New Jersey’s Student Loan Program is ‘State-Sanctioned Loan-Sharking’ (2024)

Amid a haze of grief after her son’s murder last year, Marcia DeOliveira-Longinetti faced an endless list of tasks — helping the police access Kevin’s phone and email, canceling his subscriptions, credit cards and bank accounts, and arranging his burial in New Jersey.

And then there were his college loans.

When DeOliveira-Longinetti called about his federal loans, an administrator offered condolences and assured her the remaining balance would be written off.

But she got a far different response from a New Jersey state agency that had also lent her son money.

“Please accept our condolences on your loss,” said a letter from the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority to DeOliveira-Longinetti, who had co-signed the loans. “After careful consideration of the information you provided, the Authority has determined that your request does not meet the threshold for loan forgiveness. Monthly bill statements will continue to be sent to you.”

DeOliveira-Longinetti was shocked and confused. After all, the agency features a photo of Governor Chris Christie on its website, and boasts in its brochures that its “singular focus has always been to benefit the students we serve.”

But her experience with the authority, which runs by far the largest state-based student loan program in the country, is hardly an isolated one, an investigation by ProPublica, in collaboration with the New York Times, found.

New Jersey’s loans, which currently total $1.9 billion, are unlike those of any other government lending program for students in the country. They come with extraordinarily stringent rules that can easily lead to financial ruin. Repayments cannot be adjusted based on income, and borrowers who are unemployed or facing other financial hardships are given few breaks.

New Jersey’s loans also carry higher interest rates than similar federal programs. Most significantly, the loans come with a cudgel that even the most predatory for-profit players cannot wield: the power of the state.

New Jersey can garnish wages, rescind state income tax refunds, revoke professional licenses, even take away lottery winnings — all without having to get court approval.

“It’s state-sanctioned loan sharking,” said Daniel Frischberg, a bankruptcy lawyer. “The New Jersey program is set up so that you fail.”

The authority has become even more aggressive in recent years. Interviews with dozens of borrowers, who were among the tens of thousands who have turned to the program, show how the loans have unraveled lives.

The program’s regulations have destroyed families’ credit and forced them to forfeit their salaries. One college graduate declared bankruptcy at age 26 after struggling to repay his debt. The agency filed four simultaneous lawsuits against a 31-year-old paralegal after she fell behind on her payments.

Another borrower, Chris Gonzalez, couldn’t keep up with his loans after he got non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and was laid off by Goldman Sachs. While the federal government allowed him to suspend his payments because of hardship, New Jersey sued him, seeking nearly $266,000 in payments, and seized a state tax refund he was owed.

One reason for the aggressive tactics is that the state depends on Wall Street investors to finance student loans through tax-exempt bonds and needs to satisfy those investors by keeping losses to a minimum.

Loan revenues also cover about half of the agency’s administrative budget.

In 2010, the agency filed fewer than 100 suits against borrowers and their families. Last year, it filed over 1,600 suits. (Some could result from federal loans handled by New Jersey, though such loans make up just 4 percent of the agency’s portfolio.)

The cases are handled by debt collectors, who can tack on another 30 percent in fees on top of the outstanding debt.

Marcia Karrow, the authority’s chief of staff, said, “the vast majority of these borrowers are happy with the program.” She added that New Jersey’s loans had “some of the lowest default rates” in the country. But when asked to produce the annual default rates, the agency sent ProPublica and the Times data only for students with strong credit scores, making it impossible to calculate the overall rate. (Read their responses to our questions.)

New Jersey’s Student Loan Program is ‘State-Sanctioned Loan-Sharking’ (1)

A spokesman for Gov. Chris Christie said the governor does not control the authority and declined to respond to questions about the loan program. But Christie appointed its executive director, Gabrielle Charette; he also has the power to appoint at least 12 of the agency’s 18 board members and can veto any action taken by the board.

Besides administering the loan program, the authority provides financial aid counseling, conducting hundreds of financial aid nights at New Jersey high schools, where it offers advice about paying for college, including pitching its own loans.

DeOliveira-Longinetti, who emigrated from Brazil and had long worked as a nanny while raising her son as a single mother, always knew that paying for college would be a challenge. Even after marrying her husband when Kevin was in middle school, she knew that their combined income would not be enough to cover the costs. But a friend told her about New Jersey’s program. That, along with a combination of scholarships, grants, and other loans, allowed Kevin to enroll at the University of Vermont.

Since her son’s murder, DeOliveira-Longinetti has made 18 payments to New Jersey. At $180 per month, she has about 92 to go.

“We’re not going to be poor because of this,” she said. “But every time I have to pay this thing, I think in my head, this is so unfair.”

For decades, states served as middlemen for federal student loans. Most of the loans were made by banks and were handled and backed by regional and state-based agencies as well as by the federal government. The arrangement was unwieldy, expensive and marked by scandal.

After Pennsylvania’s student loan agency lost a public records lawsuit in 2007, documents revealed that the agency had spent nearly $1 million on things like fly-fishing, facials and falconry lessons.

That same year, New Jersey’s agency was caught in what amounted to a kickback scheme. The state attorney general found that the agency had improperly pushed one company’s loans in exchange for annual payments of $2.2 million. A subsequent investigation by the state’s inspector general found that the agency was in “disarray.”

In 2010, Congress and the Obama administration decided to effectively eliminate the role of state agencies by having only the federal government lend directly to students.

Some states, like California, decided to downsize and transferred their federal loan portfolios. Others, such as Pennsylvania, won contracts from the federal government to service debt from the federal loan program.

But New Jersey chose a different path. In the years leading up to the end of the federal program, New Jersey sharply expanded its loan program, slowly replacing the federal loans it once handled with state loans. From 2005 to 2010, loans from the agency nearly tripled, to $343 million per year. Since then, the agency has reduced its loans by half, but its outstanding portfolio has remained roughly the same, about $2 billion.

Karrow said the growth of New Jersey’s program was simply a result of both the growing number of students and the rising cost of tuition. But in fact, college enrollment and tuition have not grown as rapidly as the program’s size.

Lawsuits on the Rise for the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority

Source: New Jersey Courts Automated Case Management System (ACMS) and Archive Case Management Information System (AMIS)

While other states have similar programs, New Jersey’s stands apart, both for its size and onerous terms.

Massachusetts, running the next-largest program with $1.3 billion in outstanding loans, automatically cancels debt if a borrower dies or becomes disabled, something many other states also do. The program of the third-largest state lender, Texas, is half the size of New Jersey’s. And Texas offers a flat interest rate, a modest 4.5 percent, while New Jersey’s rates can reach nearly 8 percent. Some other state loan programs also have more flexible repayment options — Rhode Island, for example, offers income-based repayment.

New Jersey, meanwhile, encourages students to buy life insurance in case they die to help co-signers repay. As an agency pamphlet cautions, “Are you prepared for the unthinkable?”

The agency, Karrow said, treats each instance of a deceased borrower case by case and tries to be compassionate, but, she added, “we must also meet our fiduciary duty to our bondholders.”

When consumer lawyers protested the program’s onerous conditions at a 2014 agency meeting, the agency, according to minutes from the meeting, said that giving borrowers a break would make the bonds sold to finance loans “less attractive to the ratings agencies and investors.

Indeed, in a recent bond assessment, the credit rating agency Moody’s cited the authority’s “administrative wage garnishing, which it uses aggressively” for “significantly higher collections” compared with other programs.

A New Jersey rule adopted in 1998 allows the agency to give borrowers in default a second chance by allowing them to become current on their account through on-time payments. But the agency has never granted a reprieve and instead cuts off contact with borrowers, leaving them at the mercy of collection firms.

Karrow said federal regulations prohibited the agency from offering such relief, but student loan experts disputed that assertion.

“There is nothing in the federal law or regulations that prohibits them from offering private loan rehabilitation,” said Mark Kantrowitz, a financial-aid expert.

The combination of a lack of flexibility, an unwillingness to discharge loans and the state’s power to seize wages has resulted in even “more intractable problems for our clients than predatory mortgages, deceptive car loans or illegal internet payday lending,” said David McMillin, a lawyer with Legal Services of New Jersey, a nonprofit organization that provides free legal assistance to low-income state residents. “Many borrowers and co-signers find themselves facing a lifetime of debt problems.”

Given the lack of options, some New Jersey borrowers have resorted to declaring bankruptcy, even though, as is true of all student loans, their debt is rarely canceled. Declaring bankruptcy also makes it virtually impossible to secure a mortgage, lease a car or even use credit cards for years. But for New Jersey borrowers, such an extreme step at least offers a way to gain manageable monthly payment terms.

As a co-signer, Tracey Timony struggled to help pay off her daughter’s $140,000 in loans. Though the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority can seize wages or tax returns without court approval, it must secure a judgment to dip into borrowers’ bank accounts or place liens on their property. Instead of garnishing Timony’s wages, New Jersey sued her after her daughter defaulted.

“The agency is looking to put as much pressure on the borrower and be as aggressive as possible, and the way that you do that is you go after everybody that is liable,” said Jennifer Weil, a New Jersey student debt lawyer. “In case the garnishment doesn’t work, a judgment will help put pressure on the parents.”

Timony declared bankruptcy and got monthly debt payments that will rise no higher than about $1,000 a month, far less than what the agency had demanded.

“I never thought that sending my daughter to college would ruin our lives,” Timony said.

Few have felt the weight of the agency’s powers more than Gonzalez, the college graduate who was sued after receiving a diagnosis of cancer and losing his job.

He had borrowed the maximum he could in federal loans — a total of about $30,000 for five years — and paid for most of his tuition with loans from New Jersey.

“I felt so comfortable because it was the State of New Jersey,” he said. “It’s the state, my government, trying to help me out and achieve my American dream. It turns out they were the worst ones.”

Over five years, he took out over $180,000 in state loans. Unlike most other states, New Jersey does not impose a strict cap on loans to discourage overborrowing. One family, according to a recent state audit of the agency, took out over $800,000 in loans, more than five times the value of their home.

Gonzalez’s loans had a relatively high interest rate — on average about 7.5 percent. At the time it seemed like a good investment. He graduated with an engineering degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida and landed a job on Wall Street working as a programmer for Goldman Sachs.

But a few months after he started, unusual rashes began to appear on his legs and underarms. He was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and started radiation therapy.

After three years of cancer treatments, Gonzalez was also laid off.

He needed to take care of his student loans. The federal government and his private lenders all deferred his debt for at least six months.

Gonzalez expected New Jersey to do the same, but the agency refused, requiring him to pay at least $500 a month. With unemployment checks as his only income and burdened by continuing health expenses, it was too much for him.

New Jersey’s Student Loan Program is ‘State-Sanctioned Loan-Sharking’ (2)

He made no payments while the agency reviewed his case. In June 2014, Gonzalez moved to Florida to lower his cost of living. His health slowly improved and he started his own company, developing technology for small businesses. In his first year, he made just $26,000, but he started to pay back his federal and private bank loans.

On May 8, 2015, after months of hearing nothing, he received an email from New Jersey: His deferral request had been denied and his loan was being sent to a collection agency.

“Unfortunately, because of how the loan originated, the Authority is not in a position to offer forbearance or relief,” Robert Laird, a program officer at the loan agency, said in the email.

Terrified by what a default would mean for his credit rating, Gonzalez told the agency that he would stop paying for health insurance and use the money — $200 per month — to repay the loans.

The agency rejected the offer. “In the event that your doctor declares you total and permanently disabled, please keep me posted,” Laird told Gonzalez in an email.

One day in April, a stranger rang Gonzalez’s doorbell.

“Chris Gonzalez?” he asked. Gonzalez nodded. “You’ve been served with a lawsuit from the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority.”

The suit demanded over $260,000 — about $188,000 for the original loans, nearly $34,000 in interest, and $44,000 to cover the fees of a collection agency’s lawyer.

Even if his business improves, Gonzalez has no idea how he will afford his ballooning payments.

“I don’t have money,” he said. “I am spending it all on my debt.”

As a financial expert with a deep understanding of student loans and lending practices, I find the situation described in the article deeply troubling and reflective of some of the challenges and controversies within the student loan system. My expertise in financial matters, particularly in the context of student loans, allows me to shed light on several key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Loan Forgiveness Policies: The article discusses the contrast in responses between federal and state loan administrators regarding the forgiveness of loans after a borrower's death. It's important to note that federal student loans typically offer more lenient terms, including forgiveness in the event of the borrower's death or disability. State-based programs, however, may vary significantly in their policies, as exemplified by the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority's stringent stance.

  2. Interest Rates: The article points out that New Jersey's state loans carry higher interest rates compared to similar federal programs. Understanding the implications of interest rates on loan repayments is crucial for borrowers, as higher rates can significantly increase the overall cost of the loan.

  3. Enforcement Powers and State Authority: New Jersey's state loans grant the authority extensive powers, allowing them to garnish wages, rescind state income tax refunds, revoke professional licenses, and even seize lottery winnings without court approval. This underscores the significant impact state authority can have on borrowers and the potential for abuse, as highlighted by the legal expert's statement terming it "state-sanctioned loan sharking."

  4. Loan Repayment Flexibility: The article emphasizes the lack of flexibility in New Jersey's loan repayment terms, especially for borrowers facing financial hardships. Unlike federal programs that may offer income-based repayment options, New Jersey's program appears to have stringent rules that may lead to severe financial consequences for borrowers.

  5. Aggressive Collection Tactics: The investigation highlights the increasingly aggressive tactics employed by the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, including a rise in the number of lawsuits filed against borrowers. This aggressive approach, coupled with the authority's ability to enlist debt collectors, can exacerbate financial challenges for already struggling borrowers.

  6. Financial Impact on Borrowers: The personal stories of borrowers, such as Chris Gonzalez, illustrate the profound financial and emotional impact of stringent state loan programs. The article emphasizes how the state's dependence on Wall Street investors and the need to minimize losses can result in harmful consequences for borrowers.

In summary, the article underscores the need for comprehensive reform in the student loan system, especially at the state level, to ensure fair and equitable treatment of borrowers and to prevent the exploitation of state authority for financial gain. The complexities of state-based loan programs and their potential to adversely affect borrowers demand a closer examination of lending practices and the implementation of borrower-friendly policies.

New Jersey’s Student Loan Program is ‘State-Sanctioned Loan-Sharking’ (2024)


New Jersey’s Student Loan Program is ‘State-Sanctioned Loan-Sharking’? ›

New Jersey's Student Loan Program is 'State-Sanctioned Loan-Sharking' The loans have extraordinarily stringent rules, aggressive collections and few reprieves, even for borrowers who've died. The head of the loan agency was appointed by Gov. Chris Christie.

Is NJ class loan a federal loan? ›

A private education loan is a student loan independently financed and administered by a nonfederal lender. A private education loan is sometimes also referred to as an alternative or supplemental loan. NJCLASS is a supplemental loan program authorized through the State Legislature.

Are state student loans federal? ›

Generally, there are two types of student loans—federal and private. Federal student loans and federal parent loans: These loans are funded by the federal government. Private student loans: These loans are nonfederal loans, made by a lender such as a bank, credit union, state agency, or a school.

How are student loans predatory lending? ›

While some loans may start out at a reasonable interest rate, predatory lenders don't abide by the same rules as federal loans, which never increase. Some lenders may double or triple the interest rate over the lifespan of the loan, making it nearly impossible to pay off.

What is the statute of limitations on student loan debt in New Jersey? ›

6 years

Can NJ class loans be forgiven? ›

There are two types of NJCLASS loans from HESAA discharge scenarios: Disability discharge. Like the federal system, if you become totally and permanently disabled, HESAA will forgive the loan.

What type of loan is NJ class? ›

Like the Federal Parent PLUS loan, the NJCLASS family loan is a supplemental loan that can only be used to cover unmet need after all other available aid, including Federal Direct Loans, is subtracted from the cost of attendance.

How to tell if a student loan is federal or private? ›

On your account dashboard, you can find “My Loan Servicers” or check the National Student Loan Program System. If you're making payments to a lender that isn't listed, there's a chance your loan isn't federal.

Is student loan forgiveness federal or state? ›

This page will help you navigate federal student loan forgiveness options and the one-time income-driven repayment adjustment, and help you answer questions about whether you qualify or how to apply. These benefits are only available on federal student loans.

What are the four types of student loans? ›

Federal Loans

There are four types of Direct Loans: Direct Subsidized Loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Direct PLUS Loans, and Direct Consolidation Loans. Direct Subsidized Loans are made to eligible undergraduate students based on financial need.

What type of loan is considered predatory? ›

Predatory lending is any lending practice that imposes unfair and abusive loan terms on borrowers, including high-interest rates, high fees, and terms that strip the borrower of equity. Predatory lenders often use aggressive sales tactics and deception to get borrowers to take out loans they can't afford.

Which is an example of a predatory loan? ›

Common forms of predatory lending include payday loans and car title loans, although some small-dollar installment loans and other types of lending may also involve predatory practices.

What schools defrauded student loans? ›

More than 1 million defrauded borrowers attended for-profit or formally for-profit schools such as Westwood College, DeVry University, Corinthian College, Ashford University, CollegeAmerica, and ITT Tech, to name a few.

What is the debt law in New Jersey? ›

NJ laws limit the amount of time a creditor can collect on debt to six years. If a default judgment is entered against you, the time allowed to collect increases to 20 years, or longer if renewed. The writ of execution allows the judgment to be enforced, and creditors gain access to more ways to collect from you.

What happens if you never pay student debt? ›

Failing to pay your student loan within 90 days classifies the debt as delinquent, which means your credit rating will take a hit. After 270 days, the student loan is in default and may then be transferred to a collection agency. Keeping up with your student loan payments helps improve your credit score.

At what age do student loans get written off? ›

If you have federal student loans and are making payments under an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan, you may be able to have your loans forgiven after 20 years.

Are NJClass loans private or federal? ›

They are not federal because they were not originated (or backed) by the U.S. Department of Education and are not private because a state government originated them.

How do I know if my loans are federal or not? ›

If you're wondering how to tell if your student loans are federal, you can log into the Federal Student Aid website using your FSA ID to see a list of all federal student loans in your name. On your account dashboard, you can find “My Loan Servicers” or check the National Student Loan Program System.

How do you know if your school loan is a federal loan? ›

1. Check the top of your federal loan promissory notes, applications, and billing statements, as these state the name of the federal loan program at the top of the document.

How do I know if I have a federal loan or a private loan? ›

Check the Federal Student Aid site contains information on all federal student loans. It's the easiest way to determine if your loans are federal and get any loan information you may need. If you don't see your loan information on, you don't have a federal student loan.


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