Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

16 I He none 1 luc iZtN, April 3, IV68 Complete N. Y. Stock Exchange Transactions Net Close Chg. 20 April 2, 1968 By The Associated Press A Summary Stock Market Advances Despite Prof it Taking Net 9 35V4 14 59 Close Che. 274 69 Vi AAnham 1 Staple Prices Sales Net (hdt.) High Low Close eng.

7 16' li'. 15'. 37 MOtias PM.3U AAnnnrr 1.10a Abacus 7 MFW VORk fAP) The Associated Sales (hds.) High Low 49 10 94 5 9 904 31 35V4 344 40 304 294 18 274 27 2 74 7 87 40 394 527 314 31 9 32 32'4 110 5274 52 5 35 34'i 3 714 71 '4 10 36 35V4 14 28 284 (has.) High Low 284 28'4 27 1150 49 69 24 32 31 973 51! 1 48 9 2 7 26't 159 47 414 36 284 28 34 28 274 28 4 294 584 40 Vl 31 Vt Vi 32 V4 504 174 77 4134 14 2B'4 Vt CarrGenl .80 CarterW Case Jl Case pf A1.44 Castle Cook 1 Ceco Cp .80 CelaneseCp 2 Celan OIA4.50 Cenco ins .30 Ccn Aguir .60 CenFdrv Cen Hud 1.44 CentllILt 1.12 IIILt pf4.50 CenlllPS 1.12 Monogm Ind Monon RR Monsan 1.60b MontDUt 1.60 MontPW 1.56 44intAarH 1 Sales Net (hds.) High Low Clou Cin. 2 244 784 28i 31 14 134 '13 69 1434 14 1 4 4 22 22 22'4 5 3274 32 32'4 Vt 1 -27 27 27 14 103 53 52 5214 1 I 69 6 9 69 55 524 51 52V4 12 32 31 '4 32 Vi 5 13'4 1314 5 2774 2 74 274 '4 17 23 22 22 Vt 1100 71 71 72 44 2IV4 204 204 14 21 19' 4 1834 187i 14 43 414 404 41V4 14 204 20 20 'A 315 41 404 414 1 308 22V4 2214 22 341 28 (alii (lids.) High Lew I 9 40'i 38 617 524 484 147 40ii 40 41 334 33 144 63 1 68'i 484 18 37 36V4 134 5874 284 31 36 354 291 41., 39Vi 3 97 904 287 414 40 1 61 14 61 23 49'4 49 53 16 1514 69 74Vi 74 10 18t 18 29 33 33 64 32' 32'i 118 974 914 31 384 37 21 56 55 14 26V4 26 50 39'4 38 141 774 7514 175 3lVi 30 117 2014 20 26 28 2 714 67 55 53 43 314 304 49 444 444 20 444 434 14 3434 34 7 3714 354 33 3 0 574 1 167 34 3154 .15 Rellan n.apo Republic Cp RepubSII 2.50 RevereC 1.50 Revlon 1.40 Revlon pf 1 Rex Chn 1.50 Rexall Rexall pf 2 Reyn Met .90 ReyM PI4.50 RevnTob 2.20 RevT pf 3.60 RheemM 1.40 Rhelngold .20 RIchMer 1.30 Rleqel Pap 1 RlegolT 1.20 Ritt Pfau 60 RoanSe 1.67g RobertConl 1 RoblnsA RochG 1. 10b Roch Tel 1 RohmH 1.60b Rohr Cp .80 Ronson Roper GD 1 RorerW 1.24 RovCCola .72 RovDut 4.27t RovD fn4.27t Rubbrmd .96 RussTog RvanAero .20 RyderSys .80 29 264 714 36 MooreMcC 1 344 MorseSho .30 Motorola 1 MtFuelS 1.6B 44 TT 1 04 581t V4 635 4 9V4 Vi 72 Vi 44 30 264 26 388 35 34 599 22274 1 20V4 14 3P4 31 39 52'4 2114 19 30 29V4 9 294 284 18 23 23 27 254 2414 23 34 33V4 MSL Ind 1.60 122 3114 14 21 Vi 59 14 2B14 14 23 '4 24V4 1 33'4 114 a An Press weighted wholesale price Index of 35 commotles declined to 164.19 Previous Day 164.22, Week Ago 163.02, Month Ao.0 164.01, Year Ago 163.17.

1968 1967 1966 1965 Hinh 165.50 1 66.40 1 80.04 176.76 Low 161.68 160.30 1 65.57 166.20 (2926 average equals 100) AV Stock Averages Cemplled by The Associated Press 30 15 15 0 Ind. Ralls Ulll. Stocks Net change .3 .8 .4 Tuesday 453.1 169.6 139.1 3C8.7 Prev. Day 452.8 1 68.8 1 39.1 308.3 Week Ago 437.8 166.2 1 35.4 799.8 Month Ago 435.9 165.6 141.7 301.1 Year Ago 451.6 178,0 155.8 318.1 1968 High 472.5 1 82.6 254.1 327.3 1968 LOW 435.6 1 65.6 135.1 299.1 1967 High, 493.2 709.6 1 59.1 342.6 1967 Low 413.4 159.4 1 36.5 292.8 Munslng 1.30 Murphy 1.20 AAnmhvIn 54 30i4 1 109 t- V4 51 22 21 Income Caplt InCOu Indian Hd .60 Ind Genl .80 IndolsPL 1.50 InEIMex IngerRand 2 Inland Stl 2 Inspir Cop 2 InsNAm 2.40 Intrchm 1.20 Interco 1.80 Interco wl InterlkSt 1.80 IBM 5.20 IntFlaFr Int Harv 1.80 Int Miner 1 IntMlnei pf 4 Int Mng InlNick 2 80a Intl Packers Int Pap 1.35 Int Pap pf 4 Int PlpeCer 1 Int Pipe Pf5 Intl Rectlf Int Salt 1.80 IntSilver .70 PfJ 4 IntUtll pf 1 .32 Int .85 IntMtrFr 1.20 Int Utll A pfK4 IntersPw 1.20 la El LP 1.30 la III GE 1.38 lowaPLt 1.60 lowaPSv 1.28 ITE Ckt 1 llek Corp MurphOII .50 1014 Nalco Ch .50 Narco Scl .60 NashuaCp .80 Nat Acmo 2a NatAlrlin .30 Aviat 5.730 08 49 46 55 154 14'. 21 614 39 4934 4874 48 68 68 31 42 14 41 78 13'4 134 2 35 35'4 33 614 6IV4 31 3914 38 21 ll'i IP4 10 80 75 269 437 625 52 594 58 150 324 32 121 224 2174 2 60 60 222 32 29'A 64 109 108 21 10 10 302 274 2714 220 68 68 4 28 2714 1 87 87 28 18 1714 27 4374 4174 30 30 29V4 10 95 95 9 3574 35 343 49 48'4 26 354 35 12 344 34 11 88 88 12 7074 204 13 2314 23 5 254 254 40 27 274 13 72'4 2174 39 66 62 14 1036 894 62 NEW (AP' The stock market Tuesday weathered some early profit taking on Monday's huge rise and mus-i tered enough strength to post another gain.

Trading was tihe sixth heaviest in history, Volume was 14.53 million stares compared with Monday's 17.73 million, the new record which topped the 39-year-old peak of 16.41 million. The day's volume edged out Jan. 8 of this year, which rolled up 14.27 million shares, as No. 8 in 'he list of the biggest days on record. It ranked just below the 14.75 million racked up May 29, 1962, the day after "black Monday" of that year.

Many of Monday's big gainers wilted under the early selling drive, and it looked as if the day would be a loser. Analysts agreed that the emotional upsurge of Monday on President 27 68 1 28 87 1 1774 14 4374 114 29 1 95 1 357i 74 49 14 354 Vi 344 14 88 204 23 '4 25t 14 574 5174 4 66 3 88 4Vi Safeway 1.10 Bond Averages 5 i to 5IJOSLd 2.8U StJos LP I StLSanF 2.70 48V4 2 15 6'4 4934 Vt 84 424 4 134 V4 35 61 "4 38 1 VI 80 6 3 35 1V4 75 26 74 36 18 16 164 Vi 4934 14 17 287. Vi 35 v' 61 '4 25'4 64 41 '4 344 "4 75 74 StReoP 1.40b 264 25 sanuGas i.v2 Compiled by The Associated Press 20 10 10 10 10 Ralls Ind. Ulll. Fgn.

L.Yd Net change .3 .1 .1 .1 Tuesday 64.8 86.6 78.9 88 1 79.8 Prev. Day 65.1 86.5 78.8 88.2 79.9 36 354 211 1 Sanders .30 Sangamo .40 SaFeDrill .30 Nat Blsc 2.10 Nat Can .40 NCanpf 1.50 NatCash 1.20 NatCltvL 1.60 Dairy 1.50 Nat Dlst 1.80 Nat Fuel 1.68 Nat Genl .20 Nat Gyps 2 NatLead NatSvIn 1.04 Nat Stand 1 Starch Nat Steel 2.50 NatSuqR Nat Tea .60 Nat Un El .80 Na'omas .25 Neisner Bros Neptune 1.40 44 2 17 49 2 6 6 33 55 30 73 2933 33 Week Ago 65.0 86.5 79.0 88.2 79.9 could not be sustained. To Wall Street's bulls it was encouraging that stocks would survive a downward movement, rally and emerge on the upside. The Dow Jones industrial av erage advanced 2.71 to 863.96 after taking an early loss of 3.18. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks rose .4 to 308.7, with Industrials up .3, rails up .8 and, utilities unchanged.

Of 1,484 issues traded, 709 rose and 564 fell. New hihs for the year totaled 73 and new lows 45. The New York Stock Exchange index rose 11 cents to $51.38. Standard Poor's 500-stock index gained .16 at 92.64. Thirteen of the 16 most active stocks rose and two fell.

Prices on the American Stock Exchange advanced. Volume was 4.79 million shares compared with 6.18 million Monday. The exchange's index rose 12 cents to $22.90. Brazilian traction, up Vi at 14, was the most active stock. Electronic Communications rose SVa and Data Processing 11.

U.S. Treasury bonds staged a sharp advance. Corporate bonds were mixed. Stocks In Spotlight Schenley 1.80 Month Aqo 65.5 e. 7V.6 try.

2 81.2 Schenley wl 8.1 72.7 94.3 83.7 92.1 Year Aqo 1968 Hlqtl 16 164 4974 18 79 36 62' 4 25 66'4 schnley pr.50 Scherlno 1.20 81.7 66.3 88.9 80.2 89.4 16 164 484 17 284 35 594 25 664 414 34 64 8 86.3 78.7 1 79.0 IV68 LOW 1967 High Schick Schiitz Brw 1 73.0 95.6 84.9 92.5 64.6 86.1 78.0 89.1 Jaeger .40 JapanF 2.06e Jewel Co 1 .30 Jim Walter 2 1967 Low 210 Scnimbq l.MJ Sclentif Data 8 1314 13 5 lilt ll'4 llt Vt 16 387i 38 3871 14 87 66i 64 66 -14 4 664 6474 664 11 220 1 474 1471 147i 14 216 63 6014 6214 14 30 844 84 84 1 16 4214 JimW SCM Cp 385 34! SCOtLadh .60 Markets At A Glance MFW YrRK fAPI jimwair pt 1 JohnMan 2.20 46 48 ScottFore .60 I 15334 1 5334 15314 214 Nevada Pw 1 Scott Paper 45 14 JohnJhn JohnsSv 1.60 43 563 10 44 4J34 44'l -f 4 Newberry .60 Newb pf 3.75 ScovMIM 1.40 57 la 6 57 46 4734 564 464 NEnqEI 1.48 II 65 26 JonLjqan Jones 2.70 of 5 ''4 244 'A 46 90'4 Vi Scovill 017.50 ScrewBt Srudrtr Vst 18 4534 90'4 36 NF.nolT 2.36 Johnson's surprise announce 46 251.4 90'4 36s 67 280 80 Newmnt 2.20 4634 14 80 2 26 14 14 304 14 26 3 26 Scuddr pf.l3e 3714 3614 57 4514 24 38 454 33V4 36 1194 43 36 38 27 26t 4834 41) 254 414 424 15 144 174 164 111 46 4014 3134 5574 26 41 "4 58 59 44 36 61 19 80 73 40 57 53 234 694 23 Vi 19 33 684 15 16 787t 524 85 49 2874 32 3314 684 56 120 120 35 344 44 1814 38 384 274 57 14 45V4 24V4 V4 39 45V4 Vi 33 Vi 36 Vi 125V4 4 43 36 i 384 Vi 27 14 274 494 l'4 6 1 Vi 404 25i 45V4 Vi 43 '4 15 Vi 144 17i 1674 14 111 47i 2 40 14 32V4 14 55'i 2614 Vt 414 14 59 Vi 59 44 61 514 19 80 2 73 1 6OV4 14 57 14 53 2374 14 90 234 Vt 5374 V4 33H Vt 6814 15 16 Vt Vt 53 85 4974 14 29'4 V4 3214 114 3314 14 6814 1 58 2 12414 4V4 122 2 35 Vi 35V4 7 44Vi It 19 It 103 38 26 3814 9 57 2 4514 130 2474 32 39 48 464 26 33V II 37 364 12714 3 43 114 364 41 38 75 2774 290 28 69 494 115 6IV4 6 404 2 25'i 4 138 4314 1 1 15 40 15 46 18 50 174 3 ll'i 19 4734 14 40 67 324 220 55'i 27 2634 28 41 57 594 98 30 47 27 37'i 2130 61 Vl 130 1934 2500 230 73 2150 60 2130 574 220 53 2 2374 34 90 109 234 30 24 3 19 242 334 3 88 6 15H 58 1644 16 79'4 57 53'4 230 85 26 49't 43 2914 63 33 3 34 191 6974 18 58 79 7 172 10 36,, 70 35 40 44 21 19 36'4 9 27'4 2634 Jerrtensn 1.10 Jostens .60 Joy Mtg 1.40 16 127 ments of a bombing pause and his withdrawal as a candidate 64 664 17 sod cstL 2.20 Senb Fin 1.20 111 304 30'4 Stocks Hiqher In active trading. Cotton Hiaher. CHICAGO: Wheat Lower; general liquidation. Corn Lower; under liquidation. Oats Lower with corn.

Soybeans Lower; liquidation. Butcher Hogs 25 to 50 higher; receipts too 21.00. Slaughter Steers Steady; receipts lop 30.50. What Slocks Did A71.4 -r ScabF Pf2.75 62 68 143 29 210 170 4.0 784 28 120 120 14 4flli 494 34 Sbdworia Air Seaorvp 62 50 42 14 79 1 Searl GD 1.30 506 42'4 1 79 345 90 4074 79 184 20 158 1 36 134 134V4 -134 4 26'4 26 26 '4 Cotton 43 4SJ 454 4 42 58" 28 28' 4 90 40 39'4 40i Vi 47 39i 7 32" 32 181 4911 46H 48 14 133 61V 56. 59'i 63 18'i 181 Vi 10 4771 47J.4 'i 14 35 34'.

35 Vi 47 30H 30' 30ik 393 8'i 8' 4 8'! 9 17. 48 3Mi 355 361i l'i 544 231l 11Vt 23H Vl 49 13i' 14 41 61t 631. 64' 68 22 2m 3 26 26 26 179 354 34V4 344 V4 11 25 2514 Vi 7 45H 45 451t 34 30 41V, 40 41 1 30 40 41 2 160 OVi 42 l'i 122 171,4 16'4 164 4 437 31 14 29Vi 31 1V4 8 12'4 12 27 11'. 11? 4 119 70 69V4 69'i l'e 1 29 29 29 3 304 30'4 30t 169 79Vj 82 1' 10 32Va 32 2Vi i 288 25 2434 24H 54 23 24 23'4 73 47" 46'i 4614 a '4 76 49V4 4fva 4914 J', 108 50' 491,4 4914 1,4 3 30 30 14 52 1514 14J'4 15H 11 36 35'l Vj 32 5414 534 544 4 5 17' i 17 17 V4 23 18 174 18 14 75 2714 27'i li 455 2314 2254 23 54 3 34'4 34'. 59 11V4 1T4 111 44 13 1934 13 95 3414 3354 34't 48 4014 40 40'4 1.4 276 46Vi 46'i Z320 80 80 80 107 40'! 14 133 557-4 55 55'4 4 83 8714 8914 14 77 78i 7754 7714 17 17't 1714 '4 327 1 934 1834 1 94 56 4914 49 49't 14 849 123,4 114 12 '4 P3 37 37 '4 35 31 30'! 11 1367 1914 174 18'.

1' 236 16JW 15714 1604 18 2334 23'4 234 '4 21 203,4 joi, 2014 14 137 69 6614 6614 2'4 517 60 53Vi 5474 34 3 50 50 50 646 3534 3234 3514 2'4 16 56'i S434 56'i 25 7914 78st 29'4 14 54 10'4 1(4 1034. V4 851 504 5034 3,4 138 31 '4 30' 31 V4 5 14 1374 13't 740 1914 1934 19'4 a4 OOO IB's 2834 1J34 14 2 23 2234 23 28 45 43V. 4474 Mj 64 41 '4 40' 4 4114 393 74Vi 7174 7274 2 131V4 129 13134 IV4 706 3714 33'i V4 343 3034 793t 30Va V4 397 383t 37V4 3714 IVi 117 5814 57 14 200 4714 404 41 14 6 424 4714 4714 Vi 29 3374 33V4 3374 4 96 10 1014 10'4 27 234 23Vi 23i Vt 47 79 7814 Tf't 14 37 5214 514 514 Vt 53 234, 23 23'4 231 29 28 287s 4 122 4814 48V4 48' 4 4 80 35 354 4 107 64't 64 A4 1 46 46 46 18 27'4 2614 27'4 IV4 21 27 27'4 4 85 36'4 35 36'4 V4 2 72 77 72 2 37 13 124 1234 14 37 78 7634 77 6 iVt 27 27 '4 35 1674 1634 1,4 9 24 7314 74 V4 125 274 26J4 J74 47 8'4 8 8' I Vi 3 26" 264 264 61 111'! 109 111 1 220 64 64 64 56 94 93 93'i '4 81 18'4 1734 1734 4 Sears Roe ia .60 18'4 20' 4 Seilon Inc 5 32V4 32 324 Vt NEW YORK (AP) 344 1574 67 3834 240 60 17 30 153 8074 4 4 43 138 60 4 37 24 344 344 2160 1574 1 54 25 26 254 35 20 194 36 9114 91 It" ADbolt Lab 1 A CP 2 60 ACF Ind 70 Acme MM AdamE 2.50e AdMilllj Address 1.40 Admiral Aeroquip lb Air Prod AirRedln 1.50 AJ Industries Ala Gas .96 Alberto .20 AlcanAlum 1 AIlM Cp AllraLud 2. JO Alleg Pw 1.20 Allrnlnd 1.40 AllledCh 1.90 Allied Kid 1 Allied Mills 2 Allied Pd .60 Allied P66d .60 AlliedStr 1.40 AlliedSup .60 Allis Chal I Alpha Cem Alslde .20 Alcoa 1.80 AmalSug 1.40 Ameraee 1.20 Amerada 3 AAirFiltr .80 Am Alrlin .80 Am Baker 1 Am Bosch .60 AmBdcst 1.60 Am Can 2.20 ACan pf 1.75 Am Cem ,60 A Chain 1.60 AmComl 1.P0 AmCons AmCredit .80 ACrvSug 1.40 AmCvan 1.25 AmDIst 1.40a Am DualVest ADual pf.64a AmEIPw 1.52 AmEnka 1.30 Am Exp Ind AExInd o'A6 AmHolst 1.40 A Home 1.20 A Home pf 2 Am Hosp .60 Amlnvst 1.10 AmMFdy .90 AMet CI 1.90 Am Motors AmNatGas 2 Am News 1 Am photocoy AResrch Am Seat 1 Am Ship .60 Am Smelt 3 AmSoAfr .70 AmSAfr fn.70 Am Std 1 Am Sterll .80 A Sugar 1.60 AmSJq pf .68 Am 2.40 Am Tob 1.80 AmWWks .56 AWW5pf 1.25 AW pref 1.25 Am Zinc Ametek la Amfac Inc 1 AMKCp AMK CP pt 3 AMP Inc .40 Ampex Corp Amphenol .70 Amsted 2.40 Anacon 1 .50 ArtchHG 1.40 And Clay 1.20 Anken Ctiem ApcoOII Aqua Chem ArchDan 1.60 ArlzPubSvc 1 Arlans Str Armco Stl 3 Armour 1.60 ArmCK 1.40a ArmRub 1.60 Aro Corp .90 Arvln Ind .90 AshldOil 1.20 AshOII pf2.40 AssdBrew .40 Assd DG 1.60 AssdSprng la Assd Tran 1 Assoclnv 1.40 Atchison 1.60 Atchls of .50 AtClrEI 1.26 All Rich 3.10 AtlRch pf3.75 All Rich pf 3 Atlas Ch .80 Atlas Corp Atlas pt.25k AuroraPI .20 AuslNch ARA Inc .72 AutSpklr Avco CD 1.20 Avco pf3.20 Avery Pd .30 Avnet Inc .50 Avnet Pf2.50 Avon Pd 1.60 21Vt V4 Prev. Today day 709 1068 564 273 211 153 14M 1494 73 112 45 42 NEW YORK (AP)-Cotton futures No.

2 closed Tuesday unchanged to 35 cents a hale higher. No. 2 futures closed unchanoed to 35 cents a bala higher than the previous close. 49 js 60 294 78 42 574 36 48 78 26'4 7834 39 68V4 33 34 229 Advances Declines Unchanged Total Issues New hiqhs New lows 6 NewpNsn la NYHond NYSIa EG 2 NY SE PI3.75 Nlaq MP 1.10 NiagM pf5.25 NlagM pf4.85 NiagM pf3.90 NiagM pf3.60 NiagM pf3.40 Nlaq Shr 1.40 NorfolkWst 6 Norrls Ind NoAmCar 1 NAmCoal .60 NoAmRock 2 NoARk Pf4.75 NoASugar .60 Noeast Ut .86 NorlnPS 1.08 NoNGas 2.60 NoNG Pf5.50 Nor Pac 2.60 NoStaPw 1.60 Northrop 1 Northp pfl.45 NwstAIrl .80 NwBan 2.10a Nrwst Ind wl Nwtln pfAwi NwtStlW 1.80 Norton 1.50 Norwich .75 NVF Co 1.87t 384 60 30 794 'A 43 7. 594 37 1 4874 28 V4 264 294 Vi 39 4 71 1 334 V4 344 51 'A 4414 284 14 1974 54 2 28 2674 294 39 71 33 35 servmat .400 Sharon Stl 1 Shell Oil 2.30 StiellTrn ShellT fn.66e ShellerGI .80 ShellGI Pfl.35 SherwnWm ShoeCpAm 1 Shulton Slegel HI .68 Siqnode 1.20 Slmmn 1.20a Simp Pat .62 Sinclair 2.80 SlngerCo 2.40 Skellv Oil 1 Skll Corp .90 SmithA 1.20b Smith Intl .30 Smith 1.80a Smucker .60 SolaBasic .50 Open Hl9h Low ClOsa N.C.

May In ITi rir tom no 338 25 77 109 44 1 75 7 X205 Kaiser Al 1 KaisAI PI4.72 Kais Cem .80 KaisC pfl.37 KanCPL 1.64 KC Soulnd 2 KC Sou of 1 KanGE 1.32 KanPwL 1.12 Katy Ind KayserRo .60 Keebler 1.20 Keller Ind 1 Kelloqg 1.40 Kelsey 1.30 Kendall 1.10 Kennmet .80 Kennecott 2 Ky Util 1.48 KerrMc 1.50 KerrM Pf4.50 KevstonSW 2 KlddeCo 1.971 Kldd pfA 2.20 KlmbClk 2.70 KinSeel 1.50a Kings DStr KlnneyNS .40 Kinney pf4.2S KLMAIrl .830 Koehrlng 2 Koppers Koppers -f 4 Kresge .9. Kroehler Kroger 1.3C 21 30.75 30.34 30.09 30.73 44 JW. I JU.4B JO.UZ 30.46 Dow Jones Averages New York(AP)Flnal Dow-Jones averaoes STOCKS Open High Low Close Net 30 Ind 861.01 869.63 857.12 863.96 2.71 20 RR 220.29 222.57 219.19 221.29 (- 0.59 15 Utll 123.34 1 24.04 121.93 1 22.92 0.23 65 Stk 298.70 301.54 296.07 299.54 0.69 Transactions In slocks used In averages: 284 30.74 30.79 30.10 30.10 I 3 44 2834 20 CerlMPw 1.08 Cent SW 1.70 Cent Soya .80 Cerro Cp 1.60 Cert-teed .80 Cerl-ted pl.90 Cessna A 1.40 CFI Stl .80 Crtadbn Goth Champ 2.70 ChaseBk 2.20 Chemeln 1,80 Chemway .20 Cties Va 1.60 Ches Ohio 4 Cnesebro .84 ChicEast III ChlGIWn ct ChltGW of ct ChlMII SIP ChMSPP pl 5 Chi Music 1 ChiPneu 1.80 Chi Rl Pac ChRIP ct UP ChRIP ct NW ChiTltleTr 2 hockull ChrisCraft la Chroma II .50 Chrysler 2 Cinn GE 1.30 Cin GE of 4 CinMill 1.20a CITFin 1.80 Cities Svc 2 CitSv pl 4.10 City Inv City Strs Clark 1.20 Clark Oil .60 ClevCllfl 3.20 ClevEIIII 2.92 Clevite 2.10 Clevite PI2.50 CluetlPea ClueltP pf 7 CstStGs 5.171 CocaCola 2.10 CocaBllg 1.20 Colg pal 1.10 Colq Pf3.50 CollinAlk 1.70 CollinRad .80 CololntG 1.60 Colt Ind Colt In pfl.60 CBS 1.40b CBS Pf 1. ColuGas 1.52 ColuPIc Col SoOh 1.60 CombEn 2.40 ComlCre 1.80 ComSolv 2 70 ComlSol pf.90 ComwEd 2.20 Com pfl.42 Comw Oil .60 Comsat Cone Mills 1 Congolum .80 ConracCp .60 Con Edis 1.80 ConEdis pf 6 ConEdls pf 5 ConElecInd 1 ConFood 1.50 Con Frght .80 ConNatG 1.70 ConsPwr 2.90 ConPw pf4.50 ConPw pf4.16 Contalnr 1.40 ContAIrL .50 ContBak 1.30 CtBak pf5.50 Cont Can 2 CtCan Pf 3 75 Cont Cop Cont Ins 3.20 Ct Mtqe 2.20a Cont Oil 2.8 0 Cont Oil pl 2 Cont Stl 1.90 Cont Tel .60 Control Data Conwod 1.60a CookCof 2.27f Cooperln 1.20 Coop.nd PfA5 Cooper TR 1 C000T pfl.25 Copeland 1.20 CoppRnq .50 CopwISII 1.20 CorinlhB Corn Pd 1.70 CorGW 2.50a Coronet .40 Cowles .50 CoxBdcas .50 CraneCo 1.60 Crescent CrompKn .80 CrouseHind 1 Crow Coll 2f Crown Cork CrownZe 2.20 Crn Pf4.20 Cruc Stl 1.20 CTS Corp .40 Cudahy Co Cudahy pf Culliqan .48 Cummins .80 CuneoPr CunnDrufl .70 Curtis Pub Curt Pub 3ot CurPub Curtlss Wr 1 Curt Wr A 2 Culler 1.20 Cvclops 1.80 CyprusM 1.40 Jul Oct rc Mar May Jul B-Bld. 30.45 30.45 30.45 30.43b 194 52'4 497 5434 30 324 32 324 14 2 5574 55 5574 X74 394 3714 3874 14 31 3814 38 384 266 384 37 384 i 31 544 5774 5334 7i 19 324 3114 324 1 309 40 39'4 39 14 40 27 77 7714 14 86 125 1774 1 25 Vt 8 101V4 100 101'4 l'4 11 314 31 3114 130 64 62 63V4 14 3 137 132 1 37 544 53 534 114 X15 37Vl 3614 37 14 226 2014 1914 204 Vi 8 574 5714 Vi 6 100 100 100 Vl 135 50'4 48 49 8 3574 35'4 354 V4 15 324 32 3214 Vi 1110 64Vi 63 63 5 67 904 6714 90 2'4 6 5714 214 72 14 164 267i 56 S6V4 14'D 30.45b 204 204 2U4 NEW YORK (API Sales, closing prlca and net change of the fifteen most active stocks traded on the NY StocK Ex- chanqe.

Chrysler 293,300 51 4 Imp Co Am 242,800 105 1H McDonnD 241,700 Gt Flnan 221,000 1 9'4 4Hi Control Dat 202.000 'i Polaroid 189,500 1 0211 3H Sperry Rnd 174,300 52 Lockhd Aire 144,900 52' 4-3. Occlden Pet 157,500 4 Fruehf Corp 142,700 34 24 Teledyne 240,300 1134 2Vi Auto Sprlklr 138,500 31 214 Am Photo 136,700 1 Vi Gull Wn In 131,400 44 Benouet 118,000 10" -f tj 13 20 OAVi 9A V4 544 514 544 174 Indus 33 9 54 186 32 20 Cottonseed Oil 334 97 79 3714 SooLlnRR le M-EUf snrt is 4 a scartG i.t'2 SC EG Pf2.50 SoeastP 1.08b sewl ofl futures closed quiet. No sales. 170,500 237,900 1,463,600 75.05-O.15 63.280.42 74.810.12 79.61 82.530.05 64.970.02 137.80-0.34 13.5o7t"l3:50r'DKJi3;50.U' M0 Rails Utiis 65 Stk BONDS 40 Bonds 10 Higher grade rails 10 Second grade rails 10 Public Utilities 10 Industrials Income rails Commodity futures Index 334 Vt 9714 7714 V.4 3674 Vi 54 36 2 277i 38 72 Vi 67 29 14 18'4 44 38 97 7734 36H 53 34 77 38 7174 67 294 18 "4 374 Oak Elect .64 Occident OccldPet pf 4 SouCalE 1.40 South Co 1 .08 SoulnGE 1.48 57 54 75 36 162 277 50 38V4 2660 72'! I1O0 67 35 30 226 1874 89 384 260 88 souNGas 1.40 ugoen i.p Ooden pfl.87 SoutPac 1.60 South Ry 2.80 OhioEdis 1.42 sou Ry pf 1 Swesf PS .64 127 260 On hd PT4.56 Oh Ed P14.40 Oh Ed PI3.90 OklaGE 1.04 Ok GE Df-BO OklaNGs 1.12 OlinMat 1.70 Omark 1.17f OneidaLt .60 Opelika 1 OranqeR 1.12 Otis Elev 2 503.4 1 73 1 204 Vi 7874 53 4 664 14 50 V4 43 5034 73 Vi 21 7914 53 674 50 43 62 26'4 55 1575 35V4 34 22 1044 103 235 43'i 4174 4 65 64 45 24 25 110 73 73 2160 71 70 220 61 61 87 51 14 5034 2320 134 1 3t 19 19t 114 3411 33 2B 7414 2314 24 23 22' 1 1914 194 6 284 28 X86 40 3974 244 3074 30 80 234 224 9 30 30' 4 63 667, 6574 46 494 484 2 69 5 181.4 18 254 34 It 1044 14 43 1 65 2574 Vi 73 70 114 6IV1 21 'A 134 19414 344 14 2414 Vi 194 Vi 584 40 30 53 1 30'4 46 49 -I- Vi 691,4 14 18 Vi 484 72 20 78 52' i 664 42 Net Close Chg. 76 1 ll'i 2414 19 17'4 'i 20 37'-4 Vi 15' 9 29 '-i 36'- 6a 62 Vt 2AH 324 I3t 14 Wi 37' 1 46't '1 441 '1 9U Va 25 14.

Sales (hds.) High Low 23 2874 2B'4 9 36V4 354 932 53 5l'4 170 23 2274 II 414 404 19 54 2 18 18 303 46 45 18 1 474 1 44 109 64i 624 1427 34 3114 110 72 55 94 9 3 19'4 19i 87 6774 Net Cose Chg 2814 14 36 53 l4 23 14 416 1. 2314 14 18 Vi 45 -2 14 6414 1 34 214 77 1 914 14 19 Vi 67 26'4 26'i otln 137 139 Vi FooteM Foot PI2.20 FordMot 2.40 ForMcK FMcK PI2.80 FostWhl Fost Wh pl 1 Foxboro 1 Frank Str .32 FreepSul 1.40 FruehCP 1.70 Fruehauf pf 4 Fulton Ind Fultonl pfA5 Fuqualnd .32 Outbd Mar 1 6 34 34 34t 14 5314 57V 4t 46 414 40 414 Vi 1 114 114 114 Outlet Co .65 Ovei-Tran .90 OwensCq 1.40 rjwens 1.35 42 224 72H 224 V4 11 22 51 Vi 22 Vi 3 2514 75 75' 4 18 7714 1' 27 24 371i 37 37 3 44 44 44 28 24'i 24 24'4 V4 153 36 37't 1 10034 1 00J4 10034 2 22! 224 221 25 28 274 28 14 93 36 34 3514 157 14 131 134 Vt 232 12 11 1174 1 96'4 964 96'4 53 273t 214 21. 14 2 134 131 133i li 57 11 10'4 W4 Vi 9 12'i 12 12'4 57 48 484 48 1,4 80 16 15 lSii Vi 10 22 22 22 2 20 1 93, 20 14 72 733, 721, 77'i 61 36 35 351 811 111 104 108 IV4 19 132 125 132 2 494 814 7'i 84 14 1 17 17 1.7 1 635 69 654 6 774 1 38 72 69 72 2 36 2614 261 26 Vt Owenslll pf 4 Lab Electron Lac Gas 1.30 Lam Sess .90 LaneBry 1.20 LanvRlt2 .52 Lanvin pf.80 LatrobeSt .60 Lear Sieg .60 LearSg Pf4.50 Leaseway .50 LeedsNor .50 Leesona .40 LehPCem .60 Leh Val tnd LV Ind pfl.50 Lehmn 1.06e LeonardR .60 LeverFd Cap LpvFInc LOFGIss 2.l Libb McN Liber Ln 1.40 LibvLn pfl.25 5 Lily Cup 2.20 Ling TV 1.33 Ling TV pf 5 Lionel Corp Lionet Cp pf Litton 2.651 Litton ptc pf Litton pfB2 Lviinostn Oil Sales (hds.) Hiqh Low 202 764. 734 7 li'. II'.

15 24i 24'4 7 19W 19 540 17'4 16'4 115 54 52''4 6 2Mi 20 9 38 374 42 15H 15 2 9 9 33 29' 29 365 36a 34'i 277 6'. 6H 19 62'4 6H4 2644 261 10 33', 32'A 39 434i 42 "4 443 74 7i 22 37't 37' 1 240 47' 451 110 44'a 441 1120 9a 9U 73 2 5 2 3 2 36 36 237 56'i 54Si ich) 87 58 30'- 29' 16J 40' 4 38 87 57'4 54s 431 384 38't 10 42' 2 42 76 25 25 9 37 21 30 29' 1 85 78' i 75 X75 45'. 4J1.4 23 37 36 48 29 28 5 25 OxfdlndA .60 UnltAlrc 1 60 Unit Cp UnltElastic 1 Un 1 Unit Fin Cal Un Fruit 1.40 UnGImp 1.20 UnGreen 1.20 Unit Ind Unitlnd pf.42 Unit MM 1.20 Unit Nuclear Unit Pk Mln Unit Shoe 3 US B5rax la USForS 2.60e USFreist 1.25 USGvpsm 3a USGyp pfl.80 US Ind .70 US Lines 2b USLine pf.45 USPipe 1.20 US Play USPIvCh 1.50 USPCh pf5.50 USPCh pll.20 US Shoe 1.20 US Smelt 2D US Steel 2.40 US Tob 1.80 Unit Util .84 Un Util Uniy Lf 1.20 UnivOPd 1.40 Upiohn 1.60 UrisBldg .60 Utah PL 1.64 UTD CP 1.20 26'4 37 43 32s4 26'4 '4 37 114 43 14 2J3. VV4 3574 43 72 74 36 Way pfl.60 Weanlnd 1.10 Wean Ind wl Wean pfA 1.26 Webb Del Weis Mkt .68 Welbllt .050 Welch Sci .50 WescoFinl II WestTra WPP WstPtPep 2a WVPulp 1.90 Westn AlrL I Wn Banc 1.20 WstnMd 1.60 WstnPac 2.20 WnUTel 1.40 wn Un pf 6 Wn Un pf4 60 Wn Un pf4.90 WyhABk 180 WeslnEI 1.80 WestE PI3.80 Wevberq 1.20 Weyemr 1.40 Wneelo Steel wneel Stl pl Whirl Cp 1.60 White Cn Whiten pfA 3 WhitCn PfC 3 WhiteCrss .40 White Mot 2b Whittaker Cp WickesCorp 1 Williams Bro WinnOix 1.50 WIsEIPw 1.32 WisPSvc 1.02 WitcoCh 1.20 WolvWW .50 Wometco .48 Woodwlr 1.60 Woolworth 2 Pac El 1.40 264 9 264 2614 244 3i'4 36 Net Close Chg; 32Vt A 17'. V.

16V4 Vt 204 i 8. V. 30. V. 41.

25. 4. 20i 1,4 244 67'4 11' Vi 42' 4 2444 yt 33 'A 27'i 34'. 1. 3.1 87 Vt 73 '4 Vt 14 43.

471 -1'A 68 33' 44 40' a 19 52'. I. 50 47i 39 33'. 1i iVt 73' 32' 7. 624 3t.

23. 14 18Vi Vt 374 Vs 15 18'. Vt 28i Vl 23 16'i 1 18H li Sales (hds.) High Low I 321 32 i 26 17H 17'. 1 1614 164 1 20' 4 317 8'4 8 13 30H 30 28 4'. I'i 21 25'.

204 20'. 19'i 53 24' 4 23. J50 67'4 6714 19 43 65 424 41 1. 190 254. 244 71 334 324 7 27'4 27 7 34.

34 113 3.1. 2 87 87 1 73 73 1 834 29 6 4 4 4 2'4 312 68 Z620 68 6i'i 10 3'4 33 4 39 40'. 40'. 23 19', 18. U10 531 52'.

85 50 49Ji 170 47'i 44'a 2 39 39 12 3 7 36''. 34 33'. 31'. 36 46 '4 45'. 513 75 'a 72 i 64 32' a 25 2'i 62 6 4 30'.

304 25 23. 110 18. 18 2 7 37'i 3fi 54 15Vi 70 ie. 171. 9 28' 28'1 233 23 221.

53 17H 16H 7 104' 1 103'1 18i 18 pac nttx .80 3 30 JO 41 336'4 332 333' 1 30 1 27 It: 10 28 274 32 33' 1 3214 13 3 14 10 772 5 414 4J4 I4OO 17'4 17J4 17'4 26 15'4 15s 1554 2 6'4 2 34 7 19 100 12 3334 19 lls4 3JJ4 JJ' JiJ4 -r -n 39 84 83V4 834 214 Pac Ltg 1.50 Pac Pet PacPwL 1.20 PacSwAir .60 1.20 Pac Tin Packard Ben PanASul 1.50 Pan Am .40 Pant! EP 1.60 Papercrft .44 llfis mi 27 31 36 J4 87 14, 30' 4 i. 39 a 56 1 38' 1 42' 1 1 '4 37 1 30 1 I 78'i 2s 45'4 1 I 36 1 I 1 spartan ind SpartanA .40 Spaiion Corp Sperrv Hut 1 SperryR 1 Sprague .60 SorlnqsMIII 1 SquareD SouibbB SquibbB pf 2 Sfcaley 1.40a StBrand 1.40 StdBrd Df3.50 1 StdBrdPt .56 Std KoHs .50 OllCal 2.70 StOIIInd 2.10 StdOIINJ StOilOh 2.50b StO Oh PI3.75 St Packaqlno St Pkq pfl.60 Std Press Stl StPrudUn .66 StanWks 1.20 Stanrav .60 StauflCh 1.80 SterctiiBr .80 Sterl Drug 1 SterlD Pfl.50 StevensJ 2.25 StewWar 1.65 Stoke VanC 1 StokeVC pf 1 StoneW 1.80 StoneCont .72 StorerBdcst 1 StudeWorrh 1 StuW ofAI.40 SuburGas .66 Sub Prop 1.60 SunCnem .40 Sun Oil lb Sunasco Sunasco pf Sunbeam 1.16 Sundstrnd .60 Sunray 1.50 Sunsh Mn .80 Sup Valu 1.10 Super-Oil 1.40 SurvyFd Swank Swift Co 1.70 Swlngllna .40 SvmWey BIN 4314 39't 4334 34 Gam Sko 1.30 Gams pf 1.75 Gams pfl.60 Gar Wood GardDen 1.65 Garlock .60 Gemini Cap Geminln GAccept 1.40 GAmln 3.22e GAmOil GATran 1.55 GenAnilF .40 GnAnll ptl.20 GenBanc .48 Gn Cable 1.20 Gen Cio 1.20 Gen Develoo 34 Vi 160 67 7934 87 tO JASh 4AV4 JRB I. 48 '4 4f'i 144 1414 26'4 60V4 424 71 '4 31 7T'4 49 4914 141 15 264 56 424 71 314 29 2174 74 48 484 14 IS V4 26 Vi 554 4 604 'i 424 V4 71'4 31 14 29 "4 2114 Vi 74 44 Vl 714 .4031 40 414 1 208 19 59 7 45 47 62 41 250 60 16 53 1 16 45 2 Pargas .60 1 140V4 140V4 140'4 4'4 67 132 1 29 1 31 Vi LockhdA 220 LoewsTh Londntwn .30 LoneS Cem 1 LoneSt pf4.50 LoneSGa 1.12 LonglsLt 1.24 ParkeDavIs 1 ParkHan 1.70 Park Pen so PennDIx 64 33 19 ll'l Vl 21 30 36 34 42 1 334 19 Vt 2514 111 li 371t 114 254 174 14 47 7i 89 14 20 19 14 73 2 23 524 3574 80 114 854 65 25 4 51 Jl 51 114 139 9'4 84 9 14 1649 53'i 50 57'i 3 537 684 63' i 6834 3V4 129 37 303l 31 1 126 17 167 17 V4 1 63'4 83 83'4 '4 255 234 23 234 44 45 25 2474 2474 11700 67 66 47 3 1 0914 109 1094 14 127 104 914 10 434 Penn Fru 173 53' 52 39'J 37 38 1 Pennev 1.60a 4014 124 24' 4 GenDynam 1 Gen Elec 2.60 Gen Fin 1.10 GenFIre .80 Gen Fds 2.40 Gen Host 374 'i 31 19 .4 024 124 14 14'4 Vi 8V4 B'l 30 304 2 168 9'4 93 43t 434 43 V4 61 19'i 19i 19'4 4 51 284 28 284 V4 J40 74 74 74 113 44'4 42't 443.4 l'4 1 443,4 44'4 444 4 ft 174 17V4 17'4 4 19 154 15 154 V4 51 31' 31'i H4 40 53V 524 J27i 1 129 4274 42 42Vs '4 A. 11 T)3i 11 15 31 25H i ll'l 11 11 World Alrwy Wrigiey 3a Wurlitzer .80 22 714 Zl't 347t 34 347t 44 474 43 130 5114 49 504 1 1170 131 131 131 Vi 25 784 284 284 6 754 754 754 1, 149 52 217, 5214 39 794 78 79 2 67 3 S3 2 79 LIL ptt 4.35 LIL pf I 5.75 Loral Corp Lorillard 2.50 Lorlllard pf 7 LoulsGE 1.36 Lou Nash 4a Lowenstn Lubrlzol .90 LuckStr 1.20b Ludlow 1.86 Lukens Stl 1 Lvkes SS la Lvlton Flnl VanRaat 1.40 VanityFalr 1 VareCorp BO Varian Asso Veederln 1.60 Vendo Co .60 VictCamp .45 Vlllaoer .50 VaElPw 1.35 pf 5 VonGroe 1.20 Vornado Of VSI Corp .40 Vulcan Mat I 37' 4 30'4 19H 24'I 36'1 24 58 Vl 29'. 38 79l 27'4 26 33'a 18)i 314 31t 374 14 524 52 52 V4 24'4 Vi 6OV1 2'4 30 i 79s Vl 27 Vi 26''.

33'. Vi 4-3V XaroxCp 1.40 Xtra Inc 262'i 252'4 259U 362 50 474. 49 i 28t 78't 284 Vi 3 59V4 584 59V4 Vi 41 4U4 JV4 J3, 39 50 494 50 1 37 3114 X74 3074 75 38 6 31 110 204 200 2 0 36Vs 34 25 53 6Wt 31 30 3 39 1340 r' 23 27'j 234 2T! 11 34U 13 29 1 35H 12 29'4 75 35 1 59'i 13 34'a 53 13'1 119 37Si 2 69 6H 99 6074 594 60t 13 27'4 22V4 22 404 53 26 14 48 84 33 454 44 454 14 148 7 7 Vi 43 114 43 84 $6 61 60 61 214 1A7 4R1.4 45Vi 4B 404 40 78 2714 4 13 31 27 V4 114 49 X16 134 1214 13 Vt 484 36 24 28 74 54 46 Vi 35 14, 4 14 35 184 19 72 364 37i i 120 47 47 47 21 3674 28 25 4 5 28 125 2474 2 46 14 394 YnqstSht 1 0 136 33'i 33 33'4 YnostSO 1.20 S3 Sl'l 204i VI Zavre Core 45 37'i 37 37'i 4. ZenithR 1.20a 287 6C4 S8U 60' Zvrn Ind .24 87 30'. 30 30 Copyrighted by Tha Associated Press 2964 SALES NEW YORK (AP) -N Stock sales Aoprox final total 14.S30.000 Previous day 17,730.360 Week aon a 477 mm 68 3234 32 24 211 20'i 86 2514 25' 4 246 16'4 161 65 21 213, 63 211 204 57 234 23 7 123, 12.

12 14 137, 331 34' 4 33 61 701 1914 61 31', 31 53 27 51 3 59 T914 19'i X98 56 554 55 5374 53 79 2714 254 73 19 164 37 1614 16 96 71 69 24 59 58 3 76 J511 15 504 50 448 70' 4 4774 26 2874 58 1230 7274 72 270 714 71 65 117 115 1 7 167V4 165 1 I 19 19 53 34 3374 17 3414 34 143 41 40 36 17 161 179 57 474 83 4114 40 31 S6'i 254 7 17 17 7 34 3334 14 34 33'4 3 22 214 141 6414 624 3 6 44 434 105 584 58 1150 72 72 150 77 73 89 95 9074 27 4714 47 193 57'4 54 16 1714 17V4 519 29 27 3 64 64 46 45 43U 47 52' 4 49'4 157 5634 554 6 62 61 10 15 15 Z10 112 112 1 30 114 11 110 7714 T714 270 70 70 XI 35 49 464 27 124 151 1 1 614 6114 1895 10574 101 1 4 22'4 224 230 764 78 II 50 19'i 120 18'4 1tt 2250 1 06 105 1 2150 834 63 1 44 44 58 4634 46 8 35'i 354 13 5 69 84 220 45 65 88 50 50 144 32'i 31 I 53 524 76 39t 39 I30O 17 188 874 42 35 34 15 204 20 44 334 32t 38 4734 47 157 33' i 324 3 53 53 40 14 28 Vt 48 '4 36' 4 i 244 Vi 2814 24'i 5614 2 46 1 39 1734 Vt 60 25 Vt 25 98 Vi 18 Vt 244 14 29 204 V4 47' 4 38' a 171 21 IB 60 60 Waiqreen .90 WaikrH 1.2Ca WallMurr .70 WallM pfl.70 WallTier 1.10 Waivyorth Co WordFd 1.021 Warnaco 2 20 Warnc fl.SO WarnLamb 1 WarLam pf4 Wam Sw 1.60 Was Gas 1.64 WashStl .70 Was Wat 1.20 Wauknna 2 Way Cos 2.40 33'. 4 33 179 43'i 35 J9'4 34V 594 34'. 1244 36 32'i 32a 126V? 43 28'. 14 21? 44 31 35'i V. 24 I.

35 59' 4 -14 13 V. 37 li 33'i '4 33 '1 43 1'. l'i 41 43 4. 28'i 144 22 644 31 26 11 2S 79 16 36 35 39 43' i 47 155 331! 323J 140 1914 19 14 55'i 25 12 114 11 166 374 35 29 76 25 111 17 17 330 414 4714 278 8934 884 2 204 20 11 19 19 104 73 70 57 77 281 55 5234 86 36V4 3554 695 80 77 2 86 85 1 65 65 53 1 37i 134 169 40 40 14 53 53 151 26 254 95 1434 13 7 484 47 5 84 84 70 274 264 243 40 39 2 48 48 270 51 504 2100 21'4 51 87 34. 173 54 534 3 7 38 38 169 6 5 64 47 46'4 46 8 334 3.1' 4 35 26 2514 115 8Pa 854 3 20 70 19 124 12'4 69 29 86 264 25'4 112 51 25 43' 4 42 98 34'i 3574 960 134 127i 4 102 100 41 92 904 2 47 46 626 394 36 16 23V 2234 1C2 60 58 255 4934 48 38 '4 38 9 45'4 45 110 34' 1 331 25 66V4 65 125 2434 544 40 23 224 14 784 2B 70 37 36 12 32'4 31 64 26 62 29 28 7 27 171 17 521 42 2 14 14 37 40i 40 2210 194 lt 83 64 80 27 244 54 30 341 33 16 231 23 158 704 20' 4 76 2 74 26V4 57'4 Vi 3 3 33 4 33 3314 Vl 63 9'i 94 Vt 6 6114 41 414 335 46 43! 43', 14 14 54 54 54 XI S5'4 25 25 14 18 314 304 314 14 25 244 Month ago 11,438,960 254 98 184 2334 29 1974 76 25 4 98 79 19V4 100 25 74 29 241 20 194 47 Year ikjo 1,753,430 Two years ago 9An 1100 129yj 4 44 14 284 6 14' 4 22 22' I 2 64H 2 31 44 j'4 44V1 y4 74 22 21 72 IS 39 48 -1 21 1 21 Vt 34 14 23 Vi 65 46 14 334 14 26 68 24 20 12t 31 114 254 7i 50 14 43 1 35' 1 13 it 101 Vi 91 2 46 134 39 2'i 23V4 14 59 -1 4914 383i 4- 14 4514 "4 4 58 3414 334 334 114 Jan 1 10 data 662.729,340 1967 to data 632,588.481 1966 to date 569,626,804 4 12 12 11 Pennslt 1.20a Pa Co pf4.62 PGSand 1.60 PennCen 2.40 PaPwLt 1.56 Pa PL Pf 4.50 PaPL pf 4.40 Penn20ll Unit Penn2 Un pt PeccDrg 1.10 PeoGas nl.96 PeopGai 1.96 PepsiCo .90 PepGnBot .70 Perfect Film Perkln Elm Pet Inc 1 Pet Inc pf.BO PetePaul 1.20 Petrolana .80 Petrlm 1.59e PflrerC 1.20a PhelpsD 3.40 Phila El 1.64 PhilEI p4.40 PWIEI PI4.30 Phil Rdg 1.60 PhliMorr 1.40 Will Pet 2.40 PhllVeH Pika Corp .20 Pike Co of I Plllsbury 1.25 PIperAIr 1.40 PltnevB 1.20 Pitco*ka .40 Pit Forg .80 PlttFtW pf 1 Pitts Steel Pltsteel pf A Pltsti pf2.75k Pittston 1.20b Plough Inc 1 Plouqh wl Polaroid .32 Poor Co 1.20 Porter pf5.50 PortGEI 1.12 PotomEl 1.10 PSEG pf6 60 PSEG PI578 Pot El pf2.44 PPG Ind 2 60 Prem Ind .80 ProctrG 20 PSEG pf4.08 PubSvcColo 1 PSvcEG 1.60 PSEG ofl.40 Pub Slnd 1.92 PSInd nil.

08 Publklnd Pueb Sup .44 PR Cem PunSPL 1.68 Pullman 280 PurexCo Purolatr 1.60 BabckW 1 36 BakrOilT .60 Bait GE 1.60 BalGPfB 4.50 BangPunt .60 BarbOil Basic Inc .80 BatesMla .0 Bath Ind BauschLb .80 BaxtrLab .16 BavukCig .50 Bearinqs .80 Beat Fds 1.65 Beat Beckman 0 BectonOk JO BeeohAirc lb Belco Pet .50 Bel Hem Bell How .50 Bell Intercon BemlsCo 1.60 Bend ix 1.40 Bendix Pf 3 BenefFIn 1.60 BenflF pf4.30 BenF 5pt2.50 Benguet Berkev Pho Berman Leas Bervlilum .60 Beth Stl 1.60 BigTfre .60 BlacxDk 1.05 Blaw Kn 1.60 BlIssLau 1.80 Blue Bell 1.50 Bobbie Brks Boeing 1.20 BolseCasc .25 BolseC pfl.4 0 Bond Strs 1 BkMnth 1.60a Borden 1.20 BorgWar 1.25 BormanP .80 BosEdis 2 09 Bost Me Cp Bourns Inc BranfAIr .259 BranfAIr wl BrlgqsS 3.40a BristMver la BrlstMy of i Bdwy Hale 1 BklvnUG 1.68 Brown Co .60 BwnCo pfl.50 BwnShar 1.40 BwnShoe 1.30 Brunswick Buckngh 1.20 BucvEr 1.70 Budd Co .80 Butiq Fin .64 Budg pf.60 Buff Foroe 1 Bulova BunkHIII 4.20 Burl Ind 1.20 Burndy .60 Burrouqhs 1 BushTer 114 V. 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14. 61 50 5D 37 3 324 34 4 26'4 26 7 14 36' i 37'. 81 74 8034 50 82 364 33 20 241 2334 244 V4 34 Vt 424 41 Bi W47J Of. 32 li 56'4 i. 28 Vi 17l 65 34'4 34 41J4 3 4 66 43 294 12 27 33 35'4 212 79 78 115 854 84 8 1 654 1 50' 4 3'4 47 McDonnD .40 2417 51 17 si 654 66 14 2834 29V4 14 264 27 34 34'4 21 21' 4 79't 314 V4 4 7 36 3 46 524 1.4 14! 1 42'4 V4 Good Things Happen With NEST EGGS Jl'4 31'4 96 42', 42 6 ll'4 ll'4 '4 50 14 193 4-11- 85 15434 252'4 154 Hi 6 64' 4 63 83'4 1 lit 7 Vi' 4-AlW Jr'ft- 83 3 1 78 1 ra'i tin 2 62 67 62 i 94 79 28'i 29 11 33 18'4 18'4 18 158 184 174 17 4 8ii 34'4 14 50 1.

47 14 33 V4 13 34'i 3Si 36 23 3534 34 354 7, 27 37 37 37 14 30 4234 4j-, a 6 17'i 167, 177i 7, 10 35i 35t 35't It 5 28'i 2774 28 1 91V4 90 91 1 13 4T.i 90 1'41 4 4834 483i 7, 22 30 4V 1 161 31 30! 85 3J 9 65 24 '4 3334 7,1 231 V4 20 40 li 31 '4 -1 65 733, 44 7,1 175 6 74 14 751 14 444 2 74 7314 46'i 23 26 Vi 87 22 52 rt el rr'O eo 4. Vi oi't 1 QuakOat 1.70 OuakStOII .90 20 2 5 2 4'i 24't 14 39 1't 25'4 t4 1314 44 42 2 175 171 25 75 73 I 75t 754 393 45 42 40 39i 374 2 25,4 24V4 mclfrta 1.40 McGHIII McGrflgA .60 Mclntvr 230 McKee 1.50 McLeanT .80 McLouth 1.60 McNeil 1.20 McQuay ,80 MeadCp 1.90 Medusae 1.20 Mely SI) 270 Melv Sh 2.20 MercanS 1.40 Merck 2.60a Meredith 1.20 Merr Chap MesabIT Mesta Meh 2 MGM 1.20b Metromed 1 MIchGas 1.50 MAmPIpe .50 MidCnTel .80 MldSoUtll .82 Mldld 1.40 MldwOII 2.80 MiehleGD .60 Miles Lab 1 MlltBrad 1.20 Milt Brad wl MlnnEnt .521 MlnnMM 1.45 lnLPtnl.10 20 145 27'i 14 4J ZJ'l 1,4 31 114 11 1114 6 33 3234 1, 87 42 40'4 414 74 S' M'' 6 20'i 50 90'4 RCA I II 48 14 1074 14 60'4 -Jll. RL A CV pf 4 RCA pf 350 RalstonP .,60 RalstP pfl.20 Pn-M Irv Ot 345 64 71 22 121 1P'4 69 44 ISO 30'4 2 26' 4 123 29-i 42 34' 4 110 71 2 74 UARCO 1 UMC Ind .72 Unarco .40 Unll Ltd UnilNV 1.16a UnComo 1.72 Un Carbide 2 Un Elec 1.70 Un El pf4.50 Un El pl3.50 UnOIICal 1.40 UOCal pf7.50 UnlonPacIf UnPac pf.40 224 34'i i 'i 11 Vt 59 '4 34 35'i li 41 li ill Vi 71 Vi 5444 44 60 V4 79V 38 61 70'i 3 47 2934 28', 28'4 14 20 20'i 20'4 204 14 57 21J-4) 714 214 3114 26 34't I 18 I 11 I 29 1 35 I 41 I 21' 1 56', i 1 78'i 1 37M 1 70't 1 45'i 125'i I S9'i 1 41 Raybestos 3 JU M't 2Yt 2V4 94 59 49 I J'i 12 I 3 IS1, 18 IS't 21 Ravette .60 Raym Int .10 Ravonler 1.40 v)hM An 47 9 464 44 444 14 23 47 46'4 67 Vi 6 214 174 43 28 26'i 29', 334 71 74 46 46 21 23 51 404 294 7514 36'4 23'4 36' 4 66 41 6'4 14 Jl'4 1834 i 444 -114 28 17i 56'4 294 4 34 '4 72 -134 734 '4 46J4 1V4 46 21 54 74 .2 14 404 14 29 7534 36'4 '4 23-4 14 3634 V4 68' 4 41 Vi -1 Cal Flnanl Cal LtoGt .60 CallahM CalumH 1.20 CampRL CamR fn.45a Camp Soup 1 Can Dry .50 CaDrv pf4.25 Cdn Brew .40 CdnPac 1.45 CdnP fnl.45a Canal Rand 1 Canteen .80 Cop Bdcsf Carbrun 1.30 Carlisle .60 Caro CJiOh CaroPLt 1.38 C8TOT8.T .76 Carp Stl 1.60 Carrier Co 1 Cerr Pf2.25 47 2P4 233 494 4i I 10834 1774 270 61 40' 4 344 23 22 100 32 314 64 26 25V4 17 594 5854 38 6974 68 154 21 20 122 41 40 443 91 Vt 854 2 45 45 23 55 2414) 13 23 22 2 23 2214 20 5Vi 204 21 3774 37V4 44 I414 14 6 534 224 3 2 44V4 42 1 44 66 45 53 2634 634 I914 14334 70 5714 441 514 54 224 30' 4 12 18' 4 314 92 64 45 314 27V4 41 30 46V4 144 35 27 404 46 18'4 16 53t 14 2914 Eagle 1.40 EaolePlch wl East Air .50 EastGF 1.75f East Stl .90 Kodak 1.60a EatonYa 1.25 Echlin Mf .56 EdlsBros 1.70 .10 Elas Stop 1 El BondShr 1 ElMusic Elect Assoc EiectSp l.oit Elgin Watch EIPasoNG 1 Eltra Corp 1 EmerEI 1.68 EmrEI pfl.80 Emery Air .70 Emhart 1.20 EmpDIst 1.60 EmoorC .85 End Jofmson EnoelM Eng pf4.75 EoutGas 2.10 ESB Inc 1.20 Essex Wire I Ethyl CP .60 Ethvl Pf2.40 Eurofnd Eurofd fn.35g EvansP Eversharp ExCellO 1.70 UnTank 2.50 Raytti cfljj 4 46'i I 23 J76 27'4 4 6334 72 20 239 2454 f4 78 II 1474 7 704 470 60 13 45'4 94 5314 63 6 297 234 149 31'i 53 117 18'4 30 324 49 93'4 1 44 72 45 93 32 21 27 1 42 73 30' 4 84 474 1 144 7 35 24 2774 71 42 70 304 4 464 60 1871 5 17 127 244 16 1434 47 304 14 Jj'4 74 5 9'4 94 9'4 45 Vi Reading Co 1 10 231 (94 68 684 4 40 Vi 684 114 45 2 2414 -14 22 14 274 14 2IV4 V4 37 14 14 at, uniroya 1.20 Unlroyai pf 6 Umsnops .90 UnltAlrLIn 1 125V Vt 434 l'i 1 Pf pf St 1 weeping Reading PnHrVufl 1 1 70 V. 58 V4 45 53' 4 V4 54 23 304 1V4 13 1 181 314 4 It 44 2 45 Vt 314 V4 27t 41 30'4 Vt 461.4 14 144 -1 35 57 4 4174 30 14 46 14 184 14 16 244 4 14V4 44 30 4 'S "''4 8 14! 1ca l4n J.114. MtSsnCO 2.35 2 384 38 7 4234 42 63 694 67' 4 40 144 13'4 12 24 24 21 144 14 33 234 23 4 284 27'4 32 27 26 1 6914 69'4 32 684 60 44 534 52 18 2114 21 31 49 48 517 42'A.

394 7 9 84 110 36 36 5 27'i 27 13 4934 49 63 234 224 61 62 62 31 44 43 47 154 144 18 234 2234 421 16 15 80 66 67 4 31 31 DMWatft 1 cn Miss Rlv 1.10 109 194 I9'4 19'i Vt Mo Kan Tex ln 9l'i mii orw. 1. 18 524 18 41 15 297t V160 77 28 3714 58 24'4 17 3634 93 68'i 1200 41' RelchCh MP Cem 1.60 6 23t 53 23'4 MoPubS 21 2234 22''4 224 MobllOII 2 187 43t 44 Vt Renaoiestr I RellanEI 1.20 RellanEi Pf3 HAYWOOD STEWART 2214 Vi 42 2 66 1 Like growing chicks, growing dollars often start from small beginnings. To make good things happen for your family, start a financial nest egg now, with a Savings Account here earning Dividends. Even small amounts, saved regularly, soon add up to substantial sums.

Dividends compounded quarterly, help your money earn more. What "hatches" out? A brighter future! J.W.DANT 47 204 20 56 10 10 24 114 lt Hack Wat 2 HallPrt 1.4M Halliburt 1.90 Hamll Wat Hamm Pap 1 Hammnd .70 Handlmn .60 HandHar .60 HanesCp .90 Hanna Mng Harcourt 1 Harris Int 1 Harsco Cp 1 HartsVx 1.10 Harv Al 1.20 Hat Corp .40 HatCp of 2.50 Hawll El 1.20 HayAlb 1.80b Haieitlne CP Hecla 1.20 Hem; HJ 1.40 Helena Curt Hell Coil .60 HellerWE .60 Heller pf4.07 HelmePd lb Heimrch Hemlsph Cap Hemline .41 HerclnA 1.65 HerclnA 1.65 HershFd 1.10 .30 Heublein ,70 HewPack .2 High Voltage HlitnHot 1.30 Hobart Hoff Electro Holidylnn HollvSug 1.20 Homestke .80 Honevwl 1.10 Honevw pt 3 Hook Ch 1.40 Hoov Ball la HotelAm Hood in 1.20a Houd pfl.12 Houd Cf 2.25 HouaMiff .40 House Fin 1 HousF PI4.40 HoustonLP 1 HowJhn H.iwmet .70 HudBay 3.40a HuntFds Hun IF pfA 5 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT 2534 424 S3 IV4 774 1 174 Vi 164 19 Vt 10'4 Vi 184 324 27 'A 484 3414 BOURBON WHISKY 86 PROOF 114 3074 54 SAVE by April 10 EARN from April 1 3 114 113 3 114 113 6 254 25 292 424 42 51 31 '4 5914 160 774 76 110 274 57 69 69 68 16 35 344 43 11'4 11 528 47 44 21 3234 31 509 62 574 389 113 4 12814 126 302 4234 41 9 59 5914 43 134 13 14 3174 31 3 35 35 3 S34 331 67 574 S2V4 32 1 feijzi 244 14 2474 V4 27V4 73 2'4 Henry E. Collon, C.L.U. Your emplCYcr can buy substantial protection at rates well below those otherwise available to you. You pay for it together.

May I discuss it with you both? 9 Vt 344 424 1 32 V4 16 19 104 18 5934 104 30'4 51 324 53 2474 27 73 8't 34 4234 32H 784 19 50 58 '4 56' 314 57i 80 16 40' 4 64 1 16 57 5f'i 18'4 33t 51 '9'4 134 FactorA 45 53 FairCam .509 692 80 FairHill .309 163 18'4 Fairmont 1 IB 1674 Feirmnt pf 1 1 19 Falstaff .40 2 4 1074 Fam Fin 1.30 33 28 Fansteet Met 206 32t Far West Fin 46 114 FarahMfg .80 48 31 Fodders CP 1 509 544 FedMog 1.80 19 3234 FedPac Eiec 123 24 Pac Rfl.26 1 24'4 FedPaoBd 1 45 28 FedDStr 1.70 1 85 75 Fed Mtg Inv 6 9 FerroCp 1.20 32 3 Fibr Cp 1.40 9 '4i FieldctM 1.20 17 34 Flltrol 1.40 48 5914 Fn Federaln 581 21 Flrestne 1.40 75 504 FstChrt 1.24f 472 31 Fst Nat Strs 24 264 Fischbch 2.30 44 3 2'i Flintkote 1 78 224 Flint pfA4.50 1110 81 ria Coast 16 164 Fla Pow 1.44 3 7 41 1.76 44 64 Fia S'eel .90 9 16-4 Fluo-Co 56 56' 4 wl 25 294 .10 141 163 FvC Co .75 154 33 FVC 07.15 4 52 FoodFa .90 97 19 Foo-t CB .80 5 CAROLINA federal 29'1 Vi 50t 1 334 It 224 .171.41 life $265 $420 PINT 45 QT. 104 38 .37 14 115 1134 If Tfmvxi Straiobt 1(gZM BOURBOtt Vni5' WHISKEY 1134 IV4 50,1 31 IV4 56'4 V4 327t Vi 27'4 '4 81 V4 SAVINGS Personal, Business and Tax Insurance Disability Income Employee Benefit Plans Dial 253-2386 Sulla B-7, Plateau Blda. Aihevillo, N. C. Occidental or North Carolina HOME OFFICE, RALEIGH 78 42 4114 X421 37 35 152 45 4334 2 594 594 361 52'4 51 2430 75 73 164 -t-1 40 LOAN ASSN.

aaiailaialB I Kill ifjjJl 10 College Street 32 30 47 15'i 59 15 '4 64,4 14 16 '4 58'4 14 23, lit 33t 57 "4 1934 13J It ldahow 1.50 Ideal Basic I III Cent 1.50 ill Pow 1.71 15 5844 58 29'i li 1534 5834 354 Vi 33'4 10 1500 Northwestern Bank Bids. Dial 252-1816 DANT.DISTILLERS CO- LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY 44 36 3414 270 33'i 33'i 2626 IC-t III Pw imp cp Am.

Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)


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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.