage and challenge his next singles opponent...)



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Tommaso Ciampa def. Gorgeous George
(Human Tornado's humiliating interference in the end gets Ciampa the victory and extends his undefeated streak. Meanwhile George'stemper boils over in fury and he ACCEPTS Human Tornado's challenge for "REDEMPTION"!!)

Gorgeous George Wagner versus Human Tornado




Heath Slater def. Honky Tonk Man
(The feud between former mentor and pupil continues, with Slater picking up a rebound victory over HTM thanks to the surprise interference of... Jinder Mahal?!?! Yes - the angry militant Punjab breaks a guitar over HTM's head - before breaking character to perform a simultaneous *airguitar riff* with Slater (?!?!?)... commentators seem just as confused as the rest of us, but vengeance has been served - Southern rock bandstyle..)



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Snuff def. Phil �Gunner� Shatter
[I](Gunner�s hate-fueled warpath against Snuff and the entire underground LA p*rno scene comes on the heels of a death match gangb*ng scene withformer valet Jessica Darlin. The musclebound Gunner has things in hand against the monster Snuff, and even preps the evil XPW Original menace for hisF5 finisher� but the �repentant� Jessica Darlin makes the run-in to predictably swerve Gunner with a low-blow from behind and willingly (andjoyfully) join forces with Snuff� Gunner meanwhile is disgraced out of the company like Sid and others before him at the hands of Snuff� later inthe night, a vignette airs of Gunner tearing up the backstage area looking for Snuff & Darlin� only to find the business end of a barbed-wire shovelshot from POGO THE CLOWN� together the two XPW Original hellspawns drag Gunner to his assumed doom while Jessica Darlin joins their elicitsexcapade)�


"A New Commissioner in Town" (After the last one caught a bullet in the brain - again)

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As a result of the injuries sustained by Jack Pfefer on XPW TV Episode #59, he is forced to step down his position as Commissioner. That role willnow be filled by VP Toots Mondt. First order of business - sanctioning and ordering a no-holds barred tables match between the Road Warriors & DudleyBoyz... on the next XPW TV EPISODE!!

Road Warriors versus Dudley Boyz
(Tables Match)

** Next XPW TV Episode!! **



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Mildred Burke def. Tony Altomare via arm-triangle choke
(Match comes on the heels of a Mildred Burke promo where she reveals she can't get quality competition in XPW Remixed... the old schoolItalian gangster Tony Altomare interrupts to try and remind Burke of her place in wrestling (in the kitchen or on her back) and Burke doesn'ttake too kindly to that. She dismantles Altomare in minutes before snapping on a match-ending triangle choke. But the big development comes postmatch, when Sable appears on the entrance ramp with a sarcastic golf clap. She cuts a bitchy, arrogant promo and challenges Burke herself!! Oh my,another fantasy wrestling dream match! And it's coming NEXT XPW TV!

Mildred Burke versus SABLE!!


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Cryme Tyme 2.0 def. Rashad Cameron & Ricky Reyes
(The breakdown of �The Movement� continues, with their inner disagreements being fanned into full-fledged gang warfare. Factions split and faceoff tonight - but the tag team veterans JTG & Shad G have too much chemistry and size, resulting in Rashad Cameron deserting Reyes in disgust - andthe Havana Pitbull falling prey to the Cryme Tyme finisher. They�re back to getting face pops with their all-Brooklyn Nets wardrobe andswagger!)


"Territory Turf Wars (cont.)"

XPW President Strangler Lewis has caused much upheaval and distress within the Territory Wars with his latest actions. Not only has he proclaimeda once-rival organizations top champion(s) as his own, he plans to debut them on the once-in-a-lifetime live stream of "REDEMPTION". Now - mongrelsbearing the initials NWA have come to bear arms with the Black Army/Voodoo Murder/Gold Dust Trio Inc union to raise unholy hell. Stalwart championsJohn Cena & Lou Thesz remain, but even their alliance is weakened by uncertainty and mistrust. Next week on XPW TV many battles remain - Lou Thesz &John Cena must continue their unlikely union through the Tag Team Valkyrie series, where vacant Tag Team championships await. But first they meetformer 2x champs the FABULOUS KANGAROOS - with returning manager Wild Red Berry! Then! Ex-XPW Remixed #1 Contender TERRY FUNK returns to put aflaming branding iron to the new face of the company John Cena! While the hottest free agent on the market today (circa 2000ish) - the devastatingand unstoppable MIKE AWESOME (post ECW - pre WCW) steps out of the future (past) to tackle XPW WORLD champion LOU THESZ! Who will survive to seeREDEMPTION?? Beware Territory Wars, the Grand Conjunction awaits!!

Terry Funk versus John Cena!

Lou Thesz versus Mike Awesome (2000)!

** Plus! Strangler Lewis search for future competition for his own comeback tour continues!! ***

Next XPW TV Episode!!



King of the Death Match championship

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(ECW Classic Triple Threat)

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Sami Callihan def. Sabu & Original Sheik
(�The New Horror� continues his tour through Death Match history with this brutal and bloody victory. Barbed wire, tables and yes - even fire-come into play before Sami ends the match with a lariat from hell combo on Sabu �97. The ramifications of David Otunga�s landmark legal decision thatENDS Death Match wrestling forever on December 1st is reviewed, and Callihan�s proud boasts to never surrender the title (or die trying) will beseverely challenged next week on XPW TV when Callihan is forced to defend his KotDM title against Otunga�s legal charges Sandman AND Necro Butcher ina 2-on-1 handicap match!! Will Callihan even survive till December 1st??)

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** FADE OUT **


Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!


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posted on 11-21-2012 at 08:14 PM
XPW TV Episode #61 (Dream Matches turn Nightmares)

President Lewis caught in his office on a VERY ANGRY phone call. Apparently, a deal for an ESPN TV slot went south when old rival Paul Bowser ofall people swooped in to grab it. Lewis is swearing and cussing up a storm, claiming this changes the complexion of everything! Nobody crosses theboss of all bosses and lives to tell about it! A few more ominous death threats from Lewis before he slams the phone down. He speaks tersely to VPToots Mondt - �they said we were a hostile territory� tonight, let�s show them what that *really* means�� Mondt nods knowingly and the camerasquickly cut and scatter as Lewis & Mondt exit for the show�


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Cut to the in-studio announce team for the evening:

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Matt Striker & Taz

Commentators welcome us to the show and review Stranglers chilling words. This is an XPW Remixed SUPERSHOW chock-full of Fantasy Wrestling dreammatches! And this just in from the Presidents office - every match will be contested under XTREME CIRc*msTANCES! What that can only mean iscertainly dire and ominous, just like the Strangler himself! Let�s get right to the action with a WELCOME HOME PARTY for the greatest managerial mindin the Territory Wars today! But first, some words from the unlikely tag team dynamo of Lou Thesz & John Cena - as they continue their march thoughthe Tag Team Valkyrie series! MSD, take it away!



LOU THESZ: Roy was a fair wrestler and good performer. He must have been performing when he told that story. I was always considerate of thetransportion crunch. Roy was a good guy and always gave the fans their money's worth. As one of the Kangaroos, with Al Costello, they were thebest team I ever saw. The sad thing about text, and it happens here, too, is the "tongue in cheek" doesn't transfer to paper. Al Costellowas a very good wrestler and a fine human being. The Kangaroos are my favorite tag team of all time - the most exciting, the most knowledgeable, andinnovative. Truly legends! It will be my honor to defeat them here tonight...


** Tag Team Valkyrie tourney Semi-Finals **


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Show opens for triumphant TV entrance of the FabKangs (complete procession with drummer & flag bearer) and returning manager Wild Red Berry. He takesthe mic for a thesaurus-laden monologue; cursing the state of the XPW Remixed division and promising to return it to an era of glory with his tagteam. But instead - his rant is met head on by the rousing entrance of JOHN CENA - who proceeds to cut Berry to ribbons on the mic with a spontaneousrap freestyle!

The list of legends that held the title now inclues me, bro...
I'll be a better champion than Bruno Sammartino/
This is thuganomics, I got opponents home in crutches
I'm Iron like the Sheik, I got you in my camel clutches/
I lost my mind like Mankind, pulling socks from his ass crack
I'm straight - you're Dude Love - so get off the Cactus, Jack.../

Berry is flabbergasted, embarrassed and infuriated - giving the signal for the FabKangs beat down. The bell rings and the former tag team championsgo to town on Cena - until the explosive delayed-entrance of his partner XPW WORLD champion Lou Thesz! Match formula sets in with Cena playingface-in-peril, and speculation from the announcers on whether Thesz will even accept the tag - or ditch Cena like Sid did Hogan in 92. But Thesz doesindeed get the hot tag - and the individual superstar auras of Thesz & Cena combined are great enough to swallow even the greatest tag team experts. In the end, Wild Red Berry winds up for a swing of the cane to John Cena�s head - but Lou Thesz catches him at the last moment� leaving Lou Theszsuspiciously holding a cane like a weapon as Cena turned around. Only to have Cena pull Lou out of the way at the last moment to catch FabKang #1 AlCostello with a surprise FUAA in the middle of the ring! STF to Berry from Thesz! Cena pins Costello! The XPW Remixed WORLD and BOSTON championstriumph!

Winners: CENA & THESZ

Post match - Taru & Big Daddy Voodoo (the VOODOO MURDERS) run in and attack their PPV opponents... actually, they specifically attack John Cena -including a massive 500 lb+ splash from Big Daddy V to Cena's damaged rib area. Then - suprisingly - they approach champion Lou Thesz(recovering from his post match mini-brawl with FabKangs)... and *BOW* before him!? Thesz shirks away warily as Taru just smiles crookedly andoffers his hand... Lou Thesz doesn't accept - just grabs his World title belt and limps back with the trainers (favoring his neck). Meanwhile- the Voodoo Murders are last team left standing! They meet Thesz & Cena (what's left of them) @ "REDEMPTION!" *IF* Cena & Thesz can get ittogether long enough to co-exist!



MSD is backstage with Onita to get some answers on what just transpired. In the background - his Voodoo Murders lurk menacingly� Onita praisesLou Thesz as a �great man� like himself - and unlike John Cena which is why he must be taught a lesson in RESPECT. All through the interview, CombatToyoda has been leering uncomfortably at MSD and making googly eyes at him. MSD is clearly disturbed but tries to go on with the questioning, untilthe topic of Toyoda�s match with Kong tonight comes up (Exploding Ring Ropes match for the XPW Remixed woman�s title!) Onita speaks on her behalfpromising doom and gloom, as she keeps flirting with MSD in creepy, scary fashion. When she says something in Japanese and slaps his ass, he screamslike a girl and runs away. Onita and everybody laugh as they toast to their championship futures�

** CUT **


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Samoa Joe on a tear. He angrily barges into Toots Mondt office (where he is meeting with Dino Bravo). Joe cuts an intense promo in Mondt�s face,even swiping everything off his desk. Joe says Strangler is seeking competition? Then sign Samoa Joe up! Joe vs. Strangler @ �REDEMPTION�! DinoBravo rises up into Joe�s face and confrontation seems imminent� until Bravo just smirks and says �make sure you get paid first�. Joe storms out ofthe office, and Mondt tells Dino Bravo go to his Laval, Quebec home and await a delivery from him�

EPILOGUE: Dino Bravo was murdered in his Canadian mansion by a gunman who sprayed him with bullets. 17 shell casings were found at the scene, 7of which found their way into Bravo's skull.



SABLE (1998) versus MILDRED BURKE (1948)
(Bikini Brawl)

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Competive match with the bitchy, arrogant Barbie Doll playmate Sable taking on the Prohibition-era hard-nosed grit of Mildred Burke (including acouple of stiff forearm shots to Sable�s pretty little chin and nose). Sable gets off at least one dirty gyration on Burke, before going down in afiery heap. Sable-bomb attempt reversed into an airtight arm-triangle from Burke. Within a few moments (and an excruciating torque of the body)Sable taps out in submission. Mildred Burke does it again. In her post match speech she shouts out training partner Ronda Rousey on being the 1st -(and so far *only*) - woman to sign with the UFC. Mildred Burke is going straight to the top, and will rule fantasy wrestling like Rousey rules MMA.

Winner (by submission): MILDRED BURKE

** CUT **


** XPW Remixed Woman�s Championship **

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("Exploding Ropes Match")

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Dominant performance by XPW Remixed Woman�s champion Awesome Kong in route to victory. Violent clash punctuated by the �explosion� of the ring ropes(more loud flash and smoke than anything). But it�s a hard hitting, Japanese strong-style match from these two monsters that keeps both woman lookingtough. Commentators question whether there is anybody willing to challenge Kong, or if she cleared out the division� when through the hazy smoke ofthe entrance ramp - a figure emerges�

Winner (and STILL XPW Remixed Woman�s champion): AWSOME KONG

The silhouette emerges at the mouth of the entrance ramp with a bad-ass strut. It�s MILDRED BURKE! In a downright chill-inducing promo, Burkecalls out Kong with the weight of a dozen generations behind her! Burke has no fear - nothing holding her back - and nothing to lose! XPW PresidentStrangler Lewis himself has already made the match official for �REDEMPTION�! Kong and Burke have a tense stare down from across the arena while thecrowd is electric over the announcement. Huge news!

** XPW Remixed Woman�s champions **

Awesome Kong � versus Mildred Burke!!


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Stay Tuned!

** CUT **


�Boss of all Bosses� Strangler Lewis is in no mood to play. Cameras catch him conferring with VP Toots Mondt, who is asking him to reconsider thisAWA thing @ �REDEMPTION�� but Strangler Lewis says they�re in too deep now to pull back. Dirtsheets be damned! As for Samoa Joe�s complaints ofbeing blackballed - Ed Lewis accepts his challenge! But he ups the ante like only he can. If Samoa Joe wins the match he gets a title shotanytime/anywhere/against anybody� but if he *LOSES* he�s *FIRED* from XPW Remixed! And we�re not waiting until �REDEMPTION�� if Joe wants to acceptthis deal - WE DO IT TONIGHT!

Samoa Joe versus Strangler Lewis!!

�Title Shot versus Loser Leaves XPW Remixed� Match!

** TONIGHT!! **

** CUT **


** XPW Remixed TV title **

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JACK BRISCO (1975) � versus ALBERTO DEL RIO (2012)
(Submission Only Match)

versusOO Forums - powered by XMB (319) w/

ADR has been on a tear since losing the XPW World title to Lou Thesz, and trying to prove himself the �Apex Predator� of XPW Remixed. His pursuitshave brought him to the top of the Television title heap - only to come crashing back to earth after colliding with Planet Brisco. In twin pre-matchpromos, ADR is Cartel leader-cool and Jack Brisco the gracious (yet confident) down home champion who has been forced to the brink by ADR & Rodriguez�cheating antics. They both pushed to have this match be �Submission Only� (and we get video reviews of each mans finishing move of doom - the armbreaker and Figure-4 leglock). This championship rematch picks up where the last series of matches left off - with an increasing array of counters aseach man is more familiar with the others attack mode. Del Rio is a better striker and Rodriguez offers ample distraction opportunities. But whenBrisco�s blood starts boiling watch out! Rodriguez winds up incapacitated from an errant ADR chair shot - and it takes a Ringpost Figure-4 to finallyget Del Rio to scream uncle! Brisco has done it! The TV Title hot potato stops here! Or does it�??

Winner (and STILL XPW Remixed TV champion): JACK BRISCO

Post match - we get a run in and attack by... Matt Morgan and Nature Boy Buddy Rogers! That's right! Superhuman display of strength fromMorgan as he lays out Brisco on the mat! Rogers hands the TV belt to Morgan and it's clear he has his eyes set on being champion! Buddy Rogersannounces it himself - match game set and sealed - Brisco vs Morgan for the TV title @ "REDEMPTION"!!

** CUT **

�Words from the XPW TV champion�

Backstage correspondent MSD catches up with Brisco in the trainers room to get some clarification on what we just saw with the Matt Morganattack�

MSD: There are some people on the internet that say the TV has been hotshotted too many times, and that Matt Morgan doesn�t deserve a titleshot�

JACK BRISCO: You are absolutely right and the next time I own a territory I want you as my booker. Let me know what the card would be for theGeorgia Dome using the GA boys..

MSD: But this ain�t Georgia, it�s XPW Remixed and it�s dangerous ground. Any truth to the rumor your matches with Del Rio crossed the line?

JACK BRISCO: There were a few times but overall good sportsmanship.

MSD: Now the attack by Matt Morgan - that seems to have come signed straight from the top - President Strangler Lewis. They say this man putBruno Sammartino out of the sport. Any truth to the rumor you wanted to challenge Sammartino after he announced his comeback?

JACK BRISCO: I would have loved to wrestle Bruno. We had decided to do a title vs title match in the Atlanta when the Omni first opened. Atthe last minute Vince Sr. decided he didn't want his champion in the south. I have a lot of respect for Bruno.

MSD: Guys like Matt Morgan & Bruno Sammartino aren�t necessarily known as great �workers�� would you agree?

JACK BRISCO: I would rate Bruno as an excellent worker. I was on the card at the Shea Stadium show where he worked with Pedro, that wasprobably one of the best matches I have seen. Matt Morgan� I don't know if he would have gotten over in any of the other territories ashe made so much money in New York he had no need to go anywhere else. But I wish Bruno all the best. And I�ll be coming for Morgan @�REDEMPTION��

MSD: Is XPW Remixed truly the last of the hostile territories? And are you fearful of contesting a title match under such Xtreme circ*mstances andpressure?

JACK BRISCO: My definition of a hostile territory was one that was poorly promoted and I couldn't make money. Nobody ever tried to getcute with me a in a title match�

** XPW TV championship **
Jack Brisco (1975) � versus Matt Morgan (2010) w/ Buddy Rogers


Brisco leaves the locker room... but suddenly the sounds of a rampaging bull breaking into the room can be heard! It's! It's... COMBAT TOYODA! And she's come for... MSD!?! Yes! She tears into the room dragging security and camera cords with her - SNATCHES MSD up andthrows him over her shoulder like King Kong - and storms off with him! The Mother-in-Law just ran away with MadStepDad! Oh the hilarity!!




(Tag Team Tables match)


Great match - crowd 100% behind LOD - 100% against the Dudz (who cut another pre-match promo that almost started a riot). Guardrails, ring steps, andyes - tables - came into play. LOD starting to show the age of battle creeping up on them, as Dudz put them away in their speciality match. Last togo is Animal with a 3D through a table stacked on ring steps.


Before the Dudz can leave completely, Animal gets a mic. He breathlessly gives the Dudz props for their victory tonight, but says the war is farfrom finished! CROWD AGREES! They want to see another fight and the Road Warriors do too! @ "REDEMPTION!" Dudz won't do it until Hawk getsbelligerent and MAKES them accept! Crowd cheers! Then - XPW VP & Commissioner Toots Mondt appears to confirm to the match! Dudz vs LOD @"REDEMPTION"! But per order of Strangler Lewis - we're upping the ante big time. This is a blood feud that has gone on too long, and willnot stop until it consumes every fantasy wrestling org in its wake. That's why "REDEMPTION" will be Dudz vs LOD the Final chapter... LOSERSMUST DISBAND!

Road Warriors versus Dudley Boyz!
(Final Chapter)

** Losers Must Disband!! **


** CUT **



Footage from "Retribution" (XPW Remixed Season One) and the West Coast championship match. It involved the unification of a Territory Warschampionship, and has similiar ramifications with Strangler Lewis landmark AWA announcement @ "REDEMPTION". It's also eerie to consider thecast of characters from then to now is almost parallel... a true "history doomed to repeat itself" moment...

** CUT TO "Previously aired" FOOTAGE **

** XPW Remixed championship (West Coast)

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After the introductions... but before the match begins... "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes makes a surprise run-in!! He comes through the crowdwith a mic and a championship belt. He claims he was robbed of the title shot and conspired against by The commission, but he knows Lewis & Mondt arefair men. So he appealed to them - put up this championship belt (the ROH title - something he had taken back behind the scenes) as collateral - andgot this match turned into a 3-Way Dance!!!

"NATURE BOY" BUDDY ROGERS (1963) � versus DUSTY RHODES (1988) versus TERRY FUNK (1997)

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Nature Boy Buddy Rogers won that night to absorb the ROH title, but what the video conveys is the severity and magnitude of these unification boutsand how Strangler Lewis has vowed to alter the Territory Wars universe forever with a series of 3 bouts... we shall see. Stay tuned to"REDEMPTION"!



** NWA versus XPW Remixed Special Challenge **

TERRY FUNK (1989) versus JOHN CENA (2012)

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Ominous strains of VOODOO MURDERS theme song to open segment. TERRY FUNK enters in full Black Army Voodoo Murders regalia surrounded by troops(including ONITA and the Headhunterz!) Terry Funk with the mic like a sword - slaying the yellow-bellied cowlick John Cena with a hate-fueled tiradeof cuss words. There�s still speculation as to whether John Cena will be able to compete tonight - until the triumphant opening strands of his themesong ends all speculation. Cena roars out to an explosive instinct pop then tapers off into strong boos. It appears he will address Funk on the mic- but instead forsakes words for a flurry of action! Within moments Cena clears the rings of the Headhunterz (Onita dives for cover) and the fightwith Funk begins! Ring the bell! Good stiff Attitude Era main event that drags throughout the stands and ringside area. Funk comes up bleeding offa ring post shot� Cena follows shortly thereafter from a ringbell shot. Somewhere in weed-soaked Washington state, chachins cringed and spit out hispopcorn. Cena bungles an FUAA attempt selling his ribs and ankle, so Funk takes advantage of that (spinning toe hold!) In the end - Cena disarmsTerry Funk of his branding iron (tossed to him by Onita) with a steel chair - before using the weapon to CRUSH each of the Headhunterz. But Cenaturned around just in time to eat a flash FIREBALL to the face from Onita! (spitting 200 proof liquor through Funks flaming branding iron)!! OOOOOOfrom the crowd! Cena goes down smoldering! And Funk collapses on him for the 1!.. 2!.. 3!! Terry Funk has downed John Cena! The Voodoo Murdersget off twin 400 lb moonsaults from the Headhunterz to make Cena *STAY* down, before draping him with the VM�z flag!

Terry Funk gives a wild, promo even collapsing to his knees at one point - praying for a savior to this damnation in XPW Remixed. He of course isreferring to ONITA! Great Conqueror of the East here to TAKE the Boston title @ �REDEMPTION� and strike fear into the heart of Cenation devoteeseverywhere! HH�z hold a near-dead Cena slightly aloft so Onita can address him face to face with an evil, shouting half Japanese/English promo beforeSLAPPING him and issuing a kiss of death to John Cena come �REDEMPTION��


** XPW Remixed Boston Championship **

John Cena � vs Atsushi Onita (w/ Voodoo Murders)



** NWA versus XPW Remixed Special Challenge **

LOU THESZ � versus MIKE AWESOME (w/ Dean Ambrose)
(Non-title match)

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Dean Ambrose has cut some brilliant promos in the build to his World title match with Thesz @ �REDEMPTION� - portraying this as a stark clash of blackvs. white. Future vs. past. But what makes it so sinister is Ambrose witch-hunt to prove the stain of evil resides in Thesz heart as well - andAmbrose is going to prove it by pulling it out of him @ �REDEMPTION�. That�s why internet vignettes and Touts of Ambrose outside Thesz expensiveSouth California home - or outside the store Lou�s wife shops at have been so startling. That crusade continues tonight when Ambrose leads anexplosive charge to the ring that will bring the EXTREME out of Thesz whether he wants to or not. Thesz on the hand, has deflected much of thepersonal attacks and kept it strictly business sense - like GSP to Nick Diaz, or Anderson Silva to Chael Sonnen. Dignity and class, keeping hispre-fight press conferences focused on how he�s training for his opponent (and preparing for his tag team pairing with Cena). Ambrose can run hismouth all he wants to sell the fight but all he�s doing is making me angry enough to shoot him dead in the center of the ring. At least Ambrose isgetting some acknowledgement from the World champ, which is more than can be said about Thesz tag team partner in the Valkyrie series John Cena. Anytime a question is raised about the XPW Remixed Boston champion, Thesz issues a curt �no comment�. Word up. Match between Thesz & Awesome is abarnburner. Matched size for size, but Awesome has the clear cut strength advantage on some exchanges. Dean Ambrose joins the commentary crew forcolor and puts over his psychotic mastermind plans while plotting the age of Ambrose world title reign @ �REDEMPTION�.

Ambrose sentiment becomes so stirring - the crowd reaction to the match so rousing - and the tables left scattered about ringside from the earliertables match so enticing - that the bloodlust of the moment becomes unquenchable. In a heated verbal confrontation between Thesz & Ambrose atringside - Thesz shoves him over the ringside table and takes his billy club (an old school weapon Ambrose had been touting in his vids as *HIS* bonebreaking �shooter� strategy)! Now Thesz has the weapon and is in perfect position to turn around and BASH Awesome in the head as he leaned betweenthe middle ropes to grab him! BLOOD from Awesome as he collapses in the ring! Meanwhile at ringside, Dean Ambrose� smiles?? He wanted to proveThesz was no great man (some noble, white knight, John Cena like wrestling hero) and now the blood is on Thesz hands literally. Ambrose claims Theszwill do anything to get ahead (including deserting his "partner" John Cena earlier in the night) and that's why he's king of the scumbaguniverse. Thesz realizes Ambrose twisted intent, and throws the blackjack away in disgust. He begins to LEAVE ringside in a huff. The ref counts to10! Crowd boos the decision! Dean Ambrose chuckles maniacally and smirks.

Winner: MIKE AWESOME (count-out)

When Dean Ambrose notices Thesz left his XPW Title behind he retrieves it. Ambrose runs up the ramp behind Thesz to give him his belt� and Theszturns around and SOCKS him! Right in the mouth! Ambrose goes down in a scorned heap on the entrance ramp and Thesz puts his finger right in hisface! But from behind! The VOODOO MURDERS (Taru & Big Daddy Voodoo) grab Lou Thesz and force him into the ring! There, a recovered Mike Awesomeputs the finishing touches on the unsuspecting champion. He finishes his match-worth work on Thesz neck by hoisting an uncooperative Thesz into acrushing AWESOME BOMB! Then Taru & Big Daddy Vooodoo stomp him down! Dean Ambrose gives the death blow with a steel chair piledriver. Then theconfetti falls like a championship celebration - Ambrose poses with the World title - and the VM�z hoist him on their shoulders like a hero. This isdress rehearsel for Dean Ambrose World Title coronation @ �REDEMPTION�. Dealer always wins.

** XPW Tag Team championship **
Thesz & Cena vs Voodoo Murders (w/ Onita)


Lou Thesz defends the XPW WORLD title against Dean Ambrose!!

** Only @ "REDEMPTION" **


** Main Event **

("Title Shot vs. Loser Leaves XPW Remixed")

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Short, stiff, brutish and uncooperative. Longest part of the affair are the walkouts and TV entrances of each men (Ed Lewis is a major league stallerand Toots Mondt puffs a cigar like Red Auerbach). They grappled for control, each one sprawling defensively, and Joe took a few swipes at Lewis (butthe Strangler kept him tightly confined). A bunch of times Lewis wound up taking Joe�s back and keeping him grounded. Using up massive amounts ofanger and frustration as he floundered helplessly to regain his feet. Some of the crowd was chanting �BORING� but cameras can see up close theStrangler is making Joe work really hard defensively, and wearing him down.

And when Joe finally does start getting back up and unleashes on Lewis in the corner - forcing him to wilt - the referee quickly separates them! Thesplit seconds it takes for Joe to angrily TOSS the ref out of the way - is enough time for the handheld chain shot of DOOM from Lewis (handed off byMondt)! BOOM Samoe Joe goes down like Magnus just him with a wrench on TNA Impact 2012 and Lewis is on him for the cover! 1! 2! 3! Lewis has justenough time to get his arm raised in victory before Joe starts stirring. Out of animal instinct he tries lunging at Lewis, but catchs Mondt by thelegs instead. Lewis & Mondt stomp Joe into wine on the mat - before Ed Lewis cinches in his dreaded Dragon Sleeper on Joe! Once more he holds onuntil Joe�s body literally stops moving.


Toots Mondt raises Strangler's arms in victory himself - and Strangler closes with a sermon. He hypes his "Title Unification Trilogy"beginning @ "REDEMPTION" and promises to change the Territory Wars universe... Strangler Lewis has only one question remaining...


"Backlash" = REDEMPTION"

** FADE OUT **


** XPW World championship **
Lou Thesz (1955) � vs Dean Ambrose (2015)

** XPW Boston championship **
John Cena � vs Atsushi Onita (w/ Voodoo Murders)

** AWA Title match!! **
(featuring GOLDBERG 1998!!)

Gorgeous George Wagner versus Human Tornado

** XPW Woman's Championship **
Awesome Kong � vs Mildred Burke

Road Warriors versus Dudley Boyz: The Final Chapter
(Losers Must DISBAND)

** XPW Tag Team championship **
Thesz & Cena vs Voodoo Murders (w/ Onita)

** XPW TV championship **
Jack Brisco (1975) � versus Matt Morgan (2010) w/ Buddy Rogers



LOU THESZ: Wrestlingclassics.com messageboard
JACK BRISCO: Wrestlingclassics.com messageboard
JOHN CENA: Freestyle from Backlash (2003)

[Edited on 11-21-2012 by mastermind]

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Man of a Thousand Holds
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Registered 3-7-2002
Location Brockton MA
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Mood: No Mood.

posted on 11-24-2012 at 04:29 AM
The 5-Point Show (Episode #61)
** The 5-Point Show **

A secondary show (on youtube) that puts over cut matches in fast, MTV-styled, video hype clips - usually set to some kind of heavy metal or Hip Hopbackground music... with the company already losing TV sponsorships, air slots, being banned from PPV - and now the literal end of the Death Matchdivision - "The B-Show" is a desperate attempt to generate public interest in the product... When we last left off the unlikely duo of Thesz & Cenahas advanced to the finals of the Tag Team Valkyrie tournament... but Onita's deadly VOODOO MURDERS await them @ "Redemption"... a massiveDream Match was announced for the Woman's title when Mildred Burke challenged Awesome Kong... Dean Ambrose continues his rise, Dudz & LOD headtowards the Final Chapter, and Strangler Lewis continues hyping his AWA title match @ "REDEMPTION"! Stay tuned!





Cryme Tyme def. GenME
(The energy, hype and swagger of the NBA�s all-new BROOKLYN NETS team have brought Cryme Tyme a new shade of relevancy. They have returnedfull-fledged face with their confirmed split from Rashad Cameron�s �Movement� - and continue their streak of crowd-pleasing double-team shenanigansthat play out like an ESPN highlight reel on the two overmatched white boys. Brooklyn is ballin!)


DAMIEN SANDOW (w/ Wild Red Berry) versus COLT CABANA

w/OO Forums - powered by XMB (338) versus

Damien Sandow def. Colt Cabana
(After a long-winded soliloquy from Sandow welcoming his manager Wild Red Berry back to business - they are (thankfully) interrupted by Colt Cabana2012! He gets the best of Sandow verbally on the mic, but in the end - the combined diabolical genius of Sandow & Berry is too much. Distractionfrom Berry leads to the �Terminus� finish. Sandow & Bery celebrate a new era of education and class in XPW Remixed. You�re welcome)



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Trish & Alexxis def. Nattie & Tamina
(Trish & Alexxis have been all over the A-loop together promoting �The 5-Point Show�. They�re almost the unofficial faces of the new companyproduct. Their dynamic team shows off again tonight, with capable Nattie Neidhart & Tamina playing the foil to their athletic double-teams. Twinspringboard bulldogs for the Varsity cheerleaders of XPW Remixed..)



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(At first it seems the crazy OG Sheik is going to accept a fight against nemesis Snuff & partner Pogo the Clown alone - until the surprise run-inof his nephew SABU (saving Sheik from certain doom)! The blood-estranged uncle & nephew combined to defeat the monsters in exciting fashion, beforesoaking in the cheers (and blood) and twin pointing to the sky! United!)

** CUT **

** Last Stand Battle Royal **

This just in - signed by the President�s hand himself� �Last Stand Battle Royal� @ �REDEMPTION�! Sanctioned Death Match wrestling goes out with abang - literally! As we throw any crazy Death match sunovabitch that wants to participate from the frying pan to the fire. This is your last chanceto leave a blood soaked stain on the Territory Wars forever! Winner earns the right to call themselves the LAST �KotDM� champion! Sami Callihan�stitle is on the line! But will he survive the main event tonight?? Or will we see a NEW KotDM walk down the ramp @ �REDEMPTION�!?! Stay tuned!!

KotDM title defended @ "REDEMPTION" in a

** CUT **

** Missy�s Manor w/ special guest: GORGEOUS GEORGE WAGNER

Gorgeous George�s hilarious Ed Sullivan/Johnny Carson/Jay Leno routine is infuriately interrupted by his PPV opponent Human Tornado. It enragesGeorge to no end, but to the fans it is entertainment dynamite. Then - adding to the �sportz entertainment� sizzle of the segment - comes HeathSlater & Jinder Mahal (3MB 2012 style)! The new combo slam both George & Tornado�s style - before Missy tries calming everybody down. Thankfully -XPW VP & Commissioner Toots Mondt is on the scene to quell the commotion� and make a tag team match NEXT!

** CUT **

Gorgeous George & Human Tornado versus SLATER & MAHAL

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(Even despite the comic mistiming and shenanigans between them, George & Human Tornado are on the verge of winning this match - when none otherthan JC ICE BABY (formerly of PG-13) makes the run-in interference and sides with Slater & Mahal! Oh my, baybaaaay! Now it�s the THREE-MAN BAND!! Hollllaaaa! Meanwhile - George & Tornado have more fuel for their fire @ �REDEMPTION��)

** CUT **


"The Tommaso Trilogy"
(The Streak Continues)

Tommaso Ciampa versus Gunner

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Tommaso Ciampa def. Gunner (count-out)
(TCiampa�s new-look �arrive - say little - kick ass - leave� attitude takes precedence as he demands the referee count his no-show opponent out andraise his arm in victory)

** SEGUE **

(East Coast versus West Coast)

Tommaso Ciampa def. Weedman
[color=limegreen](But Ciampa�s cheap addition to his newfound East Coast �win streak� ruffles the feathers of native CA sensation Weedman! The potdealer roasts Ciampa on the mic, but runs into a Project Ciampa finisher to end the match. Then� Ciampa�s tag team associates TBI (Ryback & MachineGun) make their entrance! But before all 3 of them can stomp Weedman into THC on the mat�)

** SEGUE **


Tommaso Ciampa def. Ruckus
(�Weedman�s tag team partner Ruckus to the rescue! High flying offense to kick Ciampa up another notch. Another brief yet torrid affair that endsprematurely when Ryback catches Ruckus with a meat hook clothesline outside the ring� back inside it�s an easy Ciampa finish. Picture perfectvictory pose, with a salute to their mysterious East Coast sensei�)

** SEGUE **


TBI def. Uso�s
(Uso�s get the rousing West Coast Siva Tau entrance that gets a big pop. Defending their turf. But TBI still run through them in short order andrestore their domination. )


(�Loser Leaves XPW Remixed� Match)

Rashad Cameron def. Ricky Reyes
(Recap of the �Movement� and what became their ultimate downfall. It all played out when Rashad ditched Reyes to defeat. Now there is only roomfor one. Lots of attitude, acrobatics and sick cruiserweight action that is ended emphatically by a BLKJeez stomp to Reyes head with a steel chair! Rashad Cameron stands triumphant alone!)


(2 out of 3 falls match)

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MCMG def. Kendrick & London
(The rubber match between the two teams in XPW Remixed (they own a 1-1-1 record against each other)� and a fantastic bout to boot. It�s also asubliminal fantasy wrestling dream feud between former WWE & TNA tag team champions. Not to mention the ROH origin points for these men as well. Inthe end, MCMG out-quick the blurs by the slightest of 2-1 margins - but the real winners are the fans who see this classic encounter. They punctuatethe match with a handshake of mutual respect that gets a standing ovation from the crowd and chants of �XPW! XPW!�)


** King of the Death Match championship **

(Handicap Match)

OO Forums - powered by XMB (347) versusOO Forums - powered by XMB (348) &
Sami Callihan � def. Sandman & Necro Butcher
(Callihan was the bloody underdog to these two Death Match veterans� until familiar discord between them proved their undoing. Sandman & Necroonce again break out into spontaneous fisticuffs between themselves, allowing Sami Callihan to take them both out before pinning Necro Butcher toretain his title. Sami Callihan has the creepy staredown with David Otunga on the entrance ramp - Otunga being the man legally responsible forkilling the Death Match division - and Sami Callihan the last stalwart champion ready to die before giving up that honor... "Last Stand BattleRoyal" @ "REDEMPTION" for the KotDM title!!)

XPW Remixed presents...


Surprise iPPV air date November 23rd 2012

Exactly 2 hours and 50 minutes before NWA's "Great American Bash" will begin!! DON'T MISS IT!!

Stay tuned!

** FADE OUT **


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posted on 11-26-2012 at 03:30 PM
XPW Remixed presents "REDEMPTION"This special-edition iPPV can be found here:


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posted on 12-5-2012 at 03:38 PM
XPW TV Episode #62 (Special "Unification" Episode)Episode #62 is a special episode using our vast video library. It can be found here:


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posted on 12-5-2012 at 03:40 PM
XPW TV Episode #63 (The Historic Challenge)
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Cut to in-studio announce team for the evening:

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Matt Striker & TNA Taz

Tick� tick� tick� the proverbial clock winds down. Sands in the hour glass like new falling snow. @ �REDEMPTION�, XPW President Strangler Lewisstruck with an announcement that lit up the Territory Wars airwaves. Fans, enemies (and more importantly - �neutrals� or �border-line casual fans�)all tuned in to hear it, and spread it�s word like the plague. At the end of the month there comes a historic Territory Wars title unification bout. XPW vs. NWA. The truth about the merger is promised to be revealed in time - but first, a toast to new champions - retaining legends - ratings stuntswith a new "Best of 7 Series" announcement - and a dangerously bright future. Only time will tell if it�s the flames of success burning bright - orthe XPW Remixed Hindenburg crashing to earth. Tick� tick� BOOM.



"The Historic Challenge"

Show opens with XPW world champion Lou Thesz and his triumphant entrance. Commentators cover his story arc, accruement of injuries and stingers,successful �REDEMPTION� title defense and his long-standing �best in the world� challenges. Thesz puts all these facets over in his promo work aswell, but still he�s not satisfied. He addresses his Tag Team champion union with John Cena and reveals a startling accusation - the dreaded�creative control�. As in the elusive carrot dangled before them that was snatched by Cena post- �REDEMPTION�. Thesz is accusing Cena of selling outto Strangler Lewis, paying off on the fresh rumors gripping XPW Remixed message boards! (Rumors that have said Stranger Lewis signed John Cena to aniron-clad contract - laden with "creative control" clauses - to secure a guaranteed timeslot on the FX network) Before Thesz can go off on his rantfurther - we are interrupted by XPW President Strangler Lewis himself!

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Strangler Lewis has the AWA championship over his shoulder (Toots Mondt behind his back) and both men are charming and affable (despite the negativecrowd reaction around them). Strangler Lewis goes on to take credit for the Title Unification bout, basically claiming the �XPW Remixed company andbrand� is bigger than any one individual champion. He deftly neglects overt answers to Thesz accusations of working with Cena to explain he needssomebody to �play ball with him� or suffer the consequences� but before Thesz can needle him further (in front of the rabid fans)� we�re cut off bythe XPW Remixed Boston champion�s theme song!!

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John Cena is angry and cuts right through the BS. He goes at Thesz hard on the mic with years of backed up resentment finally breaking to thesurface! The tensions between these two have been building since BCCW Episode #1 (my first fantasy booking attempt ever!!) Not to mention the subtledigs and jibes between the two over time (similar to Rock & Cena). Cena says everybody is talking about unification bouts, but they�re missing thebiggest one of all. And John Cena is here to make it OFFICIAL (in front of the Prez, the fans and the XPW World champion himself)�

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** XPW Unification Match **

John Cena (2012) � versus Lou Thesz (1955) �

Boston title versus XPW World title!!

@ XPW Remixed presents �GRAND CONJUNCTION�!!

** Winner faces NWA champion @ �Chi-Town Rumble� the next night!! **

WHOA! THERE IT IS! The crowd ROARS and stands to their feet in the background! The cat is out of the bag! Cena smirks and stares Thesz downhard! The champ seems caught on the spot, but afraid to lose credibility in front of the ravenous audience! Strangler & Mondt leer on from thebackground as Thesz breaks from the pressure! He must accept! Cena & Thesz go chest to chest! Then face to face! But before they can totallyexplode (and with the crowd going BANANAS) - Strangler Lewis finally intercedes - only to remind them of their tag team union and order a titledefense TONIGHT!! Against the PRIME TIME PLAYAZ! Cena & Thesz stare each other down hard! The fans go ballistic! Commentators mark out! This ishistory in the making!!

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** #1 Contenders Match **


vs. OO Forums - powered by XMB (390)OO Forums - powered by XMB (391) w/OO Forums - powered by XMB (392) vs.

Commentators are back to cover the preceding mind-blowing announcement and discuss the Tag Team title defense (against PtP) later tonight. But first- we have a #1 Contenders triple threat to determine next in line challengers� The entrance theme for Fabulous Kangaroos cut them off and here we go. Wild Red Berry earns his pre-match heel heat with a voracious promo putting over his managerial prowess with great linguistic flair (that never failsto garner a negative reaction from the fans). Thankfully he�s interrupted by the Voodoo Murders (even more intense than usual after their loss) - andthe FabKangs skirt from them ring while the VMz practice looking hard. But that�s all just building to the climatic REVVING SOUND of motorcycleengines! Unleashing hell on earth! THE ROAD WARRIORS!

In action the LOD are dominant, but the various heel shenanigans of their foes (the VM�z blatant and overt - the FabKangs more cerebral and discreet)allow for them to also play face-in-peril for portions of the match as well. But in the end the bad guys can�t keep it together - the FabKangs getdouble ejected from the ring after a miscommunication - and LOD look like they�re going to execute a KILLER Doomsday Device on Viscera (with Animalalmost getting him up) - before Taru interjected for the save. But that only allowed LOD to get off a REAL Doomsday Device (this one on Taru) for thepin! Oh my WHAAT A RUUUUUSSSSH!!! LOD are #1 contenders and BACK to reclaim *THEIR* spot as the greatest in the game and XPW Remixed tag teamchampions!!




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Combustible friction shown backstage in the locker room between Mark Henry & Matt Morgan (w/ �Nature Boy� Buddy Rogers in the middle). The twostable mates have been bickering lately (with Morgan most recently losing his title bid @ �REDEMPTION� to garner more heat). Mark Henry gets his owntitle shot tonight and by *NO* means does he need Morgan�s help. Which is perfectly fine because the �Blueprint� has no intention of helping himanyway!


ALBERTO DEL RIO (w/ Ricardo Rodriguez) versus COLT CABANA

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Meanwhile, former XPW World & TV champion ADR returns to action against the always capable and competitive Colt Cabana. Excellent, energetic matchbetween the two men (with commentators covering their 2011 WWE title and 2012 NWA title real-world runs respectively) that finally ends after quickRicardo Rodriguez interference leads to a cross-arm breaker from Del Rio for the tap. ADR is back to prove he's Apex Predator of XPW Remixed,and target the TV champion (whoever it may be - but hopefully still Brisco) next...

Winner (by submission): ALBERTO DEL RIO

** CUT **


** XPW TV Title **

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JACK BRISCO (1975) � vs. MARK HENRY (2011) w/ Buddy Rogers

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Brisco is great, and a truly worthy XPW TV champion. His formula of contesting Henry is similar to Morgan - with an attack that focuses on theoft-injured knees of Mark Henry. �Nature Boy� is a pesky ringside attraction, but as usual in *most* of his clients matches - he does not physicallyinterfere. In this case - he needn�t have to. Mark Henry weathers the scientific storm - overcomes with brute physical force (including a couple ofmilitary presses over the top rope that are literally awe-inspiring) - and proves why he�s called �The World�s Strongest Man�. He catches a JackBrisco body block attempt in mid-air before countering into a thunderous �World�s Strongest Slam�! With Buddy Rogers urging, he executes a 2nd WSS -this one keeping Brisco down for the count! 1!.. 2!.. 3!. You could hear the crowd deflate after the final pinfall! Rogers is exuberant, Mark Henrywith a slight smirk in victory! Meanwhile somewhere in their locker room Matt Morgan roared in disapproval and smashed the Television monitor airingthe match! Mark Henry�s 2011 run with the World title has done immeasurable wonders for cementing his true legacy in the game. That run directlyresults in his victory tonight.

Winner (and NEW XPW TV champion): MARK HENRY (2011)!

** CUT **


** �Legal Subterfuge� **

Cameras catch Strangler Lewis backstage in his office hearing out Dean Ambrose. Dean is seemingly pleading for a reprieve from Lewis RE: his loss @�REDEMPTION�. He says he can still be a valuable asset to Lewis� regime and just needs another chance to prove it! But before Lewis can retort -DAVID OTUNGA enters the office! Tensions immediately rise, as the bandaged/injured Otunga comes face to face with President Lewis.

David Otunga brought an end to the Death Match division, but Strangler Lewis booking him in the �Last Stand� Battle Royal @ �REDEMPTION� took yearsoff his career� now Strangler Lewis assigns one final match for Otunga - AGAINST THE STRANGLER HIMSELF! There is a dramatic pause for cheeringeffect - and Strangler Lewis breaks into a slight smirk. But Otunga just laughs! He came here to tell Strangler he QUITS! Now Otunga gets the lastlaugh; leaving Lewis steamed and powerless. David Otunga exits stage left. In a fury, Ed Lewis scribbles a name down on a piece of paper in front ofhim and hands it to Dean Ambrose (still standing before him). It is a �target name� Ed Lewis needs taken care of. Ambrose looks at the slip ofpaper, and then at Lewis again. This is it! Ambrose last chance to save his own hide and he understands his mission. Ambrose nods and exits stageleft, with Lewis left looming over his desk with darkness in his eyes�

** CUT **


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Tense meeting between XPW VP Toots Mondt & Atsushi Onita is caught on camera. Mondt is basically reminding Onita who runs the West Coast andsuggesting Onita end his run here and return to Japan. Onita ominously questions �what if I don�t want to?� - and Mondt answers with more discreetdouble entendres and subliminal death threats. In the meantime, fragments of the Black Army have been booked in a series of �Loser Leaves XPWRemixed� matches - only the strong will survive. Onita�s options are simple - resign or die.



** Best of 7 Series (#4) **

(Chanel #10 match)[/size]

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The �Best of 7� revenge series promised by Strangler Lewis. To some hardcore XPW Remixed devotees, the Gorgeous George/Human Tornado series has beenunbearable. To the casual fringe fan however (the kind of fan that makes the difference between �good� and *GREAT* television ratings), this fantasywrestling brouhaha has bordered on �Rock This Is Your Life� territory. It is �Team Hell No� in terms of comedic chemistry. Thus President Lewis�decision to make this Best of 7 Series (in response to another set of rumors that Lewis now has his eyes on an *FX Network* spot and needs the ratingsto justify it). In this case, Match #4 stipulation goes to the series leader (so far) Gorgeous George and we�ve got this: �Chanel #10 Match�.

This refers to the disinfectant that is sprayed around the ring before George will perform. It�s actually Chanel No. 5, but as George is famous forquipping �Why be half-safe??� Human Tornado goes on a crowd-pleasing, spotfest tear that has everybody throwing up their hands and pimp strutting inthe stands. George on the other hand, cheats in every way he can. He pulls the referee into the mix at the end and that poor man takes the sprits ofblinding perfume meant for George�s eyes! The ref goes down, Human Tornado is momentarily distracted, and George rolls up the tights (with ropes) forthe (half-blinded & staggered) referee 3 count! The Human Orchid rolls out of the ring to avoid the exasperated Human Tornado� and smiles when he isbeyond reach. He primps, he pimps, he preens and cavorts. And the �Toast of the West Coast� Gorgeous George takes a resounding 3-1 lead in the Bestof 7 series�


** Best of 7 Series **
Gorgeous George : 3 / Human Tornado: 1

** CUT **


�A League of their Own�

Celebratory entrance for NEW XPW Remixed Woman�s champion MILDRED BURKE. She gets a few moments to put over her own struggle, and gratificationin finally reaching the summit of fantasy wrestling. Ultimately, she�s interrupted by the entrance of SABLE (feat: Annie Social in a new MeanGirls/Beautiful People/Lay-Cool-type union)! The Queen Bitch lets Burke have it on the mic before surrounding her at ringside. But that onlyconjures the entrance of TRISH STRATUS! She has tough words for both woman (though framed with respect for Burke) until finally XPW PresidentStrangler Lewis enters. He makes a #1 Contenders Triple Threat match - Sable� versus Trish Stratus� versus Alexxis Nevaeh.. NEXT! Mildred Burkewill assume guest commentator duties alongside Striker & Taz�


** #1 Contenders match **

(Triple Threat match)

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Competent and exciting triple threat between all 3 woman, with Sable playing the definitive heel. Having Annie Social in her corner only added to thesultry indignity. Trish & Alexxis handle their business, and even contest amongst themselves briefly and to honorable results. Bu in the end,Alexxis hot South Shore temper gets her involved in the mix with Annie Social at ringside - allowing Trish Stratus (the cool-headed veteran underpressure) to counter a Sable Bomb attempt into an X-Factor - followed by a springboard bulldog for the pin! Trish Stratus wins! The fantasywrestling diva is #1 on the hitlist!


Post match, Mildred Burke gives her a standing ovation. Trish makes the universal �belt is coming home with me� gesture, while Sable & Socialslink away. Just then - the theme song of AWESOME KONG! The former XPW Remixed woman�s champion thunders the ring - but with the combined might ofMildred, Trish & Alexxis waiting for her - goes no further than the ring ropes. Instead, Kong just glares at them all and unleashes a menacinglaugh.. Then slowly retreats. Trish vs. Mildred Burke for the woman�s title! Next XPW TV Episode!

** XPW Remixed Woman's title **

Mildred Burke � versus Trish Stratus

Next XPW TV Episode!

** CUT **

�Exploding Psycho Ring of Death�

Made-for-TV vignette of Japanese Death Match Ambassador Onita enjoying a private massage with several LA p*rn starlets - when things turn fromaggressive to violent. Onita is raging over Mondt�s decree to blackball him from the Territory Wars. He is seemingly distracted, when from theshadows - one of the background S&M; freaks looms out after him. It is XPW Original SNUFF (aka �Tool�) on a mission to assassinate Onita! Unfortunately for him - Onita always keeps a pistol by the bedside (so to speak) in the form of his trusty Kendo stick - and catches the intruderbefore he can catch him. The fluffy bedding background contrasts violently with the murderous whacks from Onita and half-Japanese roaring that hasall the girls in the background screaming and cowering! A blood-splattered Onita now has his mind set - he stays in LA. And takes down kingpinsLewis & Mondt!

** CUT **


XPW Remixed presents...

The annual tourney tradition of electrifying excellence. While some other companies may turn in stale efforts, XPW Remixed remains forever ziplockfresh! So spark a stick of that fresh stuff and tune in to the next episode of "The 5-Point Show" where festivities begin and 12 of the greatestcruiserweight wrestlers in fantasy history will do battle! By Invite only!

** CUT **


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Sami Callihan resurfaces for an eerie, creepy promo. He too wanted to get his hands on David Otunga. The punishment Callihan has levied upon himselfmust be directed outwards. He brazenly brandishes the now-defunct KotDM title belt - declaring "IT LIVES!" because Callihan himself never died! Hehas a new target in mind now - and it all begins on the next episode of "The 5-Point Show" - as Sami Callihan declares his entry in the "Best ofthe Best 2" tournament!! Fantasy wrestling beware!

** CUT **


Another clandestine encounter between Strangler Lewis & Toots Mondt. The XPW Remixed President reiterates his course of action while Mondt warnshim that if the FX bid fails� it could be curtains. Lewis assures him he now has control of the XPW title situation and a champion who will �playball�. That just leaves the lingering matter of murder accusations and other improprieties levied upon the company� with the option to create apatsy. Strangler Lewis is the boss of all bosses and promises the situation is in good hands (points to the picture of his target and thentoday's latest betting line)�

** CUT **

** XPW Remixed Tag Team titles **

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The Prime Time Playaz have been earmarked for greatness. While somewhat lumbering and archaic in the ring, Titus O�Neil has been the breakoutperformer on the stick - with his brash, pro footballer head coach drill sergeant style. In XPW Remixed cannon, the Titus character & �PtP� franchisehas been co-opted by XPW Original KAOS. Down with XPW since Day #1, once Joey Munoz fully-transformed into �Rockstar Kaos� he became one of the rarebright spots in an otherwise abysmal federation. Full of color, pizzazz and flash-bang workrate - he compromises to become the work horse of the duo(similar to Kaos run in Wrestling Society X as � of the tag team �Los Ponchos Guapos�). Adding the stroke and beauty of WCW GG (2000) and her �FOCUS�patents is the masterful icing on the entertainment cake. They demand your attention.

Meanwhile, the big episode-long focus (of course) has been on the volatile union of John Cena & Lou Thesz� destined for a one-on-one clash @ �GRANDCONJUNCTION�. Thesz has levied some serious accusations against Cena (for whom West Coast fans have been itching to hate for awhile now) while theNWA champion awaits at the end of the month. Striker & Taz surmise their union is only temporary and that tonight may be the night they lose the TagTeam title strap. Instead, Cena & Thesz become the epitome of tag team perfection - masking the others weakness (and injuries) while accentuatingtheir strengths. Thesz gets a chance to take old foe Kaos to the mat once more, while Cena matches power and beyond with Titus O�Neil. The arrogantshowboating villains PtP prove to be capable foils, but not quite ready for �prime time� - as a Cena FUAA lands Rockstar Kaos directly into a TheszSTF - where he taps out frantically!

Winners (and STILL XPW Remixed Tag Team champions): THESZ & CENA

Post match - the two men have their epic stare down with their respective singles titles (and Tag Team belts) over their shoulders. XPW PresidentStrangler Lewis appears at the top of the entrance ramp with a bright smirk. He politely golf-claps both of them, without making his true intentionsclear. The only thing that is certain is doom comes to one championship reign - and Hell comes to the Territory Wars - as �GRAND CONJUNCTION� inchescloser! Thesz vs. Cena: Title Unification! Tune in for �Best of the Best 2� on �The 5-Point Show� coming up next!

** FADE OUT **


XPW Remixed presents...

** XPW Unification Match **
John Cena (2012) � versus Lou Thesz (1955) �
Boston title versus XPW World title!!

"Best of the Best 2" Tournament FINALS


[Edited on 12-5-2012 by mastermind]

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posted on 12-7-2012 at 06:02 PM
The 5-Point Show (Best of the Best 2)
** The 5-Point Show **

Another innovation and historical retrospective from the greatest wrestling company in the Territory Wars, XPW Remixed. Presenting "THE BEST ofthe BEST 2". A special, invitation-only 12 man tourney featuring some of the BEST - and unheralded - Jr Heavyweights in all of professionalwrestling. These men are on the COME UP and XPW Remixed has just the showcase for their unique talents! Back in the late 90s/early 2000s when CZW(Combat Zone Wrestling) was on the rise on the East Coast, it was lampooned (much like XPW Remixed) for rampant brutality, bloodbaths and ultraviolence. So this tournament was designed to earn purist credibility, establish themselves beyond blood-n-guts, and showcase some of the greatestwrestlers of the future right now!!! This is XPW Remixed tributes to all the Indy tournament shows, from ECWA's "Super 8" to the ongoing CZW"BoB" series. ENJOY!



XPW Remixed presents...

"BEST of the BEST 2"

There will be four 3-way dances tonight featuring all 12 of the wrestlers. The 4 single winners from each match will advance to the semi-finals nextweek on �The 5-Point Show� in two one-on-one contests. Then - at the XPW Remixed December supershow �GRAND CONJUNCTION� - the two finalists will clashfor the right to be called "BEST of the BEST"!!!! We have an exciting clash of styles/eras and genres - and it all comes to a head tonight with ourBoB2 "INTER-PROMOTIONAL" main event! The personal invites were sent throughout the fantasy eons, and legends have stepped to the plate! Representatives from TNA's X-Division and WCW's classic CRUISERWEIGHT division are in the house TONIGHT! But first, we open with acharming little tongue-in-cheek vignette from Sandow & Berry in a private library reciting and enjoying poetry. They come together tonight in tagteam action to bring a new level of enlightment to fantasy wrestling. You're welcome. Now let's get right to the action!

** CUT **

** Best of the Best 2 Match **


vs. vs.
Ruckus def. Havoc vs JC Ice Baby.
(An underground delight with a brutally hilarious mesh of personalities (especially ever since JC Ice Baby went "Southern Rap-Rock" alongsideSlater & Mahal - think Yelawolf). Danny Havoc bumps like a young Dolph Ziggler while JC Ice Baby nearly steals the show with his new 3MB routine (w/a rocked-out Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal as his band mates). But Ruckus lights up the LA nightline with a dazzling array of moves before hosting thevictorious post-match smoke up. Together all 3 men put over the importance of BoB2 as they strive to be taken on the next level of seriousness).

** CUT **


LORD TENSAI versus SNUFF (w/ Jessica Darlin)
(Loser Leaves XPW Remixed match)

versusOO Forums - powered by XMB (418) w/OO Forums - powered by XMB (419)
Lord Tensai def. Snuff
Brutally stiff big-man match with Tensai and Snuff busting out all their spots (including a poisonous green mist SPIT from Tensai that is no-soldby Snuff because of his mask!) But in the end Lord Tensai finally overpowers and lays Snuff out definitively with his finisher. Post match, thepower and evil radiating from Lord Tensai causes Jessica Darlin to migrate over and willingly submit to him! Tensai leaves with Jessica Darlin!

** CUT **


** Best of the Best 2 Match **


vs. vs.

Rashad Cameron def. JTG vs. Weedman
(Rashad wins this in curious and controversial fashion. First - he defied Strangler Lewis himself (on behalf of �the Movement�) and dared him withanother lawsuit (discriminatory like the lawsuit that cost WCW millions)! We all know the �Boss of all Bosses� doesn�t take kindly to threats, evenwith his plate as full as it is. Everybody anticipated something horrible... instead we get this tournament match-up (and Rashad Cameron'ssuprising entry). Match ends with a Rashad Cameron pinfall on Weedman after some shady, complicit referee shenanigans (that even the announcers werepuzzled to explain). Rashad Cameron snuffs Weedman out like a blunt roach with his top rope BLKJeez stomp - advancing in the BoB2 tourney)

** CUT **




TBI def. HHz
(Heavyweight tag team slobber knocker, with the twin gargantuan Headhunterz playing oversized foils for Ryback to manhandle and Machine Gun KarlAnderson to brutalize. HH�z get props for being cross-Territory Wars champions, but tonight TBI proves to be on another level. Relatively quick -painful - and emphatic. The exclamation point comes post match when their cornerman Tommaso Ciampa expresses his digust in being booked in the mainevent tonight - and rudely DECLINES his invitation in BoB2 because he refuses to be pigeon-holed as a "cruiserweight" wrestler!).

** CUT **


News of Ciampa's tourney withdrawal spreads quickly - and changes to the card must be made immediately. Paul London & Brian Kendrick shrugtheir shoulders and pull off a quick game of "rock, paper, scissors" (Paul London wins). That means London will take Ciampa's place in thetourney - and Kendrick will contest Ciampa one-on-one TONIGHT! Whoa, high-five!

** CUT **


** Best of the Best 2 Match **

SABU versus SAMI CALLIHAN versus KAOS (w/ GG)

vs.OO Forums - powered by XMB (420) vs. w/ OO Forums - powered by XMB (421)

Sami Callihan def. Sabu vs. Kaos
(�Best of the Best 2� co-main event - and it resonates with passion and electricity. This is classic CZW vs. ECW vs. XPW (Original) and neitherman disappoints. Everybody gets in on the act, and tables, chairs, guard rails (and gasp!) even a barbed wire board (that Kaos gets bare-backedpitched on) all come into play. But in the end, Sami Callihan enters Altered Beast-state and demolishes his opponents. Sabu crashes & burns througha table - Kaos gets spiked with a brain buster on a steel chair - and Sami Callihan gets the chance to hoist his unrecognized & BANNED KotDM title invictory! Sami Callihan advances!)

** CUT **


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Brief but fiery promo from Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin (MCMG), who for curious reasons unknown to them were NOT invited to be part of BoB2 (despiteoverwhelming fan support in their favor). Instead they are forced to continue redefining the tag team division until they get their belts back - andthat starts tonight when they spoil Sandow & Berry's tag team debut!

** CUT **




Tommaso Ciampa def. Brian Kendrick
(Good competitive match, that is greased with lightning-fast �cruiserweight� chains - but contested by 2 guys who can wrestle with an intensitythat�s 50 pounds heavier. Ciampa catches Kendrick coming off the top rope with a hurricanrana attempt - pitches Kendrick high into the air in powerbomb position - before falling backwards and driving both knees into Kendrick�s spine - �Project Ciampa�-style. Another defiant, adrenaline-infusedencounter for Ciampa who gives all the credit in the world to his mysterious East Coast sensei (it was he who advised Ciampa to avoid the BoB2tourney, commentators disclose)

** CUT **


** Best of the Best 2 Match **

(Inter-Promotional Fantasy Dream Match)

versus versus

This match was hyped heavily as another �cross-brand Territory Wars� match (keeping up with the BoB theme layed out last year). Included isclassic-era Chavo Guerrero - fresh off his enticing familial run in WCW (and rocking the wooden horse Pepe!) - and representing the TNA X-Division,founding father LOW-KI! This is pitched as a fantasy dream match between WCW, TNA and ROH (all done on the XPW Remixed stage). The man who wins thisbout is 2002 Paul London, one of the most promising, exciting, incredible wrestlers to ever hit the mat. This is ROH Season One Paul London, the guywho wrote incredible masterpieces as he contested some of the most important matches in company history. All 3 men put on a near 30-minute classichere, reminiscent of some of those early ROH salad days. While everybody gets standing ovations and �THIS IS WRESTLING!� chants, it is Paul Londonwho wins the day after an incredible Shooting Star press to Low-Ki while he had Chavo Guerrero in a submission hold. This is also the first timeyou�ve ever heard the fans chant �PLEASE DON�T DIE!� in a wrestling match (directed towards the insanely mercurial Paul London). Impressive victorythat puts London on another level and leaves the viewer exhausted just from watching.

Winner: PAUL LONDON (2002)

** CUT **



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MCMG shine in this match, displaying their ambidextrous synchronicity and dazzling the fans senses. In ring action, Wild Red Berry is a capablegrappler (in the light heavyweight mold) who none the less plays arrogant, snooty heel alongside Sandow with great aplomb (think a 1986 era NickBockwinkel mixed with a little 1995 Bob Backlund). They initiate a few key (and classic) cerebral heel shenanigans to gain the upper hand a fewtimes, but in the end MCMG always come blazing back. Until the obscure �ace in the hole� Sandow & Berry referenced earlier comes into full bloom inthe form of a surprise outside interference� With things well in hand, Alex Shelley is leaning between the ropes to grab Sandow by the hair and draghim back inside the ring - when he� suddenly WHACKED in the head with a metal scroll plate by THE GENIUS of wrestling! The interference comes offwithout a hitch - Shelley gets Terminus and pinned by Sandow - and Berry�s in ring debut is a rousing success! Post match all 3 men celebratetogether in civilized fashion, with Genius & Berry politely applauding Sandow�s �Rotation Illumination� (aka �fruity cartwheel�). Gotta love it. Thenewest stud stable in XPW Remixed. You�re welcome.


THE GENIUS arrives!

** FADE OUT **


XPW Remixed presents...

** XPW Unification Match **
John Cena (2012) � versus Lou Thesz (1955) �
Boston title versus XPW World title!!

"Best of the Best 2" Tournament FINALS


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posted on 12-13-2012 at 07:56 PM
XPW TV Episode #64 (Mildred Burke v Trish Stratus)
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Cut to in-studio announce team for the evening:

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Matt Striker & TNA Taz

Broadcasting LIVE from an undisclosed location on the West Coast on Channel 13 (Dumont Network)! In an epic fantasy match-up (perhaps the greatest ofall time) - XPW Remixed WORLD champion Lou Thesz will be taking on Boston champion John Cena in a title unification bout @ �GRAND CONJUNCTION�. Butfirst - they must defend their tag team titles TONIGHT against #1 contenders the ROAD WARRIORS! Also in true ratings-breaking fashion, the �Best of 7Series� between Gorgeous George & Human Tornado continues tonight with Match #5 (Lakers vs Clippers!)... plus A 10-man tag team feature� and MildredBurke defends her Woman�s championship against Trish Stratus in a fantasy wrestling dream-match a century in the making! That match is coming up RIGHTNOW! Let�s get right to the action!



** XPW Remixed Woman�s championship **

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MILDRED BURKE (1953) � versus TRISH STRATUS (2006)

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Backstage promos, full-length TV walkouts and entrance packages for both women (complete with tale of the tape). Their respective lists ofcredentials are long, and all of them are referenced within the framework of this match. Bout is framed with mutual respect, even if it gets a littlestiff at the end (Trish Stratus comes up with a slightly bloodied nose for example). Both woman fight their hearts out as the crowd breaks out intospontaneous chants of �XPW!� and �SHE CAN WRESTLE!� In the end Mildred Burke slips out of Trish�s springboard bulldog attempt and captures her in alightning-fast la magistral roll-up for the pin! Mildred Burke retains! Post match, her and Trish have the crowd-pleasing staredown that dissolvesinto a handshake of respect and mutual adoration. Both woman put the division over as *THE* proving ground for Territory Wars competition. Meanwhile.. AWESOME KONG is spotted watching from the shadows, breathing heavily and exuding a violent intensity�

Winner (and STILL XPW Remixed Woman�s champion): MILDRED BURKE

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** CUT **


�The Sun that rises in the East� sets in the West�

All eyes on the limousine pulling into the building - it is the fashionably-late XPW President Strangler Lewis� but as he is exiting his vehicle,his doorman is suddenly WHACKED in loud, bloody fashion! Kendo stick shots go off like gunfire as ATSUSHI ONITA has descended upon the vehicle! Hegets a few moments to cut an intense (barely-legible) promo upon the Strangler, as his VOODOO MURDERS (Taru & Big Daddy V), Headhunterz and LordTensai come looming from the shadows as well! But instead of descending upon Lewis with him� they defer? Onita watches in growing horror as histroops desert him; fading back into the darkness of the parking garage and disappearing! Now it is Strangler Lewis who is laughing because the �Bossof all Bosses� has his bases covered� WHACK! Onita goes DOWN from an unseen baseball bat shot! It is DEAN AMBROSE - with the �target name� given tohim by Strangler Lewis himself! THWACK! WACK! WACK! �Untouchables-Al Capone� style! They leave Onita for dead. Dean Ambrose comes face to facewith the cackling Strangler Lewis - who breaks into stone-cold stoicism just long enough to notify Ambrose he's got a match next - against LORDTENSAI! Ambrose nearly snaps with rage as he stares down Lewis in disbelief... only to have the Strangler break out into affable laughter once more. Boss of all Bosses indeed.

** CUT **


DEAN AMBROSE versus LORD TENSAI (w/ Jessica Darlin)

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Dean Ambrose gets beaten and pulverized by the bigger, stiffer Lord Tensai - even coming up bleeding from the mouth hardway at one point. His pastand ringside interplay with Jessica Darlin is referenced as well (Switchblade Conspiracy once �liberated� her services). But Ambrose refuses to die -even bloodily hulking up at one point (to growing crowd favor). Though the set-up becomes quickly clear when the Voodoo Murders (Taru & Big DaddyVoodoo) make the sneak attack run-in. Strangler Lewis has ordered this hit - the betrayer to be taken out Jimmy Darmody-style (Boardwalk Empirereference), even despite his attempt at penance. So while Lord Tensai may get the pin tonight (with his Geisha-girl Jessica Darlin leering perverselyover Ambrose�s beaten, bloody body) - Dean Ambrose wins just by surviving. He is the new school Lucky Luciano of the crew - taken for that proverbial�one-way ride� only to miraculously survive� and ultimately thrive. But tonight - he has paid the price for his sins�


** CUT **


�World Tag Team Disaster�

XPW World & Boston champions Lou Thesz and John Cena are given quality time to lay the hard sell on their eternal rivalry, forced union and now -cataclysmic title unification bout @ �GRAND CONJUNCTION�. It is an electric exchange that touches on everything from Thesz �sell-out� accusationstowards Cena (that the West Coast fans are quick to embrace) to the dual losses they suffered to NWA rivals Funk & Awesome (see XPW TV Episode #61(Dream Matches turn Nightmares) - while retaining focus on their epic Tag Team title defense TONIGHT. For those who must absolutely know what wassaid line-for-line, here are some brief excerpts:

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JOHN CENA:I just do the best I can do. I hate those words like 'face of the company' or 'flagbearer.' I hate that. I'm just the best that I can be� and I take great pride in that people want to come after me. I'm always ready for a fight. I'mme, I'm the best me I can be, and we've put together a pretty good ten years and I'm hoping for ten more.

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LOU THESZ:: I enjoy the time I spend [here]. The questions, for the most part, have been intelligent and interesting. I always find itamazing that anyone cares what happened a half decade ago or longer. I also find it frustrating when some read between the lines when there were nolines. I am asked about some pretty interesting characters and was considering doing columns on individual wrestlers - from my perspective...

The entire exchange culminates in a deep personal challenge that will find John Cena traveling to NWA land to declare war upon MIKE AWESOME! LouThesz vows to do something similar to Terry Funk! Meanwhile - both Thesz & Cena are contractually bound together and stand staring down the barrel ofLOD as they defend their Tag Team titles TONIGHT!!

** XPW Remixed Tag Team titles **

Thesz & Cena � versus Road Warriors


** CUT **



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In an unbelievable display of hubris & intellectual superiority, the newest stud stable in the Territory Wars strikes fear into the fans with aroaring rendition of War & Peace (the wrestling version). Part multi-syllabic rant from Berry (claiming amongst other things that if he�s not crowned�Manager of the Year� then the award has no credibility) - poetry jam by the Genius - and demeaning, scathing monologue from Damien Sandow (foreverholding his mic like the finest glass of wine). The horse-and-pony show culminates with the FabKangs tossing their cardboard boomerangs into thecrowd alongside the Genius� Frisbee - only to have them rudely thrown BACK in their FACE by unruly fans! Oh my the disrespect! They demand securityeject them, but wait - that�s not fans - it�s Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin - MCMG!!

They have some snarky, internet-age retorts for Berry�s camp, before revealing they are not alone in their sentiment� on the other side of the ringappear CRYME TYME! Swagged out in Brooklyn Nets gear the East Coast stalwarts nonetheless get solid love from the Cali crowd off that associationalone. The challenge is laid and accepted! When we get back from commercial break, Colt Cabana has evened the odds for the faces and battlecommences in earnest. Crazy 10-man tag that gives everybody a little shine while maintaining the storyline of a culture clash in action. In the end,the conniving brilliance of the Dead Poets Society allows for infuriation/distraction/destruction (metal scroll + Colt�s head = FabKang finisher forthe pin). Bad guys get the victory, but the good guys wind up stealing their sh*t (including Sandow�s expensive walk out robe, the Genius� garment &Berry�s priceless tome) and mercilessly destroy the physical belongings (to great cheers) and gain a measure of revenge.


** CUT **


�Monkey See Monkey Do�
(Monkey get in trouble too)

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Intense backstage skit with Sami Callihan surprising the XPW President Strangler Lewis by showing up in his office chair unannounced. The twowarriors from completely different fantasy wrestling spectrums have a scintillating exchange (including Callihan coldly brandishing his KotDM title -still speckled with dry blood!) and Strangler Lewis ominously rolling up his sleeves at one point� their little tete-a-tete is interrupted by noneother than RASHAD CAMERON - opponent to Sami Callihan come the next �5-Point Show (BoB2 continued)�!! The pint-size loudmouth has some tough wordsfor BOTH Sami & Strangler, even calling Lewis �n***a� at one point! More ominous legal threats from him and the stalemate is drawn. Cameron leaveswith a smirk - Sami with a scowl - and Strangler Lewis is left behind in his office with a look of grim stoicism�

�Best of the Best 2� continues on the next �5-Point Show�


Sami Callihan versus Rashad Cameron!!

Stay tuned!!

** CUT **


�White Girlz Lost�

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A ranting, co*ked-up KILO is found in the backstage area. He cuts a vicious promo on LA, the glamour, the glitz, the drugs and the p*rn - extollingthem all. He disses French Angel & Sammi Lane before vowing to f*ck up more dumb bitches lives. Then you see something off camera snap him toattention and he drifts off into thought. Cameras pan to find Missy Hyatt (1990) and Sunny (1995) standing off to the side and chatting amongstthemselves. Cameras pan back to KILO - now with a wild-eyed leer on his face. His objective clear, he approaches with a Val Venis-styled �Helllooladies� - and so begins their sordid affair with career-destroying demons. Find �em old, passed out and naked on an internet site near you. You�rewelcome.

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EPILOGUE: Both women transport to 2012 in mere moments and become zombified husks of their previous selves.

** CUT **

� Odd Man Out�

Backstage, secret cameras caught the irate JACK PFEFER pulling into XPW buildings and having a closed-door confrontation with Lewis & Mondt. Over thecourse of their eavesdropped meeting (that has the makings of an angry Mafia don meeting gone awry) we quickly come to discover that Lewis & Mondt areplanning to make Jack Pfefer the patsy! The man who will take the fall for the rap of the company! Jack Pfefer is aghast - and infuriated (much likeNucky Thompson when threatened with indictment) - promising that if they try to take him down, Jack Pfefer will take them down with him! Ominousparting words as he refuses a security escort out and leaves on his own accord. Meanwhile Lewis & Mondt share a few private details about thearrangement with FX deal soon to break (they�ve been blackballed from their desired New England region by Paul Bowser, but intend to go nationalinstead). With the ESPN deal having collapsed, this is literally the company�s last hope. Because (as we are just learning) the Dumont Network hasrefused to renew the companys contract next year! Despite the record-breaking ratings pulled off by XPW Remixed, the controversy, lawsuits, federalinvestigations and pulled sponsorships has resulted in Dumont Network pulling the plug! That means the next XPW TV Episode will be the LAST! (on theDumont Network at least...) Meanwhile, millions continue to be embezzled on behalf of this �unbuyable� new champion in their camp - that will helpthem overtake the Territory Wars for good� Mwahahahahahaha!!!

** CUT **


** Best of 7 Series (#5) **

("Lakers versus Clippers" Match)

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Internet nerds continue hate. Even though they were the ones who supported Human Tornado from the beginning as he rose from obscurity - they turnedon him as being a perceived �sell-out� at the height of his notoriety. He is at a zenith in fantasy wrestling - contenting amongst the elite legendsin an arena he truly shines - the ENTERTAINMENT business. These same haters probably deadpanned his appearance in �Nacho Libre� as well. Meanwhile,Gorgeous George continues to do what he does no matter his placement on the card - draw eyeballs. It can only be explained in a 10-page dissertationon pro wrestling and pop culture, but simply put - Gorgeous George is a ratings star. His segments consistently rank amongst the highest-rated of theshow (hence his lengthy run as XPW TV champion). The Human Orchid as taken to the talk show circuit to combat Human Tornado�s bomb radio andunderground pod cast appearances - resulting in a hilarious clash of styles that has blossomed into a full-time feud.

Their Youtube challenges of everything from hitting the perfect golf drive to performing the most complex break dancing move have entertainedmillions. When President Strangler Lewis issued the �Best of 7� Decree - it was designed to garner the Gorgeous One more in-ring prestige. They bothessentially believed the feud was one-up in favor of George, and he would end it quickly. So George started showing up at LA Lakers games and took tothe airwaves with basketball-themed memes. He compared himself to the LA dynasty and told all who would listen this thing between him and HumanTornado wasn�t even going 7 matches. Hence this next challenge. But he was wrong. Unfortunately for George - the 2012super-powered-all-star-legends-gods-version of the LA Lakers showed up. While Human Tornado had the ability, dexterity and skill of Chris Paul -compounded by the power of Blake Griffin - in his corner. Straight from the underground. There just might be a new king in LA after all�


Matt Sydal (aka "Evan Bourne") = Gorgeous George

** Best of 7 Series **

Gorgeous George: 3 / Human Tornado: 2

** CUT **


XPW Remixed Television champion

** XPW TV title #1 Contenders Match **


versusOO Forums - powered by XMB (458) versus� OO Forums - powered by XMB (459)

Mark Henry is the new TV champion - who takes up commentary alongside Striker & Taz for the match. Del Rio & Brisco get their entrances, buteverybody is caught off guard (especially Mark Henry) by the announcement that this match has been turned into a Triple Threat match. The finalentrant is - MATT MORGAN! Tight affair between all 3 men, but Matt Morgan is head and shoulders above his peers tonight. With Mark Henry ragingabout injustice and betrayal on the mic, Matt Morgan puts forth the most dominant performance of his fantasy wrestling career. He keeps it briskwithout overexerting himself and running out of gas. He runs through ADR with the carbon footprint to lay claim to the #1 contendership! Morgan andHenry jaw angrily at ringside, their tenuous alliance shattered! And conspicuous by his absence - #1 agent to both superstars, Nature Boy BuddyRogers is nowhere to be found!! Was it HE who brokered this sudden match change? Either way, security must intercede between the two behemoths ofthe ring - as our XPW TV title match for �GRAND CONJUNCTION� is now set! Mark Henry defends against� Matt Morgan!!


** CUT **



Brief, but brutish words from the former champions LOD regarding their match tonight. They don�t care whether Thesz & Cena love or hate each other -they�re going down together. Some of Hawk�s semi-famous �life is full of ups and downs� promo (with Cena going �UP into the turnbuckles and DOWN intothe mat!.. And Thesz going UP into the ringpost and DOWN into the mat!�)�


** XPW Remixed Tag Team titles **

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OO Forums - powered by XMB (461)OO Forums - powered by XMB (462) versus

LOD enter together. Tag Team champions enter separately (Thesz first to monster pop - Cena last to thunderous boos). He cannot pander to thehardcore LA crowd, he can only march down the aisle - title belt raised over his head - baseball brim lowered over his eyes. He & Thesz share a tensepre-match staredown, and Cena�s �U Can�t See Me� gesture is received with voracious boos. Cena appears to officially be a heel here in Cali. Manystories are told throughout the length of this main event match. Cena & Thesz� mutual antagonism combined with their maniacal demands to outdo theother (off sheer ego and pride alone)� and their severe distrust. LOD go from raging monsters to staggered bullies - all the way back to World ClassWrecking Crew again. They succumb briefly to the individual solo talents of Thesz & Cena - but when it comes to explosive tag team chemistry the RoadWarriors win every time. But in the end - controversy reigns.

The LOD appear to have Cena in perfect position for a Doomsday Device (!!) when suddenly� the Voodoo Murders arrive!?!? Taru & Big Daddy Voodoo takeno physical action - but their sinister presence is ominous enough. Hawk & Animal are forced to take heed (as Thesz recovers - slower and slower thesedays). The Voodoo Murders cast sly, conspiratorial glances towards Cena who nonetheless plays deaf, dumb and blind. Lou Thesz begins to shout at theheelish Japanese duo, allowing the LOD to snatch the XPW World champion from behind (as refs and officials are hustling Voodoo Murders back to thedressing room) ! But Cena is on the scene just in time to take the proverbial �bullet� for his tag team partner. He interjects himself into the frayinstead, casting Thesz (and his still-sore neck) to the side. Cena winds up taking the brutal spine buster onto steel ring steps / flying clotheslinecombination. Then - with fan fervor boiling to a climax - the LOD hoist Cena onto their shoulders for the DOOMSDAY DEVICE! Thesz gets body-checkedoff the ring apron! 1!.. 2!.. 3!! WE HAVE NEW CHAMPIONS!

Winners (and NEW XPW Tag Team champions): ROAD WARRIORS

Post match the inevitable full-blown explosion occurs. A weary and battered Thesz & Cena go finger-to-chest and nose-to-nose - with the violenceloving XPW Remixed audience egging them on. They�re jawing at each other and holding their respective singles titles aloft! Referees and officialssurge into the ring to prevent confrontation but the emotion is very real. Finally - XPW Remixed President Strangler Lewis appears at the top of theentrance ramp with a satisfied grin. Just to throw that final can of gasoline on an already-raging wildfire. Next week - on the LAST XPW TV Episodeof the season (!!) - the NWA CHAMPION DUSTY RHODES WILL BE LIVE AND IN THE BUILDING!! The announcement pops the crowd! Unsettles and aggravates thechampions! Entices the viewers! XPW Remixed is airing the Last Episode EVER on the Dumont Network - followed by GRAND CONJUNCTION!! Stay tuned!!

** FADE OUT **


XPW Remixed presents...

** XPW Unification Match **
John Cena (2012) � versus Lou Thesz (1955) �
Boston title versus XPW World title!!

"Best of the Best 2" Tournament FINALS

** XPW TV title **
Mark Henry � versus Matt Morgan



LOU THESZ: Wrestlingclassics.com messageboard
JOHN CENA: WWE.com interview (December 2012)

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posted on 12-15-2012 at 01:29 AM
The 5-Point Show (BoB2 cont...)
** The 5-Point Show **

A secondary show (on youtube) that puts over cut matches in fast, MTV-styled, video hype clips - usually set to some kind of heavy metal or Hip Hopbackground music... the Best of the Best 2 tourney continues tonight with the final two making their way to "GRAND CONJUNCTION". Plus - twohistoric title unification bouts on the horizon between the Boston & XPW champion.. and then the NWA! All this and so much more as we're justreceiving word that next weeks XPW TV Episode will be the LAST on the Dumont Network Channel #13! We'll be notifying you of further channel andtimeslot changes as they occur! Meanwhile, we've got womans action, tag team warfare and BoB2 semi-finals BEEEYOTCH! Stay tuned!



ALEXXIS NEVAEH versus SABLE (w/ Annie Social)

versusOO Forums - powered by XMB (474) w/OO Forums - powered by XMB (475)

Alexxis def. Sable via flying bulldog
(The fly-bitch �Beautiful People� vibe of Sable/Social contrasts wonderfully with the fiery South Shore temper and blue-collar grit of Lexxus. Sheoutworks Sable, and kicks off Annie Socials chest (knocking her off the apron once and for all) to launch the springboard bulldog that wins thismatch)

** CUT **


USOs (w/ Tamina) versus HEADHUNTERZ

w/ OO Forums - powered by XMB (476) versus

Headhunterz def. Uso's
(Violent, jungle-themed clash comes to its brutal conclusion when HHz prove who the *REAL* beasts are. They crush the Uso's with twin 400lb+moonsaults and leave the Cali native Uso's writhing where they lay. Even Tamina seems intimidated by the HHz heaving aura)

** CUT **



OO Forums - powered by XMB (477) versus

Sandman def. Necro Butcher (Last Man Standing Match)
(Stiff, wild and violent with enough concussive chair shots to make the IWC collectively stand up and say �enough� (but the live fans loved it). These two inebriated goons chop meat all night and unleash all the body-folding bumps - until Sandman literally buries Butcher beneath a crushingstack of audio equipment - rendering him unable to unearth himself before the 10 count. Sandman stands over the rubble chugging beer and waving hisKendo sticks to chants of �XPW! XPW!� A final unofficial �salute� to Death Match wrestling from the two who pounded the nail in the coffin).

** CUT **


�3 Man Band, baybeeee!�

3MB get their rawked-out entrance, and with swagged-out pride they prepare to unleash their first hit single. But before they can, they areinterrupted by Wolfie D (JC Ice Baby�s former partner in PG-13). He addresses the men on the mic, in a sorrowful plead for acceptance. He wasinjured, JC Ice Baby joined the band, and now Wolfie D is back and he wants in!

He even has the little metal triangles they give you in grade-school music class to chime in! It can be the 4MB! All seems good, until the suddenswerve ending when Heath Slater clobbers Wolfie D from behind - and unleashes the 1!.. 2!� 1,2,3.4!�-count beat down. Wolfie D is officiallyexcommunicated from XPW Remixed, and JC Ice Baby embarks upon the newest chapter in his solo fantasy wrestling career - �3MB babyeeee!!�

** CUT **


** Best of the Best 2 (semi-finals) **


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Rashad Cameron is the co*cky Killadelphia rap star wannabe - Sami Callihan the brooding, gothic modern-day menace. Together they are CZW classics andXPW Remixed legends. Tonight they lay it all on the line in a triumphant clash. Cameron cheats, complains about racial profiling and scurries away(while commentators cover his discrimination threats against the company). Sami Callihan's uncredited reign as KotDM is referenced, as are*HIS* threats towards Strangler Lewis and the company. Mid-way through the match - none other than XPW President Strangler Lewis appears at ringsideto join commentary! Both Sami & Rashad seem wary of the move, but his presence adds another level of heat to the match.

On commentary Lewis discusses the FX merger and how the BoB2 is a storied tradition that will have great ramifications on this sport (once the mergeris complete). Sami Callihan finally gets bloody baby face revenge and seems well on his way to victory, when a perceived �slight� draws Ed Lewis outof his commentator chair. He and Sami Callihan have a face-off and start jawing at each other ringside. Somehow in the confusion, Rashad Cameronwinds up with Strangler Lewis small metal chain in HIS hand - and uses it BASH Sami Callihan in the face with when he least expects it! StranglerLewis continues to draw eyes away from the illegal chain shot, while Rashad Cameron slowly earns the count-out victory (Lewis kicked Callihan awayfrom the ring apron at the 9 count)! Cameras even catch Strangler Lewis discreetly stuffing the chain BACK in his pocket and leaving the scene! Meanwhile, Rashad Cameron celebrates his victory with music video panache (in yo FACE, n***a!!)

Winner (by count-out): RASHAD CAMERON

** CUT **




Tommaso Ciampa def. Brian Kendrick in their fantasy wrestling re-match
(Ciampa continues on his �anti-cruiserweight� tirade; disparaging not only the BoB2 (of which he DECLINED entry) - but WCW and TNA�s X-Division. Until ROH founding father Brian �Spanky� Kenrick makes him swallow his words. The graduate of Texas Wrestling Academy proves he has the goods - butCiampa stone-wills himself to victory - using a power based offense that Kendrick just cannot match. Yet even that hard-earned victory is not enough. An enraged Ciampa seeks to make a statement, and begins it with a post-match beat down on Kendrick. But before he can get *TOO* gangstawittit�)

Enter the OG of Xtreme

Trash can-filled with weapons beat down on Tommaso Ciampa - who is suddenly powerless in the face of this violent onslaught! �Natural Born Killaz�(Dre & Cube) blasts through the speakers as New Jack runs through his crowd-pleasing assault! Until finally HE is overcome by the tornado destructiveforce of�

(Ryback & Machine Gun)

New Jack gets a few trash-can lid shots off etc� but TBI no-sell the bulk of it and run through the OG Gangsta like rampaging bulls. Thesebarbaric Vikings (representing the East Coast through Ciampa�s promo work) draw the ire and derision of the native West Coast crowd. Until XPWRemixed VP TOOTS MONDT appears on the scene to make an instant tag team match - starting NOW! Enter your opponents!..

** SEGUE **




TBI def SHEIK & SABU (but barely)
For the first time in their fantasy wrestling career together, the TBI are meant to look vulnerable. Taken by surprise, the horrifying aura of Sabu &Sheik drives even TCiampa away from ringside! Uncle & nephew use stabbing, slashing and brawling to offset TBI and drive the crowd into abloodthirsty frenzy! Sabu Springboard leg lariat off Sheik�s back to Ryback! Pencil assault on Machine Gun! Ryback goes through a table courtesy ofa Sabu suicide dive! �HOLY S***!� and �XPW!� chants for that! Sheik winds up battering and bloodying Machine Gun all the way back through the fansand into the locker room area! Meanwhile left alone in the ring, Ryback begins the superhuman comeback upon Sabu - before spearing him through atable in the corner - and shell-shocking him for the finish - leaving the crowd deflated. Ryback smears the blood off his face and chest and screams�FEED ME MORE�!

** CUT **

** Best of the Best 2 (semi-finals) **



Main event hype and boy do they deliver. Both men subscribe to the �marijuana is steroids for the mind� theory, and their out-of-this-world offensescan only be described as intergalactic. Paul London and Ruckus (ROH and CZW stalwarts) match each other move-for-death-defying-move, all within theframed context of a fight with honor. Crowd is torn between supporting both men, so just marks out completely over every exchange. �THIS ISWRESTLING!� �XPW!� and �PLEASE DON�T DIE!� chants abound! All the while, cameras catch Rashad Cameron (the BoB2 finalist) watching the match with alook of disdain and jealousy. In the end each man contests a 30-minute wrestling masterpiece that ends when the final regulation time limit is up -leaving fans breathless and both men deflated on their backs. Official result is a �DRAW� but the real winners are the fans. Both wrestlers slow togain their feet, but with the crowd giving them a standing O - respond with the mutual handshake and hug of respect! �XPW! XPW!� Speaking of which- XPW Remixed president Strangler Lewis appears on the entrance ramp to decree there WILL be a rematch on the next 5-Point Show! Ruckus vs. PaulLondon 2 for the right to meet Rashad Cameron in the BoB2 finals @ �GRAND CONJUNCTION�! Crowd cheers and the two competitors look just as pumped toreceive the news! Next week we do it again! Stay tuned!

Winner: NONE (Draw)

** FADE OUT **


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Man of a Thousand Holds
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posted on 12-26-2012 at 09:42 PM
XPW TV Episode #65 (*SERIES FINALE*)This special episode can be found right here:


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Man of a Thousand Holds
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posted on 12-26-2012 at 09:46 PM
The 5-Point Show ("Award Tour")
** The 5-Point Show **

A secondary show (on youtube) that puts over cut matches in fast, MTV-styled, video hype clips - usually set to some kind of heavy metal or Hip Hopbackground music... when we last left off, XPW Remixed aired its last TV Episode on Channel 13 (the Dumont Network). Negotiations for the series tocontinue on FX are pending, but should be announced soon. Meanwhile - the biggest event of the year goes down @ "GRAND CONJUNCTION" when Thesz/Cenabattle for the right to face the NWA champion in the first inter-promotional Unification bout in Territory Wars history. Tonight, the BoB2semi-finals continue when Ruckus takes on Paul London for the monumental right to be included in the PPV finals. Plus - the Territory Wars awards arein and you won't believe the winners! Stay tuned tonight for our special "Award Tour" episode of the 5-Point Show!!!

President Strangler Lewis opens with a pre-taped speech welcoming viewers to the show and announcing tonights "award ceremony" theme (more cynicalviewers will recognize this as a ploy to drive up their own importance in the eyes of advertisers and network executives).



Colt Cabana versus The Genius


Colt Cabana def. The Genius
(Bombastic opening match segment that starts with the Genius poetry recital (serenading Strangler Lewis for his greatness, but lambasting theinjustice suffered by Wild Red Berry - the *REAL* Manager of the Year!) and ends with Cabana�s enthusiastic victory. The clash of �new medium� (podcasts, internet etc..) versus �classic medium� (scroll & ink) is played up on in humorous fashion and these two acts start the show with abang)

** CUT **



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CT2.0 def. FabKangs
(Berry on the mic hollering about injustice and indignity - something about a Japanese team winning Tag Team of the Year when Australia = #1� finally CT2.0 get their rousing entrance and wind up stealing all the bad guys ringside gear! Leads to the following tag team encounter. FabKangsare forever formidable, but CT2.0 have been undergoing a resurgence since the unveiling of the NBA�s Brooklyn Nets (c�mon Deron Williams, wake up! It�s not the system it�s you!). FabKangs try their usual chicanery but find their flag pole stolen at the most inopportune time! That distractionallows a �Drive-By� finish from CT2.0! They wind up with all the FabKangs ringside stuff and take great pleasure in disbursing it to the crowd!(boomerangs, vests, their funny Australian hats etc�)

** CUT **


Motor City Machine Guns vs. Sandow & Berry

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(The humiliating trifecta is complete when Sandow & Berry outsmart themselves and fall victim to MCMG tag-team finesse. Another fast-paced,exciting affair that picks up where their first bout left off - but this time MCMG have their foes well scouted - and with Sandow & Berry grasping atstraws and fumbling their interference attempt (Berry gets walloped off the ring apron by mistake instead) - the MCMG gain retribution. Post matchsegment includes MCMG (joined by Cabana & CT2.0) celebrating their victories while the embarrassed Dead Poets Society is forced to slink away indefeat. 0-3 tonight!!)

** CUT **



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Trish & Alexxis def. Sable & Annie Social
(Brisk, energetic affair and all 4 woman get off. Sable/Social have the hyper-sexualized "Beautiful People" / LayCool vibe going for them, yetTrish & Alexxis outwork them for the finish. Sable & Social are sent packing backstage to lick their wounds while the the Varsity Cheerleaders of XPWRemixed (Trish & Alexxis) are cheered. But the celebration lasts only so long...)

Interupted by a voice on the house mic: it is MSD in ring announcer-form, and he's (being forced to) announce the new dominant duo inWoman's Wrestling...

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Tamina (w/ Headhunterz) & Mother-in-Law!!

It is Mother-in-Law Combat Toyada who holds poor MadStepDad hostage in Ricardo Rodriguez-like servitude! Tamina Snuka is infused with animalisticfury ever since joining forces with the Headhunterz and leads the charge. Trish & Alexxis don't back down and a brief brawl is on! Butultimately, the bad guys prove too big too strong and Trish & Alexxis get downed. Iinstead of finishing their foes off, Tamina & Combat seem to beserving them up... to their demented stablemates! "crazy monkey" Jun Kasai and the voraciously violent Headhunterz slide into the ring, creepingup on a wounded Trish & Alexxis with evil intentions... the horror continues to grow, until...

JOHN CENA for the save!!

Superman run-in and rescue, as he clobbers both HHz with a steel chair and takes out Jun Kasai with an over-the-top-rope FUAA! Trish & Alexxis fightback against Combat & Tamina, and quickly the good guys seize the ring! Crowd cheers/boos (Cena) while Trish Stratus throws herself into his embrace! Alexxis Nevaeh looks at the display with a crooked eye, before discreetly rolling out of the ring and exiting backstage - leaving the "superstars"to their joyous and overt celebration...

** CUT **




Natalya Neidhart def. Mother-in-Law by submission (Sharpshooter)
(Starts where the last segment last off - with Mother-in-Law beating and angrily berating (in Japanese) poor MadStepDad. Until none other thanNatalya Neidhart comes to his rescue! Tight little power-based exchange between Natalya & Toyoda and the US crowd stands fully behind the Canadian. Toyada misses a spinning backfist - eats a spinning lariat from Natalya in return! - and falls victim to an airtight sharpshooter! Mother-in-Law tapsout! Post match a surprised MSD is receptive to Natalya�s amorous advances, and gleefully announces her the victor (of his heart)!

** CUT **


�Territory Wars Dominant Diva of the Year�

Video highlight reel (narrated by Matt Striker) that chronicles the rise of Kong this year - from her unprecedented 3 runs with the XPW RemixedWoman�s championship - to her multiple cross-appearances in such territories as WCW, ROH and NWA. Her reign of terror has garnered her this awardtonight. But at �GRAND CONJUNCTION� all of that is to the side, when Kong attempts to regain her title from the woman who beat her - OG LegendMildred Burke! 3 times Kong has lost her title under seemingly �fluke� circ*mstances, only to viciously regain it after the rematch. Mildred Burkevows she will not be #4.. the two woman have a tense stand-off on the podium, until XPW World champion Lou Thesz arrives on the scene to quell thecommotion! Thesz is on hand to accept his award for "Best Finisher (STF)" and court the ladies vote by posing for pictures and signing autographswith Mildred Burke. Not to be outdone by Cena before him, this gesture is necessary to secure a key demographic victory going into the Primary finalscome "Grand Conjunction". Especially if the rumors of Cena's union with GDT Inc is true - Thesz will need all the support he can get.

XPW Remixed WORLD champion (and "Finisher of the Year (STF)" winner Lou Thesz poses title-for-title with XPW Remixed Woman's championMildred Burke!

** CUT **


Tag Team partners, promotional faces and friends Lexxus & Trish have a small confrontation in the locker room area. There's clearly been someresentment and possibly jealousy brewing here - and it's bubbling to the surface now. While there's still mutual respect and honesty,there is a strong desire by Alexxis to stand on her own - and it leads to a PPV challenge! Trish accepts and the two women share a handshake andstaredown before parting ways! A battle of honor @ "GRAND CONJUNCTION": Trish vs Alexxis!

** CUT **


�Authority Figure of the Year�
(aka �Boss of all Bosses�)

XPW President Strangler Lewis accepts this prestigious award for his work in making XPW Remixed #1 in the Territory Wars (crooked ratings andbiased officials be damned) and breaking network ratings records (word to the PTC). He claims these ratings records are the result of his comeback,and not strategically placed against other shows segments to appear strong. Strangler Lewis also officially announces the network change that willbring XPW TV to the FX channel!!

The term �network change� refers to the phenomenon in which a television series moves from one network to another. Generally this term only refers tooriginal episodes of a series (repeats of a long-running series will usually be picked up by other channels in syndication - often before the seriesends production). Network changes are uncommon occurrences. In most cases, pickup by a network is made conditional on giving that network the firstopportunity to order additional seasons. Generally a network change will only occur if either the original network cancels the series, or theshow's producers choose to move to another network for financial reasons. The latter circ*mstance is rare, partly because the producers wouldtypically have to wait out an exclusive negotiation window with the original network, and � especially in recent years � partly because of verticalintegration (specifically, major networks ordering most of their series from companies under the same corporate umbrella). Only 4% of US televisionshows changed network between 1999 and 2012 (excluding the one-off merger of UPN and The WB to form The CW)

But alongside XPW Remixed (moving to FX channel next month!), here is a short list of other longstanding TV shows who made the network jump:

WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (1999-2006 on UPN; 2006�2008 on The CW; 2008-2010 on MyNetworkTV; 2010�present on SyFy)

WWE Raw (1993-2000 on USA Network; 2000-2005 on TNN/Spike TV; 2005�present on USA Network)

WWE Sunday Night HEAT (1998-2000 on USA Network; 2000-2003 on MTV; 2003-2006 on TNN/Spike TV)

Therefore Strangler Lewis is very confident XPW TV will continue to maintain their momentum and revolutionize the game from a higher plateau thanever before! XPW TV - coming to the FX Channel next month! Stay tuned!!

** CUT **


"XPW Title Unification"

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Main event hype package and dueling promos from both men putting over their unification bout @ "GRAND CONJUNCTION". Winner to meet NWA championDusty Rhodes @ Chi-Town Rumble!! Everything they stand for is on the line - "creative control" is bandied about - threats, allegations andchallenges are laid. This is history in the making!! Stay tuned!!

** CUT **


** BoB2 Semi-Finals **



Focus of the match is on the honor & sportsmanship between Ruckus & London - and the arrogance and jealousy of Rashad Cameron. All the way from thepre-match interview segments, where Rashad was clearly perturbed over the attention the two men were getting while *HE* was already IN the BoB2 Finals@ �Grand Conjunction�!� to the all-out in-ring action that had fans & commentators marking out the same (while Rashad Cameron complained anddisrespected them on his guest commentary - he�s clearly in �HATER� status). It got so bad - and personally offensive to Rashad that they were tryingto steal his shine - that he interfered and attacked both men! It was right toward the end of what appeared to be another time limit duel (with thefans chanting enthusiastically) - and Rashad Cameron could not bear to see anymore (of another thrilling overtime that he finds personally belittlingto him moment-by-moment)! He finishes laying out both men just as the final bell tolls signifying a draw! Rashad Cameron poses over and taunts hisfallen rivals, while fans boos and toss trash in the ring. Finally Strangler Lewis makes his triumphant arena entrance! From the top of the entranceramp - after the entertaining banter with Cameron - he makes his official decree: BoB2 Finals TRIPLE THREAT @ �Grand Conjunction�! Rashad Cameron vs.Ruckus vs. Paul London! Fans Pop! Rashad irate! Mr Lewis just smiles and signs us off for the night. Stay tuned!

Winner: NONE (time limit draw)

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Rashad Cameron hates what he deems to be the "mockery" of our great sport..

** FADE OUT **


** OUTRO **

Behind-the-scenes vignette of Strangler Lewis as he preps for the contract signing with FX� when a personal phone call is brought to his attention. After a few moments of animated discussion with the person on the other end of the line, Lewis drops every last bit of his genial veneer. He isvicious, caustic and profane - uttering every curse you can imagine. He swears up and down he won�t have �them� do this to him� that Lewis hasprovisions in place that secure him in the future. He becomes so enraged at one point that he SWIPES everything off his desk - including theTerritory Wars �Account Executive� (Authority Figure of the Year) award! Strangler Lewis rises to his feet in anger, finishing his phoneconversation. He dares this mystery person to show up @ �Grand Conjunction� and tell the Strangler �deal�s off� to his face!! Until then, the �bossof all bosses� has a contract worth millions ready to authorize! BAM! He hangs up the phone and throws it across the room! Then, in a moment ofquiet contemplation - anger seething just beneath the surface - a glint catches Lewis� eye. It is the discarded Territory Wars award - on the flooramidst the paperwork and office rubble� slowly Strangler Lewis picks up the award - unbreakable, just like him - a little smudgy but still shiningbright� he stares hard at the artifact - won on blood, sweat and tears. Strangler Lewis just smirks to himself and continues packing his bag for�Grand Conjunction� (including a personal firearm)� the �Authority of Figure of the Year� has one last shot in the chamber come �Grand Conjunction��stay tuned!!

** FADE OUT **


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